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Aim: The aim is to bring closer Prof. Józef Półturzycki profile and scientific achievements. Methods: An analysis of archival materials, scanty studies and memoirs. Results: The study presents the professional development of an outstanding Polish andragogue, Prof. Józef Półturzycki. The author attempts to show Prof. Półturzycki’s professional activity as well as the areas of his scholarly interests. The problem areas discussed by this prominent Polish adult education specialist in selected publications were also indicated. Conclusions: Józef Półturzycki, with his scientific activity, contributed to the significant development of andragogy in Poland, both through his scientific work and involvement in the creation of the academic andragogical environment.
This article deals with the problem of adult continuing education. The author points out the andragogical aspects of the implementation of the process of adult education. He turns the reader’s attention to the characteristics of adult learners, their learning capabilities and their need of self-development. In the article the author also analyses the perspectives of the development of continuing education, including the strategies, directions and objectives of the development of education in Poland.
Content available The hidden curriculum in military schools
Military education, as an integral and inseparable part of building the army as an institution, is changing its identity and tends to be becoming a place of development, changes, scientific research, quality teaching and education. Adoption of the National Curriculum Framework is creating conditions for these changes. Introduction of the military schools curriculum will inevitably lead to the hidden curriculum. In adult education (andragogy), the hidden curriculum appears in a more vigorous and influential form. The ability to function and the high reliability of the military system are based on hierarchy in which the formation of will is carried out from top downwards. The most prominent factors are command, obedience and reporting. In such an environment, we recognise the positive and negative effects of the hidden curriculum in Croatian military schools.
Content available remote Edukacja ustawiczna i andragogika w procesie modernizacji szkolnictwa wyższego
Issues discussed in this article are related to the process of self-education. The author presents the concepts of andragogy and lifelong learning in the functioning of the education sciences. He also refers to a research project carried out in “Andragoski Center Republike Slovenije” (“Andragogy Centre of the Republic of Slovenia in Ljubljana”). Conclusions from the study show the differences and distinctiveness between pedagogy and andragogy which provoke refl ection on the place of adult education in the society and the world. By referring to Nairobi Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education by UNESCO, the author combines educational dilemmas with law and human need for education in adult life. He presents his fi ndings in terms of the functioning of higher education and focuses on the tasks of an academic teacher and student attitudes towards their own education.
This article presents some innovations in the field of andragogy and permanent education implemented in Zamość in the 60s of the 20th century. The subject matter is an example of a programme developed by the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University concerning adult education at the academic level. The author discusses the institutional solutions, teaching resources and fields of study. He underlines the use of the models of adult continuing education implemented by the University of Łódź, the University of Poznań and the University of Warsaw. An attempt of adult education undertaken in Zamość was a novelty in higher education in Poland.
W artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z poradnictwem rolniczym, jako jedną z form pozaszkolnej oświaty rolniczej dorosłych w Polsce w latach 1956–1970. W tym okresie doradztwo rolnicze było prowadzone przede wszystkim przez agronomów gromadzkich i instruktorów Rad Narodowych i kółek rolniczych. O efektach ich pracy, celach i treściach przekazywanych rolnikom informowała ówczesna prasa, przekazując niekiedy szczegółowe wiadomości o działalności służb agronomicznych w zakresie poradnictwa. Wydawano również monografie naukowe, podręczniki i instrukcje zgłębiające wiedzę o istocie poradnictwa. Część z tych prac została napisana przez najlepszych ówcześnie znawców andragogiki rolniczej.
The article presents issues relating to agricultural counselling as a form of out-of-school adult agricultural education in Poland in 1956–1970. In that time agricultural counselling was provided mainly by communal agronomists, instructors of National Councils and farmers’ associations. The press of that time informed about effects of farmers’ work, objectives and contents given to them, sometimes giving detailed information about agronomic services relating to counselling. Scientific monographs, textbooks and manuals developing the knowledge about counselling were also published. Some of those works were written by the best experts on agricultural andragogy of that time.
Andragogy, as a young discipline, is faced with a number of theories of theory and methodology. The aim of the study was to identify the dominant threads in andragogists' publications and to determine what complexes of problems and thematic issues determine today's specificity of the sub-discipline. In the process of analyzing the content of articles from the area of social sciences published in the pages of andragogical journals, a non-reactive method of document analysis was used. Five analytical andragogical categories were identified and included in the typology developed for the purposes of the study.
