4 Suppl.1
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4 Suppl.1
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part three: Dependence of the magnesium content in animals and man on species, gender, age, interactions and environmental pollution (Anke M., Glei M., Dorn W.), s. 9-10
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part five: Magnesium intake by adults depending on gender, place of living, season, body weight, age, performance and measuring method (Anke M., Glei M., Muller R., Schafer U., Seifert M., Vormann J.), s. 10-11
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part six: magnesium excretion, apparent absorption rate, balance, normative requirement, recommendation, symptoms and threshold values for adult humans (Anke M., Vormann J., Seifert M., Muller R., Jaritz M.), s. 11-12
artykuł: Physical and chemical description of magnesium alginate obtained from brown alga Cystoseira barbata (Balaban D. P., Stanciu G., Belc M.), s. 13
artykuł: Effect of magnesium on the growth and anthraquinone production of Rubia tinctorum hairy root cultures (Banyai P., Kuzovkina I. N., Kursinszki L., Kiss S. A., Szoke E.), s. 13-14
artykuł: Ionic balance in some phases of winter barley seed growth under different fertilization rates (Barczak B., Nowak K., Kozera W., Majcherczak E.), s. 15
artykuł: Effects of long-term magnesium deficiency on bone density, bone fragility and osteolytic bone markers in the rat (Bauer A., Dibbelt L., Koeller W., Stendig-Lindberg G., Rob P. M.), s. 16-17
artykuł: Molecular mechanisms of magnesium in atherosclerosis (Bernardini D., Mazur A., Maier J.), s. 17
artykuł: Insights into the mechanisms involved in mediating magnesium regulation of tumor growth (Bernardini D., Nasulewicz A., Wolf F., Boninsegna A., Zimowska W., Opolski A., Mazur A., Maier J.), s. 18
artykuł: Determination of magnesium and ather bioelements in cow's milk (Birghila S., Dobrinas S., Popescu V., Bratu M. M.), s. 19
artykuł: The cicatrization effect of a new synthesized Zn-polyphenols complex (Bratu M. M., Bechir A., Roncea F., Negreanu-Pirjol T., Toma I., Porta S.), s. 20
artykuł: Changes in the level of magnesium in organisms of carp Cyprinus carpio L. during intensive growth of fish (Brucka-Jastrzebska E., Protasowicki M.), s. 21-22
artykuł: Content of some macroelements in blood serum and haematological parameters in goats of different age (Brzezinska M., Orowicz W., Pieczynska M.), s. 22-23
artykuł: Magnesium and other microelements in marine algae by faas (Chirila E., Carazeanu I., Sava D.), s. 23-24
artykuł: Magnesium deficiency [MgD] enhances cardiac inflammation due to nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor [NRTI] treatment (Chmielinska J. J., Tejero-Taldo M. I., Mak I. T., Weglicki W. B.), s. 25
artykuł: Effect of Mg supplementation on bioelements [Zn and Cu] in kidneys of mice exposed to acute Cd intoxication (Djukic D., Matovic V.), s. 26-27
artykuł: Interactions between bioelements and heavy metals in smokers' and non-smokers' hair (Dlugaszek M., Radomska K., Graczyk A.), s. 27-28
artykuł: Effect of manganese ions on development and biotic relations between Trichoderma spp. and pathogenic fungi (Dluzniewska J.), s. 28-29
artykuł: Accumulation and distribution of magnesium in ornamental plants (Dobrinas S., Birghila S., Popescu V.), s. 29-30
artykuł: Influence of water magnetization on growth, yield and mineral composition of hothouse-grown cucumber and tomato (Dobromilska R., Orlowski M.), s. 30-31
artykuł: Research on the content of bioelements and toxic elements in Polish children and adolescents (Dunicz-Sokolowska A., Radomska K., Dlugaszek M., Graczyk A.), s. 31-32
artykuł: Magnesium in soils of Poland and plant fertilisation with this element (Filipek-Mazur B., Rondek K.), s. 32-33
artykuł: Effect of selenium, zinc and vitamin E injection on mineral elements concentration in loin lambs (Gabryszuk M., Czauderna M., Gralak M., Antoszkiewicz Z.), s. 33
