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In his paper perspective and conditions for the development of biotechnology is presented within the context of legislation, public opinion as well as present situation in Poland, EU and in the Word. Formation of bioeconomy in Poland Leeds industrial biotechnology in all sectors: agriculture, industry and medicine.
Bioeconomy and circular economy are lately buzzing words in political as well as in academic groups. Both of those ideas are based on biotechnology knowledge and they are assuming implementation of new, environmental-friendly technologies, which should contribute to reduction of fossil fuels usage and creation of job opportunities in country as well as urban areas. Furthermore in both – European frame program “Horizon 2020” and Polish “National Development Strategy 2020” issues related to bioeconomy and biotechnology are emphasized. In Cracow from 3 to 6 July 2016 was held 17th European Congress on Biotechnology (ECB2016), organized by European Federation of Biotechnology and Biotechnology Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences. This meeting gave the opportunity for scientist, companies and policy makers for collaboration upon different aspects of agricultural, industrial and medical biotechnology and its contribution to development of bioeconomy ideas.
This paper deals with the model-based adaptive predictive control of the continuous fermentation process. For this system the theoretical approach to the substrate consumption rate is given and the estimation procedure with application of the recursive least-squares method is proposed. On the basis of this estimated value two nonlinear model-based adaptive predictive controllers for the substrate control are proposed: one with the dilution rate and the other with the inlet substrate concentration as the control quantities. Both estimation procedure and adaptive controllers are derived only on the basis of the simplified form of the mathematical model of the process so there is no necessity to consider the complete form of its nonlinear part. The estimation accuracy and the control performance are demonstrated by means of computer simulation both in the noiseless and noisy cases.
Zastosowanie współczesnej biotechnologii w produkcji żywności budzi sprzeciw i obawy społeczne. Celem niniejszej pracy było poznanie wiedzy młodzieży akademickiej dotyczącej wykorzystania genetycznie modyfikowanych organizmów w żywności, a także określenie, na ile wiedza ta przekłada się na poparcie stosowania tych organizmów w żywności. Badania wykazały, że studenci są świadomi dostępności na polskim rynku produktów otrzymanych za pomocą inżynierii genetycznej, natomiast ich wiedza na temat znakowania czy szkodliwości takich produktów jest niewielka i nie odbiega znacząco od reszty społeczeństwa. Poziom akceptacji produktów zawierających GMO jest także niewielki.
The use of modern biotechnology in food production provokes the opposition and public concerns. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge of students concerning the use of genetically modified organisms in food, and also to determine how this knowledge translates to support the use of these organisms in food. Studies have shown that students are aware that on the Polish market the products obtained by genetic engineering are available, but their knowledge of the labeling or harmfulness of such products is low and not significantly differ from the rest of society. The acceptance of products containing GMOs is also small.
Biotechnologia jest dyscypliną nauki, którą podejrzewa się o przypadkowe bądź celowe stwarzanie niebezpieczeństw dla środowiska naturalnego. Ocena tej nauki przez humanistów jest niejednoznaczna. Mniejszość uważa, że biotechnologia stwarza nadzieję, iż ludzkość dzięki jej osiągnięciom przezwycięży fatalne dziedzictwo przeszłości, jakimi są przede wszystkim głód i kryzys ekologiczny. Sądzą ponadto, że nawet jeśli niesie ona za sobą negatywne następstwa, to i tak ostateczny bilans będzie korzystny dla ludzkości. Większość jednak uważa, że skutki będą nieodwracalne i zawsze negatywne. Za reprezentatywne dla humanistyki w toczącej się o biotechnologii dyskusji uznać stanowiska niemieckiego filozofa Jürgena Habermasa oraz amerykańskiego politologa Francisa Fukuyamę. Wywód Habermasa jest oparty na tezie, iż zaciera się granica pomiędzy naturą, a jej organicznym wyposażeniem, jakie człowiek za pomocą biotechnologii może dziś zmienić praktycznie w każdym organizmie żywym nie wyłączając siebie. Człowiek dostosuje całą przyrodę wyłącznie do swoich potrzeb, co w konsekwencji wyeliminuje te wszystkie organizmy, które są dla niego szkodliwe bądź bezużyteczne. Argumentacja Francisa Fukuyamy wykazuje wiele zbieżności z tezami Habermasa. Kryzys ekologiczny jest dla niego wyrazem zdehumanizowania człowieka i nienaturalności jego dążeń. Biotechnologia pogłębia ową lukę, dehumanizując nasz świat, odrywając ludzi od naturalnego kontekstu swego bytowania. Oba stanowiska łączy jednak przekonanie, że modyfikacje genetyczne zmienią nie tylko całe środowisko naturalne, ale także naturę człowieka. Habermas nazywa to zasadą przezorności wskazując, że dzięki niej ostrożna ludzkość uniknęła wielu kryzysów, a nawet samozagłady.
