Badania wykonano na 28 cielętach w wieku 14 dni. Cielętom podawano preparat chromowy, w dawce 0,5 mg/szt. przez 5 dni przed i 5 dni po transporcie. U cieląt żywionych paszą z dodatkiem chromu, zanotowano niższą ogólną liczbę leukocytów i limfocytów we krwi. Przeprowadzona analiza histologiczna narządów wewnętrznych cieląt wykazała niewielkie zmiany w obrębie płuc, wątroby, grasicy oraz jelicie biodrowym.
The purpose of this research was to define of the influence of organic chrome supplement on the selected blood cells and organs' tissues of calves, which were under the transport stress. The examination was executed on 28 calves, which were 14 days old. The calves ware being fed by chrome preparation in the dose of 0,5 mg per one calf per day during 5 days before and after transportation. Calves, being fed with the chrome supplemented fodder had lower rate jof leukocytes and lymphocytes in blood. The histological analysis of calves internal organs revealed small changes in lungs, liver, thymus and ileum.