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Workers at metal machining workstations are exposed to airborne dust particles containing metals and their compounds. Their harmful impact on the workers’ health depends on both their chemical composition and their distribution. The aim of this study was to determine the content of metals in dust fractions emitted in the process of mechanical machining of products made of brass, steel and cast iron. Samples taken during grinding, turning and drilling were tested. The concentration of metals in dust fractions was determined with atomic absorption spectrometry. The content of iron, manganese, chromium, zinc, lead, copper and nickel in the dust fractions was highly differentiated depending on the size of the particles, the material and the processes used.
Content available Cadmium in pork and poultry liver in southern Poland
Samples of pork and poultry livers (ten samples of each type, purchased in southern Poland) were analyzed in order to determine the cadmium concentration. Wet digestion of the samples was carried out and the concentration of cadmium was measured by means of graphitefurnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS). The mean values for pork and poultry livers were 79.3 µg/kg and 165.3 µg/kg, respectively. In one sample of poultry liver the Cd concentration was 1043 µg/kg, which is much more than the legal limit for the European Union (500 µg/kg). Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference in Cd concentration between the two groups of the samples, unless the highest result (1043 µg/kg) was considered an outlier.
The aim of the study was to determine the content of copper, manganese and chromium in white and red wines available on Polish market. The results have been compared with similar studies of other researchers as well as with the recommendations regarding dietary intake of analysed elements. Statistical analysis showed that there was a statistically important difference in manganese and copper content between the two groups of wines.
Determination of mercury in the food products and human hair was carried out using the mercury specific atomic absorption analyser (AMA 254) after thermal mineralisation of samples and preconcentration of mercury vapours on the gold layer. The samples not need any pretreatment step. Very small samples are sufficient for analysis (20-100 mg). Mercury was analysed in the food products, such as flour, fish, sausage, milk, cheese, cream, cakes from a market place and human hair. The contents of_ercury in food products are lower or even much lower than the maximum admissible concentrations for food accepted by the most of European countries and recommended by The World Health Organisation. The highest concentrations were found in fishes and significantly higher in larger species (older) than smaller ones (younger). It confirms bioaccumulation of mercury in the aqueous organisms. The higher concentration was found also in the processed products (sausage, bacon, powdered milk, cheese, gelatine, cakes) than in raw products (milk, cream, flour, starch). Human hair seems to be a very good sample for biomonitoring of environmental pollution by mercury.
Oznaczanie rtęci w produktach żywnościowych oraz włosach prowadzono z zastosowaniem specyficznego dla rtęci spektrofotometru absorpcji atomowej (AMA 254) po mineralizacji próbki i wzbogaceniu par rtęci na złożu z metalicznym złotem. Analizowane próbki nie wymagały żadnego wstępnego przygotowania. Do analizy wystarczała niewielka ilość próbki (20-100 mg). Rtęć oznaczano w takich produktach spożywczych, jak: mąka, ryby, kiełbasa, mleko, ser, śmietana, ciastka, kupowanych w oficjalnym handlu oraz we włosach ludzkich. Zawartość rtęci w produktach spożywczych była niższa lub nawet dużo niższa niż wynosi najwyższe dopuszczalne stęzenie tego pierwiastka w żywnosci przyjęte przez większość państw europejskich oraz Światową Organizację Zdrowia (WHO). Najwyższe stężenia stwierdzono w rybach, i to istotnie wyższe w rybach większych (starszych) niż mniejszych (młodszych). Potwierdza to biokumulację rtęci w organizmach wodnych. Większe stężenia rtęci stwierdzono także w produktach przetworzonych (kiełbasa, boczek, mleko w proszku, ser, żelatyna, ciastka) w porównaniu z surowcami (mleko, śmietana, mąka, krochmal). Ludzkie włosy są dobrymi próbkami do stwierdzenia zanieczyszczenia srodowiska przez rtęć.
Our investigations were concerned with the determination of four heavy metals in six sampling sites from 1996 to 1999. These places are situated - from one side - in the open sea, where most of recreation towns are situated and - on the other side - in the area of the Gdansk Bay, where the industry is located. Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) was used for the determination of selected toxic metals (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) in natural water samples. The monitored metals were found to be present in selected sampling sites. This can indicate the contamination of the Gdańsk Bay originates from quite different sources. The flood in Poland (1997) has not caused any increase of the contamination of the Gdańsk Bay and Vistula River with toxic heavy metals.