Biotechnology is a discipline of science which is suspected of creating accidental or intentional hazards in natural environment. Humanists have ambiguous opinion on this science. A minority believe that biotechnology brings about hope that humanity thanks to its achievements will overcome disastrous heritage of the past, primarily famine and environmental crisis. Moreover, they think that even if it carries along negative consequences, the final balance will be beneficial for mankind. The majority, however, think that effects will be irreversible and always negative. Standpoints by Jürgen Habermas, a German philosopher, and Francis Fukuyama, an American political scientist, are considered representative in a carried discussion on Biotechnology. Habermas' reasoning is based on a thesis that a boarder between nature and its organic accessory, which now a man with use of biotechnology can change practically in any living organism including humans, fades away. A man adjusts entire environment to his needs, which in consequence will eliminate all these organisms that are harmful or useless to him. Francis Fukuyama's argumentation shows many convergences with Habermas' thesis. Ecological crisis is for him a sign of dehumanization and artificiality of a man's strivings. Biotechnology deepens this gap, dehumanizing our world, pulling people away from a natural context of their existence. Both standpoints are yet linked by a belief that genetic modifications will not only change the entire natural environment, but also a human nature. Habermas calls it a forethought principle and points out that thanks to it cautious mankind have evaded a number of crises, and even self-destruction.
Content available The current state of bioeconomy in Poland
Conversion of scientific achievements to market a product is a key issue and the best description of significance of science for society. In the case of experts in the natural sciences in Poland, we observe a high intellectual potential of researchers and several scientific discoveries. However, Polish inventions are very rarely available on the market and the number of national and international patent applications done by Polish scientists is very limited. For the development of bioeconomy, the progress in biotechnology is critical.
Bioeconomy is an important element of the Polish economy and the basis of bioeconomy is innovative biotechnology. The development of bio-economy (especially in closed circuit) requires modern “bio” technology. The resignation of such elements in the economy as achievements of modern biotechnology – albeit possible – is associated with a significant increase in development costs and the loss of access to innovative technologies that are essential for the today and future economy of the country. It is necessary to gain public acceptance for the emerging market of bioproducts, bioservice and bioprocesses. Legislation ammendment supporting innovation in general, and bio domains in particular, is a necessity. The current state of Polish biotechnology is presented on the basis of detailed studies and published on the website of the Biotechnology Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences: “Biotechnological centers in Poland – MAP OF POLISH BIOTECHNOLOGY”; on this page you will find as well this report (
Several multicriteria optimization methods are compared using a practical optimal control problem from biotechnology as a test problem. Two criteria are taken into account: yield of biomass and natural process duration. Theoretical analysis of the problem is difficult because of non-linearity of the process model. The problem is reduced to a parametric optimization problem by means of parameterization of control functions. Several evolutionary multicriteria optimization algorithms and scalarization based direct search algorithms are considered. The methods are compared with respect to the precision and the solution time.
Content available remote Sesja Naukowa "Chemia Spożywcza i Biotechnologia" : streszczenia
tom Z. 63
Zawiera wyłącznie streszczenia w języku polskim referatów wygłoszonych na Sesji Naukowej "Chemia Spożywcza i Biotechnologia", zorganizowanej z okazji pięćdziesięciolecia Wydziału Chemii Spożywczej i Biotechnologii Politechniki Łódzkiej (1950-2000).
