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The aim of this work was to trace differences in magnesium and calcium concentrations (both total and ionic form) between goats which were in late pregnancy and lactating goats. The study involved 30 goats. Blood samples were taken three times from each goat. Total concentrations of magnesium and calcium were determined with the colorimetric method and (A — 1.581 mmol dm-3; B — 2.052 mmol dm-3; C — 2.112 mmol dm-3). Ionic form of calcium based on using ion—selective analysis (A — 1.219 mmol dm-3; B — 1.126 mmol dm-3; C — 1.123 mmol dm-3). The study showed that mean value of both the total of calcium from each goat did not reach the reference level for this species. Ionic form of calcium was within the lever limit of the physiological norm. The content of magnesium in all the groups was within the range of reference concentrations (A — 1.051 mmol dm-3; B — 1.165 mmol dm-3; C — 1.117 mmol dm-3).
W pracy prześledzono różnice stężeń magnezu i wapnia (całkowitego i zjonizowanego) między kozami będącymi w ciąży a kozami laktującymi. Badaniem objęto 30 kóz. Krew od zwierząt pobierano 3-krotnie. Stężenie magnezu i wapnia całkowitego oznaczono metodą kolorymetryczną, natomiast stężenie wapnia zjonizowanego — metodą jonoselektywną. Stwierdzono, że średnia zawartość wapnia całkowitego w badanych grupach kóz nie osiągnęła norm referencyjnych dla tego gatunku (A — 1,581 mmol dm-3, B — 2,052 mmol dm-3, C — 2,112 mmol dm-3). Poziom zjonizowanych form wapnia był korzystniejszy u wszystkich objętych badaniem kóz, choć jego wartości znajdowały się w dolnych grani cach referencyjnych (A — 1,219 mmol dm-3, B — 1,126 mmol dm-3, C — 1,123 mmol dm-3). Wyniki stężeń wapnia w surowicy krwi nie zawsze stanowią dobre odzwierciedlenie stopnia pokrycia zapotrzebowania zwierząt na ten pierwiastek, ponieważ podlega on stosunkowo precyzyjnej regulacji homeostatycznej. Dlatego optymalny poziom Ca w surowicy krwi nie jest równoznaczny z dostateczną jego ilością w organizmie. Niższy od norm świadczy jednak o jego niedoborze. Poziom magnezu u wszystkich badanych kóz podczas całego okresu doświadczenia mieścił się w normie (A — 1,051 mmol dm-3, B — 1,165 mmol dm-3, C — 1,117 mmol dm-3), co może świadczyć o dostatecznym doborze pokarmu pod względem zapotrzebowania zwierząt w ten makroelement.
River-lake systems comprise chains of lakes connected by rivers and streams that flow into and out of them. The contact zone between a lake and a river can act as a barrier, where inflowing matter is accumulated and transformed. Magnesium and calcium are natural components of surface water, and their concentrations can be shaped by various factors, mostly the geological structure of a catchment area, soil class and type, plant cover, weather conditions (precipitation- evaporation, seasonal variations), land relief, type and intensity of water supply (surface runoffs and groundwater inflows), etc. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of a river-lake system on magnesium and calcium concentrations in surface water (inflows, lake, outflow) and their accumulation in bottom deposits. The study was performed between March 2011 and May 2014 in a river-lake system comprising Lake Symsar with inflows, lying in the Olsztyn Lakeland region. The study revealed that calcium and magnesium were retained in the water column and the bottom deposits of the lake at 12.75 t Mg year-1 and 1.97 t Ca year-1. On average, 12.7±1.2 g of calcium and 1.77±0.9 g of magnesium accumulated in 1 kg of bottom deposits in Lake Symsar. The river-lake system, which received pollutants from an agricultural catchment, influenced the Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the water and the bottom deposits of Lake Symsar. The Tolknicka Struga drainage canal, to which incompletely treated municipal wastewater was discharged, also affected Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels, thus indicating the significant influence of anthropogenic factors.
Phospholipase C (PLC, EC is the major starting point in the phosphatidylinositol pathway, which generates intracellular signals that regulate protein kinase C and intracellular calcium concentration. To date, three major types of phosphoinositide-specific PLC species named β, γ and δ, have been characterized. This article reviews recent studies on isozymes delta of PLC. Four such isozymes have been cloned and termed δ1-4. Their structural organization, regulation of activity and the interaction with membrane lipid are considered. The intracellular localization of delta isozymes and distribution in various tissues are presented. Attention is given to the pathological conditions in which an abnormal protein level of PLC d or its activity have been observed.