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part one: Dependence of the magnesium content in flora on the geological origin of a site as well as age, part and apecies of plant (Glei M., Seifert M., Schafer U., Anke M.), s. 34-35
artykuł: Hydrological factors influencing magnesium outflow from postglacial areas (Glinska-Lewczuk K.), s. 35-36
artykuł: Developmental disturbances of plant embryos and seedlings in environment polluted with heavy metals (Izmailow R., Koscinska-Pajak M., Siwek M., Musial K., Jankun A.), s. 36-37
artykuł: The effect of covering on the content of macroelements in basil [Ocimum basilicum L.] cultivated for a bunch harvest (Jadczak D., Blaszczuk A., Rekowska E.), s. 37-38
artykuł: Content of macroelements in fresh seeds of faba bean (Jadczak D., Grzeszczuk M., Rekowska E.), s. 38-39
artykuł: Effect of long-term N, P and K fertilization on magnesium content in durum wheat [Triticum durum] (Kastori R., Sekulic P., Malesevic M., Ralev J., Zaremski Skoric T.), s. 39-40
artykuł: Importance of basic mechanisms of magnesium in cardiovascular therapy (Kiss Z.), s. 40-41
artykuł: Variation in fatty acid composition of oil from achenes in some species of the family Asteraceae (Kiss A. S., Kastori R., Pucarevic M., Holly L., Vorosvary G., Stefanovits-Banyai E., Horvath L., Sekulic P., Takacs-Hajos M.), s. 41-42
artykuł: Magnesium and hypertension (Kisters K., Hoffmann O., Hausberg M., Quang Nguyen M., Micke O., Gremmler B., Buntzel J.), s. 43-45
artykuł: Magnesium bioavailability of selected cereals originating from ecological farming (Klobukowski J., Sadowski T., Rychcik B.), s. 46
artykuł: Bioavailability of magnesium from diets containing cottage cheeses produced with different methods (Klobukowski J., Smietana Z., Chmura S., Wisniewska-Pantak D.), s. 47
artykuł: Magnesium consumption among students of the Military Technical University (Klos A., Stezycka E., Rozmysl E., Bertrandt J.), s. 48
artykuł: Ionic balance of antagonistic chemical elements as a criterion of bio-chemical evaluation of crops (Kolodziej M.), s. 49-50
artykuł: Effect of oral aspartame administration on the excretion and distribution of calcium in rat tissue (Kovatsi L., Tsouggas M.), s. 50-51
artykuł: Influence of dripirrigation and mineral fertilization on the content of minerals in strawberries (Koszanski Z., Rumasz-Rudnicka E., Podsiadlo C.), s. 50
artykuł: Effect of disulfiram administration on the balance of calcium (Kovatsi L., Tsoukali H., Tsouggas M.), s. 51-52
artykuł: Content of microelements in potato bulbs fertilized foliarly with microelements (Kozera W., Nowak K., Majcherczak E., Barczak B.), s. 52-53
artykuł: Concentration of magnesium in serum and urine of drug-addicted people (Kozielec T., Karakiewicz B., Chlubek D., Nocen I.), s. 53-55
artykuł: Measuring ionized magnesium in undiluted blood (Lewenstam A.), s. 55
artykuł: Magnesium loading test - its use in the recognition of latent magnesium deficiency (Ligocki P., Walasek L., Rzeszotarski J.), s. 56
artykuł: Influence of soil properties on iron and manganese contents in wheat grain (Lipinski W., Franczak S., Watros A.), s. 57
artykuł: Potassium balance at some farms in Poland (Labetowicz J., Majewski E., Rutkowska B., Szulc W., Kalwara A.), s. 58
artykuł: Content of some mineral compounds in plants from the Miedzyrzecz Fortification area (Maciejewska M., Wybieralski J.), s. 59-60
artykuł: Content of base forming cations and total phosphorus in spring barley seeds when foliar fertilization with microelements was used (Majcherczak E., Kozera W., Nowak K., Barczak B.), s. 60-61
artykuł: Occurrence of elements in human teeth in the course of some diseases (Malara P.), s. 61-62
artykuł: Influence of environmental exposure on coexistence of cadmium and zinc in teeth (Malara P., Kwapulinski J., Drugacz J., Malara B.), s. 62
artykuł: Influence of some factors on chromium occurrence in teeth (Malara P., Kwapulinski J., Drugacz J., Orzechowska-Wylegala B.), s. 63
