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The multicultural site 1 at Michałowice has long attracted the attention of archaeologists. Since the 1950’s, artefacts attributed to the Przeworsk culture have been discovered from time to time in fields near the administrative border between the Michałowice and Ciuślice villages. This resulted in an initial, small-scale salvage excavation of the site, which revealed skeleton burials of the Lusatian culture, as well as skeleton and cremation burials attributed to the Przeworsk culture. The excavations conducted in 2008–2010 uncovered 53 archaeological features, attributed to the Trzciniec, Lusatian and Przeworsk cultures. Among the most remarkable discoveries were human and horse burials connected with the Trzciniec culture and the Early Roman Period groove-type features from the Przeworsk culture cemetery.
Cmentarze są miejscem pamięci i kultu po zmarłych, dlatego podlegają szczególnej opiece. Jednocześnie jako obiekty zadrzewione wchodzą w skład miejskich terenów zieleni.
Rescue excavations at Praha‑Ruzyně uncovered 11 graves belonging to the Únětice culture, yielding 19 skeletons. 13 skeletons belonged to adult individuals, five were younger than adult, and one skeleton could not have been estimated any closer. The skeletal remains were in general in very poor condition (broken and damaged), so that only one of them (a female) could be sexed properly. Metrical evaluation could also have been carried out only selectively.
This paper is the result of Polish and Romanian cooperative investigations of the funeral rites in the Bronze Age in Carpathian area. The purpose of this paper is to present the results of archaeological investigations from the Northern Moldavia where cemeteries of Komarov culture have been excavated since the 19th century. All data were compared with the results from Komarov sites in the Upper Dnister area of the Ukraine that date to the fi rst half of the 2nd millennium BC. The problem of how the Komarov culture has been classifi ed is investigated, specifi cally how the classifi cation of material culture and funeral practices have changed over time. The history of research in the northern Moldavia area is presented, followed by a description of Komarov cemeteries located in this area at the cemetery, grave, burial, and grave inventory levels. The graves and funeral rites in northern Moldavia and those in the Upper Dnister area and neighbouring regions are then comparatively analyzed.
This article attempts to determine the relative chronology of the Kietrz cemetery of the Lusatian culture proceeding from the stylistic development of forms and ornamentation of vessels coming from selected pottery inventories. The co-occurrence matrix of forms and ornaments, developed from the sources described above, was examined using correspondence analysis. Graphic representation of the results forms a quite distinct arc-shaped layout in the plot of two principal axes. Correspondence analysis was also conducted for the identified types of decoration. The results, transposed into a two-dimensional diagram, show a different, not arch-like distribution. Objects and variables form two separate clusters. Detailed analysis of the two diagrams allowed for many valuable conclusions: (1) phases of vessel form development are polythetic assemblages, which means that they are formed by specific combinations of attributes or their frequencies rather than by strictly defined sets of phase-unique attributes; (2) in the development of pottery forms, one can observe a continuous evolution between phases BrC2 and HaC, i. e. in the period spanning nearly 800 years (ca 1380–600 BC). This confirms earlier conclusions, based on planigraphy data, concerning the uninterrupted functioning of the cemetery; (3) development of pottery decoration followed a different pattern – a “revolutionary” change in HaA was followed by a continuous development until the end of early Hallstatt period, when a regression in pottery ornamentation probably took place; (4) there is some discrepancy between the present results and M.Gedl’s chronology with respect to the older phases of vessel form and decoration development (among other things, the present results suggest dating the appearance of bossed decoration as early as BrC2).
This article gives an overview of the evolution process of Rakvere city cemetery. The author analyses the spatial structure of the cemetery, which involves burial quarters, landscape and greenery. For centuries, Rakvere city cemetery has served as the last resting place for the people connected with this town. The cemetery has been expanded repeatedly, but it has finally reached its maximum possible size. This has created a necessity for new solutions, considering the increasing proportion of cremation funerals and changes in the customs related to death. The expansion of the globalising way of life gives rise to modernised funeral culture: beliefs and conceptions are modified and new traditions are being established. It is imminent that all this brings about changes in the structure of the existing historic cemeteries. The article gives recommendations for the better planning of Rakvere city cemetery in the future, in order to also preserve the old and valuable – our historic cemeteries.
Excavations on a multicultural archaeological site at Michałowice have been conducted since 2008. So for, a total area of nearly 3200 m2 has been explored, bringing to light 107 archaeological features connected in the most part with the Przeworsk culture cemetery. In the 2012 season, 6 cremation burials and one groove-type feature attributed to this cultural unit were discovered. They were dug into a very large (ca. 30 m in diameter) natural closed depression.