It is postulated that disturbances in calcium homeostasis play an important role in pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Changes of neuronal calcium concentration are responsible for the oxidative stress as well as altered metabolism and production of amyloid-beta peptides (Aβ). Aβ may further exacerbate calcium dysregulation, causing synaptic dysfunction, neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment. Recent data indicate that AD is associated with disturbances of circadian rhythm in the patients. However, till now nothing is known about the molecular mechanisms involved in AD-related circadian clock alterations. In our study we investigated the effect of Aβ peptides on the rhythmic oscillation of cytosolic and mitochondrial calcium levels. To investigate molecular clock mechanisms, the studies we carried out in human primary skin fibroblasts, a previously established experimental model. Our data showed circadian rhythm of calcium ions concentration in cytosol and mitochondria. Moreover we observed circadian oscillation of ROS formation and redox potential. Treatment with Aβ fibrils at the concentration of 0.5 µM disturbed cytosolic calcium oscillations and mitochondrial redox state. Studying mechanisms involved in this phenomenon indicated that Aβ did not affect ER calcium stores, but induced changes of calcium influx mediated by purinergic P2X7 receptor. The specific antagonist of P2X7 receptor Brillant Blue G abolished negative impact of Aβ and restored calcium circadian rhythm. Summarizing, our results indicate that Aβ may play a significant role in disturbances of circadian calcium oscillation, suggesting the importance of this phenomenon in ADrelated changes in biological clock. Supported by grants from Sciex 10. 258 to A.K. as well as Swiss National foundation (SNF No 310030_122572) and Synapsis Foundation to A.E.
The examination was made in the experimental room where 36 laying hens were kept in battery system. The hens were divided into three groups (12 birds in each group) – one control group (C) and two experimental groups E-1 and E-2. The birds from the control group were fed with the all-mash prepared according to standard recipe; the content of calcium was 3.0%. The feed for the experimental groups contained also 3% of calcium but 0.5% (E-1) and 1.0% (E-2) of Ca was from CaO2 (51.8% of Ca, 16.7% of active oxygen, pH-value in 1% solution – 12.5). The experiment lasted 56 days. Total calcium concentration in blood serum samples and chosen qualitative parameters of eggs were analysed. It was found that eggshells thickness from laying hens of group E-2 was higher comparing with eggshells from control group and from group E-1 (p≤0.01). The eggshells from both experimental groups were more resistant (breaking strength) than eggshells from group C, especially the samples collected after 2 and 4 weeks of experiment (p≤0.01 and p≤0.05). The eggs from groups E-1 and E-2 had higher weight but that fact was not statistically confirmed. Calcium peroxide used in our experiment did not cause any discolouration of eggshells and had no influence on the colour of egg yolk. Calcium concentrations in blood serum were high (4.43 to 6.74 mmol/L) but not exceeded the values reported by other authors.
Celem pracy było określenie wpływu nadtlenku wapnia (CaO2), jako źródła wapnia w paszy, na wyniki produkcyjne, wybrane parametry jakościowe jaj oraz zawartość wapnia całkowitego w surowicy krwi u niosek, jako kryterium jego bioprzyswajalności. Badania przeprowadzono w wiwarium na materiale 36 młodych kur nieśnych linii Lohmann Brown, utrzymywanych w systemie bateryjnym przez okres 8 tygodni. Stosowano standardowy program świetlny oraz zapewniono stały dostęp do paszy i wody. Ptaki podzielono na 3 grupy (po 12 niosek w grupie) – grupę kontrolną (K) oraz dwie grupy doświadczalne (D-1- i D-2). Ptaki otrzymywały pełnoporcjową mieszankę paszową typu J-297 o zawartości wapnia 3%. Z paszy dla grup D-1 i D-2 wycofano odpowiednio 0,5% i 1,0% czystego wapnia i uzupełniono poprzez dodatek wapnia z CaO2. Kontrolowano wskaźniki produkcyjne (nieśność, masa jaja, pobranie paszy), określono wybrane parametry jakościowe jaj. Jaja do badań pobrano w 4 seriach: w 14, 28, 42 i 56 dniu trwania doświadczenia. W surowicy krwi oznaczono poziom wapnia całkowitego oraz fosforu nieorganicznego. Stwierdzono wzrost grubości skorupy jaja od kur z grupy D-2 w stosunku do grup kontrolnej i D-1 (p≤0,01). W obu grupach doświadczalnych stwierdzono wzrost wytrzymałości skorup jaj w stosunku do jaj z grupy kontrolnej, szczególnie po 4 i 6 tygodniach podawania preparatu (p≤0,01 i p≤0,05). Jaja od kur otrzymujących nadtlenek wapnia charakteryzowały się wyższą masą, lecz nie zostało to potwierdzone statystycznie. Podawany nadtlenek wapnia nie powodował odbarwień żółtka jaja. Stężenie Ca i P w surowicy krwi kur było dość wysokie, lecz mieściło się w zakresie wartości fizjologicznych, co świadczy o prawidłowym zaopatrzeniu niosek w wapń.
