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In this study immunoelectrophoretic and double immunodiffusion analyses were used to investigate the antigenic character of zinc-binding proteins (ZnBPs), whereas the indirect immunofluorescence technique was used to identify their origin in boar reproductive tract. The mmunoelectrophoretic analysis of ZnBPs of the seminal plasma resulted in the appearance of three antigenic protein complexes, while specific immunoreactivity patterns of the anti-ZnBP serum were detected by double immunodiffusion analysis. Indirect immunofluorescence technique confirmed that ZnBPs were secreted by different reproductive tract tissues, suggesting their contributions to the seminal plasma.
„Nie wykonuj gwałtownych ruchów. Nie strasz, nie zbliżaj się, nie goń. Psa trzymaj na smyczy, nie szczuj. Zachowaj szczególną ostrożność” – to całkiem nowe wytyczne straży miejskiej w Zgierzu. Co tak strasznego stało się w tej podłódzkiej miejscowości? Nadeszły dziki.
Boar seminal vesicle protein tyrosine acid phosphatase (PTAP) and human prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) show high affinity for protein phosphotyrosine residues. The physico-chemical and kinetic properties of the boar and human enzymes are different. The main objective of this study was to establish the nucleotide sequence of cDNA encoding boar PTAP and compare it with that of human PAP cDNA. Also, the amino-acid sequence of boar PTAP was compared with the sequence of human PAP. PTAP was isolated from boar seminal vesicle fluid and sequenced. cDNA to boar seminal vesicle RNA was synthesized, amplified by PCR, cloned in E. coli and sequenced. The obtained N-terminal amino-acid sequence of boar PTAP showed 92% identity with the N-terminal amino-acid sequence of human PAP. The determined sequence of a 354 bp nucleotide fragment (GenBank accession number: GQ184596) showed 90% identity with the corresponding sequence of human PAP. On the basis of this sequence a 118 amino acid fragment of boar PTAP was predicted. This fragment showed 89% identity with the corresponding fragment of human PAP and had a similar hydropathy profile. The compared sequences differ in terms of their isoelectric points and amino-acid composition. This may explain the differences in substrate specificity and inhibitor resistance of boar PTAP and human PAP.
Male reproductive organs are extremely sensitive to the negative influence of toxic environmental factors as well as drugs, and until now not many attempts have been made at studying the detoxication enzymes and the relationship between the activity of those enzymes and spermatozoa fertility. In the present work we studied cytosolic glutathione-S-transferases (GST, EC from different parts (head, corpus and tail) of bull and boar epididymis. We isolated two molecular forms of GST from each part of epididymis, characterized their biochemical properties and examined the mechanism of the catalyzed reaction. On the basis of their substrate specificity and isoelectric point, the isoforms were found to belong to the near neutral GST class mi. All examined GST forms exhibited higher affinity towards GSH than towards 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) and bull epididymis GST forms showed biphasic Lineweaver-Burk double reciprocal curves in the presence of GSH as a variable substrate. Boar epididymis anionic GST had the -SH groups both in the GSH and the CDNB binding place, whereas the cationic GST form - arginine residues in the CDNB binding place. Bull epididymis GST forms contained neither thiol nor arginine residues essential for catalytic activity.
Investigations have been done on 18 carcasses of wild boars including their cutting to main elements and detailed dissection of received parts of carcasses. It was found that the bigest element of wild boars carcass is a ham. High participation of neck shoulder and low participation of jowl is also characteristic. In comparison to the hog carcass the estimation of tissue composition showed not large quantity of adipose tissue and considerably higher mass of bones. Most valuable elements of wild boars carcass were ham and shoulder blade. The work confirms high useability of wild boars carcasses.
Zinc-binding proteins (ZnBPs) isolated from boar seminal plasma exert multiple effects on boar spermatozoa. The aim of this study was to determine whether the isolated zinc-binding proteins were capable of binding additional ligands. The affinity chromatography method was used for the first time to demonstrate that boar ZnBPs show affinity for both heparin (hep) and phosphorylcholine (pch). ZnBPs+hep accounted for approximately 20%, and ZnBPs+pch – for approximately 45% of total ZnBPs. Predominant polypeptides with molecular mass form 6.5 to 14 kDa were observed in both groups (ZnBPs+hep, ZnBPs+pch). The analyzed peptides’ low molecular mass and their ability to bind zinc ions as well as heparin and phosphorylcholine suggest that they belong to the family of multifunctional boar spermadhesins which perform their functions in the fertilization process by binding more than one ligand. The results indicate that the ZnBPs of boar seminal plasma may be involved in the processes associated with oocyte fertilization not only by zinc ions binding but also through heparin and phosphorylcholine.
Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-D PAGE) led to identification in the polypeptide maps of boar seminal plasma of four conserved polypeptides with identical molecular weight of 24 kDA, and different ranges of isoelectric point (pI): (1) 7.4-7.7, (2) 8.1-8.4, (3) 8.5-8.8 and (4) 9.2-9.4. In the current study the molecular structures of these polypeptides were analysed, for the first time, by mass spectrometry (LC – MS/MS). Computerized mass spectrometry analysis of the peptides obtained after trypsin-digestion of the polypeptides demonstrated their similarity to the family of spermadhesins (crystal structure of two members of the spermadhesin family), especially to epididymal spermadhesin AWN-1. In addition, homology was found of peptides 3 and 4 with a lysozyme C precursor (1,4-beta-N-acetylmuramidase C). The results presented might indicate the participation of the analysed polypeptides in the processes accompanying fertilization.
