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The present article focuses on artefacts made of antlers with holes drilled for the haft, both those available in physical collections and those known only from archaeological literature. This category of items is held by a number of central and regional museums in Belarus, as well as in private collections. Such ‘dispersion’ of the items makes their study problematic. Until now, no comprehensive study of antler artefacts with drilled holes from gravel pits located in Smarhon has been conducted. Publications have so far considered only the specimens that are most representative from the point of view of comparative typology. Michal Chernyavskiy and Piotr Kalinovskiy invariably associated tools with drilled holes with the Mesolithic period. However, this group of tools is more diverse and chronologically complicated than previously thought. The authors of the present article propose a new typological scheme for this item category which is part of a pan-European cultural and chronological context based on a complex analysis of antler artefacts with drilled holes.
The article presents a previously little known ornamented antler artifact discovered nearly five decades ago in the deposits of an open cast chalk mine at Nowa Łupianka, woj. podlaskie (Fig. 1). It is a 41.5 cm long right antler of a red deer, its head section is 7.85 cm wide, the main stem 3.5–3.8 cm wide (Fig. 2). The truncated head section features a hole bored inside the antler to the maximum depth of 10.5 cm (Fig. 4g). Worthy of note is both the unusual richness of the ornament as well as the precise multi-stage working. It is possible to reconstruct the working techniques used in producing the specimen. After preliminary preparation of the raw material (presumably separating the antler from the skull, cutting and breaking off of the needed fragment, cutting off of the brow line and trez) it was softened most probably by soaking in cold water or by heating, for instance, in ashes. Next, the surface of the object was carefully modelled by whittling. It is also possible that an effort was made to straighten the antler (Fig. 6). Finally, after decorating the antler with an elaborate ornament it was smoothed and polished. There is a suggestion that the antler was painted with yellow ochre (Table 1). The find is covered with a series of notches almost all over its surface forming an original composition, different at different locations. Several zones of ornamentation were distinguished: A. On the face of the circular head section, five lines formed of 18 grooves and 6 rough incisions converging at a single point and 7 incisions on the edge forming a zigzag (Fig. 3); B. On the circumference of the head section, two rows of lentoid incisions arranged in two rows: row one – 23 lentoid incisions (12 distinct and 11 less well defined), row two – 31 lentoid incisions (29 distinct and 2 schematic) (Fig. 2–4); C. In the region of the junction of the head section and the main beam, on one side of the antler, a set of 13 irregular incisions, on the opposite side, a set of 7 and 8 parallel incisions; D. On three sides of the main beam, an ornament of a large zigzag formed of 6–8 parallel lines of incisions in the form of adjoining “V-shapes (Fig. 4a,b,d); E. On the remaining side of the main stem, herringbone formed by five pairs of diagonal lines and a central line topped with chevron incisions, one of its apexes pointing downwards (Fig. 4c); F. On the top section, an encircling representation of a “fringe composed of sets of 2–4 parallel rows of incisions separated from zones D and E by three to five transverse lines of incisions (Fig. 5). The ornament was produced with a flint burin in two similar techniques: 1. Technique of an engraved line, a single incision; 2. Technique of repeated deepened incisions to produce grooves or lentoid shapes. Presumably the ornament on the antler was made at a single sitting by one artist. In its technique of working the find from Nowa Łupianka shares some characteristics with mesolithic antler objects from the European Lowland (Pobiel 10, Pułtusk, Woźniki, Sværdborg I, Holmegaard I, IV). However, the ornament seen on individual sections of the specimen has no close analogies on any bone or antler objects in the western and eastern Baltic zone during the Boreal Period (G. Clark 1975; I. Loze 1983). Likewise, the form of the artifact does not resemble any known antler or bone artifacts. Presumably the studied find did not serve any economic function (showing no traces of wear or damage, being in a fine state of preservation and apparently resulting from substantial effort to model and decorate the antler). Rather it would seem that the aim was to produce an object of beauty having a decorative purpose and most probably, symbolic as well. The incisions may have been a calendar of a kind associated with inserting additional months to form a year consisting of 12 lunar months (see S. Iwaniszewski 1996). In zone E it is possible to distinguish a design which may possibly be an anthropomorphic representation. The image has analogies in mesolithic specimens from Denmark (Veksø, Jordløse, Ryemarksgaard, Refsvindinge, Fyn(?); fig. 7). Alternately, it may be an image of an animal or plant – lizard or Cosmic Tree with an image of a heavenly body (moon or sun) at the top. Both designs have numerous analogies in 17th c. and later clan symbols of Siberian tribes on the river Ob (Fig. 8). Accurate dating of the antler find and definition of its culture affiliation is at present exceedingly difficult owing to the lack of archaeological context or close analogies. Nevertheless on the basis of raw material used to produce the specimen it is possible to define the lower chronological boundary to the beginning of the Holocene when woodland fauna, mainly red deer, dominated Poland’s territory. Definition of the upper chronological boundary is more difficult. Ornamented antler artifacts occur in the Mesolithic but in later periods as well. Basing on the elements of the working and the ornamentation technique the find from Nowa Łupianka may with relative probability be classified as a specimen of early Holocene art.