artykuł: Muscle intracellular free [Mg2plus] assessed by 31P MRS in patients with chronic intestinal failure on long-term home parenteral nutrition (Malucelli E., Guidetti M., Pironi L., Farruggia G., Lodi R., Tonon C., Barbiroli B., Iotti S.), s. 64-66
artykuł: Molecular modeling of selected magnesium organic salts. Structure - activity relationship (Marcoin W.), s. 67
artykuł: Thermodynamic processes in the system struvite plus aqueous solution of CO2 (Michalowski T., Pietrzyk A., Toporek M.), s. 68
artykuł: Dissolution of dolomite in aqueous solutions of carbon dioxide (Michalowski T., Toporek M., Borzecka M., Pietrzyk A.), s. 69
artykuł: Effect of exercise on magnesium status (Monteiro C. P., Santa Clara H., Raposo M. F., Goncalves A., Limao F., Rayssiguier Y., Mazur A., Coudray C., Gueux E., Feillet Coudray C., Bicho M., Laires M. J.), s. 70-71
artykuł: B6 magnesium therapy in children with development disorders: autism (Mousain Bosc M., Roche M., Polge A., Pradal Prat D., Rapin J., Bali J-P.), s. 71
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part two: magnesium content in vegetable foodstuffs (Muller R., Hoppe C., Anke M.), s. 72
artykuł: Relationship between magnesium status and the growth and metastasis of experimental mouse tumours (Nasulewicz A., Wietrzyk J., Wolf F. I., Dzimira S., Madej J., Maier J. A. M., Rayssiguier Y., Mazur A., Opolski A.), s. 73-74
artykuł: Biologically active complex compounds of biguanide derivatives with 3d and 4f metals (Negreanu-Pirjol T., Guran C., Giurginca M., Meghea A., Stanica N.), s. 74-75
artykuł: Synthesis and characterization of Au[III] coordinated complexes with oxamic acid derivatives (Negreanu-Pirjol T., Zagan S.), s. 75
artykuł: Effect of microelement fertilization on the chemical composition of oats seed (Nowak K., Barczak B., Kozera W., Majcherczak E.), s. 76-77
artykuł: Content of calcium, magnesium, and phosphates in antlers and cranial bones of the European red deer [Cervus elaphus] depending on age and industrial pollution of the environment (Nowicka W., Machoy Z., Gutowska I., Nocen I., Piotrowska S., Chlubek D.), s. 77-78
artykuł: Influence of pregnancy on selected mineral metabolism indices in heifers (Orowicz W., Brzezinska M., Kawczuga D.), s. 78-79
artykuł: Magnesium content in diets of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow in 2003 and 2004 (Pasko P., Zachwieja Z., Krosniak M.), s. 79
artykuł: Effect of age and heat term and length on magnesium content in mares' milk (Pieszka M., Kulisa M.), s. 80
artykuł: Magnesium content in mares' milk and growth parameters in their foal (Pieszka M., Kulisa M.), s. 81
artykuł: Effect of 3 months' simvastatin treatment on levels of copper and zinc in serum of patients with coronary heart disease (Piorunska-Mikolajczak A., Piorunska-Stolzmann M., Baralkiewicz D., Mikolajczyk Z.), s. 82-83
artykuł: Determination of Cu, Mn, Zn in some fruit's extracts (Popescu V., Birghila S., Dobrinas S.), s. 83
artykuł: Assessment of ionized magnesium concentrations in serum of patients after acute myocardial infarction (Radosavljevic B., Majkic-Singh N.), s. 84-85
artykuł: Harmful effect of high-dietary fructose and magnesium deficiency: role of inflammation and oxidative stress (Rayssiguier Y., Gueux E., Nowacki W., Rock E., Mazur A.), s. 85
artykuł: Role of bioelements [Mg, N, K] and herbicides in establishing vitamin C in potato tubers (Rogozinska I., Wszelaczynska E., Wichrowska D.), s. 86
artykuł: Flavonoid metal complexes used as antitoxic agents against heavy metals contamination (Roncea F., Istudor V., Bratu M. M., Negreanu-Pirjol T.), s. 87
artykuł: Influence of irrigation with saline water on the content of some minerals in vegetables (Rumasz-Rudnicka E., Koszanski Z., Podsiadlo C.), s. 88
artykuł: Balance of magnesium under different fertilization systems in a long-term fertilization experiment on sandy soil (Rutkowska B., Szulc W., Labetowicz J.), s. 88-89
