The aim of this article is to present Freire’s experience in Africa as a process that transformed his teaching and learning method as well as his philosophy of education. His participation in the São Toméan literacy campaign resulted in the abandonment of the category of conscientization that was central to his philosophy. Freire’s decision was dictated by the fact that the category’s interpretations were threatened by teachers who felt superior to learners. During the São Toméan literacy campaign, Freire came to believe that a necessary condition for the social symmetry in education (and in society in general) was to concentrate on community’s practical problems, whose solution is a difficult task both for teachers and students. Thing-centered pedagogy (Hodgson et al., 2017; Biesta, 2010; Latour, 2007) – which seems to be a new paradigm in educational theory – can be derived from Freire’s philosophy of education.
This article is focusing on the crucial, for emancipatory pedagogy of P. Freire, category of conscientização. On the one hand this notion was the core part of Freirean philosophy of education, on the other, there was some important reasons of abandoning this category by P. Freire. In P. Freire’s opinion conscientização was overused or used in naive or even reactionary way. To reconstruct P. Freire’s reasons to abandon conscientização category this article contains analysis of two Freire’s text which delimit boundary between use and abandonment of this notion. The context of this article are hegemony of neoliberal discourse in education, knowledge-based society and economy and also appreciation of popular classes in educational emancipatory process.
Artykuł ten koncentruje się na kluczowej dla emancypacyjnej pedagogii P. Freirego kategorii conscientização. Z jednej strony pojęcie to należało do rdzenia Freirowskiej filozofii wychowania, z drugiej zaś zaistniały ważne powody, dla których P. Freire zrezygnował z jego użycia. Zdaniem P. Freirego pojęcie conscientização było nadużywane lub używane w sposób naiwny bądź wręcz reakcyjny. W celu zrekonstruowania powodów rezygnacji P. Freirego z pojęcia conscientização artykuł ten zawiera analizę dwóch jego tekstów wyznaczających granicę użycia omawianego pojęcia. Kontekstem tego artykułu jest neoliberalna hegemonia w dyskursie edukacyjnym, społeczeństwo i gospodarka oparte na wiedzy, a także uznanie warstw ludowych w edukacyjnym procesie emancypacyjnym.
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