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Content available Determinanty współczesnego konsumpcjonizmu
Consumerism of the XXI century consists in the fact that people consume material goods and services that are not supported by actual needs. It is an element of “material” side of thinking, actions of managers, entrepreneurs, which contributed to the threat of global biosphere and the survival of humanity. Excessive consumption generates waste of goods, natural resources and human labor. Additionally there is overproduction and environmental degradation. This results in the need for the development of sustainable consumption and an impact of consumers in shaping the behavior of entrepreneurs in the context of sustainable development. The aim of the author is to show the disparities that have emerged between the sustainable consumer and traditional one and to identify what influences consumerism. The object of the research is a modern consumer − a recipient of goods and services that are offered by companies on the market. This article is a result of a thorough library query clarifying the issue of today’s consumers and their market behavior
Globalization and commercialization of higher education systems and social acceleration causes the changes in an academic career. Some policymakers and scholars perceive the neoliberal transformation and commercialization of higher education as a necessity and advantage, while the others, especially from the humanities and social sciences, recognize them as disruptions of a traditional university system. I would like to make an attempt to reconstruct the discussion of the Western scholars on neoliberal changes in academia. Moreover, I will point out the main dilemmas and controversies which occurred in the professional practice of scholars that include: the balance and disproportions between teaching and research; ‘publish or perish’ syndrome, specialization and fragmentation of knowledge and science; maintaining quality and dealing with bureaucracy in higher education system.
Content available remote Miasto w reżimie konsumpcji
The article attempts to draw a picture of the modern city from the perspective of consumerism, and with special reference to the processes of ghettoization. European cities were once alive with bustling streets and beautiful recreational areas such as piazzas, parks and public greens. Nowadays, the urban space, almost entirely dominated by the consumer market and subjected to opportunist policies, has lost the delicate balance between the public and the private, between the need to change and the necessity to preserve and protect. The spatial and the social structures of modern cities drift ever further and further apart. On the other hand, Polish urban planning, after many decades of forced isolation, suffers from what could be called a „latecomer syndrome”, which manifests itself in random decision-making and a tendency to imitate blindly certain recent trends in urban architecture. These artificial attempts to accelerate time, however, destroy continuity and hinder the growth of individual identity. Poland still needs to confront the issues the West has tackled long ago, to devise the means to preserve urban landscapes and to reshape the relationship with the constructed environment in a more balanced manner. The drive to release past tensions and to liberalize urban space laws has swung the pendulum of history too far back towards a laissez-faire approach to urban planning.
Content available „Mortal Kombat", czyli jak uratować świat
The paper analyses interrelations between different constituents of the Mortal Kombat entertainment system. The author points out those specific features of movie adaptations that are necessitated by the characteristic of the original games (lack of meaningful plot being one of them). In the last part of the paper the author interprets the Mortal Kombat entertainment system as a training exercise for contemporary consumerist lifestyle.
The article is based on an analysis of legal acts, documents and literature. Its purpose is to present the development of consumerism in the United States in four historic eras. The idea of consumers’ laws has been developed with particular stress on the president’s J.F. Kennedy speech of 15th March 1962 – Special Message to the Congress on Protecting the Consumer Interest. For the first time in the history, four consumers’ rights were named: the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose and the right to be heard. Therefore United States are commonly recognized as the predecessor of the idea of consumerism.
Ballard’s late fiction explores obsessively the processes which engender uncontrollable violence and various forms of social psychopathology in the contemporary society of affluence. The present paper focuses on the representation, in his last novel, Kingdom Come, of consumerism as an aestheticised form of violence, with a fascist-like, totalitarian ethos, a characteristic product of an age of de-differentiation and loss of meaning, dominated by media-generated messiahs.
