Liberal and communitarian orientation refers to different concepts of the relationships linking citizens with the political community. A significant proportion of Poles combine their various elements, but both orientations are antagonistic in the prototype form. Earlier studies have shown that the distinction between liberalism vs. communitarianism was one of the critical dimensions of the Polish socio-political polarization. These two different concepts of the community imply two sets of hypotheses concerning their moral justifications and specific patterns of civic engagement. The hypotheses were verified in two survey studies conducted on large nationwide samples (N = 710 and N = 1477). Study 1 has shown that the hypothesized liberal orientation's embedding in individualizing moral values found empirical support only for the code of Liberty/Oppression. On the other hand, communitarian orientation turned out to be positively related not only to all components of binding moral values (Ingroup loyalty, Authority, Sanctity) but also to some individualizing moral values (Care, Fairness). Pattern of relationships with moral values largely explains the differences observed in study 2. In this study liberals are better at unconventional activity, which consists in exerting direct pressure on various groups of decision-makers. Communitarianism is more often expressed in helping and cooperation at the local or neighborhood community level. People with a liberal mindset want to be active when they perceive a threat to personal freedoms, human rights, tolerance, and socio-cultural diversity. Communitarians want to protect/cultivate traditional values and the welfare of the local and national community. For both orientations, competing values - liberal or communitarian - seem not even minimally worthy of public involvement.
I analyse the relationship between labour market precarity, political attitudes and civic activism in Poland, in order to address the following research question: how do those in economically insecure employment differ from other respondents in terms of the strength and forms of civic activism, self-reported interest in politics, and attitudes toward democracy. My analyses are based on quantitative data from the 2013 wave of the Polish Panel Survey (POLPAN), conducted on a nationally representative sample of adults aged 21 and above. The results suggest that precarious employment does not have, in itself, a strong direct effect on pro-democratic attitudes or political involvement. However, labour market precarity may have a long-term, indirect negative effect on the state of civil society, by lowering household income.
Niniejszy artykuł analizuje związki między prekaryjnym zatrudnieniem i postawami obywatelskimi, aby odpowiedzieć na następujące pytanie badawcze: czy osoby zatrudnione na czas określony różnią się od posiadających stabilne umowy o pracę pod względem aktywności społecznej, deklarowanego zainteresowania polityką, stosunku do demokracji? W analizach wykorzystane zostały dane ilościowe pochodzące z ostatniej fali Polskiego Badania Panelowego (POLPAN), zrealizowanej w roku 2013 na reprezentatywnej ogólnopolskiej próbie osób w wieku powyżej 20 lat. Wyniki sugerują, że prekaryjne zatrudnienie, samo w sobie, nie przekłada się na bardziej negatywny stosunek do zasad demokracji czy wycofanie z życia politycznego. Na dłuższą metę niepewność zatrudnienia może jednak przyczynić się do dalszego osłabienia polskiego społeczeństwa obywatelskiego, poprzez pogorszenie sytuacji materialnej gospodarstw domowych.
The present study investigated a hypothesis that the pro-social values differentiated by S. Schwartz's model of basic human values - universalism and benevolence - would positively predict civic involvement. Most importantly, authors expected that the type of pro-social value that would play a dominant motivational role would depend on moderating role of the level of self-expression and benevolence - cultural value dimension developed by R. Inglehart. Based on discriminant function analyses performed on the data gathered in 17 European countries through the European Social Survey conducted in 2002, authors found that universalism predicts civic involvement only in self-expression countries, whereas the role of benevolence is rather neglectable and independent of the cultural context. The results are discussed with reference to cross-cultural differences in Europe.
W prezentowanym opracowaniu podjęte zostały niektóre wątki dyskursu o partycypacji społecznej młodych ludzi w kontekście jej realizowania w społecznościach lokalnych, z intencją ukazania zakresu i możliwości partycypacji lokalnej młodych ludzi oraz próbą wyjaśnienia na czym polega jej niewłaściwa interpretacja i realizacja. Celem rozważań jest też pokazanie znaczenia jakie ma lokalna partycypacja młodych ludzi dla rozwoju obywatelskich społeczności lokalnych i zaangażowania obywatelskiego na poziomie lokalnym i państwowym. Opracowanie przedstawia jedynie zarys rozległego współczesnego dyskursu nad partycypacją dzieci i jej implementacją w życie społeczne.
The paper presents some issues of the discourse on participation of children and young people in the context of its implementation in local communities. The intention of the Author is to show the range and possibilities of local participation of children and youth but also to describe what are the forms of its misuse and false realisation. The Author also aims to indicate what is the meaning of children’s participation for the development of civil societies but also local and state civic engagement. The paper is only a foretaste of existing wide contemporary discourse on children’s participation and its implementation in social life.
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