Badania wykopaliskowe na wielokulturowym stanowisku 1 w Michałowicach prowadzone są od roku 2008. Do chwili obecnej odsłonięto obszar o powierzchni blisko 32 arów, odkrywając 107 obiektów, związanych głównie cmentarzyskiem ludności kultury przeworskiej (por. Pikulski, Zagórska-Telega 2011; Zagórska-Telega et al. 2011; 2012) (Ryc. 2). W sezonie 2012 badania koncentrowały się w północno-wschodniej części stanowiska i miały na celu weryfikacje badań geofizycznych przeprowadzonych przez mgr. P. Wronieckiego w roku 2010 (por. Wroniecki 2012). W trakcie badań wykopaliskowych wyeksplorowano obszar około 6 arów, odsłaniając bardzo dużych rozmiarów (ok. 30 m średnicy) naturalne zagłębienie bezodpływowe, tzw. wymok, określone jako obiekt 100. W obiekt ten zostało wkopanych sześć grobów ciałopalnych kultury przeworskiej (obiekty 101–104, 106, 107) oraz obiekt rowkowy związany z tą samą jednostką kulturową (105). Odkryte w trakcie tegorocznych badań groby były w znacznym stopniu zniszczone przez głęboką orkę. Zostały one wyposażone w przedmioty charakterystyczne dla pochówków kultury przeworskiej, w elementy stroju w postaci zapinek (obiekt 104, Ryc. 10: 2, 3) i sprzączek do pasa (obiekt 103, Ryc. 9: 2), jak również nożyce żelazne (obiekt 101, Ryc. 6) i nóż (obiekt 101, Ryc. 5: 1). Z obiektem 101 związana jest prawdopodobnie także ostroga żelazna (Ryc. 5: 2). W jednym z grobów (obiekt 103) odkryto koncentrację fragmentów ceramiki, pochodzących z kilku mocno zniekształconych i potłuczonych naczyń (Ryc. 7; 8). Wszystkie wspomniane obiekty należy datować na wczesny okres rzymski.
Content available remote Beer jars from Tell el-Murra graves. Seasons 2011–2015
Over the five excavation seasons conducted between 2011 and 2015 at the Early Dynastic Tell el-Murra cemetery, 17 graves were discovered along with their pottery assemblages. Nine of them contained vessels which are generally considered to be beer jars. Amongst the 18 examples of this kind of jar, a few types can be distinguished that show an affinity to similar vessels from the other Early Dynastic sites of Tell el-Farkha, Minshat Abu Omar, Buto, Helwan, Abydos, and Kafr Hassan Dawood. These analogies indicate that the Tell el-Murra graves should be dated to the Naqada IIIC2/D period and in some cases an even more precise date can be obtained. In addition, the presence of beer jars within the pottery assemblages of the graves also provides us with information concerning the funerary customs of the inhabitants of the Tell el-Murra site.
Spatial arrangement and development of cemeteries have long attracted the interest of archaeologists. One of the questions asked was whether the cemeteries developed in a planned manner and within a fixed space or, on the contrary, did they expand successively when necessary. The excavations conducted on the Przeworsk culture cemetery at Michałowice can perhaps provide new data for this discussion. The mentioned cemetery yielded 20 groove-type features characterised by a regular, rectangular shape. All these structures were oriented according to the four cardinal directions and arranged close to each other in rows along the north-south line. Along with groove-type features, an inhumation grave and cremation burials were discovered, both within the area encompassed by the arms of the grooves and outside it, and forming no detectable clusters. Based on the hitherto studies it can be assumed that groove-type features themselves were not graves, nor were they enclosures around the burials of high-ranking individuals. Their function was rather to delimit the area where the deceased belonging to one family or clan were buried, being a kind of “family quarters”. The burials proper might have been very shallow or even put on the surface, thus being prone to damage. At the same time, the arrangement of groove-type features in Michałowice around an empty central area seems planned rather than coincidental. It is also very likely that all these features were used simultaneously and over a longer period of time.