Year 2017 marked the 25th anniversary of the bull Totus Tuus Poloniae populus promulgated on 25 March 1992, with which John Paul II reorganized the administrative structure of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland. The document sanctioned the elevation of 14 new dioceses in Poland. The 25th an-niversary, like any other for that matter, is urging us to carefully evaluate the past years, as well as to ask questions about the near future of the Polish Church. To better understand changes that have taken place in that period of time, let us imagine the average 25-year-old boy and the average girl of the same age: who are they, how do they live, what do they do? Most probably, they are still students, they work or are looking for a job. They may have a wife, a husband, or a partner with whom they live together without marriage, despite their being Catholics who had Religious Education as a mandatory sub-ject starting (as required in accordance with the instruction of Ministry of Na-tional Education issued on 30 August 1990) in the first grade of primary school. There is a substantial probability that these average young people have emigrated and having found abroad better job and better perspectives do not want to come back. Perhaps they are very religious and live out their faith and their national affinity consciously. It is probable that such people tell us more than official statistics does about directions and trends, values and priorities that are recognisable and prevailing in Polish society and the Polish Church. 25-year anniversary cannot only be the occasion for celebrating, it should also become an opportunity to seriously reflect on the past and on the challenges of the future. In the context of the anniversary of the reorganization of Polish dio-ceses we should ask ourselves some important questions: how to resist the negative aspects of the digital revolution? How it can be showed that a good and happy life should be built not on egoistic impressions, but on clear moral norms that delineate the categories of good and evil? How is Christian ethos to be sustained in the modern era, whereas preservation of clearly defined models and principles is impeded by consumptionist logic that entails the illusion of achieving satisfaction through „devouring the world”?
Nationalism is a movement in the political thought in which the idea of nation and a nation-state represents the highest value. In nationalism, loyalty towards one’s nation surpasses all other manifestations of commitment. However, nationalisms vary from state to state. Central and Eastern European nationalists condemn the materialism and consumerism of the Western civilization. They oppose the secularization of the continent and mass migration, believing that those processes will lead to the self-destruction of the European nations. Therefore, they seek to rebuild the sovereignty of nation-states. The paper analyzes the programs of nationalist parties in Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Russia in the context of arguments raised by those parties in their critical discourse about the Western civilization.
Content available Wolontariat - motywy działania
The main issue I take in this article is to find the answer to this question: why some members of our society (society, who is addicted to consumerism) are able to help another selflessly? Who are they, what motivates them? Why in the world, where the most important thing is the pursuit of wealth, there is a large group of people, who finds time for reflection and selfless help? Perhaps there are some personality traits, catholic ethics or socialization, which teach us empathy? It could be a lot of reasons why people decide to be a volunteer. I am going to find the common features, which connect those people.
Celem artykułu jest próba sformułowania odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy konsumpcjonizm jest nową religią współczesnego człowieka, rozumianą w ujęciu socjologicznym. Po wstępnych rozważaniach teoretycznych dotyczących konsumpcjonizmu omówiono socjologiczne definicje religii (przedmiotowe i funkcjonalne) oraz przejawy konsumpcjonizmu, pozwalające traktować go jako nową religię. Szczegółowej analizie poddano przedmioty czci religijnej we współczesnej kulturze konsumpcyjnej (określone marki, towary, miejsca, usługi oraz związane z nimi doznania i przyjemności), sposoby świętowania i nowe święta, funkcje religijne realizowane przez konsumpcjonizm, obowiązujące w nim dogmaty-mity, przekonania oraz zachowania konsumentów (rytuały i ceremonie) w nowej religii. Całość zakończono podsumowaniem. W artykule zastosowano metodę analityczno-syntetyczną. Przyjęta w procesie badawczym teza: konsumpcjonizm jest nową religią współczesnego człowieka, została obalona.
