The article aims at analysing methods of translation of alliteration. This stylistic device seems to be neglected in the theory of translation as most scholars focus on such elements as: culturebound items, proper names, dialects, titles, idioms, puns, etc. Yet in some texts (mostly poetic but also written in prose) alliteration is a constructive element which definitely demands consideration on the part of the translator. One such text is G.K. Chesterton’s The Strange Crime of JohnBoulnois which provides the basis not only for the analysis of the nature and functions of alliteration but also methods of its translation. The article discusses different methods used by translators of the short story in order to provide a systematisation of procedures which can be applied when dealing with this linguistic phenomenon.
The article presents a short comparative analysis of two versions of the English ro mance in verse Sir Gawain and the Green Knight – the original text from the 14th century and its modern translation by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Middle English source text uses a North-West English dialect and is an interesting example of a late revival of alliteration originally rooted in the old English tradition. Alliteration as a formal organizing principle is combined with end-rhymes which complete the structure of the poem; this is both sophisticated and rare. Tolkien’s modern rendition of the romance recognizes and respects its dominant structural elements and attempts to recreate all the formal aspects of the text as adequately as possible. The modern version, while being a translation, acquires the semi-authorial signature of Tolk ien, both a translator and scholar who creates a highly competent and historically informed rendition. The translator’s craft is particularly visible when Tolkien’s ver sion is juxtaposed with the Polish translation by Andrzej Wicher. The linguistic and cultural distance between Polish and English is larger than the distance between the original and the modern rendition in English, and, as a result, the translation of Andrzej Wicher manages to reproduce only a limited number of alliterations and hence loses many artistic features that were essential components of the original text.
Celem artykułu jest opisanie kilku mechanizmów językowych, które wykorzystał Tomasz Olbratowski w felietonach, komentujących aktualne wydarzenia w Polsce. Do gier, które zasadzają się na zabawie znaczeniem, należy zaliczyć: reinterpretację etymologiczną, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem komizmu opartego na skrótowcach, zmianę formy graficznej i aliterację głoskową.
The aim of the article is to describe a few language mechanisms used by Tomasz Olbratowski in a series of radio segments commenting the current events in Poland. Among the described mechanisms there are: etymological reinterpretation (especially humor based on abbreviations), the change of the graphic form of a word, and alliteration.
Język polski i angielski różnią się pod względem najczęściej stosowanych fonicznych środków stylistycznych, jak również związanego z powyższym stopnia ekspresywności. Jednym z czynników kształtujących odmienne tradycje stylistyczne są systemy fonemiczne danych języków. Do najistotniejszych różnic fonologicznych między polskim a angielskim zaliczyć można odmienny stosunek samogłosek do spółgłosek oraz reguły fonotaktyczne (zbitki spółgłoskowe, status geminat). Pod względem stylistycznym język polski i angielski charakteryzują się również odmiennością typologiczną oraz częstotliwością zastosowania aliteracji, która wpływa nie tylko na poziom foniczny, ale także znaczeniowy tekstu. W języku angielskim często stosowana jest aliteracja nagłosowa, podczas gdy w polskim – sufiksalna. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie tych dwóch systemów fonologicznych oraz – w oparciu o wybrane przykłady (literatura piękna, slogany reklamowe, teksty piosenek) – przedstawienie konsekwencji tych różnic, w tym wyzwań, jakie stoją przed tłumaczem. Foniczne środki stylistyczne są szczególnie trudne z perspektywy translatorycznej, zmuszając tłumacza do wyboru między zachowaniem formy i treści lub też do zastosowania innego środka stylistycznego (np. wykorzystania potencjału polskich zbitek spółgłoskowych, bądź użycia aliteracji w innym miejscu tekstu).
Polish and English differ with respect to typical phonic stylistic devices, as well as the resulting degree of their expressiveness. Among the factors influencing distinct stylistic traditions are the phonemic systems of the two languages. The most significant phonological contrasts between Polish and English comprise a vowel-consonant ratio and phonotactic patterns (different consonantal clusters and the status of geminates). Stylistically, Polish and English differ also with regard to the type and frequency of occurrence of alliteration, a stylistic device that is significant not only from the phonetic, but also from the semantic perspective. In English, alliterative devices are used in the onset, while in Polish – in the coda. The aim of the article is to compare the two systems and, with the use of selected examples (comprising poetry, advertising slogans and song lyrics), to show the consequences of such differences and challenges posed to the translator. Phonetic stylistic devices are particularly problematic in the process of translation, frequently forcing the translator to choose between the form and the meaning or to compensate for the loss with the use of a different stylistic device (e.g. Polish complex consonantal clusters or the use of alliteration in different positions compared with the original).
Овој труд ги разработува проблемите кои произлегуваат при преводот на поезијата од македонски на полски и од полски на македонски јазик. При тоа се обрнува посебно внимание на формата на поетската творба како ограничувачки фактор на слободата на преведувачот. Во статијата се земени примери од постари преводи, како и примери земени од наставата по превод и преведувачката работилница на Семинарот за македонски јазик, литература и култура. Се става акцент на дилемата дали да се зачува формата и до кој степен содржината треба да подлегне на губење во преводот.
This article deals with the problems which appear in translating poetry from Macedonian into Polish and from Polish into Macedonian. At the same time it pays special attention to the poetic form as a limiting factor of the translator’s freedom. The article presents examples of older translations, as well as examples from translation classes at the University of Skopje and from the translation workshop at the Summer School of Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture. The focus is on the dilemma of whether the form should be preserved and to what degree the contents could succumb to translation loss.
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