A common room at school should provide the classes considering the educational and developmental needs of pupils, as well as their psychophysical capabilities, in particular the classes developing pupils' interests, allowing proper physical development and doing their homework. The addressed issues relate to the conditions and activities undertaken in the common rooms of state schools, which create an inclusive space for the pupils with special educational needs. The method of a diagnostic survey and the survey questionnaire of its own design were used in this study. The research group consisted of the teachers – tutors from common rooms in Rzeszów who shared their opinions and experiences on successes and real inclusive difficulties. The specific problems were formulated in the questions: What special needs do the pupils using the common rooms demonstrate? What is the level of conditions in the school common room in the range of the activities for the pupils with special educational needs? And what successes and difficulties in implementing inclusion do the teachers of the common rooms indicate? In the course of diagnostic research, the group of children with special needs was identified, the situations favourable for inclusion and the difficult situations, requiring systematic approach and verification, were determined. The obtained results show the urgent need for changes, both by the bodies governing schools and by the headmasters, in the organization and the specific conditions of functioning of all pupils (including the pupils with special educational needs). In relation to the above, an important message for science is not only the aspect of diagnosis of the pupils' situation, but also the design, modelling and evaluation of the school's care and educational tasks.
School day-care rooms can play an important role in the education process. The way in which this “free” time can be used, may have a positive impact on children, e.g. through finding their unknown talents and skills. On the other hand, the lack of appropriate conditions for organising classes in day-care rooms (rooms are not adequate for the number of pupils who stay there), and primarily the fact that classes organised there do not meet the needs and interests of the pupils, may lead to a situation where they will completely miss their additional opportunities to supplement educational and cultural needs of children.
Common room is an educational and care institution. It forms an integral part of a school. Its function is to complement the educational and care process of the pupils before or after their school classes. Care, education and conduction of classes in a common room are separate tasks. Nonetheless they are mutually dependent if the common room activities are implemented properly. The most important element of a well-functioning common room is a common room teacher. Its competence determines how the role of a common room is perceived by pupils and their parents. The results of the conducted research suggest an active attitude of common room teachers toward their pupils.
Świetlica to instytucja o charakterze opiekuńczo-wychowawczym, będąca częścią integralną szkoły. Wypełnia zadania uzupełniające proces opieki i wychowania uczniów w czasie, kiedy czekają oni na rozpoczęcie zajęć dydaktycznych lub po zakończeniu tych zajęć. Zarówno opieka, jak i wychowanie oraz realizacja zajęć dydaktycznych w świetlicy szkolnej są działaniami odrębnymi. Mimo to w prawidłowo realizowanej pracy w ramach zajęć świetlicowych pozostają one we wspólnych zależnościach. Najważniejszym ogniwem dobrze funkcjonującej świetlicy jest osoba opiekuna-wychowawcy. Od jego kompetencji zależy to, jak odbierana jest rola świetlicy w oczach uczniów i ich rodziców. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań świadczą o aktywnej postawie wychowawców świetlicy względem wychowanków.
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W artykule opisano projekt oraz rezultaty modernizacji akustycznej szkoły podstawowej zlokalizowanej w Warszawie przy ul. Lokajskiego. Omówiono cztery typy modernizowanych pomieszczeń: klasy szkolne, świetlice, korytarze oraz salę gimnastyczną. Wykonane przez firmę archAKUSTIK – generalnego projektanta modernizacji akustycznej szkoły – pomiary akustyczne przed rozpoczęciem prac projektowych, uwidoczniły długi czas pogłosu, wysokie poziomy hałasu oraz niską zrozumiałość mowy we wszystkich pomieszczeniach szkoły. Z uwagi na ograniczenia w przewidzianym budżecie oraz wysokości większości modernizowanych pomieszczeń projekt skupił się na minimalizacji grubości i wymaganej powierzchni nowo wprowadzanych materiałów dźwiękochłonnych. W artykule opisano wykorzystanie wyników pomiarów akustycznych do właściwej kalibracji komputerowych modeli obliczeniowych stworzonych na potrzeby projektu, wyniki pomiarów powykonawczych oraz subiektywne oceny użytkowników wykończonych pomieszczeń szkoły.
This paper describes the design and final effect of sound insulation of the interior of the primary school building at Lokajskiego street in Warsaw. Four types of modernised interiors have been presented: classrooms, halls, corridors and gymnasium. Acoustic measurements performed by archAKUSTIK, general designer of the sound insulation of the facility before the design works have indicated long lasting reverberation, high noise levels and low intelligibility of speech in all school interiors. Considering the assumed budget restrictions and the height of the majority of the modernised interiors, the design had to be focused on ensuring minimum thickness and the required area of newly introduced insulating materials. The paper also contains a description of usage of acoustic measurements in proper calibration of computer calculation models prepared for the design purposes, as-built measurement results and subjective assessments of users of finished school interiors.
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