The aim of the article was an attempt to form a reply to the question: is consumerism a new religion of contemporary man, understood in its sociological formulation? After initial terminological considerations (consumerism), sociological definitions of religion were discussed (objective and functional) as well as the symptoms of consumerism allowing it to be treated as a new religion. Objects of religious cult in contemporary consumerist culture were analyzed (trademarks, goods, places, services as well as sensations and pleasures associated with these), ways of celebrating and new feasts, significant persons (idols), religious functions achieved by consumerism, its compulsory dogmas-myths, convictions, as well as the behaviour of consumers (rituals and ceremonies) in the new religion. The whole was concluded with a summary. The analytic-synthetic method was applied in the article. The thesis accepted in the research process: consumerism is a new religion of contemporary man, was refuted.
The paper presents ecclesial spirituality in opposition to anthropological threats brought about by utilitarianism and consumerism. It shows ecclesial spirituality from the angle of its (paradoxically) vertical fundament, derived from the “faith in the event” (J. Daniélou) of the eternity plunging into the earthly sphere. It provokes the contemporary culture, contesting some of its canons. It also protects man against the expansion of those social trends which, reducing the status of a human person, answer its “desire for happiness” with offers such as: purchase, use and “letting off steam.”Utilitarianism and consumerism are animated by a spirit directed horizontally, leading man towards goods that are material, financial, ludic or prestige-oriented, characterized by short-term, “seasonal” usefulness. They do not bring the purchasers long-lasting satisfaction (of possessing and consuming), instead they raise “self-digesting passion,” which enforces a style of constant purchasing “something new” (fashionable today) and getting rid of “the old” (the previous season).Spirituality open to transcendence, based on evangelical vision of man and humanity faces the necessity of preserving its own identity from being contaminated by the “spirit of the times,” and of promoting anthropology in which man, multiplying goods (work, creativity, economics) uses them decently and honestly (ethical norms), preserving the ability to delay (“not now”) the experience of happiness and persistent (with faith) reaching for eternal perspectives.
Opracowanie przedstawia duchowość eklezjalną w opozycji do antropologicznych zagrożeń, które wnoszą utylitaryzm i konsumizm. Ukazuje duchowość eklezjalną od strony jej fundamentu (paradoksalnie) wertykalnego, wyprowadzonego z „wiary w wydarzenie” (J. Daniélou) zanurzenia wieczności w doczesność. Prowokuje ona współczesną kulturę, kontestując niektóre jej kanony. Chroni zarazem człowieka przed ekspansją tych trendów społecznych, które redukując status osoby ludzkiej, na jej „pragnienie szczęścia” odpowiadają ofertami typu: nabywanie, używanie, „wyżycie się”. Utylitaryzm i konsumizm ożywia „duch” ukierunkowany horyzontalnie, prowadzący człowieka w stronę dóbr materialnych, finansowych, prestiżowych czy ludycznych, charakteryzujących się krótkotrwałą „sezonową” użytecznością. Nie przynoszą one nabywcom trwałej satysfakcji (posiadania i konsumowania), wzbudzają raczej „samotrawiącą namiętność”, która wymusza styl ustawicznego nabywania „nowego” (modne dziś) i utylizowania „starego”(ubiegły sezon). Duchowość otwarta na transcendencję, oparta na ewangelicznej wizji człowieka i ludzkości, stoi przed powinnością zachowania własnej tożsamości od skażenia „duchem czasu”, jak też promowania antropologii, w której człowiek, pomnażając dobra (praca i twórczość, ekonomia), używa ich godnie i uczciwie (normy etyczne), zachowując zdolność odroczenia („nie teraz”) doznania szczęścia i wytrwałego (z wiarą) dosięgania wiecznych perspektyw.
