The paper presents the results of experiments on ecological toxicity assessment performed for 12 soil samples collected at 3 obsolete pesticide “tombs” in Poland, before their final disposal. Bioavailability of the main pollutants: p,p’-DDT, lindane and methoxychlor was assessed for selected samples by consecutive solid phase extraction using a Tenax TA sorbent. Several toxicity bioassays were also carried out, including: reducers (Microtox Soild Phase), producers (Phytotox) and consumers (tests of avoidance, acute toxicity and reproduction with use of the earthworm Eisenia foetida). Data from toxicity tests were discussed against the results of the chemical analysis of a wide range of pesticides determined by GC-ECD and GC-NPD. This part of the study enabled the evaluation of the applicability of the aforementioned bioassays in the assessment of pesticide soil pollution. Results of toxicity tests showed a slight to severe impairment of habitat function for all of the contaminated samples, which was only partially reflected by the analytical data. The most sensitive biotest was earthworm reproduction, followed by Phytotox and earthworm acute toxicity. Earthworm avoidance and Microtox tests were found to be of rather limited usability.
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Amphipods are a diverse and important group of invertebrates contributing to the functioning of aquatic ecosystems. In spite of their variety, many species of amphipods share important biological and ecological characteristics that make them suitable test organisms for assessment of the ecological quality of estuarine and marine sediments. Their pertinence as test organism includes ecological relevance, close association with sediments, sensitivity to environ-mental contaminants, and amenability for culture and experimentation. Amphipod bioassays are used to examine the effect of exposure to contaminants, as well as to assess whole sediment quality, improve bioassay methods, develop more sensitive endpoints, and compare sensitivity and utility of species in environmental quality assessment. This work reviews the developments in this area of research over the last decades, focusing on European amphipods. The most often used species, the type of bioassays and endpoints investigated, confounding factors influencing the bioassays outcome, and the main applications of the bioassays have been presented. This review also addresses some aspects of amphipod biology that are relevant for bioassay methods and results analysis.
The issues presented in this study concern a very important problem of the occurrence of cyanobacterial blooms in surface water used for water supply purposes. The objective of this study was to analyze the occurrence of cyanotoxic risk in the catchment area of the Obrzyca River (including Sławskie lake which is the beginning of the river), which is a source of drinking water for the inhabitants of Zielona Góra. In order to evaluate toxicity of cyanobacterial bloom it was conducted toxicological testing using aquatic invertebrates (Daphnia magna, Dugesia tigrina) and heterotrophic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas fluorescens). Test samples were collected from May to October, 2012. The most toxic was a sample collected from Lake Sławskie on 20th October when cyanobacteria bloom with a predominance of Microcystis aeruginosa occurred and the amount of microcystins was the largest. The methanol extract of the sample was toxic only above a concentration of 6x103 μgxdm-3. The lethal concentration (48-h LC 50) for Daphnia magna was 3.09x103 and for Dugesia tigrina (240-h LC 50) 1.51x103μgxdm-3 of microcystins (MC-LR, MC-YR and C-RR). The same extract stimulated growth of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis cells.
Zagadnienia przedstawione w niniejszym artykule dotyczą bardzo ważnego problemu występowania zakwitów sinic w wodach powierzchniowych wykorzystywanych do celów wodociągowych. Celem pracy była ocena cyjanotoksycznego ryzyka w zlewni rzeki Obrzyca (w tym jeziora Sławskiego będącego początkiem rzeki), która jest źródłem wody do picia dla mieszkańców Zielonej Góry. W celu oceny toksyczności sinic przeprowadzono badania toksykologiczne przy użyciu bezkręgowców wodnych (Daphnia magna i Dugesia tigrina) oraz bakterii heterotroficznych (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas fluorescens). Próbki do badań pobierano od maja do października w 2012 roku. Ekstrakt metanolowy z zakwitu sinic (dominacja gatunku Microcystis aeruginosa) w J. Sławskim, gdzie ilość mikrocystyn była największa, był toksyczny dopiero po zatężeniu do 6•103 μg•dm-3. Stężenie letalne (48-h LC 50) dla Daphnia magna wyniosło 3,09•103 a dla Dugesia tigrina (240-h LC 50) było równe 1,51•103 μg•dm-3 mikrocystyn (MC-LR, MC-YR i MC-RR). Ten sam ekstrakt stymulował wzrost komórek Escherichia coli i Enterococcus faecalis.