Bone fractures, especially when treated surgically, are connected with changes in the homeostasis of the elements of which bone compounds consist, as well as the ones which participate in controlling processes. Such changes influence both the fracture itself and the operative procedure. For successful treatment of broken bones, it can be crucial to bring the homeostasis of bioelements back to the normal state. Thus, the aim of this work has been to determine magnesium and calcium concentrations in plasma from patients with fractures of long bones, and to analyze changes in the examined elements depending on the time after the operative procedure, injury and patient’s age. The research was conducted on the blood of patients: 1) with long bone fractures treated surgically, 2) after a limb amputation because of a fracture or injury, 3) with long bone fractures and with multiorgan injury. With respect to the patients’ age, there were 3 groups: 1) patients aged 18-40 years, 2) patients aged 41-60 years, 3) patients older than 60 years. In the postoperative period, the patients were on a strict postoperative diet, receiving only i.v. 0.9% NaCl and 5% glucose solutions. Blood was taken from patients first directly after admittance to hospital and next on the first, third, fifth and seventh day after an operative procedure. Plasma calcium and magnesium concentrations were determined by the method of emission spectrometry with induction plasma (ICP-OES). The results were worked out statistically. The differences p<0.05 were taken into consideration as statistically significant. The research showed that in the blood plasma from patients with long bone fractures treated surgically, there were noticeable decreases of calcium and magnesium concentrations mainly on the first, third and fifth postoperative day. These changes depended on the extend of an operative procedure, but did not depend on the patients’ age. However, with respect to magnesium, its statistically significant decrease was noticed in the group of oldest patients. In the postoperative period, it is especially important to pay attention to calcium and magnesium concentrations, and for patients over 60 years of age magnesium supplementation is necessary. Maintenance of macronutrient homeostasis in an organism can be crucial for the patient’s convalescence process.
Złamania kości, szczególnie leczone operacyjnie, wiążą się ze zmianami homeostazy pierwiastków wchodzących w skład związków budujących kości, a także biorących udział w procesach regulacyjnych. Wpływa na to zarówno samo złamanie, jak i zabieg operacyjny. Normalizacja zaburzeń w homeostazie biopierwiastków może mieć istotne znaczenie dla zrostu kości w procesie zdrowienia pacjenta ze złamaniem. Celem pracy było oznaczenie stężeń magnezu i wapnia w osoczu krwi pacjentów hospitalizowanych z powodu złamań kości długich oraz analiza tych zmian w zależności od czasu po zabiegu operacyjnego leczenia złamania, rozległości urazu oraz wieku pacjenta. Badania przeprowadzono na krwi pacjentów: 1) ze złamaniami kości długich leczonymi operacyjnie, 2) u których z powodu złamań i urazu konieczna była amputacja kończyny, 3) ze złamaniami kości długich, którym towarzyszył duży uraz wielonarządowy. Ze względu na wiek, pacjentów podzielono również na trzy grupy. Pierwszą grupę stanowiły osoby od 18. do 40. roku życia, drugą – od 41. do 60. roku życia, trzecią – powyżej 60. roku życia. Od pacjentów pobierano krew bezpośrednio po przyjęciu do szpitala oraz w 1., 3., 5. i 7. dobie po zabiegu operacyjnym. Oznaczenia stężeń pierwiastków w osoczu krwi wykonano metodą optycznej spektrometrii emisyjnej z plazmą indukcyjnie wzbudzoną (ICP-OES). Wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. Za statystycznie istotne uznano różnice w przypadku p < 0,05. Wykazano, że w osoczu pacjentów ze złamaniami kości długich leczonych operacyjnie stwierdzono zmniejszenie stężeń wapnia i magnezu głównie w 1., 3. i 5. dobie pooperacyjnej. Zmiany te zależały od rozległości zabiegu operacyjnego, a nie były zależne od wieku. Jednak w przypadku magnezu zaobserwowano statystycznie istotne zmniejszenie jego stężenia w grupie najstarszych pacjentów. W okresie pooperacyjnym wskazane jest szczególne zwrócenie uwagi na stężenia wapnia i magnezu, a u pacjentów powyżej 60. roku życia konieczna jest suplementacja magnezu. Zapewnienie homeostazy makropierwiastków w organizmie może mieć wpływ na proces zdrowienia pacjenta.
