The work of Juan Ramón Jiménez exists in a world deprived of generic boundaries. The author explored the possibilities offered both by the verse and the prose. Thanks to the enormous efforts of the critics, we can appreciate now all of his writings. Among them we find with some surprise several texts that can be included in the anthologies of one of the most striking phenomena of the present time: the short short stories. In this paper we present a study of the stories from the volume Cuentos largos, based on the theoretical contributions of the experts of the flash fiction. The analysis of the formal aspects of these texts will allow concluding whether el Poeta Andaluz can be counted among the precursors of the short short stories.
Business model innovation (BMI) has emerged as a vital determinant for the organization’s success and survival. This study explores the external (technological turbulence and market dynamism) and internal (knowledge management culture and inbound open innovation) antecedents of BMI and its effect on firm performance on a sample of high-tech companies from Poland (n=160). We find that external antecedents and inbound open innovation are positively related to BMI and that BMI positively affects company performance. This study contributes to the extant literature by emphasizing the role of organizational propensity to conduct open innovation, revealed by building strong ties with external parties and relying on their innovation through proactive search for external ideas, technological knowledge, and products.
Purpose: There have been numerous studies analyzing the role of psychic (and cultural) distance in the internationalization process focused on relationships between distance and market selection, entry mode, or subsidiary performance. Still, cumulative findings of this body of research are mixed and inconclusive. Thus, this review aims for a rigorous presentation of past research on psychic distance, with particular focus on the aspects of international business operations affected by psychic distance in the light of empirical studies.Methodology: This review encompasses 55 papers, both empirical and conceptual, published between 1990–2015 in top IB, international marketing, and management journals. In general, the papers under review were published in 27 journals, with the vast majority of them being published in 2005 or later. The vast majority of reviewed papers are of empirical character (47 papers), while eight are conceptual.Findings: Since 2005, the number of articles published in top academic journals that featured the term “psychic distance” in the title has quadrupled. Common research topics include not only the core domain of internationalization process and performance, but also focus on understanding the concept of psychic distance, analyzing its antecedents and coping modes. Other studies have addressed the performance implications of psychic distance in conjunction with variables like strategy adaptation to foreign markets.Research limitations/implications: While the present review is limited in the number of papers taken into account, it does provide an initial overview of the structure of the field. However, the comparability of findings of different studies is limited by factors such as firm samples or presence of multicultural nations. In terms of directions for further research, promising topics include the relationship between perceived and ‘real’ distances or the effectiveness of different coping modes.Originality/value: The present paper identifies key research streams related to psychic distance and its role for international business. Based on an analysis of their content, it outlines several avenues for further investigation.
Współpraca międzyorganizacyjna stanowi jeden z dynamicznie rozwijających się obszarów badawczych w zarządzaniu strategicznym. Natomiast antecedencje współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej – realizowanej zarówno w diadach, jak i sieciach – pomimo wciąż rosnącej liczby publikacji oraz zainteresowania ze strony badaczy, nie były – jak dotąd – szerzej analizowane. Jednocześnie światowy trend w kierunku rozwoju nowoczesnych technologii przyczynił się do powstania tzw. presji technologicznej, prowadzącej z kolei do digitalizacji sektora turystycznego. Natomiast znaczen ie presji technologicznej dla współpracy w tym sektorze stanowi lukę poznawczą, wciąż wymagającą wypełnienia. Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie istoty i znaczenia presji technologicznej jako antecedencji współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej oraz jej egzemplifikacja w sektorze turystycznym. Wnioski sformułowano na podstawie indywidualnych wywiadów pogłębionych, przeprowadzonych wśród przedsiębiorców turystycznych w różnych regionach Polski.
The inter-organizational cooperation is one of the dynamically developing areas of research in strategic management. The antecedents of inter-organizational cooperation realized in both dyads and networks, despite the increasing number of publications and interest of researchers, have not yet been widely analyzed. At the same time, the global trend towards the development of new technologies has contributed to the creation of the so-called technological pressure, leading in turn to the digitization of the tourism sector. However, the importance of technological pressure for cooperation in that sector is a cognitive gap, still requiring fulfillment. The aim of the article is to present the essence and the importance of technological pressure as an antecedent of inter-organizational cooperation and its exemplification in the tourism sector. The findings were formulated on the basis of individual in-depth interviews conducted among tourist entrepreneurs in various regions of Poland.
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The article is a discussion of a poetic book ”Axis mundi” by Mirosław Dzień, a creator of metaphysical poetry . The latest work of his is based on the Proto-Slavic idea of the tree as a representation of the lives of gods, humans and their ancestors. Thanks to this concept, the book transposes the reader into the world of the past which did not lose its importance. The work not only shows the Jewish and Christian cultures, but also the ancient times, thus encouraging the reader to enter the world where corporeality and spirituality continually interchange.
Masowa cyfryzacja rzeczywistości gospodarczej ma ogromny wpływ na teorię i praktykę rachunkowości. Zmiany obserwowane w podejściu do pomiaru ekonomicznego, będące efektem rozwoju fenomenu big data są wielowymiarowe. Jednym z interesujących aspektów dostępności dużych cyfrowych zbiorów danych jest możliwość łączenia wyceny efektów działań biznesowych z sygnałami o ich antecedencjach. Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na pomiar antecedencji przyszłej sytuacji ekonomicznej jako ważnego obszaru współczesnej rachunkowości. Artykuł został przygotowany na podstawie przeglądu literatury przedmiotu. Przedstawione rozważania prowadzą do wniosku, że dynamiczny rozwój technologii informatycznych sprzyja rozszerzaniu zakresu pomiaru ekonomicznego – od konsekwencji zdarzeń gospodarczych po ich antecedencje, a to wymaga rozwoju nowych metod rachunkowości.
Mass digitalization of business realities has a great impact on accounting theory and practice. Observed changes in the approach to economic measurement resulting from the big data phenomenon are multidimensional. One of the interesting aspects of mass digital data availability is the possibility of linking valuation of business activities with the signals on their antecedents. The aim of the paper is to point out the antecedents of future economic situation as an important area of measurement in contemporary accounting. The study is based on literature review. The theoretical discussion presented in the paper leads to the conclusion that dynamic progress of IT technology facilitates expansion of the range of economic measurement – from consequences of business activities to their antecedents – which requires the development of new accounting methods.
Rozwój teorii zarządzania zależy od sposobu uwzględnienia wielopoziomowej złożoności badanych zjawisk w metodach, wynikach i propozycjach. Analiza mikrofundamentów mieści się w tym nurcie podejmując badanie przyczyn zjawisk na poziomach niższych (N-1). Na podstawie systematycznej analizy literatury o współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej stwierdzono, że mikrofundamenty organizacyjne przyciągnęły dotychczas znacznie większą uwagę niż mikrofundamenty relacyjne. Wskazujemy, że ograniczenie tej asymetrii jest warunkiem bardziej kompletnego zrozumienia antecedencji współpracy międzyorganizacyjnej.
Management theory development depends on how well the multilevel complexity of studied phenomena is reflected in methods, findings and propositions. Microfoundations address this challenge by tackling the causes underlying a phenomenon at lower levels of analysis (N-1). Through a systematic literature review on inter-organizational cooperation we find that organizational microfoundations have received much more attention as compared to relational microfoundations. We suggest this asymmetry calls for further research in order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of inter-organizational cooperation antecedents.
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