Content available remote Kolekcjonowanie kontra szybkie konsumowanie
tom 8
nr 3
The goal of this article is to show that collectors constitute a specific category of consumers. The article treats consumption through the lenses of high-speed society in which time becomes more and more important and scarce resource that people are constantly searching for. One of the reasons of this scarcity is that producers compete with each other. They want to grasp consumers’ time in order to make them spend it for consumption, and that is why one can speak about acceleration of time. Passionate and active acquiring is a thing that makes collectors similar to consumers, but the act of collecting is, in fact, opposed to fast consumption. It is based on different behaviors than those promoted by contemporary and very fast culture. Therefore, one who collects is engaged in a set of acts that are opposed to the time-consuming acquisitions. Collecting allows people to disengage from consumer culture that wants them to destroy old and acquire new goods. To collect is to selectively try to form a “whole” which constitutes a collection. Collecting reveals one’s assumption that objects are to be unique, not utilitarian, they are to be more than pure commodities. Given that collecting requires a lot of free time that is not used for consumption, it might be perceived as an act that is opposed to fast consumption.
Mimo że siła nabywcza Polaków rośnie, ceny nieruchomości wciąż przekraczają możliwości finansowe konsumentów. Przeciętny warszawiak musi pracować siedem lat na średniej wielkości mieszkanie, podczas gdy na świecie okres czterech lat jest przyjęty jako krytyczny poziom dostępności mieszkań. Chociaż polska gospodarka została w stosunkowo niewielkim stopniu dotknięta przez światowy kryzys, zaostrzone warunki przyznawania kredytów sprawiły, że plany mieszkaniowe wielu gospodarstw domowych musiały stać się jeszcze skromniejsze. Deweloperzy mają coraz większe problemy ze zbyciem lokali, więc stosują szereg nowych na polskim rynku nieruchomości instrumentów marketingowych. Zarówno kupujący, jak i sprzedający, muszą zdecydować się jednak na oszczędności. Na rynku pojawiają się nieruchomości, które mimo swojego przeciętnego standardu określane są jako luksusowe. Czy faktycznie uważane są za ekskluzywne, czy są jedynie atrapą luksusu na pokaz na miarę polskiego konsumenta?
In spite of an increasingly growing purchasing power of the Polish consumers, property prices are still on unreachable level. An average inhabitant of Warsaw has to work for seven years to afford for an apartment while in most countries a period of four years is generally accepted to consider the apartments as 'available'. Even though the Polish economy has not been seriously hit by current recession, the increased requirements to qualify for mortgages made property purchase plans of many Polish households even more modest. The developers struggle to sell the apartments, so various marketing instruments, which are new in the Polish real estate market, have come into use. The Polish property market offers housing units which are defined as 'luxurious' despite their average standard. Are they really considered exclusive or are they only fake symbols of conspicuous luxury tailored to the financial position of the Polish consumers?
Projects to reform education in Poland cannot be based on traditional images of the future relating to visions inspired by solidarity slogans of 1970s and 1980s. They should be based on differentiation of the processes of interests and pursuit occurring in environments involved, for different reasons, in the shaping of educational processes. Firstly, these are attitudes of educated individuals who are increasingly affected by the awareness of the lack of connection between education and the future life situation, as well as a sense of generational community spirit. Among the organisers of educational processes, there are trends towards profit maximization and expenditure restraint. The future of education cannot be projected without referring to these two most important determinants.
Koncepcje reformowania edukacji w Polsce nie mogą czynić punktem wyjścia tradycyjnych wyobrażeń o przyszłości opartych na wizjach inspirowanych przez hasła solidaryzmu z lat siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych XX wieku. Ich punktem wyjścia powinny być procesy różnicowania interesów i dążeń zachodzące w środowiskach zaangażowanych z różnych względów w modelowanie procesów edukacyjnych. Decydujące są tutaj postawy osób edukowanych, na które w coraz większym stopniu wpływ wywierają: świadomość braku związku między edukacją i przyszłą sytuacją życiową, oraz poczucie wspólnoty pokoleniowej. Wśród organizatorów procesów edukacyjnych dominują natomiast tendencje do maksymalizacji zysku i ograniczenia wydatków. Przyszłość edukacji nie może być projektowana bez odniesienia się w punkcie wyjścia do tych dwu najważniejszych determinant.
