Purpose: The purpose of the research was to collect customers' opinions about the need and possibility of the operation of a boutique cooperative bank. While reviewing examples of the operation of boutique financial institutions, which served as an inspiration for developing the model of a boutique cooperative bank, an attempt was made to answer the question of whether there is space for a boutique cooperative bank as an alternative to consolidation in the cooperative banking sector. Design/methodology/approach: The research was conducted on a group of anonymous and randomly selected 100 people who were customers of cooperative banks. The research tool used in the paper was a survey questionnaire. Findings: The concept of building a hybrid structure of small, specialised banks has been confirmed by the literature and the research conducted. It has been confirmed that unless small cooperative banks find a new business model and take advantage of market niches, they will face inevitable consolidation. The findings have confirmed that direct relationships with customers that cooperative banks can leverage constitute one of key capabilities in building a boutique bank. Further, it has been confirmed that for a certain group of customers, there is space for banks providing consierge services. Practical implications: application of gathered knowledge and experience in creation of the boutique model of a cooperative bank. Originality/value: presentation of solutions in the area of the operation of boutique banks and highlighting the significance of the new model of a cooperative bank as a counterbalance to the processes of consolidation in cooperative banking.
Celem rozważańu jest ukazanie i analiza stosunkowo nowego trendu współpracy kreatorów mody z renomowanymi architektami. Jako przykład wybrano kolaborację włoskiej firmy Prada z pracowniami OMA, Herzog & de Meuron i SANAA. W artykule zaprezentowano szerokie spektrum projektów na pograniczu architektury, mody i sztuki, przeanalizowano wzajemne podobieństwa i różnice w ramach wymienionych dziedzin. Prezentowane budynki stanowią ilustrację nowych trendów w projektowaniu architektonicznym XXI wieku i różnych reakcji na kontekst lokalny i globalny. Prezentowany materiał i wyniki badań są punktem wyjścia dla dalszych opracowań dotyczących szerszych współzależności mody i architektury.
The main goal of the article is to present and analyse the new trend concerning collaboration between fashion designers and renowned architects. The case study is based on collaboration between the Italian brand Prada and studios like OMA, Herzog & de Meuron and SANAA. The text presents a wide spectrum of projects on the border of architecture, fashion, and art. It is also an analysis of similarities and diff erences between these disciplines. The presented buildings show new architectural trends of the 21st century and various reactions towards the local and global context. The material can be a point of departure to further studies concerning relations between fashion and architecture.
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