Badania dotyczyły oznaczania czterech metali ciężkich w sześciu punktach pomiarowych od 1996 do 1999 r. Miejsca pobierania próbek znajdowały się, z jednej strony, na otwartym morzu, gdzie zlokalizowana jest większość miast turystycznych, z drugiej strony, w rejonie Zatoki Gdańskiej, gdzie zlokalizowane są zakłady przemysłowe. Do oznaczania wybranych metali ciężkich (Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu) w wodach naturalnych zastosowano woltamperometrię inwersyjną (ASV). Oznaczane metale zostały znalezione we wszystkich punktach pobierania próbek. Świadczy to o tym, że zanieczyszczenia Zatoki Gdańskiej pochodzą z różnych źródeł. Powódź w Polsce w 1997 r. nie spowodowała wzrostu zanieczyszczenia Zatoki Gdańskiej i Wisły metalami ciężkimi.
Content available remote Zróżnicowanie zawartości pierwiastków śladowych w iłach poznańskich
W próbkach iłów poznańskich, pobranych z 18 eksploatowanych obecnie złóż tych surowców, oznaczono zawartość pierwiastków śladowych: As, Ba, Br, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hf, La, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Bi, Th, U, V, Y, Zn, Zr, Cd, Sn, a także pierwiastków głównych: Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, Ti, metodą fluorescencyjnej spektrometrii rentgenowskiej (XRF), zawartość rtęci, metodą spektrometrycznej absorpcji atomowej (CV-AAS) z zatężaniem na amalgamatorze oraz węgla organicznego, metodą kulometryczną. Stwierdzono zróżnicowanie w zawartości badanych składników w iłach, w zależności od ich litostratygrafii i regionu występowania.
In the samples of clays of Poznań series, taken from the 18 currently operating deposites of these raw materials the content of trace elements: As, Ba, Br, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Ga, Hf, La, Mo, Nb, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sr, Bi, Th, U, V, Y, Zn, Zr, Cd, Sn and major elements: Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, P, Ti were determined using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), the mercury content was determine using spectrometry atomic absorption method (CV-AAS), and the concentration of organic carbon was determine by coulometric titration. Variability in the contents of tested components was found based on their lithostratigraphy and the region of oceurrence.
The paper presents the results of arsenic, antimony and selenium analyses in the Lednickie lake water. The study concentrates on the discrimination of speciation forms (As, Sb(III)/(V), Se(IV)/(VI) and their organic forms) of the determined elements by means of analytical procedures. A specially designed and optimised methodology of hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) was employed in the analyses. The limits of detection were established as o,14 ug/dm3 for As(III), 0,16 ug/dm3 for total As; 0,17 ug/dm3 for Sb(III); 0,18 ug/dm3 for total Sb and 0,15 ug/dm3 for selenium. In water samples total arsenic was present at the level of 1,20 ug/dm3, antimony 0,40 ug/dm3 and selenium 0,20 ug/dm3.
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczeń arsenu, antymonu i selenu w wodzie jeziora Lednickiego. W badaniach skoncentrowano się na rozróżnieniu za pomocą procedur analitycznych form specjacyjnych (As, Sb(III)/(V), Se(IV)(VI) oraz form związanych z materią organiczną) oznaczanych pierwiastków. Do oznaczeń analitycznych zastosowano opracowaną i zoptymalizowaną metodykę techniki generowania wodorków absorpcyjnej spektrometrii atomowej. Uzyskano granice wykrywalności odpowiednio 0,14 ng/mL dla As(III), 0,16 ng/mL dla As ogólnego: 0,17 ug/dm3 dla Sb(III); 0,18 ug/dm3 dla Sb ogólnego oraz 0,15 ug/dm3 dla selenu. W badanych próbkach wody arsen ogólny oznaczono na poziomie 1,20 ug/dm3, antymon 0,40 ug/dm3 i selen 0,20 ug/dm3.
This paper reports determination of arsenic, antimony and selenium in different matrices using atomic absorption spectrometry, with atomisation in a graphite tube and with generation of hydrides. The actual state of atomic absorption spectrometry as the method of determining As, Sb and Se is described on the basis of literature data. The effects of interference in determinations by atomic absorption spectrometry, and the problems related to sample preparation to determinations (extraction, mineralisation, concentration) are discussed. The application of flow injection analysis in atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation is described. The effectiveness of atomic absorption spectrometry in speciation determinations of arsenic, antimony and selenium applied alone and in combination with chromatographic methods is shown.
