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The studies were conducted in the years 2012–2014 on agricultural areas affected by the gas and dust emissions of the Copper Smelter “Głogów”. The content of five trace elements – copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), cadium (Cd), arsenic (As) – was determined in soil samples collected on the borders of the protection zone of the smelter by means of the AAS method. Additionally, the collected samples were used to determine the pH of the analysed soil. The studies showed that the contents of the analysed trace elements in the soil depended on the location of the soil in relation to the sources of the emission of the pollution and were the result of a strong concentration of these elements in a period of intensified emission from the plant. The element which caused the greatest soil pollution was copper. A strong variation in pH values was observed in the analysed soils (ranging from acid to alkaline reactions). The pH of most of the soils was ≥5.6. The conducted studies formed the basis for determining the initial isoline of the areas which exceeded the legal standards for soil quality in the discussed area. These studies are an integral complement to existing work on the evaluation of the local variability of soil pollution with heavy metals and arsenic in an area affected by smelter emissions.
Farmland afforestations (FAs), i. e. groups of trees and shrubs scattered in agricultural landscape, were for long considered mostly as supplementary timber resource and wind mitigation tool. The contemporary shift to other, environment- and social-related functions of FAs is discussed in the paper and example guidelines for the establishment of new FAs proposed. The concept of “farmland afforestations’ needs” is presented as a tool to incorporate FA issues in land- use planning.
Celem przeprowadzonych badań monitoringowych było określenie aktualnego stanu środowiska rolniczego znajdującego się w rejonie Huty Miedzi GŁOGÓW oraz wskazanie ewentualnego zagrożenia wynikającego z przemieszczania się metali ciężkich w układzie gleba-roślina. Dla wyznaczenia wstępnej izolinii obszarów o przekroczonych standardach jakości gleb, na omawianym terenie, wytypowano szereg punktów badawczych usytuowanych głównie na obrzeżach byłej strefy ochronnej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dominującego kierunku wiatrów wiejących w tym rejonie. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż zawartość analizowanych pierwiastków śladowych w glebach w dużej mierze uzależniona jest od lokalizacji punktów badawczych względem emitorów zanieczyszczeń. Podwyższona zawartości miedzi w badanych glebach nie wpływa istotnie na pobór tego pierwiastka przez rośliny uprawiane w najbliższym sąsiedztwie zakładu. Stwierdzone stężenia metali ciężkich w roślinach nie stanowią zatem zagrożenia dla zdrowia ludzi i zwierząt.
The mining and metallurgical activity in the Legnica-Głogów Industrial District, resulting from the presence of rich deposits of copper ore, caused significant environmental pollution with heavy metals. Copper Smelter GŁOGÓW located at a distance of 7 km northwest from the Głogów city, being one of the biggest industrial plants in the area, significantly supported the economic development of the region, but also contributed to a number of unfavourable changes in the natural environment. Heavy metals from the metallurgical dust emitted into the atmosphere negatively affect all elements of the environment, but the longest lasting effects, as a result of accumulation, occur in soils. Metals accumulated in soils are a threat to the arable crops in the region. The problem of heavy metals presence in soil-plant system is very complex and shows a significant variation resulting from the properties of soils and the way of their utilization. In the early years of Copper Smelter GŁOGÓW operation dust emissions were very high, that led to the accumulation of heavy metals in the agricultural environment adjacent to the plant. However, in the last quarter of the century, thanks to the constant modernization of production technology and the introduction of modern dedusting system, dust emissions were substantially reduced. This does not change the fact that heavy metals that got into soils in excessive amounts in the early years of the plan operation, are there until now. For this reason, constant and systematic research is the only effective method that helps to predict the effects of adverse changes in the environment. The aim of conducted monitoring studies was to determine the current state of the agricultural environment located in the area of Copper Smelter GŁOGÓW and to show possible risks arising from the movement of heavy metals in soil-plant system. In order to indicate initial isoline of areas where quality standards were exceeded, on the discussed area a number of new research points were determined, located mainly on the outskirts of the former protection zone, with particular emphasis on the dominant winds in this area. These studies will become an important complement to existing work on the assessment of the local variability of soils and plants pollution with heavy metals in the area covered by Smelter emissions.
