The aim of the paper is to present a few interesting trends of a word formation in a children’s language. Various groups of words have been discussed. Special attention has been paid to a figurative type which represents children’s creativity as well as relations between names and reality: features of the person, thing or reality. The choice, which is made by a child of a transparent internal form instead of a traditional form used for new words formation (creation), reflects specific children’s perception of the word.
Cultural institutions become more and more open to the implementation of inclusive projects aimed at a large and constantly expanding group of recipients-creators. The potential of amateur creativity has also been noticed in the field of theater activity, and thus the understanding of art as a sphere in which only professional artists have a voice has been surpassed. The idea of a theater devoted to children's imagination was anticipated in Poland by a patron of theatre pedagogy, Jan Dorman. Children's theater, drawing on the natural creativity of a child, the unlimited potential of his imagination and the tendency to play, places in the center of the creative process a child, who is not only a performer or spectator, but a committed author of activities – theatrical events. Playing the theater becomes a space for the child's participation, in which his voice has the driving force. Through art, creating an imaginary world, and thus moving in the world of fiction, the young artist develops skills that are necessary for full participation in real social life. Socially engaged theater is based on the assumption that art can be a common act because it is a dialogical meeting in which everyone can express themselves. Theater provokes both reflection and action, it presents a creative dialogue between man and the world. Art understood in this way transcends its aesthetic function, focusing on the process that its creators go through and the change it causes, which goes far beyond the theatrical event. The Girls' „Theater of Power” is an example of theatrical work in which the participation of girls was at the core of all activities. By following the creative potential and unlimited imagination of children, it became possible to get to know their worlds and learn sensitivity to the environment from them. The girls reflected on the school reality and, using the tools of the theater, created an alternative „School for Children”. As a result of this cooperation, the voices of the participants were manifested in a project of the world which was not only directed at children but also created by children.
Praca przedstawia wyniki badań dotyczących sprawności rozwiązywania zadań oceniających kreatywność dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz osób powyżej 65 lat. Omówiono w niej wybrane aspekty kreatywności dzieci oraz osób starszych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem najnowszej wiedzy z zakresu neuroedukacji. Podstawowym celem pracy było eksperymentalne zbadanie i porównanie kreatywności dzieci w wieku 5–6 lat z osobami starszymi. Badania przeprowadzono w Dębicy na próbie trzydzieściorga dwojga dzieci oraz piętnaściorga seniorów. Na potrzeby eksperymentu przygotowano pięć zadań dla dzieci i osób starszych. Badani mieli zrealizować zadane cele bez szczegółowych instrukcji. Dla każdej osoby zmierzono czas wykonania zadania oraz oceniono jakość jego realizacji. Okazało się, że dla wszystkich zadań dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym osiągnęły lepsze wyniki niż osoby powyżej 65. roku życia. Dzieci rozwiązywały zadania w czasie kilkakrotnie krótszym niż dorośli – od 1,4 do 4,5 razy. W niektórych zadaniach jakość końcowego produktu dzieci była istotnie lepsza. Na potrzeby tej pracy zdefiniowano pojęcie względnego współczynnika spowolnienia pracy seniorów w stosunku do dzieci. Jego wyznaczona w eksperymencie wartość mieściła się w przedziale od 50 do 350%.
The article presents the results of research on the efficiency of solving simple experimental creative tasks by children in pre-school age and people over 65 years old. Selected aspects of children’s and the elderly’s creativity are discussed, with a focus on the new knowledge of neuroscience. The main objective of the study was to investigate and compare the creativity of children aged 5 to 6 with the elderly. The study was conducted in the town of Dębica in Poland on a sample of 32 children and 15 seniors. For the purpose of the experiment, five universal tasks for children and the elderly were prepared. For each person, the time of solving the task was measured and the quality of execution the task was evaluated. It turned out that for all tasks, pre-school children achieved better results than people over 65 years of age. Children solve tasks several times faster than adults―from 4.5 times to 1.4 times. In some tasks, the quality of the final children’s product was significantly better. For the purposes of this work, the concept of relative coefficient of seniors’ work slowdown was defined. Its value in the experiment was within the range of 50% to 350%.
The article demonstrates a complex problem which relates to the process of describing and analysing texts created by children. The author argues that children’s texts reflect the phenomenon of childhood and therefore enable us to distinguish features constituting a cultural picture of a child. The study of the history of the everyday may rely on diverse forms of children’s creativity, such as literary works, diaries, children’s folklore, films, arts, memories or school notebooks. Children’s perspectives recorded in texts written by them (and partly in children’s folklore) do not provide direct evidence of childhood because of the fact that language demands of their users (both young and adult) a certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, a young author has to “struggle” with language as it resists children’s artistic endeavours. Traces of this “struggle” (for example, semantic or syntactic mistakes), left by young authors, can reveal interesting evidence about childhood.