Content available The cultural role of the Malls
The author attempts to examine the cultural and charitable events which increasingly take place in malls instead of old towns or squares and considerably widen the function of such places. In her opinion, we can observe a transfer of social life from customary space to shopping centers. Providing an examples from Toruń the author presents the main cultural functions of malls as a practice of satisfying all potential clients’ needs under one roof.
Content available remote Współczesne kulturowo-społeczne podłoże uzależnień
The objective of this article is to present and examine some of the socio-cultural causes of addictions. The problem of addiction is not limited to the individual predispositions of the person involved. It is related to its social and cultural context. Every living person is to some extent dependent on his social, economic, mental, legal and political environment, inside which he forms his values, reflections and attitudes. In the light of the analysis performed, one can point to several factors which play important roles in the start and growth of addictions, such as consumerism, intrusion of technology into various spheres of life, reification of man, ethical relativism, lost sense of life, crisis of the family, and disintegration of social bonds. The advanced and permanent decay of morality in culture, the intrusion of technology into various spheres of life, consumerism, instrumentalisation of the person, crisis of the family; all these lead to mental disorganisation among the members of a given culture and social life. They are then induced to embark on a collective, unconscious search for a way out of the sense of being lost, which all too often carries them all the way to an addiction.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie i omówienie kulturowo-społecznych przyczyn problemu uzależnienia, który wiąże się nie tylko z indywidualnymi predyspozycjami, ale także z kontekstem społeczno-kulturowym. Człowiek jest w jakiejś mierze zależny od środowiska społecznego, ekonomicznego, obyczajowego, mentalnego, prawnego i politycznego, w którym kształtuje się jego sposób myślenia i wartościowania oraz postawy. W świetle poczynionych analiz wskazano na kilka czynników stymulujących powstawanie uzależnień. Należą do nich: konsumpcjonizm, technicyzacja życia i reifikacja osoby, relatywizm etyczny i brak sensu życia oraz kryzys rodziny i rozpad więzi społecznych. Głęboka i trwała degeneracja moralna kultury, technicyzacja życia, konsumpcjonizm, instrumentalizacja osoby, kryzys rodziny prowadzi do dezorganizacji psychicznej uczestników danej kultury i życia społecznego. Wiedzie ich do zbiorowych, nieświadomych poszukiwań wyjścia z sytuacji zagubienia, nierzadko wprowadzając na drogę uzależnień.
Artykuł poświęcony jest krytycznej analizie teorii kultury Zygmunta Baumana, rozwijanej przez niego przed Marcem 1968 roku. Problematyka ta zaczęła zajmować w jego twórczości miejsce centralne w czasie, gdy został kierownikiem Katedry Socjologii Ogólnej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Obok wielu artykułów Bauman poświęcił jej wówczas dwie książki: Kultura i społeczeństwo. Preliminaria oraz Szkice z teorii kultury. Pierwsza została wydana w roku 1966, a drugą z nakazu władz wycofano z druku i zniszczono jako element represji wymierzonych w autora w związku z wydarzeniami marcowymi. Niedawne odnalezienie niepełnego egzemplarza korektowego tej pracy, jej rekonstrukcja i publikacja – opatrzona napisanym po latach, odautorskim posłowiem – dają wreszcie podstawę do pełnej analizy wczesnej teorii kultury Baumana. Refleksja ta pozwoli przybliżyć słabo znany, a bardzo istotny – tak dla autora, jak i dla dyscypliny przez niego reprezentowanej – okres jego twórczości. Umożliwi ona także zdobycie cennej perspektywy do analizy jego późniejszych prac, ponieważ – jak tego dowiodę – wiele koncepcji, które wypracował on przed laty, było zalążkiem jego rozpoznań na temat transformacji nowoczesności. Artykuł został podzielony na dwie części. W pierwszej przedstawiam spojrzenie Baumana na kulturę jako na mechanizm redukcji wieloznaczności. Unaoczniam w niej inspiracje, jakie czerpał on w tej materii z różnych nurtów rozwijanych na gruncie socjologii i antropologii, ale przede wszystkim wskazuję na oryginalność jego teoretycznych propozycji. Część druga została poświęcona refleksjom socjologa na temat kultury jako procesu proliferacji ambiwalencji. Ów był jego zdaniem signum specificum kultury zachodniej drugiej połowy XX wieku i wyrażał się między innymi w zjawiskach: indywidualizacji, globalizacji i pluralizacji kulturowej.