Fluorescence is one of the most commonly used methods of biodetection, mainly due to the high sensitivity, non-invasiveness, simplicity, and also due to the availability of the whole range of powerful light sources, a wide range of photodetectors, and numerous and sensitive measuring methods. From the point of view of biodetection and bioimaging, the important characteristics of such fluorophores are large Stokes shift, narrow absorption/emission lines as well as stable and efficient luminescence. Traditional organic dyes applied in biology reveal very fast photobleaching and limited opportunities for simultaneous detection of many biomolecules, what stimulate development of new fluorescent markers. Fast and intensive development of nanotechnology and chemical engineering observed in recent years, aims at designing the nanophosphors or luminescent nanoplatforms, that demonstrate desirable properties and devised functionality. However, new phosphors are not included yet in broad practical applications, mainly because of the need to adapt the measuring apparatus so as to fully exploit their potential. From among the fluorescent nano-particles, silica dye doped nanoparticles, quantum dots, nanocolloidal metallic nanoparticles, and lanthanide doped nanoluminophores show the largest application potential. This article discusses the unique physico-chemical properties of lanthanide doped nanoparticles, which beside very long luminescence lifetimes and narrow emission bands, enable to obtain a visible emission under the near infrared photoexcitation (called anti-Stokes emission), offering improved sensitivity, stability, repeatability and accuracy of the fluorescent biodetection and bioimaging methods. In this review, physico-chemical properties of lanthanide doped nanoluminophores and many examples of their biological applications have been discussed. The first chapter presents spectral characteristics of rare-earth ions with particular regard to the mechanism of energy transfer and up-conversion, which is a fundamental difference and the decisive advantage compared with other known fluorescent markers. The luminescent properties of lantanides are demonstrated based on the most commonly used nanomaterials singly doped with Eu^3+ and Tb^3+ and the codoped matrices, like Yb^3+-Tm^3+, Yb^3+-Er^3+or Yb^3+-Ho^3+ co-doped phosphores. The features of these materials are best suited from the point of view of biodetection and bioimaging. The next chapter gives an overview of the applications of lanthanide doped nanoluminophores in biological sciences. Different types of hetero-/homo-genous tests and luminesce based sensors for pH, CO_2, the level of glucose, and other analytes are presented. Then, basic aspects of bioimaging, photodynamic and thermo-therapy, nanotermometry as well as nano-bio-technology platforms have been summarized. In conclusion suggestions of new research directions and new biological applications of lanthanide doped nanoparticles have been presented.
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Oprócz ubocznych produktów dezynfekcji w wodzie basenowej współcześnie identyfikowane są również inne mikrozanieczyszczenia z makrogrupy PPCPs. Toksyczny charakter tych związków powoduje, że do oceny jakości wody basenowej można rozważyć analizę ekotoksykologiczną. W tym zakresie niezbędna jest również ponowna ocena technologii wody basenowej w aspekcie eliminacji mikrozanieczyszczeń. Wszystkie poruszone powyżej aspekty wymagają prowadzenia szeregu nowych badań podstawowych.
In addition to disinfection by-products in swimming pool water today are identified other micropollutants from macro group of PPCPs. The toxic nature of these compounds means that the assessment of the quality of the pool water should be included in the ecotoxicological analysis. In this respect, it is also necessary to re-evaluation of treatment technologies including swimming pool water in terms of the elimination of micropollutants. All aspects discussed above require one of a set of new basic research.
Artykuł przedstawia zagadnienie ekotoksykologii – nauki o wpływie substancji na ożywione elementy środowiska. Omówione zostały cele, metody oraz podstawy prawne badań ekotoksykologicznych. Artykuł podaje również przykłady metodyki badań.
The following article introduces the concept of ecotoxicology – a science of the interactions between toxicants and living components of the environment. Described are goals, methods and legislation concerning ecotoxicological studies. Moreover, the article gives examples of materials and methods used in practical ecotoxicology.
Assessment of the impact of pharmaceutical residues on living organisms is very complex subject. Apart from taking into account the toxicity of individual compounds also their presence in mixtures should be taken into account. In this work, attempts were made to assess the ecotoxicity of biologically active substances (with 50 % effective concentration (EC50) values growing from fluoxetine (EC50 = 4.431 nM) >> gemfibrozil ≈ 17α-ethinylestradiol ≈ ketorolac > indomethacin > theophylline ≈ progesterone > naproxen ≈ trypsin > 2-(2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)propionic acid > chloramphenicol > acetylsalicylic acid > ibuprofen > ketoprofen > 19-norethindrone to bezafibrate as the least toxic drug among studied ones) to the ISO standardized Ostracodtoxkit FTM bioassay. The Ostracodtoxkit FTM was proven to be very sensitive tool with respect to responding to presence of pharmaceuticals. Results of studies justify the statement that more research is needed in field of assessment of chronic exposure to pharmaceuticals and other newly emerging pollutants especially when they are present in complex mixture.
