Taiwan’s inclusive education has been developed fully through national legislations and local government policies since 1984 within the Special Education Act. This national law clearly mandates the concept of inclusive education for the students with special education needs starting from the age of two. This article presents two sections of research on the implementation of regulations in inclusive education. The first was at the local government level of Kaohsiung City with design for the in-service teachers training program in special education. The second one was a school-wide level focus on differentiated instruction implementation for kindergarten teachers. The document analysis, action research and case method were applied in these studies. The result of the first section study was that 52 preschool teachers completed a 60-hour special education professional course held by Kaohsiung City in 2019 to 2020. The result of the second section study was a school-wide inclusive education practical model with administrative suport and teachers’ competency in differentiated instruction of six cases. Two studies showed positive results of inclusive education practice for a municipality and a preschool level in Taiwan.
The article describes the term “case method”, gives different stages of cases development, their structural components and also types of cases. The main point of the article is to accomplish the analysis regarded to numerous approaches of scientists about the definition of the term “case method”, to give examples when case method is used during teaching ecological-pedagogical disciplines. The article establishes the value of given method to form projective (the competences to formulate aims and goals of ecological-educational activity, to foresee its results; to use collected knowledge in professional life, to forecast different results of human influences on the environment to save it; to make recommendations about environmental protection and well-minded management of natural resources) and constructive (the ability of making models of planed activity) competences of ecological-pedagogical activity. Solving of case tasks is made in several steps: introduction the text of the case to students; analysis of the case; discussion; presentation; evaluation; conclusions. The scheme of creating the case by the teacher: formulation of didactic goals of the case – picking the topic – information selection – writing the text of the case – preparing tasks for the case – introduction of the case into the teaching and learning activity. There are examples of our cases and contextual exercises for practical studies of “Organization of ecological-pedagogical activity” and “Technology of ecological education” for training of future biology teachers. The conclusion was made that the appliance of the case method is connected with diligence, interactivity, capability to make collective decisions together with the right to have one’s own opinion. Further research is directed at studying peculiarities of using those interactive methods during the training process of future biology teachers and their value for the development of ecological-pedagogical competences (informative, creative, and communicative).
The purpose of this article is based on the analysis of scientific literature to handle the problem of creativity of medical students as a part of competence. Such methods have been used in the research: theoretical analysis, which tool is structural and logical analysis of the content and structure of the educational process in the view of the existing relations between its individual parts, statistical evaluation of the individual events in the study, didactics analysis, based on the generalization process of knowledge which is reflected in its tendency to generalize many versatile particular laws; pedagogical observation – collecting materials of research-based data collection of classes, and laboratory tests. As a result of the research it has been determined that the ability to see and formulate the problem and act in unusual situations emerging in the implementation of creative potential is possible in the introduction to the educational process of innovative educational technologies. The practical significance of the study is observed in the developed technology in the classes of Biophysics in particular advanced learning technologies that have been approved contribute to the formation of competencies and stimulate creative activity. So, a type of training that is aimed at the formation of productive creative medical student is developing education. Another type of training aimed at activating the creative abilities is problem-based learning, the main aim of which is also all-round development of cognitive abilities of the students. Recently, higher educational institutions have begun to use such following creative teaching methods aimed at activating creativity, as «case method», «brainstorming», educational games and others. «Case method» is based on the description of the real problem, which is related to the future students profession and participants of discussion make recommendations for the solving that encourages the students to develop problem-search activity. Another type of training that we believe would be used to train medica students to enhance creative abilities is educational entertainment. Further research needs to explore the usage of the features of the technology developed in other disciplines of natural sciences, which the students learn at the higher medical educational institution.