The paper presents a critical analysis of Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of culture before March 1968. Culture became a central issue in his sociology when he held a position as a chair of the Department of General Sociology at the Warsaw University. He wrote several articles on this topic and two books: Culture and Society: Preliminaries and Sketches on the Theory of Culture. The former one was published in 1966; the print run of the latter was destroyed after Bauman’s expulsion from the University of Warsaw in March 1968. The only one remaining copy of the latter one – to be precise: a major part of the editor’s copy – has been recently found, reconstructed and published together with an author’s afterword. This gave an opportunity to make – for the first time – a comprehensive analysis of Bauman’s early theory of culture. This analysis sheds new light on all his work, as the ways he was interpreting the transformations of modernity in the last decades had its beginnings in his papers written in the sixties of the XX century. The paper is divided in two parts. The first one presents Bauman’s interpretation of culture as a mechanism of reduction of ambivalence. It discusses both his inspirations on the field of sociology and anthropology of culture, as well as originality of his own theoretical concepts. The second part presents Bauman’s vision of culture as a process of proliferation of ambivalence. As far as he was concerned this process was a signum specificum of the western culture in the second part of the XX century. Bauman discussed its following phenomena: individualisation, globalisation and cultural pluralism.
Amor Fati
nr 1
Freedom is a multidimensional concept. It can be understood in many ways, which are often dependent on the ideological mainstream of thought of the era. On the one hand, freedom can be commonly understood as doing what one wants. On the other hand, you can argue about it as an example of inner freedom e.g. absolute freedom by Jean Paul Sartre. Another time, it is perceived in the aspect of external freedom such as political freedom. For John Stuart Mill and Isaiah Berlin political freedom was freedom in the liberal sense. Isaiah Berlin distinguished it on the positive freedom ("to") and negative freedom ("from"). Freedom has to be the source of human autonomy, individualism, the liberty of physical and intellectual development, i.e. not forced action at will. Thus understood freedom makes a man happy. It makes him the owner of a very valuable thing too: the ability of making choices. One should ask a fundamental question: does every human have the same freedom? As history shows, unfortunately, not every man is free to the same extent. As a result of labor division - since ancient times - the society evolved to class division; the rulers and the subjects. In this study, I intended to demonstrate that egalitarianism, of which people solicited wherever class inequality dominated (eg. slavery, feudalism, capital-ism, etc.) does not always go hand in hand with freedom. Egalitarianism may be the source of the formation of political paternalism - as in the case of communism in terms of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In the twenty-first century, in the era of consumerism, despite the dominance of pluralism and relative equality, it is still hard to talk about any kind of freedom. Zygmunt Bauman wrote about how people, inundated with variety of offers of consumerist market, become just slaves to the great commercial companies. Freedom is identified with buying i.e. the constant picking from vast range of goods and services. Those who do not meet the requirements of being active consumers, are excluded from consumerism community - becoming, according to Zygmunt Bauman, “the new poor”, unhappy people.