Content available remote Effect of pesticides on soil organisms and their residue in plants
The paper focuses on the effect of pesticides on soil microorganisms and their cumulation in plants. Residual pesticides modify species composition, biomass of microorganisms and as a result their activity. In such environment the number of phytophages grows and they become resistant to pesticides. Excessive use of plant protection chemicals or their inexpert application leads to the accumulation of active substances in plant. In Poland the largest amounts of pesticides are detected in intensively protected crops (garden and vegetable crops). Residues of pesticide compounds are detected mainly in fruit (apples, currants, gooseberries, raspberries and sour cherries) and in vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce).
Badano oddziaływania pestycydów na mikroorganizmy glebowe oraz ich kumulację w roślinach. Zalegające pestycydy modyfikują skład gatunkowy, biomasę drobnoustrojów, a w efekcie ich aktywność. W takim środowisku wzrasta ilość fitofagów, które stają się odporne na pestycydy. Nadmierne stosowanie środków chemicznej ochrony roślin lub nieumiejętna ich aplikacja prowadzi do kumulacji substancji aktywnych w roślinie. W Polsce najwięcej pestycydów wykrywa się w roślinach intensywnie chronionych (uprawach sadowniczych i warzywniczych). Pozostałości związków pestycydowych są wykrywane głównie w owocach (jabłkach, porzeczkach, agreście, malinach, wiśniach) i warzywach (pomidorach, ogórkach, sałacie).
Rozwój produkcji roślinnej i zwierzęcej oraz zwiększające się zróżnicowanie wymagań stawianych maszynom rolniczym w gospodarstwach i firmach przetwórstwa rolno-spożywczego, wymaga ciągłej modernizacji sprzętu technicznego, który musi być dostosowany do zadań i cechować się dopasowanymi do możliwości ekonomicznych kosztami eksploatacji. Potrzebne są rozwiązania, umożliwiające racjonalne wykorzystanie nowych technologii oraz opracowanie trafnych strategii obsługiwania już istniejących systemów technicznych w procesach produkcyjnych na terenach wiejskich. Nawet w nowoczesnych konstrukcjach, pomimo stosowania systemów sterowania typu "on line" do ciągłego monitorowania pracy zespołów roboczych, nie udaje się osiągnąć wymaganego wskaźnika gotowości obiektów technicznych w losowo zmiennych warunkach użytkowania. Przedstawiona w opracowaniu idealizowana koncepcja rozwiązania sformułowanej problematyki może spowodować korzystne zmiany struktury trwałości modułów hierarchicznych pojedynczych maszyn i zwiększenie efektywności eksploatacji całych ciągów technologicznych.
Development of the crop and animal production as well as an increasing diversity of the requirements towards farm machines on the farms and in agro-food processing companies, need a continuous modernization of technical equipment, which has to be adapted to the tasks and be characterized by operating costs in accordance with economic possibilities. Some solutions enabling an effective use of new technologies as well as working out the appropriate strategies of servicing technical systems just existing in production processes on the rural areas, are necessary.
Badania zawartości Ni, Cd i Pb w glebach i w roślinach takich gatunków, jak: sałata i kapusta (cz. nadziemna) oraz ziemniak (bulwy) przeprowadzono na terenach uprawnych położonych przy zakładzie Bolmar S.A. Tłuszcze Roślinne. Zakład ten jest zakadem najbardziej uciążliwym dla środowiska regionu zamojskiego. Zawartości badanych metali ciężkich, tj. Ni, Cd i Pb, w badanych próbach gleb na ogół nie przekraczay dopuszczalnych zawartości określonych dla gleb uprawnych, jednakże były kilkakrotnie wyższe (głównie Ni i Cd) niż średnie ich zawartości notowane w glebach użytkowanych rolniczo w Polsce. Zawartości Ni, Cd i Pb we wszystkich badanych próbach roślinnych były niższe niż ich zawartości toksyczne. Jednakże były one wyższe (przede wszystkim Ni i Cd) niż prawnie zdefiniowane / przyjęte zawartości tych metali w roślinach konsumpcyjnych. Najwięcej metali (Ni, Cd, Pb) zanotowano zarówno w glebach, jak i w badanych gatunkach roślin w bliskiej (tj. 50-200 m) i dalszej (tj. 1000-1500 m) odległości od zakładu, najmniej w odległości 400-500 m od zakładu.