W artykule przedstawiono topór z poroża znaleziony w miejscowości Łukęcin na wybrzeżu Bałtyku. Narzędzie przypomina późnomezolityczny topór typu Kongemose, choć jego dokładna chronologia nie jest pewna.
The article presents a stray find of an antler axe from Łukęcin discovered on the coast of the Baltic. The artefact resembles the Late Mesolithic Kongemose type axe, although its exact chronology is unclear.
Our study assesses environmental lead and fluoride pollution in West Pomeranian forests in Poland, on the basis of chemical analysis of antlers and skull bones of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) from the surroundings of Szczecin and Drawsko Pomorskie, Poland. Lead was measured by atomic absorption spectrometry, and fluorides by using an ion-selective electrode. Our study indicates greater lead contamination in the forests near Drawsko Pomorskie than in the forests near Szczecin. The cause may be their long-term exploitation as a military area. The roe deer population near Szczecin is exposed to increased fluoride pollution, but the concentration of fluoride in hard tissues of roe deer has diminished considerably in comparison with data acollected 10 years prior to our study.
The study catalogues all currently known finds of bone and antler harpoons and points associated with Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Protoneolithic culture in the southern Baltic zone, between the mouths of the Oder and Niemen rivers. It undertakes an analysis of the category in typological, chronological and cultural terms, taking into consideration results of recent paleogeographic investigations and research on the Stone Age in this region. An important element of this study are drawn plates of nearly all of the discussed objects as well as distribution maps. The author gives a critical analysis of the classic harpoon and point typology presented by J.G.D. Clark (1936) in the context of a broader source base, encompassing finds from the entire Baltic zone. A detailed morphological classification of harpoon barbs is one of the most important tools essential to this end.
Antlers and skulls collected for chemical analysis originated from roe deer Capreo­lus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) bucks bagged in the Rogów hunting district in central Poland. Antlers were divided by the quality and by the age. The specific gravity of the antlers as well as nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium content were measured. The highest nitrogen content was in corkscrew antlers, which also had the lowest density. Corkscrew antlers contained the lowest calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium content. The highest amounts of these biogens were found in regressive and year-old antlers. Ca/P ratios were measured and relatively consistent, while Ca/N ratios varied and were lowest in year-old antlers.
Annual shedding of antlers by males is a characteristic feature of most deer species. Regrowth is very fast, reaching 2 cm/day for some species and making them an interesting model for studying tissue regeneration processes. The aim of this study was to compare the contents of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in antlers and cranial bones of European red deer from Western Pomerania, Poland. We obtained 30 antlers from three forestry districts that differed in the extent of environmental pollution with fluorine compounds, SO₂, NOx, CO, and CO₂ (Trzebież, Rokita and Gryfino). Deer were assigned to two age groups: from 2 to 4 years, and from 6 to 8 years. Powdered samples of cranial bones and antler base obtained with a dental drill were dissolved in nitric acid. Calcium and magnesium contents were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy, while phosphorus was determined colorimetrically. The content of calcium was higher in antlers - (mean 133.96 mg/g) hardly surprising given the higher calcified cartilage and immature bone content in antler as opposed to cranial bone (mean 123.79 mg/g). Phosphorus content was slightly higher in bones than in antlers (84.62 mg/g and 83.58 mg/g, respectively), which suggests that Ca:P ratios are different in the mineral phase or that there is more P in bone compared to the antler matrix. No difference in magnesium content was noted (5.23 to 5.46 mg/g). Statistical analysis revealed significant differences depending on age of the animal and level of industrial pollution in the animal's habitat.
W celu przeprowadzenia oceny cech selekcyjnych ustalono odpowiednie wskaźniki, które charakteryzują jakość poroża. Wyliczono je jako iloraz: a) długości opieraków do oczniaków (x = 1.01), b) górnego do dolnego obwodu tyk (x = 0.91), c) dolnego obwodu tyk do obwodu róż (x = 0.61). Pozwoliły one na ustalenie pewnych cech poroża jeleni pochodzących z odstrzałów selekcyjnych. Wykazały one równomierne rozwinięcie odnóg bojowych (oczniaki, opieraki) oraz przesunięcie masy poroża w dolną jego partię. W pracy zwrócono szczególną uwagę na formę poroża wyrażającą się liczbą odnóg oraz rozłogą wieńca, która w badanej populacji utrzymuje się na stałym poziomie 76.5% (+ - 1.5%) w poszczególnych klasach wiekowych. Wyjątkiem były szpicaki, u których parametr ten wyniósł 115%. Liczba odnóg rośnie od dwóch (w drugim roku życia) do jedenastu (u osobników w 11. roku życia i starszych).