Ocena wpływu pozostałości farmaceutyków na organizmy żywe jest bardzo złożonym zagadnieniem. Oprócz brania pod uwagę toksyczności tylko pojedynczych związków również współobecność wielu zanieczyszczeń musi być rozważana. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę wyznaczenia stopnia ekotoksyczności biologicznie aktywnych substancji (o wartościach stężeń efektywnych (EC50) rosnących w szeregu fluoksetyna (EC50 = 4.431 nM) >> gemfibrozyl ≈ 17α-etynyloestradiol≈ketorolak > indometacyna > teofilina ≈ progesteron > naproksen ≈ trypsyna > kwas 2-(2,4,5-trichlorofenoksy)propionowy > chloramfenikol > kwas acetylosalicylowy > ibuprofen > ketoprofen > 19-noretyndron ≈ bezafibrat jako najmniej toksyczny lek pośród badanych) wobec testu Ostracodtoxkit FTM, standaryzowanego normą ISO. Test Ostracodtoxkit FTM okazał się bardzo czułym narzędziem pod względem odpowiedzi na obecność farmaceutyków. Wyniki badań uzasadniają stwierdzenie, że więcej badań jest koniecznych do przeprowadzenia w obszarze oceny ekspozycji chronicznej na farmaceutyki i inne nowo pojawiające się zanieczyszczenia, zwłaszcza w przypadku ich obecności w złożonych mieszaninach.
Plants and animals, through their highly specific demands on environmental resources, can be usefully employed for monitoring human impacts on the environment, particularly pollution. Biomonitors are selected for their ability to respond to a particular pollutant and/or to accumulate one or more particular elements or compounds. However, biomonitoring, including bioassays, can be ineffectual in comparing temporal and spatial differences in the environment due to the lack of relevant baseline data and the adoption of a wide variety of field and laboratory techniques. Furthermore, although species are hierarchical in their susceptibility to a defined pollution burden, the latter may be composed of two or more contaminants, as revealed by bioassays, and influenced by several environmental factors which may be acting synergistically. Therefore, rigorous protocols need to be adopted for meaningful assessments of environmental quality and of risk to human health and safety.
W środowisku naturalnym rośliny i zwierzęta, dzięki swoim specyficznym właściwościom, mogą być wykorzystywane do kontroli wpływu człowieka na środowisko naturalne, szczególnie zanieczyszczeń. Wybór biomonitora uzależniony jest od jego możliwości do akumulacji specyficznych zanieczyszczeń i/lub ich mieszanin. Jednak biomonitoring, wyłączając testy biologiczne, może być bezskuteczny w porównywaniu czasowych i przestrzennych zmian zachodzących w środowisku naturalnym z powodu braku podstawowych danych wynikających z dużej różnorodności środowiska i technik laboratoryjnych. Ponadto chociaż gatunki są hierarchiczne w ich podatności na akumulację określonych zanieczyszczenia, to polutant może być złożony z dwu alba więcej związków zanieczyszczających, ujawnionych przez testy biologiczne, na które wpływa kilka czynników środowiskowych, które mogą oddziaływać synergicznie. Dlatego powinny być przyjęte określone metodyki badawcze, aby dokonać oceny zanieczyszczenia środowiska, jakości zanieczyszczeń i ich wpływu na ludzkie zdrowie i bezpieczeństwo.
In the managed forest of temperate Europe, black cherry (Prunus serotina) is one of the most important invader species. Among the ecological traits enabling its expansion in forest stands, the role of chemical compounds released naturally by this plant into the environment still remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of black cherry leaf litter on the germination and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings. Laboratory bioassays with extracts from newly fallen and decomposed leaves showed a phytotoxic effect on root elongation and a slightly weaker negative effect on stem growth of pine shoots. The inhibitory effect increased with the gradient of leaf extract concentration. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation was observed between condensed tannin content in decomposed leaf litter of the black cherry and the pine root growth. The results are discussed in the context of black cherry litter properties which could interfere with natural regeneration of pine forests.
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