The present paper presents a microstructural analysis of cemeteries and settlements. With regard to cemeteries, the paper examines individual graves and their clusters and with regard to settlements the paper focuses on settlement features. Based on selected sources the article offers an interpretative model and concludes with a microregional analysis in which the mutual relationship between settlements and cemeteries has been examined. The cases explored herewith and the results achieved in the course of analysis allow for the supposition that studies on settlement and funerary microstructures are a basic method for revealing the characteristics of the lowest social strata, i.e. the family and microregional group (understood as members of a particular socjety who buried their dead at a nearby cemetery).
tom Nr 11
Cmentarze to przede wszystkim miejsce spoczynku naszych najbliższych, ale mogą one pełnić także funkcje, kulturową czy turystyczno-przyrodniczą. Takimi przykładami są cmentarze na Rossie w Wilnie oraz Łyczakowski na Ukrainie.
Cmentarze i wypełniające je groby to miejsca pamięci, czci i szacunku dla zmarłych. Przypominają nam o przemijaniu życia, a także są żywymi śladami, jakie pozostawiły po sobie kolejne pokolenia. To także miejsca szczególnie związane z daną miejscowością, regionem kulturowym, społeczeństwem czy historią lokalną bądź ogólnokrajową oraz eksponujące sztukę oddziałującą na poczucie estetyki społeczeństwa.
tom Nr 5
Przestrzeń cmentarna rzadko charakteryzuje się spójną i funkcjonalna strukturą. Dlatego tym bardziej warto podpatrzyć rozwiązania zastosowane w Danii, w której miejsca pochówku nie tylko przywołują na myśl miniaturowe ogrody, ale także ukazują racjonalne wykorzystanie przestrzeni.
tom Nr 2
Na cmentarzu istotną rolę odgrywają rośliny, szczególnie wysokie drzewa, ktore kształtują przestrzeń obiektu, daja zacienienie i osłonę od wiatrów. Wymagają one podejścia uwzględniającego specyficzne zagospodarowanie cmentarza.
Funerary range with more than 700 graves in the vicinity of the Prague Castle, at Loretánské Square (Bohemia, Prague – Hradčany) was investigated in the 30s of the last century. The excavation was one of the earliest surface interventions in the complex stratigraphic environment of the Bohemian pre-urban and urban organism. Moreover, it was one of the most extensive excavations carried out in the pre-war period. The excavator, Ivan Borkovský, did not complete a study of his material, hence the present reevaluation, which was based on a manuscript of Borkovský’s excavation report, on the original field documentation and on a new analysis of the sources. The complex settlement stratigraphy of this medieval site had been disturbed extensively and repeatedly by burials already during the Early Middle Ages, later by High Medieval and Modern burials, and also by developments in the Modern period. The cemetery represents the most extensive Medieval burial ground within Prague’s historical core and has produced a large collection of Late Hillfort period grave furnishings. Modern period graves are one of the most extensive examples of burials of execution victims anywhere in Europe. An analysis of the topography of the site and the burial rite leads to several general conclusions. A basic chronology based on the archaeological record has been confirmed by a 14C analysis of skeletal remains. The overall trend observed in this highly complex stratigraphical position is from an extensive linear Early Medieval burial ground to a superimposed (Early?) Medieval graveyard typical of Medieval church cemeteries. An empty space in the intensively used part of the Early Medieval as well as High Medieval burial ground has suggested the presence of a church at the core of the cemetery. The transfer of burials into an area of intensive settlement in the Hradčany area around the middle of the 11th c. is linked to a progressing Christianization of Czech society in Early Medieval times.
Content available remote Dziedziniec dusz
Dawno, dawno temu architektura - zwłaszcza sepulkralna - miała być... wieczna. Współczesna architektura ma jasno wyznaczone terminy przydatności - 50 lat konstrukcja, 30 elewacja, 6 wyposażenie, itd. Poprzez analizę formy i przestrzeni stworzonej z myślą o wieczności artykuł poszukuje innego punktu widzenia architektury dnia dzisiejszego.
Once upon a time, architecture - especially sepulcral one - was supposed to be... eternal. The lasting of contemporary architecture is clearly limited - 50 years for construction, 30 for facade, 6 for finishings, etc. By analysing form and space created for the eternity, this essay searches for different point of view of architecture of the present day.
Świerzno commune sold a parcel of land in Gostyń village for construction purposes with the remains of a church and cemetery that had been from the 14th century to World War II. A private owner, violating Article 108 of the Act on cultural heritage protection and conservation as well as Article 262 of the Penal Code, began construction works by further destroying the church and moving human remains to a landfill. This article describes the history of the object, its post-war fate, results of the rescue archaeological excavations and architectural research conducted at the behest of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Monuments Conservator in Szczecin, whose aim was to list the church and the cemetery in the monuments’ register. Currently, the parcel of land is still a private property.