The therapeutic effect of lithium in bipolar affective disorder may be connected with decreasing intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Several linkage studies have identified a potential bipolar affective disorder susceptibility locus within chromosomal region 21q22.3. This locus contains two genes expressed in the brain - ADARB1 and TRPM2 - involved in regulating intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. The aim of this study was an identification of mutations in the coding sequences of ADARB1 and TRPM2 and their association with bipolar affective disorder. For that purpose we screened 60 patients with bipolar affective disorder and a control group of 66 subjects using single strand conformation polymorphism and sequence analysis. For rapid screening we performed restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Screening of bipolar affective disorder patients for mutations in TRPM2 led to identification of three novel and four known transitions. Two transitions resulted in the substitutions: R755C and A890V. Screening of the coding sequence of ADARB1 did not reveal any mutations except one already known transition. A comparison of the transition frequency in patients and controls does not support association of the detected mutations with bipolar affective disorder. According to our results, bipolar affective disorder may not be caused by mutations in ADARB1. However, this study does not exclude TRPM2 as a candidate gene since we have screened only about 30 per cent of the entire coding sequence of this large gene.
The study was conducted on water supplied to inhabitants of Lublin. Samples of water were taken from 8 water supply points every three months of 2005. The content of Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Na, Mg, Ca ions and SO42-, Cl-, Cl2, NH4+, NO2-, NO3- i F- was determined. It was found out that tap water in Lublin is of very good nutritive quality. Owing to its high concentration of calcium and magnesium ions it can be classified as mineral water.
Przeprowadzono badania wody, w którą zaopatrywani są mieszkańcy Lublina. W 2005 r. próbki pobierano co kwartał z 8 miejsc złoża podziemnego. Oznaczono w wodzie zawartość jonów: Fe, Mn, Cr, Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Na, Mg, Ca oraz SO42-, Cl-, Cl2, NH4+, NO2-, NO3- i F-. Stwierdzono, że badana woda charakteryzuje się bardzo dobrą jakością do celów spożywczych. Duża zawartość jonów wapnia i magnezu umożliwia zakwalifikowanie jej do wód mineralnych.
The aim of the study was to examine the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl,) spraying at different rates of water on apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) calcium concentration. The examination was carried out in 1997-1998 on 'Jonagold' apple trees grafted on M.26 rootstock and planted in 1990 on sandy-loam soil at a distance of 4 x 2.5 m.The trees were trained as a spindle at 2.4 m and 2 m of height and canopy width, respectively. In the experiment apple trees were sprayed with CaCl, at a rate of 7 kg ha 1 using 250, 500, 1000 and 1500 L of water volumes which gives: 2.8, 1.4, 0.7 and 0.5% CaCl, solutions, respectively. Sprays with CaCl, solutions were applied 6, 4 and 2 weeks before commercial fruit harvest. The trees unsprayed with Ca served as a control. The study showed that sprays with CaCl, at all studied water volumes had not effect on leaf and fruit damages. Regardless of the applied water rates, apples from the middle and the bottom of the canopy had higher calcium concentrations as a result of CaCl, sprays whereas this treatment had not effect on fruit calcium concentration from the top of the canopy. However, the laboratory study showed that 'Jonagolď apples from the canopy top had ability to take up exogenous calcium. It was found that efficacy of CaCl, sprays at studied water rates in increasing fruit calcium concentration was similar. The study showed as well that young 'Jonagold' fruitlets took up clearly less exogenous calcium compared to mature fruit which suggests that sprays of this cultivar with calcium salts should be applied mainly at late apple development stages.