Content available remote Technologia rekombinowanej insuliny ludzkiej
W artykule przedstawiono opracowany i wdrożony przez BIOTON S.A. proces wytwarzania rekombinowanej insuliny ludzkiej, substancji czynnej produktów leczniczych GENSULIN®.
The paper reports the process of manufacturing of recombinant human insulin, GENSULIN® active pharmaceutical ingredient, elaborated and implemented by BIOTON S.A.
The productivity of animal agriculture in developing countries will need to be substantially increased in order to satisfy increasing consumer demand, to more efficiently utilize scarce resources and to generate income for a growing agricultural population. Biotechnology has the potential to improve the productivity of animals via increasing in growth, carcass quality and reproduction, improved nutritional quality, safety of food, improved health and welfare of animals and reduced waste through more efficient utilization Agricultural biotechnology is one area of application of biotechnology involving applications to agriculture and the application has long been source of innovation in production and processing, extremely impacting the sector. Agricultural biotechnology has been practiced for a long time, as people have sought to improve agriculturally important organisms by selection and breeding. This includes plant breeding to raise and stabilize yields; to improve resistance to pests, diseases and abiotic stresses such as drought and cold; and to enhance the nutritional content of foods. Biotechnology is being used to develop low-cost disease-free planting materials for crops such as cassava, banana and potato and is creating new tools for the diagnosis and treatment of plant and animal diseases and for the measurement and conservation of genetic resources. Modern biotechnology has the potential to provide new opportunities for achieving enhanced livestock productivity in a way that alleviates poverty, improves food security and nutrition and promotes sustainable use of natural resources. The major cause of poor livestock productivity in tropical regions of the world is inadequate nutrition. Low-quality forages are a major component of ruminant diets in the tropics. The lack of quality of ruminant feeds is caused by a high content of lignified crop residues and mature grasses, usually associated with a low content of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. The shortage of feed in most developing countries and the increasing cost of feed ingredients mean that there is a need to improve feed utilization. Animal feeds and feeding practices are being changed by biotechnology to improve animal nutrition and to reduce environmental waste. The ultimate goal of using biotechnology in animal nutrition is to improve the plane of nutrition through the use of enzymes to improve the availability of nutrients from feed and to reduce the wastage of the feed.
Crayfish are valuable invertebrates that are constantly in great demand in all corners of the Earth. Breeding crayfish is not only large-scale production as it can also be arranged in small volumes using pools and installations of closed water supply. Cultivation of crayfish generates profit after a certain period of time, if all biotechnological norms of cultivation are considered. Cultivation of crayfish is a rather promising production, in which it is possible to obtain from 200 to 300% of stable profits during 3–4 years old. The article gives an overview of the technology of growing crayfish, taking into account the characteristics of farming in Ukraine. The basic biotechnological stages of the establishment and operation of the economy are determined, calculations of capital expenditures for the establishment of the economy are presented and the profitability of the project for the production of freshwater crayfish is determined. Cultivation of river crayfish makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products that can compete on the markets of Ukraine or EU countries. Also, this way of growing crayfish allows getting stocking material for release in natural reservoirs in order to restore the populations of river crayfish.
Contemporary Hollywood film narrates the fear of monstrous science; attending to the modulations of medicine, capital and the body. The filmic body is employed to illustrate the power of the new biotechnologies to create and sustain life and the new sets of social relations which are a consequence of the marriage of capital and medicine. In the Hollywood film, persons who do not fit the ideal healthy persona have a moral duty to pursue repair and transformation. Constructed as inherently lacking, the unhealthy body becomes a repository for social anxieties about control and vulnerability, vis-à-vis the enormous and exponentially expanding science and technology fields. Hierarchies of embodiment are played out on the Big Screen as imperfect bodies are excluded from public life, power and status and urged to strive for “optimization”. Late modern societies present the possibility of new technologies which have the potential to radicalize bodies. However, these potential modulations are ultimately derived from a set of ideologies around the body and the power of the individual to enact an individualized solution. Contemporary narratives circulate around ownership of capital and the price of “repair.” This marriage of science and capital in popular narratives may be indicative of concerns for our future, as the power to make and repair life seems to rest increasingly in the hands of an elite.