Content available remote Cmentarze jako specyficzne nieruchomości w przestrzeni miasta (przykład Leszna)
W artykule przedstawia się główne zasady lokalizacji cmentarzy w oparciu o aktualnie obowiązujące przepisy prawne oraz praktykę urbanistyczną. Jednocześnie dokonuje się przykładowej oceny usytuowania nekropolii w strukturze funkcjonalno-przestrzennej wybranego miasta (Leszna) analizując uwarunkowania ekofizjograficzne, powiązania komunikacyjne i charakter zagospodarowania otoczenia. Konkluzję opracowania stanowi stwierdzenie, że w przedmiotowej jednostce badawczej nie jest możliwe spełnienie wszystkich wymagań legislacyjnych, a pełniejsze zaspokojenie potrzeb społecznych związanych z dostępnością, funkcjonowaniem i estetyką cmentarzy wiązałoby się z poniesieniem znacznych nakładów finansowo-organizacyjnych zarówno przez lokalny samorząd, jak i wspólnoty parafialne
The article presents the main principles of location of cemeteries on the basis of the legal regulations currently in force as well as the urban planning practices. Simultaneously, the article includes a sample evaluation of locating cemeteries in the functional and spatial structure of the selected town (Leszno) analysing the ecophysiographical conditions, communication links and the character of the the surrounding development. As a conclusion, the paper presents a statement that in the case of the researched real estate type it is not possible to meet all legislative requirements while satisfying to a higher extent the social needs with regard to the availability, functioning and aesthetics of cemeteries would bring about significant financial and organisational expenditures on the part of the local self-government and the parish community.
1Since the dawn of history humans have been interested in using stones for a variety of purposes. The use of rocks and stones as shelters, building material or resource for the production of tools or weapons is a cultural phenomenon. One of the categories of stone objects recorded in graves at early medieval cemeteries includes whetstones. The present study is devoted to whetstones registered in graves at the cemetery at Dziekanowice, site 22 (gmina Łubowo, województwo wielkopolskie). This early medieval necropolis is located on the east shore of Lake Lednica in the direct vicinity of one of the major stronghold centres of the Piast dynasty. The stronghold itself is situated on Ostrów – an island on Lake Lednica. Out of 1585 skeletal graves recorded in situ at the studied cemetery, 847 (53.4%) burials contained altogether 1868 objects considered as grave deposits. In the group of those artifacts were 28 whetstones found in 27 graves (one grave contained 2 whetstones), which account for 3.2 percent of the total number of burials with equipment. In addition, 7 whetstones were recorded loosely at the border between layer I and II (they were damaged by ploughing), and in settlement features; however, these objects are not included in the study. The majority of graves with whetstones unearthed at the cemetery at Dziekanowice were male burials. As many as 21 graves belonged to men, 5 to women and only one to a child. Previous research and publications on cemeteries do not facilitate an ambiguous interpretation of the function of whetstones recorded in graves, although utilitarian character of these objects is unquestionable. It can also be asserted that whetstones were buried more often in male graves, and most often in adult graves. They occurred both in “richer” burials and in those characterized by modest equipment. The new light on the function of some whetstones has been shed by the results of analyses carried out by Martin Ježek from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His recent spectral analysis of whetstone surfaces has allowed the hypothesis that whetstones (particularly phyllite ones) may have been used as touchstones. The analysis based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDS method) revealed residues of metals on the surface of the examined objects. The microanalysis has proven the existence of micro-traces of metals such as gold, silver, tin and copper. In sum, the hypothesis about a special function of the whetstones cannot be excluded. This may apply particularly to the objects with scant traces of polishing, in contrast to whetstones with strongly polished and characteristic concave surfaces resulting from frequent sharpening. The whetstones with scant traces of polishing may have been used not only as sharpening tools, but also (and maybe primarily) as items against which a precious metal was rubbed in order to check its value and the quality of alloy. Identifying the function of whetstones as touchstones creates new possibilities for discussing the problems associated with social stratification and with distinguishing between “richer” and “poorer” graves. A whetstone-touchstone found in a grave gives its owner a different rank in the society than we previously assumed interpreting the object only as a sharpening tool. Undoubtedly, the analysis of social stratification should involve by far more elements than is widely regarded as vital. In addition, whetstones-touchstones may also become important objects for the analysis of trading places and exchange in the Early Middle Ages.
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