In order to evaluate the selection traits, suitable indices tors which characterize the quality of antlers, were determined. They were calculated as a quotient of: a) the length of tray tine and the length of brow tine (x = 1.01), b) upper circumference and lower circumference (x = 0.91), c) lower circumference and circumference of the coronet (x = 0.61). They allowed determining certain characteristics of antlers of deer that had been culled. They indicated a uniform development of fighting tines (brow tines and tray tines) and shifting of the antlers weight to the lower part of the antlers. A special attention was paid to the form of antlers finding expression in the number of tines and inside span, which in the population being investigated remains at a constant level of 76.5% (+ - 1.5%). The number of tines increases from two (in the second year of life) to eleven (in individuals aged 11 years or older).
Z badań wynika, że poroże byków jeleni w wieku powyżej 10 roku życia (F) z terenu wojewó­dztwa olsztyńskiego charakteryzuje się bardzo wysokimi parametrami. Wyrazem tego są wyniki wyceny CIC byków łownych (Fa) średnio na 175.18 pkt oraz selekcyjnych na 166.16 pkt pomiarowych wraz z punktami za nadoczniaki, bez wyceny za piękno. Przeciętny wieniec pozyskanego byka łownego był medalowy, ważył brutto 6.64 kg, a dominującą formą w tej podgrupie był czternastak nieregularny (13 odnóg). Jednocześnie nie stwierdzono różnic statystycznie istotnych przy porównywaniu masy tuszy byków łownych - Fa (x = 152.7 kg) i selekcyjnych w tej klasie wieku — Fb (x = 148.7 kg), co świadczy, że nie ma ona wpływu na masę, formę i potęgę poroża. Wykazano również stabilność pewnych cech, które charakteryzują całą klasę F, jak: długość tyk (Fa: x = 93.2 cm; Fb: x = 93.4 cm), długość opieraków (Fa: x = 34.4 cm; Fb: x = 32.5 cm), maksymalna wewnętrzna rozpiętość tyk (Fa: x = 70.9 cm; Fb: x = 70.1 cm) jak również "rozkład masy poroża".
It results from the investigation that the antlers of deer stags aged over 10 years (F) of the area of the province of Olsztyn have very high parameters. This has been expressed by the results of the final CIC score for warrantable stags (Fa) with the average result amounting to 175.18 measuring points and poor quality stags to be culled with the average result amounting to 166.16 measuring points, including the points for bay tines, without a beauty evaluation. Average antlers of a warran­table stag gained were of a medal value, its gross weight was 6.64 kg, and a dominating form in this subgroup was 13-points (13 tines). At the same time, no statistically significant differences were found while comparing carcass weights of warrantable stags — Fa (x = 152.7 kg) and poor quality stags to be culled in this age group — Fb (x = 146.7 kg), which proves that carcass weight has no influence on the weight, form and strength of antlers. It has also been proved that there is a stabili­ty in some of the traits which characterize the whole F class, such as the length of the main beam (F„ X = 93.2 cm;Fbx = 93.4 cm), length of tray tine (Fa x = 34.4 cm; Fb x = 32.5 cm), maximum inside span (Fa x = 70.9 cm; Fb x = 70.1 cm), as well as „distribution of antlers weight".
Praca zawiera syntetyczny opis wymiernych cech poroża i masy tusz jeleni selekcyjnych z województwa olsztyńskiego. Zbadanie z 1694 szt. - 1388 tusz i 1541 poroży pozwoliło na obiektywną analizę byków w poszczególnych klasach wiekowych pod względem następujących cech: masy tuszy, masy wieńca, maksymalnej wewnętrznej rozpiętości tyk, długości tyk, długości oczniaków i opieraków, dolnego i górnego obwodu tyk, liczby odnóg i obecności nadoczniaków oraz obwodu róż. Statystyczne różnice w cechach poroża i masie tusz pomiędzy badanymi grupami potwierdzają słuszność dokonanego przy ocenie trofeów podziału na klasy wiekowe. Jednocześnie wycena jeleni selekcyjnych powyżej 10. roku życia średnio na 166.16 pkt pomiarowych CIC, licząc z punktami za nadoczniaki, stawia jakość badanego jelenia mazurskiego na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Te trofea byków selekcyjnych kwalifikują się średnio do brązowego medalu. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły również ustalić wymiary poszczególnych cech poroża, które charakteryzują średnie w poszczególnych klasach.
This paper contains a synthetic description of measurable characteristics of antlers and carcass weight of poor quality stags to be culled in the district of Olsztyn. Examining 1388 carcasses and 1541 antlers out of 1694 allowed an objective analysis of stags in particular age groups with regard to the following characteristics: carcass weight, antlers weight, maximal inside span, length of the main beam, length of brow tine, length of tray tine, lower circumference, upper circumference, number of tines and the presence of bay tines as well as circumference of the coronet. Statistical differences in antlers and carcass weight characteristics between the groups under investigation prove the Tightness of the division into age groups while evaluating the trophies. At the same time, the evaluation of poor quality stags to be culled aged 10 years or more at an average level of 166.16 CIC measuring points including the score for bay tines, places the quality of the Masurian deer at a very high level. The trophies of poor quality stags to be culled are, on the average, suitable for a bronze medal. The investigation also made it possible to determine the measurements of par­ticular antlers characteristics, which describe the averages in particular classes.
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