Stosując metodę elektroforezy dwukierunkowej (2-D PAGE) zidentyfikowano w składzie map polipeptydowych plazmy nasienia knura cztery zakonserwowane polipeptydy o identycznej masie cząsteczkowej 24 kDa i następujących zakresach punktu izoelektrycznego: (1) 7,4-7,7; (2) 8,1-8,4;(3) 8,5-8,8 i (4) 9,2-9,4. W analizie ich struktury molekularnej zastosowano spektroskopię mas (LC – MS/MS). W prezentowanych badaniach, zastosowana po raz pierwszy komputerowa analiza widma masowego peptydów uzyskanych po trawieniu trypsyną wszystkich badanych polipeptydów, wykazała ich podobieństwo do rodziny spermadhezyn (cristal structure of two members of the spermadhesin family),zwłaszcza do spermadhezyny najądrzowej – AWN-1. Dodatkowo wykazano homologię polipeptydów 3 i 4 z prekursorem lizozymu C (1,4-beta-N-acetylmuramidase C). Prezentowane wyniki sugerować mogą udział analizowanych polipeptydów w procesach towarzyszących zapłodnieniu.
The material consisted of 60 hybrid boars, from line 990 (female) and Pietrain breeds (male), divided into two groups depending on the litter size in which they were born and reared - group: 7-10 piglets (average 8.8) per litter; group: 11-17 piglets (average 12.5) per litter. The mean body weight of 21 day of live piglets born and reared in larger litters was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than among boars reared in smaller litters. This difference gradually diminished and at day 63 of life both groups had the same average body weight. In the period from 63 to 180 day of life, the boars from smaller litters had a slightly lower rate of growth (statistically insignificant). Boars reared in larger litters at 180 day of life were on average 3 kg heavier. There were no significant differences in fat thickness, lean meat and testicular volume between the assessed groups of young boars. From boars reared in smaller litters ejaculates had a significantly higher (P < 0.05) sperm concentration and total sperm volume.
Materiał badawczy stanowiło 60 knurków mieszańców linii 990 (♀) i rasy pietrain (♂), podzielonych na dwie grupy w zależności od wielkości miotu, w którym się urodziły i odchowywały, grupa: (średnio 8,8 prosiąt w miocie); grupa: (średnio 12,5 prosiąt w miocie). Średnia masa ciała w 21. dniu życia knurków, urodzonych i odchowywanych w miotach większych była istotnie (P ≤ 0,05) mniejsza od knurków odchowywanych w miotach mniejszych. Ta różnica zmniejszała się w trakcie ich wzrostu i w 63. dniu życia knurki osiągnęły taką samą średnią masę ciała w obu grupach. W okresie od 63. do 180. dnia życia knurki pochodzące z mniej licznych miotów charakteryzowały się nieco niższym ale statystycznie nieistotnym tempem wzrostu. Knurki odchowywane w miotach większych w 180. dniu życia ważyły średnio 3 kg więcej. Nie wykazano istotnych różnic w zakresie grubości słoniny, mię- sności oraz wielkości jąder pomiędzy ocenianymi grupami knurków. Od knurów odchowywanych w miotach mniejszych uzyskiwano jednak ejakulaty o istotnie wyższej (P ≤ 0,05) koncentracji nasienia i ogólnej liczbie plemników.
Badania przeprowadzono na ponad 8 tysiącach ejakulatów pobranych od 112 knurów. Badaniami objęto wszystkie ejakulaty pobrane i zakwalifikowane do inseminacji w czteroletnim okresie działania jednej ze stacji unasienniania loch. Nasienie od knurów pobierano dwa razy w tygodniu, metodą manualną, rano po pierwszym karmieniu. Pobrane ejakulaty poddano ocenie według metodyki stosowanej w polskich stacjach unasienniania loch. Zebrane dane podzielono na 12 podgrup obejmujących ejakulaty pobierane w poszczególnych miesiącach roku. Wykazano, że cechy ejakulatów knurów inseminacyjnych zależą od pory roku pobrania. Ejakulaty pozyskiwane w okresie jesienno-zimowym cechują się dużą objętością i zawierają najwięcej plemników o ruchu postępowym. Ejakulaty te cechują się także relatywnie dużą ruchliwością plemników. Ma to związek z dużą liczbą dawek inseminacyjnych wytwarzanych z ejakulatów pobieranych w tym okresie. Ejakulaty pobierane w okresie lata (czerwiec–sierpień) zawierają mniej plemników wykazujących prawidłowy ruch. Uzyskuje się z nich o około 3 dawki inseminacyjne mniej niż z ejakulatów pobieranych w okresie zimowym.
We investigated more than 8 thousand ejaculates collected from 112 boars. The investigation involved all the ejaculates collected and qualified for insemination during a four- -year period at a sow insemination centre. Semen was manually collected from the boars twice weekly, in the morning, after the first feeding. The collected ejaculates were evaluated according to a methodology used at Polish sow insemination centres. The data we gathered were divided into 12 subgroups comprising ejaculates collected in particular seasons of the year. We found the characteristics of insemination boar ejaculates to be dependant on the season in which the ejaculates were collected. Ejaculates obtained in the autumn-winter period are characterised with a high volume and contain the greatest number of progressively motile spermatozoa. These ejaculates also contain relatively highly mobile sperms. This results in obtaining a high number of insemination doses prepared from ejaculates collected at the time. Ejaculates gathered in the summer (June-August) contain fewer correctly motile spermatozoa. Roughly, they produce 3 insemination doses fewer than the ejaculates collected in the autumnwinter period.
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