The orientation of a contemporary society towards a global career creates the need of rebuilding the frames of human activity and innovation. The most important is active participation and cooperation in a reality undergoing a permanent change. Conceptualization of quality new apprehension of career issues as an individual’s possession indicates a many-sided character of a contemporary discourse, which combines implications of an interdisciplinary dialogue and creates the need to review theoretical reflection about the way of understanding career and conditions, as well as indicators of its formation and construction. The „prodevelopmental orientation” is a remedy for a contemporary human being to be oneself again in this situation in the world of careers. In this attitude towards the definition of „a career”, one underlines importance of constructing (not choosing) a career for designing a quality of life.
The article takes up discourse on the development of the career theory that demands taking into account multicontextual changes in the world of work that pose new challenges for women. The subjective shading of the career phenomenon that treats career as an individual’s "property" was clearly stressed. When analysing individual paths of career development for both women and men it is necessary to take its wide scope of conditions into account, as well as inquire into semantic meanings assigned to the reality by the subject in order to interpret and understand past and new experiences. The focus on professional behaviours among women led to considerations on the change of the career concept in its general sense and meaning. Literature on the subject consistently underlines that career patterns will be less and less of a linear character, and more frequently of a sequential and cyclical one. The increase in the role assigned to career forces one to approach it within the category of professional identity development, planning and management skills, and the ability of monitoring one’s career in a lifelong perspective.
The paper presents the views of several authors on the development of human resources with an emphasis on career development in multinational companies, local enterprises and companies ranked in Coface CEE TOP 500 ranking. The multinational companies established in Slovakia are beneficial in terms of modernization, application of new high-tech technologies and procedures in human resources management, corporate culture and management system in conditions of interculturality, growing production and economic development of the country. The verification of the assumption that human resource development and career development options make a positive contribution to company’s success and attract productive and loyal employees is main topic of this paper. The research data are obtained from interviews with managers of human resources of the largest companies in Slovakia ranked in the CEE TOP 500 ranking and confronted with a survey conducted in 2017 with a structured questionnaire in 381 local enterprises in Slovakia and a survey from 2018 in 271 multinational companies operating in Slovakia. The aim of the paper is to explain and find out the differences in performance of HRM processes, usage of HRD methods and the perception of a talented employee in local enterprises, MNCs and CEE TOP 500 companies. For meeting the aim, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used to verify three hypotheses. The data were tested at a significance level of 95% (α = 0.05).
W pracy przedstawiono poglądy kilku autorów na temat rozwoju zasobów ludzkich, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem rozwoju kariery w międzynarodowych firmach, lokalnych przedsiębiorstwach i firmach w rankingu Coface CEE TOP 500. Wielonarodowe firmy z siedzibą na Słowacji są korzystne pod względem modernizacji, zastosowania nowych technologii i procedur w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, kultury korporacyjnej i systemu zarządzania w warunkach międzykulturowości, rosnącej produkcji i rozwoju gospodarczego kraju. Weryfikacja założenia, że rozwój zasobów ludzkich i opcje rozwoju kariery pozytywnie przyczyniają się do sukcesu firmy oraz przyciągają produktywnych i lojalnych pracowników, jest głównym tematem tego artykułu. Dane badawcze pochodzą z wywiadów z menedżerami zasobów ludzkich największych firm na Słowacji w rankingu CEE TOP 500 i skonfrontowanych z ankietą przeprowadzoną w 2017 r. Z ustrukturyzowanym kwestionariuszem w 381 lokalnych przedsiębiorstwach na Słowacji oraz ankietą z 2018 r. W 271 międzynarodowe koncerny działające na Słowacji. Celem artykułu jest wyjaśnienie i poznanie różnic w wydajności procesów zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, stosowania metod HRD oraz postrzegania utalentowanego pracownika w lokalnych przedsiębiorstwach, korporacjach wielonarodowych i firmach z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Aby osiągnąć cel, zastosowano test Kruskala-Wallisa do weryfikacji trzech hipotez. Dane zostały przetestowane na poziomie istotności 95% (α = 0,05).
This article discusses the career development system for teachers in the Republic of Bulgaria. Career development is defined as the ongoing process of improvement of competences in the occupation of teaching or educational positions, or in the acquisition of degrees in order to increase the quality and efficiency of education. The professional development of teachers requires continuous improvement of qualifications, in order to acquire new and additional knowledge, professional and research skills; to realize the goals of the school and create a drive for its development. Career development is associated with increased prestige, more responsibilities and corresponding compensation.
W artykule omówiono system rozwoju kariery zawodowej nauczycieli w Republice Bułgarii. Rozwój kariery zawodowej jest definiowany jako proces podnoszenia kwalifikacji poprzez zajmowanie kolejnych stanowisk dydaktycznych lub edukacyjnych, czy poprzez zdobywanie stopni naukowych w celu podniesienia jakości i efektywności kształcenia. Rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli wymaga ciągłego doskonalenia ich kwalifikacji w celu zdobycia nowej i dodatkowej wiedzy, umiejętności zawodowych i badawczych, aby mogli oni realizować cele szkoły i stwarzać warunki do jej rozwoju. Rozwój kariery jest związany z rosnącym prestiżem, większą odpowiedzialnością i odpowiednim wynagrodzeniem.
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Despite the very good situation on the labour market, qualifications mismatches make the growing number of job offers insufficient to absorb the majority of recorded unemployment. This happens independently of the increase in the formal level of education of labour resources. Lack of proper vocational training is therefore an important determinant of the existence and duration of un-employment, because what counts more than the formal education on the labour market is the actual qualifications and professional skills. Entrepreneurs from various industries more and more often have difficulties finding employees. That is why it is so important to strengthen the importance of those skills in the teaching process which are crucial from the point of view of the requirements and expecta-tions of the labour market.
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