Contents of Ni, Cd, Pb in investigated samples of soil and lettuce, cabbage and potatoes plants were lower than permissible limits, however were higher than avarage values for Polish soils and plants. Ni and Cd contents in plants were higher than permissible food limits, especially at the distance 50-200 m and 1000-150 m from the Bolmar industry facility.
Dandelion (Taraxacnn officinale) was used in a KBN-supported project focused on the assessment of the extent to which Polish agricultural environment is contaminated with sulphur. Studies were carried out in different regions of the country. Sulphur content in leaves ofthat plant at full blooming varied with the level of sulphur contamination of soil and air. Dandelions from the heavily industrialised areas of the Upper Silesia, Legnica-Głogów Copper Mining District, and the Tarnobrzeg Sulphur Mining District showed high sulphur content and the S content (0.4%) in excess of the threshold value for this species.
Working time in conditions of exposure to hazardous factors is an important element indispensable for the evaluation of human exposure in the working environment. Agricultural work is accompanied by co-occurrence of many risk factors threatening farmers' health, e.g. dust, elements of the thermal environment, noise, vibration, chemical and biological agents. Biological factors cause diseases with contagious, allergic or immuno-toxic backgrounds which constitute the majority of farmers' occupational diseases registered in Poland. Exposure to hazardous factors in agricultural working environment is due to contact with plants, animals and organic wastes, more precisely - with microbes, plant and animal particles present in aerogenic agricultural dust, as well as pathogens of contagious and invasive diseases present in contaminated soil, water and plants. Data concerning the duration of farmers' exposure to biological and other factors of the working environment were obtained with the use of the Private Farmer Work Chart. Time-schedule observations concerned an annual work cycle. The study covered 30 farms with the following production profiles: plant (Group A), animal (Group B) and mixed production (Group C). The total working time was: in Group A - from 106-163% of the legal working time; in Group B - from 75-147%; in Group C - from 136-167%. Among 48 work activities contributing to the full working cycle among the farmers examined, 15 activities were accompanied by 5 factors. These were mainly field activities which covered plant harvesting and fertilizing, chemical plant protection, as well as cultivation activities. Agricultural dust and elements of the thermal environment were the environmental factors most frequently accompanying agricultural work, followed by contact with biological factors, noise, vibration, and chemical agents. Biological factors are a specific element associated with 19 work activities, mainly the spreading of manure, animal breeding and plant harvesting. Farmers' working time in conditions of exposure to these factors in the group of plant producers was 51% of the total working time on average, among animal breeders - 80% and in the case of mixed production - 77%.
The study is concerned with the course of sorption of Fe²⁺, Fe³⁺ and Mn²⁺ ions and with their washing, out with distilled water in sandy, loess, and loamy soils. Sorption was conducted according to the idynamic method. ODR and Eh were measured as indices of soil oxygenation. It was found that oxygen deficiency of the soils under study, with a change in their reaction from acid to neutral, resulted in: 1. an increase in the sorption of Fe²⁺ and Fe³⁺ ions, 2. an increase in the sorption of Mn²⁺ ions in the loamy soil only.
Copper, lead, zinc, cadmium and arsenic levels were determined by means of AAS in the soils and cultivated plants threatened by air and dust emissions from Copper Foundry ,,Głogów". The studies covered the agricultural area of 6.600 hectares (protective zone + external belt). The studies revealed that heavy metals, either accumulated in the soils or coming from the current emission, did not contaminate the cultivated plants. The results obtained prove the effectiveness of eco-friendly activities taken by the Foundry for the sake of the neighboring agricultural environment.
Different forms of nitrogen (total, organic, amino acids in dry mass and in humic acids) as well as humus substances, dry mass, activity of ureasein ground water and in soils under mild-field deciduous afforestation were measured. Experiments were carried out during an entire year. Afforestation decreased total organic substancesin ground waters, as well as total nitrogenand free and bound amino acids to humic acids. In soil under afforestationthe decreaseof pH, activity of urease,and the content of amino acids in humic acids was observed.
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