Techniką zimnych par bezpłomieniowej absorpcji atomowej (CV-AAS) oznaczono stężenie rtęci ogółem w owocnikach 17 gatunków grzybów i substracie spod grzybów z terenu lasów kościerskich w okolicy Lubiany. Materiał do badania zebrano jesienią 1993 i 1994 r. Analizą objęto 445 próbek grzybów (całych owocników, kapeluszy lub trzonów) oraz 230 próbek substratu. Zbadano współzależności pomiędzy stężeniem rtęci w grzybach i substracie.
Seventeen species of higher mushrooms and underlying substrate were collected in October of 1993 and 1994 in the Kościerskie forests near the village of Lubiana and investigated for concentrations and relationships of total mercury. The method of mercury determination was cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) after wer digestion with concentrated nitric acid. The highest mercury concentration was found in the fruiting body of Lycoperdon perlatum, 1100 ± 400 µg/kg dry weight; for other species the average concentration ranged between 150 and 660 µg/kg in caps, and between 50 and 450 µg/kg in stalks. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of the total mercury was > 1 for all species examined, and highest BCF values (39 ± 19 to 67 ± 23 µg/kg) were found in Clitopilus prunulus, Amanita muscaria, Amanita vaginata (caps) and Lycoperdon perlatum (the whole fruiting body). A positive correlation (p<0.05) was found between concentration of mercury in underlying substrate and Xerocomus subtomentosus caps.
Praca zawiera wyniki oznaczeń zawartości glinu w pieczywie i herbatnikach, w przetworach rybnych, w niektórych warzywach i truskawkach, w herbatach i herbatkach owocowych oraz w naparach z tych herbat i herbatek. W produktach o spodziewanej niskiej zawartości glinu oznaczano go głównie metodą spektrofotometryczną, po uprzedniej mineralizacji półmokrej próbek i następnie ekstrakcji z nich chloroformem glinu w postaci kompleksu z 8-hydr oksychinoliną. W produktach o spodziewanej wyższej zawartości tego metalu oznaczano go wprost metodą płomieniowej absporpcji atomowej (ASA) w płomieniu acetylen-podtlenek azotu. Metodę tę stosowano również wtedy, gdy do mineralizacji użyto próbek o większej masie tj. 25 i 50 g. Dla porównania, niektóre próbki oznaczano obiema metodami.
Results of aluminium determinations in breads and buiscuits as well as in fish preserves, vegetables, strawberries and teas including fruit-herb teas are presented. Also the percent of extraction of aluminium of various kind of tea leaves into the infusions was determined. The commercially available sample of foods was used for investigation. Aluminium was determined by using two methods: a spectrophotometry extraction method with-hydroxyquinoline and less sensitive AAS method with nitrous oxide-acethylene flame on PU 9100X Philips Spectrometer could with IBM compatible Computer (Hundai) provided with 9178/9X Flame Program Unicam Limited - 1991. The sample was at first digested with mixture of concentrated acids (H2SO4 + HNO3 + HCIO4 in teflon vesels and then finished in platinum dishes. Solutions of the destroyed samples was kept in polethylene botles. The methods was checked by recovery tests. In the 8-hydroxyguinoline-extraction-method about 88,5% to 106,5% of the added aluminium was determined and in the AAS method it was of 75% to 100%. The highest level of aluminium was found in the eas: from 445 to 1522 mg/kg (mean 879 mg/kg) and then in herb-fruit teas (consisting of dried herbs and fruits of sloe plum, brier-rose juneberry Aronia etc.) from 45 to 379 mg Al/kg of dry matter. About 29% of the metal was extracted from teas into the infusion. Lower levels was found in breads (0.0 - 92,0 mg mean 29,95 mg/kg) and in the fish preserves (0,0-57,0 mg mean 18,1 mg AL/kg). Similar levels were also found in 7 kinds of popular vegetables (0,0-100 mg mean 33,3 mg Al/kg). The lowest levels was found in strawberries (0,50-3,0 mg Al/kg). It was calculated that drinking three glasses of tea daily may supply about 2,6 to 3,7% of the provisional tolerable weekly intake dose set bythe Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee. It is concluded that the obtained results are similar to those publshed by other authors and represents a levels normally encounteredin foods, and do not create any risk for human consumption.
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