artykuł: Granulometric composition of soil as a factor determining concentration of ions in soil solution (Rutkowska B., Szulc W., Labetowicz J.), s. 89-90
artykuł: Analysis of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium intake in diet of patients with chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis (Rzeszotarski J., Walasek L., Ligocki P.), s. 90-91
artykuł: Influence of disturbed calcium-phosphate metabolism on the cardiovascular system in patients with chronic renal failure (Rzeszotarski J., Walasek L., Marszalek A.), s. 91-92
artykuł: Effect of magnesium ions on the properties of channels formed by subunit c of F0F1-ATPase (Saris N.-E. L., Azarashvili T. S., Odinokova I. V.), s. 92-93
artykuł: Nutritional, toxicological and environmental aspects of manganese (Schafer U., Anke M., Seifert M.), s. 93-94
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part four: Magnesium content in animal foodstuffs and beverages (Schafer U., Glei M., Anke M.), s. 95-96
artykuł: Magnesium contents in barley grains from Germany (Seifert M., Bruggemann J., Betsche T., Schafer U., Anke M.), s. 96
artykuł: Expression level of TRPM7 channel in mammary epithelial cells selected to grow in very low [0.025 mM] and very high [45 mM] magnesium containing media (Simonacci M., Trapani V., Boninsegna A., Cittadini A., Wolf F. I.), s. 97-98
artykuł: Magnesium in diet - is there a need of supplementation? (Skibniewska K. A., Marzec Z., Radzyminska M., Przybylowicz K.), s. 98-99
artykuł: Comparative study of antiarrhythmic activity of L-, D- and DL-stereoisomers of potassium magnesium aspartate. Experimental study and preliminary data of randomized comparator trial (Spasov A. A., Petrov V. I., Iezhitsa I. N., Bakumov P. A., Zhuravleva N. V., Glinskaya A. V., Sinolitskii M. K., Voronin S. P.), s. 99-101
artykuł: Influence of preparation of rat liver samples on determination of chromium and vanadium using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (Strzyzewski K., Rutkowska M., Iskra M., Baralkiewicz D., Torlinska T.), s. 102
artykuł: Characteristics of mineral status in blood serum of horses at different age (Suska M., Janiak M.), s. 103
artykuł: Evaluation of calcium and magnesium content in medicinal plants and teas (Szentmihalyi K., Then M., Jasztrab S., Lado K., Fodor J., Szoke E.), s. 104
artykuł: Mid-field ponds as a biochemical barrier to calcium and magnesium outflows from agricultural environment (Szyperek U.), s. 105
artykuł: Fluctuations of protein and mineral element contents in green pea varieties as affected by Mg-sulphate foliar fertilisation (Takacs-Hajos M., Kiss A. S., Kastori R., Ravel J., Stefanovits-Banyai E., Sekulic P.), s. 106-107
artykuł: Influence of haemodialysis on magnesium metabolism in patient with chronic renal failure (Walasek L., Rzeszotarski J., Marszalek A.), s. 107-108
artykuł: Assessment of the concentrations of total magnesium, ionized magnesium and magnesium in red blood cells in patients with chronic renal failure treated with haemodialysis (Walasek L., Rzeszotarski J., Marszalek A.), s. 109
artykuł: Effects of the content of macroelements in potato tubers and herbicides on changes in vitamin C concentration during storage (Wszelaczynska E., Wichrowska D., Rogozinska I.), s. 110-111
artykuł: Relations between enzymatic activity of soil contaminated with cadmium and content of nitrogen and phosphorus in spring barley (Wyszkowski M., Wyszkowska J.), s. 111-112
artykuł: Effect of various calcium, magnesium, potassium and hydrogen saturation of CEC on yield and mineral composition of oat (Zalewska M.), s. 112-113
artykuł: Transfer of magnesium in a food chain. Part three: Dependence of the magnesium content in animals and man on species, gender, age, interactions and environmental pollution (Anke M., Glei M., Dorn W.), s. 9-10
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