Nowadays we are entering a new period in our history. It is an era of great computers, new technologies and genetic engineering. Most people look to the future with hope, but not Jeremy Rifkin, the American economist and critic of modern civilization. He has called this period 'The Biotech Century'. In his opinion, humanity is treading on thin ice. He believes, that biotechnology brings more disadvantages than advantages. He is trying to convince us that scientists are playing God in their laboratories. They often invent great things like new medicines or therapies. However, Rifkin also points to the other side of the coin. Firstly, there is no way of predicting the effects of biotechnology. Secondly, the human genetic code will be used for commercial purposes. Our genes will be on the market, like any other product in the supermarket. And thirdly, Riffkin warns against the return of eugenics. But this new eugenic will be more powerful, and much more dangerous.
Content available remote Bio-beneficiation of multimetal black shale ore by flotation
Within the framework of the EU co-funded Bioshale project the bio-benefication of multimetal black shale ore was studied. The EU-co-funded Bioshale project aims to define innovative biotechnological processes for "eco-efficient" exploitation of black shale ores. The ore sample was from the Talvivaara deposit in Finland. In the black shale ore sample, the total amount of sulphides was 31.5% of which the Ni-minerals pentlandite and altered pentlandite is 0.52%. Nickel is distributed into pyrrhotite and oxidized pyrrhotite, 32.5%, and pentlandite and altered pentlandite, 66.0%. Other sulphides are chalcopyrite (Cu), sphalerite (Zn), pyrite (Co) and alabandite (Mn). The ore sample contanied 12.3% graphite as a fine mixture with other minerals. In standard flotation, a low grade sulphide concentrate with 0.67 % Ni and nickel recovery of 74 % was obtained from the studied black shale ore. The mass of concentrate was then 34.5% of the ore feed. The recoveries of copper and zinc were 91%, of cobalt 89% and of manganese 53%. The content of carbon in the concentrate was 11.3% as graphite represents a naturally floating harmful mineral in the ore. The bioflotation tests showed that collector chemicals, i.e xanthates, had to be supplied to achieve reasonable flotation results. Out of the three tested bacterial strains, Staphylococcus carnosus, Bacillus firmus and Bacillus subtilis, the minor hydrophobic strain S. carnosus yielded the best test results. However, results of bioflotation tests failed to substantially improve the product recovery or grade.
W ramach programu "BIOSHALE", sponsorowanego przez Unię Europejską, badany był proces biowzbogacania polimineralnej rudy łupkowej. Celem projektu było opracowanie innowacyjnej metody eksploatacji rudy łupkowej w sposób przyjazny dla środowiska naturalnego. Ruda łupkowa pochodziła ze złoża Talvivaara zlokalizowanego w Finlandii. Próby rudy zawierały minerały siarczkowe, których całkowita zawartość wynosiła 31,5%. Nikiel znajdował się w pirotynie 32,5% i w pentlandycie 66.0%. Inne siarczki jakie występują w rudzie to chalkopiryt (Cu), sfaleryt (Zn), pirotyn (Co) i alabandyt (Mn). Próba rudy zawierała grafit w formie mieszaniny drobnych ziaren z innymi minerałami. W procesie flotacji rudy otrzymywano koncentrat siarczkowy o zawartości 0,67% niklu z uzyskiem 74%. Zagęszczenie nadawy na flotację wynosiło 34,5 %. Uzyski miedzi i cynku kształtowały się na poziomie 91% i 89%. Uzysk manganu wahał się na poziomie 53%. Zawartość węgla w koncentracie wynosiła 11,3%. Występował on w formie naturalnie flotującego grafitu. Próby bioflotacji pokazały, ze kolektor flotacyjny typu ksantogenian musi był zastosowany w celu uzyskania korzystnych wyników. Z trzech testowanych szczepów bakteryjnych: Staphylococus carnosus, Bacillus firmus i Bacillus subtilis najbardziej hydrofobowym szczepem okazał się być szczep Staphylococus carnosus, który dawał najlepsze wyniki flotacji. Jednakże, wyniki bioflotacji wskazują, że nie udało się w sposób istotny poprawić uzysk i wychód koncentratu flotacyjnego.