Celem tego doświadczenia było określenie wpływu opryskiwania jabłoni (Malus domestica Borkh.) chlorkiem wapnia (CaCl,) w różnych objętościach wody na zawartość wapnia w owocach. Doświadczenie zostało przeprowadzone w latach 1997-1998 na jabłoniach odmiany Jonagold szczepionych na podkłace M26 i posadzonych w 1990 roku na glebie piaszczysto-gliniastej w roztawie 4 x 2,5 m. Drzewa prowadzone były w formie wrzecionowej o wysokości korony 2,4 m i jej szerokości 2 m. Jabłonie opryskiwano CaCl, w dawce 7 kg hastosując 250,500,1000 i 1500 L wody, co daje następujące stężenia roztworu: 2,8; 1,4; 0,7 i 0,5%. Opryskiwania wykonywane były 6, 4 i 2 tygodnie przed zbiorem owoców. Drzewa nieopryskiwane wapniem stanowiły kontrolę. Wyniki badań wykazały, że opryskiwania CaCl, w badanych objętościach wody nie miały wpływu na uszkodzenia liści oraz owoców. Pod wpływem opryskiwania CaCl2, niezależnie od zastosowanej dawki wody, jabłka ze środka i podstawy korony miały wyższą koncentrację wapnia niż owoce z drzew kontrolnych. Jednakże opryskiwania CaCl, nie miały wpływu na zawartość wapnia w jabłkach pochodzących z wierzchołka korony. Badania laboratoryjne wykazały jednak, że jabłka z wierzchołka korony drzew miały zdolność do pobierania egzogennego wapnia. W badaniach stwierdzono także, że skuteczność opryskiwań CaCl w zwiększaniu koncentracji wapnia w jabłkach nie była uzależniona od stosowanej dawki wody. Wykazano także, że zawiązki odmiany Jonagold zbierane z drzew pobierały mniej wapnia w porównaniu do owoców zbieranych w momecie ich dojrzałości zbiorczej, co sugeruje, że opryskiwania tej odmiany roztworami wapnia powinny być wykonywane w późniejszych fazach wzrostu owoców.
Manganese is very important trace element whose mechanism of actions involves activity regulation of enzymes taking part in key metabolic processes in organisms. It is a structural element of skin and bones, it also prevents osteoporosis. Its very important role in reproduction processes and in central nervous system has been already stated. The magnesium ion is of great importance in physiology by its intervention in 300 enzymatic systems, its membrane role and its function in neuromuscular excitability. The first pool of magnesium in organism is skeleton. The principal site of magnesium excretion are kidneys, which show important magnesium regulation mechanisms. For intestinal absorption, renal metabolism, bone accretion and resorption, magnesium shows analogies with calcium. Calcium is important macroelement in enzyme activation and inhibition, muscle and nerve function, and intracellular metabolism of all organisms. It is the main component of bones, where it is stored in organism. The aim of our work was to estimate influence of manganese chloride administration on concentrations of magnesium and calcium in mice tissues. Significant changes in magnesium and calcium content in dependence on the doses of administered manganese as well as the duration of the exposure have been stated in our experiment.
The aim of this work was to analyze the concentrations of select elements such as sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in the water, muscle tissue, and gills of perch sampled in autumn from Lake Gopło in NW Poland. The correlations between the fish size (body length) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated by linear regression analysis. In addition, the bioaccumulation coefficient, as a measure of accumulation intensity of an element in an organ, was analyzed. The mean content of K, Mg, and Zn in the analyzed perch was higher in the muscle (18.90, 1.53, and 52.92, mg‧kg⁻¹) than in gills (8.88, 1.30, and 44.99 mg‧kg⁻¹), and the difference between these values (except for Zn) was statistically significant (p≤0.05). The analyses of the correlation between metal concentration in the meat and the body length of fish show that the bioaccumulation of Na, K, Mg, and Zn decreases as fish body length increases (negative correlation). The evaluation of the chemical pollution of Lake Gopło concentrations was based on the following ions (N-NO₃, N-NO₂, and P-PO₄) and minerals (Na, K, Ca, Mg, and Zn). The concentrations of nitrite nitrogen in the waters of Lake Gopło range from 0.012 (in September) to 0.057 mg N-NO₂ dm⁻³ (in November). The concentration of nitrate nitrogen ranges from 0.09 to 1.888 mgN-NO₃ dm⁻³. The concentration of orthophosphate in surface waters of Lake Gopło is not very diverse (0.17-0.2 mg PO₄⁻³ dm⁻³).
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