Zmiany dokonujące się w otoczeniu przedsiębiorstw wywierają istotny wpływ na ich funkcjonowanie. Coraz większa dominacja sfery finansowej w stosunku do realnej zwiększyła skalę potencjalnych zagrożeń. Ostatni kryzys, który zdaniem wielu już się zakończył, tylko częściowo je obnażył. Interwencja państw na niespotykaną wcześniej skalę odsunęła na pewien czas problemy, przyczyniając się do ich wzrostu i kumulacji. Głównym źródłem rozwoju gospodarki światowej w ostatnich 25 latach był popyt finansowany głównie szybko rosnącym długiem, co spowodowało, że świat wpadł w pułapkę zadłużenia i konsumpcjonizmu. Z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia należy stwierdzić, że zmiany dokonane po wybuchu ostatniego kryzysu są pozorne, mogące przynieść, jeśli w ogóle, tylko krótkookresowe efekty, a nie efekty systemowe naprawiające złe funkcjonowanie rynku i państwa. Świat jest coraz bardziej zadłużony i niestabilny, co jest obecnie głównym problemem (zagrożeniem). Nie rozwiązano podstawowych problemów, utrwalono negatywne mechanizmy. Podejmujący nadmierne ryzyko dostali sygnał „róbcie tak dalej, jak pojawią się problemy to państwo (podatnicy) przyjdą wam z pomocą”. Państwo przez swoje krótkookresowe działania wpływa na skrócenie horyzontu inwestycyjnego przedsiębiorstw i inwestorów oraz nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za podejmowane decyzje. Nie dokonano zmian systemowych, a w wielu sytuacjach manipulując społeczeństwem wycofano się koniecznych reform. Tak było np. w przypadku systemów emerytalnych na Węgrzech i w Polsce, w których praktycznie zlikwidowano OFE i uwłaszczono pieniądze obywateli. Stracono czas i kolejną szansę poprawy sytuacji. Do starych problemów dołączyły nowe.
The changes occurring in the enterprises’ environment exert a substantial infl uence on their functioning. The ever growing dominance of the financial sphere vis-à-vis the real one has increased the scale of potential threats. The last crisis, which, in the opinion of many people, has already ceased, has only partly exposed them. Intervention of states to an earlier unprecedented scale has removed for some time problems, contributing to their growth and cumulation. The main source of development of the global economy in the last 25 years has been the demand financed mainly by the quickly growing debt, what has caused that the world has been fallen in the debt trap and consumerism. From the economic point of view, it is proper to state that the changes introduced aft er the outbreak of the last crisis are apparent, which may have yielded, if at all, only short-term effects and not system effects mending the improper functioning of the market and state. The world is more and more heavily indebted and unstable, what is now the main problem (threat). There have not been resolved essential problems, there have been fixed negative mechanisms. Those who have been undertaking an excessive risk have received the signal: “Go ahead; if problems occur, then the state (taxpayers) will help you”. The state by its short-term measures affects the reduction of the investment horizon of enterprises and investors and is not responsible for the decisions being made. There have not carried out any system changes and in many situations, manipulating the society, the states have withdrawn the necessary reforms. It was so, for instance, in the case of the pension systems in Hungary and in Poland, where there has practically been liquidate OFE (the Open Pension Fund) and citizens’ money has been expropriated. Time and a further opportunity to improve the situation have been lost. Old problems have been multiplied by new.
The paper concerns the problem of interreligious dialogue in its hermeneutical form developed by Raimundo Panikkar. With respect to current examples of persecution, acts of aggression and intolerance, the question of interreligious dialogue is still relevant. In the context of, among other things, the process of globalization, the paper endeavours to answer the question as to whether the occurrence of such an unusual form of interreligious dialogue as hermeneutical interreligious dialogue, which mainly aims for a profound and authentic understanding of other religions, is possible in social life.
W pracy rozważany jest problem dialogu międzyreligijnego w jego hermeneutycznej formie, zaproponowanej przez Raimundo Panikkara. Kwestia dialogu międzyreligijnego jest wciąż aktualna, w związku z nadal istniejącymi prześladowaniami, aktami agresji czy nietolerancji. W kontekście, między innymi, procesu globalizacji w ramach tej pracy podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwość istnienia w życiu społecznym nietypowej formy dialogu międzyreligijnego, jakim jest dialog hermeneutyczny, którego głównym celem jest autentyczne i głębokie zrozumienie obcej religii.
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