The aim of the article is to present selected themes that form part of the contemporary discourse on informal learning, which since the 1970s has dominated the scientific debate on learning, especially in the area of adult education. The authors, using Polish and German-language literature, outline areas of scientific and research interest, as well as tendencies in the contemporary approach to the learning processes of adolescents and adults. Moreover, they present exemplary results of research on informal learning, conducted within various fields: adult education, social pedagogy, economics and others. They indicate that separate treatment of human learning (division into formal, non-formal, and informal learning) is not always justified, and is not conducive to the analysis of learning processes.
In this paper, the author focuses on issues related to the development of an older person. She presents development as a lifelong process that is also possible at old age and that is manifested through adaptation, transgression, and transcendence. She describes the development in five dimensions: biological, psychical, social, cultural and spiritual. She points to relationships between development and three models: deficit model of old age, active old age model, development model of old age. She points out to some chosen aspects of development at old age which are related to learning/education, shown from the perspective of andragogy and geragogy, and with the use of the conour concept of human development by Stefan Kunowski.
Interaction between the office and the citizen in each state is the only way to solve administrative cases. This article focuses on the legal education of active and potential participants in administrative interaction. This text was written from the point of view of a citizen living in an institutionalized country. The author identified areas of social life that require the implementation of specific legal education plans for adults. The article shows that properly selected methods of legal education are a prerequisite for building an effective state and civil society.
Tekst jest próbą zajęcia stanowiska w dyskursie nad wiedzą „subiektywną, ukrytą, proceduralną, milczącą” w dyskusji nad pojęciem społeczeństwa wiedzy. W tekście wyodrębniono i scharakteryzowano trzy etapy dyskusji na temat społeczeństwa wiedzy, dochodząc do konkluzji, że współcześnie brakuje w niej konkretów, mamy do czynienia z kalkami pojęciowymi, licznymi uproszczeniami, rozmyciem znaczenia i granic tego pojęcia, co prowadzi do nieuzasadnionego i bezrefleksyjnego używania pojęcia społeczeństwa wiedzy i w efekcie do jego dewaluacji. W opinii Autorki podtrzymanie i kontynuowanie dyskusji o społeczeństwie wiedzy czy uczenia się leży w interesie pedagogów i pedagogiki, ponieważ to uzasadnia nasze (nauk o wychowaniu) bycie w dyskursie publicznym, ale tę dyskusję trzeba wypełnić merytorycznymi treściami, a nie hasłami i sloganami. W tym celu w drugiej części artykułu zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań Chriastine Hof nad subiektywnymi koncepcjami wiedzy andragogów w Niemczech. Na podstawie badań wyróżniono i scharakteryzowano trzy typy subiektywnych wyobrażeń andragogów o naturze wiedzy oraz różne strategie zdobywania i prezentacji wiedzy, jak i wzajemne relacje między nimi. Rozpoznania te można przenieść na grunt społeczeństwa wiedzy, którego obywatele mają większą świadomość pełnienia roli nauczyciela w różnych kontekstach: w domu, pracy, czasie wolnym.
The text is an attempt to form an opinion in the discourse on „subjective, hidden, procedural, silent” knowledge, which is part of the discussion on the definition of a knowledge society. The text distinguishes and characterises three stages of the aforementioned discussion and comes to the conclusion that currently it lacks facts, one deals with calques, various simplifications, the blurring of the meaning and limits of this term, which leads to the phrase „knowledge society” being used in a way that is unjustified and devoid of thought, and in effect to its loss of value. In the opinion of the Author, maintaining and continuing this discussion on the knowledge society and learning is in the best interest of pedagogues and pedagogy, as it justifies our (sciences devoted to learning) existence in public discourse. However, the discussion should center around substantive content and not slogans. With this in mind the results of studies carried out by Chriastine Hof on the subjective concepts of andragogues’ knowledge in Germany have been presented. On basis of these studies three types of subjective andragogue’s visions on the nature of knowledge, different strategies for acquiring and presenting it, as well as the relations between them, have been presented. They can be carried over to the issue of the knowledge society, whose citizens have a stronger awareness of their teacher’s role in various contexts: at home, work and in their free time.