W artykule podjęty został problem opisu i analizy różnych tekstów kulturowych, tworzonych przez dziecko. Nazwane one zostały „autodziecięcymi tekstami kulturowymi”, co ma wskazywać na ich funkcję (auto)deskryptywną, która odnosi się do kulturowego obrazu dzieciństwa. Różne wytwory dziecięce, np.: utwory literackie, literatura diarystyczne, folklor, filmy, sztuka, ale także zeszyty szkolne i pamiętniki-sztambuchy, mogą być wykorzystywane w badaniach nad historią codzienności. Uwzględniając perspektywę dziecięcą utrwaloną w tekstach pisanych (i w pewnym stopniu oralnych) należy pamiętać o tym, że nie są one bezpośrednim świadectwem dzieciństwa jako kulturowego faktu. Dzieje się tak ze względu na medium języka, które wymaga od użytkownika pewnej wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie posługiwania się nim. Zatem dziecięcy autor (skryptor), tworząc tekst, pozostawia w nim „ślady” swoich zmagań z materią językową, co wpływa z kolei na ich syntaktyczną, semantyczną i metaforyczną strukturę.
Celem mojej pracy jest zbadanie, jaką wiedzę mają dzieci siedmioletnie na temat twórczości. W artykule prezentuję ich wypowiedzi. Badania prowadzę w nurcie jakościowym, stosując metodę rozmowy w grupie . Z racji tego, że aktywność twórcza dziecka jest głównym bodźcem jego rozwoju, w pracy z najmłodszymi przywiązuję dużą wagę do tego, żeby ich działania były aktywne i twórcze. Wyniki przeze mnie badań pokazują wiedzę dziecka na temat twórczości. Zdaniem badanych twórczość to działanie człowieka – twórcy, którego efektem jest konkretny, pożyteczny produkt. Okazuje się, że dzieci proces twórczy, czyli tworzenie, ściśle wiążą z myśleniem. Badania pozwoliły ustalić, że widzą one siebie jako twórców. W rozmowie podkreślają, że tworzą codziennie w świetlicy, ale także w domu. Okazuje się, że lubią tworzyć i są kreatywne w swoich działaniach. Tekst składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej zawarłam rozważania na temat twórczości oraz twórczości dziecięcej. W drugiej opisuję metodologię i przebieg badań. Trzecia część, badawcza, zawiera analizę i interpretację wypowiedzi siedmiolatków na temat twórczości oraz wnioski.
The child’s creative activity is the main stimulus of his/ her development. When working with children, I attach great importance to children being active and creative. I decided to talk with children about what they think on the subject. The article presents children’s statements about creativity. In my research, I gave the voice to children so that they could say what they know about creativity. The aim of presented research work is to familiarize the reader with the knowledge of seven-year-old children about creativity. The research was conducted in the qualitative field, with the use of the method of group conversation with children. The research results present the children’s knowledge about creativity. According to the children surveyed, creativity is the action of a human being - the creator which effects in a concrete, useful product. It turns out that for children the creative process, or creation, is closely linked to thinking. The research allowed the determination that the examined children see themselves as creators, emphasizing that they create on a daily basis in the dayroom, but also at home. They emphasize that they like to create and are creative in their activities. The text consists of three parts. The first part is a reflection on creativity in general and children’s creativity. In the second part I describe the methodology and the course of research. The empirical part includes the analysis and interpretation of children’s statements about creativity, as well as some conclusions.
During the period of state transformations, fights for its territorial integrity, the restructuring and updating of all spheres of social life in new ways arouse the problems of development of national consciousness and the process of Ukraine’s integration into European cultural and economic space.Оn the public scaleof state updating the rate of human spiritualitygained an increasing value. For the development of integrated personality nowadays we need a thorough education and creation of favorable conditions under which it will be able to unleash their creativity at full extent. Each generation leaves not only material heritage to its legacy of the descendants, but also cultural and spiritual values. The main objective of today’s children are keeping the vital relay in their hands is to use the experience of past generations creatively, to increase it and to develop it in the way of human progress further. This article describes the features of the reviews, contests, festivals of children’s amateur choreography in Soviet Ukraine and determines their impact on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of junior schoolchildren. Using search and bibliographic methods, historical and generalization methods, the main functions of choreographic art were clarified, which are based on the development of creative abilities of children of primary school age and the development of their emotional and aesthetic culture, the moral and physical health formation. The researcher analyzes concert performances of Soviet schoolchildren as a form their education by means of choreographic art. Group choreographic work in USSR was gradually expanded; improved training for leaders of schoolchildren’s dance groups, there was increase of requirement to the selection of repertoire, improved performance skills of younger students. Considerable impetus to the development of choreographic education in Ukraine during the analyzed period was a joint operation of secondary schools and extracurricular education institutions. On the basis of these institutions rallied the group of junior schoolchildren for their creative potential increasing. The conducted analysis of organization of reviews, contests and festivals of junior amateur choreographic art in the Soviet Ukraine will help to improve the educational process in the field of choreographic education in modern conditions
Статья описывает исследование особенностей креативности и факторов среды развития учащихся первых классов. Рассматриваются факторы внеурочной деятельности ребенка и его отношений с семьей. Исследование проводилось на базе образовательных учреждений города Санкт-Петербург в 2018 году.
w artykule przedstawiono wyniki badania związku kreatywności z cechami środowiska rozwoju uczniów pierwszej klasy szkoły podstawowej. Rozpatrywane są czynniki aktywności pozalekcyjnej dzieci oraz relacje z rodzicami. Badanie przeprowadzono w placówkach edukacyjnych Sankt-Petersburga w 2018 roku.
The article is devoted to the research of creativity and environmental factors of development in pupils aged 6-7. Factors of extracurricular activity of children and their relations with the family are considered. The research was conducted on the basis of schools in St. Petersburg, 2018.
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