Experience in applying conventional and epithermal neutron activation analysis for some challenging areas of the life sciences is reviewed. For more than 25 years of its operation the radioanalytical complex REGATA at the IBR-2 reactor in Dubna has become a source of analytical data for the environmental studies, marine geology, bio-nano-technology and medicine, etc. In spite of competing non-nuclear analytical techniques (AAS, ICP-ES, ICP-MS, etc), the reactor neutron activation analysis (NAA) as a primary (ratio) method continues to be the most powerful multi-element analytical technique providing quantification of trace elements at ultra low levels. Combined with modern statistical data treatment of large arrays of data, GIS (geographic information system) technologies, electron scanning microscopy, tomography, and others, NAA serves to obtain practical results resumed in the review.
Omówiono zastosowanie konwencjonalnej i epitermalnej neutronowej analizy aktywacyjnej w niektórych ważnych obszarach nauk przyrodniczych. Przez ponad 25 lat swojej działalności radioanalitycznej kompleks REGATA przy reaktorze IBR-2 w Dubnej stał się źródłem danych analitycznych do badania środowiska, geologii morskiej, bionanotechnologii i medycyny itd. Mimo wielu konkurencyjnych, niejądrowych technik analitycznych (AAS, ICP-ES, ICP-MS, itp.) neutronowa analiza aktywacyjna (NAA) jest nadal najlepszą, podstawową wielopierwiastkową techniką analityczną zapewniającą ilościowe oznaczenie stężenia pierwiastków śladowych na bardzo niskim poziomie. W połączeniu z nowoczesnymi statystycznymi technikami przetwarzania dużych ilości danych, technologią GIS (system informacji geograficznej), elektronową mikroskopią skaningową, tomografią i innymi NAA pozwala na otrzymywanie ważnych w praktyce wyników, które zostały przedstawione w tym przeglądowym artykule.
Using a very small business (VSB) as a starting point the aim of the paper is to show the extent to which substantial and rapid technological, institutional and competitive changes can affect the emergence of new innovative ideas. Moreover, the paper attempts to identify a few general areas worth contemplating regarding the mechanisms of governance and the financing of young, innovative companies that stem from this research. In sectors that are subject to rapid competitive and technological changes, the structure of governance, the financing and the implementation are all key elements to their success. Results based on a case study show three distinct governance structures with related financing strategies. Hence, the personally crafted governance is reflecting by a personal or proximity (family, friends) type of financing, professional governance is accompanying by government financing (federal and provincial) and governance growth relies on institutional financing.
Content available remote Komputerowo wspomagane sterowanie eksperymentem biotechnologicznym
tom R. 13, nr 2
W artykule pokazano specyfikę pracy w laboratorium biotechnologicznym na przykładzie eksperymentów, które pozwoliły na opracowanie nowej metody sterowania dopływem pożywki w hodowli drożdży piekarskich. Na każdym etapie tych badań wykorzystano bogate możliwości i cechy środowiska programistycznego LabVIEW firmy National Instruments. Pozwoliło to na: stworzenie elastycznego stanowiska badawczego, samodzielne napisanie programu sterującego, zaimplementowanie nowego algorytmu sterującego bazującego na funkcji logistycznej oraz uzyskanie możliwości zdalnej kontroli przebiegu procesu.
The aim of this manuscript was to show specificity of work in a biotechnological laboratory based on experiments which have allowed to work out a new method of feed dosage in baker's yeast fermentation. During every stage of the research the rich capabilities and features of programming environment LabVIEW from National Instruments were extensively used. It enabled to build a flexible research station, develop a dedicated control application, implement a new control algorithm based on logistic function, and obtain possibility of remote process control.
W artykule zaprezentowana została specyfi ka przemysłu biotechnologicznego, wraz z jego problemami i krótko omówione są dostępne źródła fi nansowania innowacji w branży, wskazując na niektóre zalety i wady poszczególnych źródeł.
The article presents the characteristics of biotechnology together with its problems and shortly discusses the available sources of fi nance for innovations in the sector, pointing to some advantages and disadvantaged of the specifi c sources.
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