Artykuł podejmuje zagadnienie przygotowania do dorosłości i sytuuje go jako problem andragogiki. W tekście autor przytacza niepublikowane dotąd wyniki badań prowadzonych w ramach rozprawy magisterskiej pt. „Stawanie się dorosłym”, które stały się przyczyną zainteresowania autora zagadnieniem przygotowania do dorosłości zarówno w aspekcie teoretycznym, jak i praktycznym. Ten drugi zaowocował szeregiem podjętych działań o charakterze edukacyjnym, których ogólny opis znajdzie Czytelnik w niniejszym artykule.
The article raises the subject of preparation for the adulthood and situates it as a problem of andragogy. In the text the author quotes unpublished outcomes of research which was done as a part of master’s dissertation entitled: ‘Becoming an adult’ which became the reason of author’s interest in the issue of preparation for the adulthood both in theoretical and practical aspect. The second facet resulted in very many educational activities and general description will be found in this article by the reader.
This article presents a variety of research approaches to adulthood as a stage of human life. Most sci- entists recognize as valid adulthood division into three roughly equal parts: early adulthood between twenty and forty years of age, middle adulthood forty years to about sixty-five, and late adulthood six- ty-five years until death. This division reflects the fact that the optimal physical and cognitive function- ing, achieved in an adults twenties and thirties, begins to weaken in the forties and fifties in a noticeable and measurable way. Adulthood in this sense, is an important category not only in adult education, but especially in pedagogy. Andragogy indicates a separate and specific features of an adult as a learner, involving the possession of a significant life experience, social and professional life, greater autonomy in managing their behavior, carrying out professional work, social activity, prone to large deep reflection and criticism in relation to themselves and their experiences. An important task of modern andragogy is to integrate the academic achievements of adults, their development and education.
Tekst ukazuje ważne praktyczne zagadnienie, jakim jest przygotowa- nie do dorosłości, które rzadko bywa przedmiotem refleksji i badań andragogicznych. Autorka przedstawia je w kilku obszarach: rozumienia terminu „przygotowanie do dorosłości”, powiązania między koncepcją przygotowania do dorosłości a modelami dorosłości, fazami i zakresami przygotowania do dorosłości, znaczenia koncepcji przygotowania do dorosłości dla współczesnych społeczeństw. Opracowanie kończy się rekomendacjami pedagogicznymi.
The text presents an important practical issue – preparation for adulthood, which is almost absent from andragogical reflection and studies. The author refers to this problem in the following areas: the understanding of the term “preparing for adulthood”, the connection between the conception of preparation for adulthood and the models of adulthood, phases and areas of preparation for adulthood, the meaning of preparation for adulthood conceptions in contemporary societies. The text closes with conclusions and pedagogical recommendations.
Śmierć to zadanie dla edukacji całożyciowej, swoisty problem andragogiki. Proponowany Czytelnikowi tekst dedykowany jest niedawno zmarłemu aktorowi, Krzysztofowi Kolbergerowi, i jest filozoficzną podstawą bardziej szczegółowej refleksji, która może się odbyć na gruncie powyższej subdyscypliny pedagogicznej. O tym, że wzmiankowane sprowadzenie niejednokrotnie abstrakcyjnych problemów filozoficznych do jak najbardziej realnych spraw egzystencji człowieka umierającego jest możliwe przekona Czytelnika porównanie odnośnych fragmentów tekstu z wyimkami z myśli mówiącego o śmierci Krzysztofa Kolbergera.
Death is a subject for lifelong learning, an area of interest for andragogy. The text presented for the reader's consideration is dedicated to Krzysztof Kolberger, the actor who has recently passed away, and is a philosophical basis for a more detailed consideration, which might be performed on the basis of the above mentioned discipline. The reader will be convinced of the fact that it's possible to reduce often abstract philosophical problems to absolutely real issues of the existence of somebody dying, dying, by comparing fragments of the text with parts of the thoughts of Krzysztof Kolberger discussing death.
Content available Integral Andragogy as a Social Assistance
The paper presents the new conception of andragogical thinking, so called conception of integral andragogy. The concept of integral andragogy is founded on care, help and support for people within their life paths. It is possible to interpret this conception as mobilization of human capital in the environment of a social change.