Стаття присвячена проблемі навчання англійської мови студентам вищих медичних закладів. Аналіз теоретичних ресурсів показав, що сучасний рівень міжкультурного спілкування вимагає трансформації в системі професійного навчання, що спонукає до пошуку нових ефективних технологій, які сприятимуть розвитку самостійної та активної особистості. Одним з найбільш ефективних способів організації навчання у вузі є кейс-технологія, яка сприяє розвитку навичок аналізувати й узагальнювати різні види інформації, формулювати проблему та пропонувати можливі варіанти її вирішення відповідно до встановлених критеріїв. У статті пропонується поетапний процес здійснення методу кейсів і описані цілі цього методу. Зазначено, що засвоєння знань та формування умінь та навичок у процесі кейс-методу є результатом активної самостійної діяльності студентів з розв’язання протиріч, внаслідок чого і відбувається творче оволодіння професійними знаннями, навичками, вміннями та розвиток розумових здібностей. Особливу увагу приділено ефективності застосування кейс-методу під час мовної підготовки фахівців будь-якого профілю, адже мовна підготовка майбутніх спеціалістів має бути спрямована на розвиток не лише загальних комунікативних компетенцій, а перш за все, професійно орієнтованих мовних компетенцій. Тому доцільно застосовувати цей метод на етапі, коли студенти вже мають достатній обсяг професійних знань, що дозволяє їм вивчити ситуацію більш компетентно. Описано різні види кейсів (практичні, навчальні та науково-дослідні) залежно від їх мети. Той факт, що курс іноземної мови часто передує за навчальним планом спеціальним професійним дисциплінам, привносить у специфіку його викладання випереджальний характер – іноземна мова може і має стати засобом набуття нових професійних знань. Окрему увагу звернено на те, що в основі кейс-методу є самостійна діяльність студента, яка організуєється вищим навчальним закладом. Серед переваг використання методу кейсів зазначено можливість оптимального поєднання теорії та практики, розвиток навичок роботи з різнобічними джерелами інформаці та самостійного прийняття рішень. Крім того, процес вирішення проблеми, що піднімається в кейсі, – це творчий процес пізнання, під час якого пізнавальна діяльність набуває колективного характеру. Серед ризиків застосування цього методу вказано насамперед на необхідність ретельного обміркування представлення кейсу та грамотного планування діяльності студентів. Автори статті доходять висновку, що застосування методу кейсів під час навчання іноземної мови для студентів-медиків є ефективним для набуття навичок володіння іноземною мовою, оволодіння професійними знаннями, розвитку логіки, навичок аналізу і сприяє вмотивованності студентів до вивчення іноземних мов і до навчання взагалі.
The article is devoted to the issue of teaching English to students of higher medical institutions. The analysis of theoretical resources showed that the current level of intercultural communication requires a transformation in the system of vocational training, which encourages the search for new effective technologies that will promote the development of independent and active personality. One of the most effective ways to organize higher education is case technology, which promotes the development of skills to analyze and summarize different types of information, formulate a problem and suggest possible solutions according to established criteria. The article proposes a step-by-step process of implementing the case method and describes the goals of this method. It is noted that the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the case method is the result of active independent activities of students to resolve contradictions, resulting in creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and development of mental abilities. Particular attention is paid to the effectiveness of the case method in language training of specialists in any field, as the language training of future professionals should be aimed at developing not only general communicative competencies, but above all, professionally oriented language competencies. Therefore, it is advisable to apply this method at a stage when students already have gained a sufficient amount of professional knowledge, which allows them to study the situation more competently. Different types of cases (practical, educational and research) are described depending on their purpose. The fact that a foreign language course often precedes the curriculum of special professional disciplines, brings to the specifics of its teaching advanced nature – a foreign language can and should be a means of acquiring new professional knowledge. Special attention is paid to the fact that the case method is based on the student’s independent activity, which is organized by the higher educational institution. Among the advantages of using the case method are the possibility of optimal combination of theory and practice, the development of skills in working with diverse sources of information and independent decision-making. In addition, the process of solving the problem raised in the case is a creative process of cognition, during which cognitive activity acquires a collective character. Among the risks of using this method, the necessity to carefully consider the presentation of the case and competent planning of student activities are pointed out. The authors of the article conclude that the use of the case method in foreign language teaching for medical students is effective for acquiring foreign language skills, mastering professional knowledge, development of logic, analysis skills and motivates students to learn foreign languages and to study in general.
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