Content available Powojenny ogląd samokształcenia w Polsce
W artykule dokonano krytycznego przeglądu stanowisk dotyczących samokształcenia w Polsce w okresie powojennym. W konkluzji Autor stawia hipotezę o istnieniu dwóch typów osób uprawiających samokształcenie. Jeden z nich to ludzie, którzy podejmują trud samokształceniowy w celu upodobnienia się do określonego wzoru – są tzw. „zewnątrzsterownymi”, i ludzie, podejmujący doskonalenie siebie (we wszystkich stronach własnej osobowości), aby sprawnie wykonywać zadania, które stawia przed nimi życie („wewnątrzsterowni”).
The paper presents a critical review of the positions on self-education in Poland after World War II. In conclusion, the author hypothesizes that there exist two types of people engaged in self-education. One type is applied to those who commit themselves to self-education in order to become similar to specific pattern and those people are referred to as “other-directed”; another one refers to people taking self improvement (in all sides of their own personality) to efficiently perform tasks that life puts in front of them (inner-directed).
Content available CREDO – model edukacji osób dorosłych
The paper outlines the development of a higher education model meeting the needs of the generation growing up in liquid modernity. The initial hypothesis is that today’s trends in education, very often not having any coherent and reliable theoretical basis, are a proof of the difficulties that have to be faced today by every ambitious educator. A detailed analysis of the seven trends allowed for the identification of dominating problems of modern education, determination of the threats arising out of apparently attractive didactic solutions and discovery of their creative transformation into fully-developed methodological concepts. During the construction of the strategy for educating adults, the author refers to psychological research and develops the foundations of a coherent model of educating adults which uses blended learning. The solution is named CREDO, which is an acronym of: Credence, Requirements, Engagement, Design, Open.
Podjęte rozważania zainicjowane zostały przy okazji jubileuszowych okoliczności ćwierćwiecza istnienia Akademickiego Towarzystwa Andragogicznego i podejmują zagadnienia statusu i stanu badań nad historią edukacji dorosłych w kontekście polskim i niemieckim. W artykule dokonano przeglądu i porównania istotnych opracowań teorii historiografii edukacji dorosłych w Polsce i w Niemczech ostatnich dekad, co w efekcie pozwoliło dostrzec zaskakująco daleko idące podobieństwa w warstwie argumentacji czynionych diagnoz. Na tej podstawie w finale niniejszych analiz sformułowana została sugestia, iż problematyczność namysłu diachronicznego w badaniach nad edukacją dorosłych, bardziej niż z dyscyplinarnych, środowiskowych czy akademicko-strukutralnych niedomagań, może wynikać z współczesnej problematyczności uprawiania namysłu historycznego jako takiego.
The considerations were initiated on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Academic Andragogical Society and address issues of the status and advancement of research on the history of adult education. The article reviews and compares significant studies of the theory of historiography of adult education in Poland and Germany in recent decades, which in turn showed surprisingly farreaching similarities in argumentation and diagnoses. On this basis, a thesis was made: the problematic nature of diachronic reflection in research on adult education, is not only a question of structural-academic deficiencies but may also be the result of problematic nature of contemporary historical reflection as such.
Purpose. Search of optimal ways for personal and professional life-long self-perfection of a person in accordance with theoretical and methodological principles of the synergetic pedagogics gives an opportunity to explain in particular the essence of paradoxical dichotomy: on one hand it is structuredness, predictability, adaptability and on the other hand it is elements of chaos, spontaneity and inability to predict the final result. Methods – practical and theoretical. Results. A topical conception meeting the needs of lifelong education is the conception of personality development in the context of the synergetic pedagogics. In accordance with this conception a very important role belongs to the individually oriented educational process related with passing from education to self-education or self-regulated education. One of the newest ideas relating to the modern views on the professional development is heutagogy. It researches organizational peculiarities of autonomous, self-guided education. Heutagogy as a methodological style of lifelong education is embodied in the educational activity that takes place mainly in the plane of informal type of learning but in case of necessity its principles and technological approaches are appropriate to be applied in combination with pedagogic principles and principles of andragogy. Effective development of innovative culture of education, focused on the formation of self-sufficient, creative teacher is implemented in organic interaction with traditional pedagogical culture. Such interaction is manifested particularly in the integrated use of pedagogical, andragogical and heutagogical principles that opens new opportunities for professional development in the synergetic system of life-long education. During this development actualization of personality internal potential takes place.
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