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In this article we will present selected issues on the international protection of the dignity of the elderly and dignity as a human right in the internal legal order. We will also present danger to dignity of older persons in the contemporary social reality. We will show the complexity of the problems, expectations, and challenges faced by the elderly. We’ll discuss situations that threaten their sense of dignity, as well as a conscious way of the elderly leading to the realization of this feeling, and we will draw attention to the prohibition of discrimination based on age in the general international law.
Old age is a period of human life, in which may occur many physiological, psychological and social changes. Individual faces the challenge typical for this period of development: retirement, adaptation to old age, transcendental wisdom and finally preparation for departure. Aging individuals are affected by phenomenon like ageism or gerontophobia. Aging process hasn’t changed over the years, but the way in which people are becoming old and circumstances of aging have altered a lot. Modern civilization of the youth and technology, force the elderly people to take a new tasks: operation new devices, functioning in new digital environment. It’s the time of intensive learning, not giving up can lead to digital exclusion. Personal development is other factor of digital exclusion and marginalization. Moreover, the offer of an employment do not take into consideration needs of elderly people and the way to access to it may impede entering to labour market.
Starość jest takim okresem w życiu człowieka, w którym zachodzi wiele zmian fizjologicznych, psychologicznych i społecznych. Przed jednostką stają zadania typowe dla tego okresu rozwojowego: przejście na emeryturę, adaptacja do starości, mądrość transcendentna czy wreszcie przygotowanie do odejścia. Jednostki starzejące się dotykają także zjawiska społeczne takie jak ageism czy gerontofobia. Sposób starzenia nie zmienił się od lat, zmieniły się jednak warunki w którym przyszło się starzeć. Współczesna cywilizacja młodości i technologii stawia przed osobami starszymi wiele nowych wyzwań, między innymi konieczność nauczenia się obsługiwania nowoczesnych urządzeń, funkcjonowania w rzeczywistości cyfrowej. To dla osób starszych czas intensywnej nauki, a jej nie podjęcie grozi cyfrowym wykluczeniem. Obszar rozwoju osobistego to kolejny z obszarów, w którym osoby starsze dotyczy wykluczenie i marginalizacja. Prezentowana na rynku oferta nie uwzględnia specyfiki potrzeb starszych ludzi a sposoby rozpowszechniania nie ułatwiają osobom starszym dostępu do niej.
Aging and being old are among those phenomena which nowadays are perceived solely negatively. The image of this life stage is based mainly on stereotypes and beliefs created by and for young people, for whom youth is much more valuable. This results in social and cultural discrimination of mature people (ageism). The article, based on analysis of various texts, provides background on involvement and participation of active elderly people in society (age group of 50 years and more) and difficulties they encounter in many aspects of their life due to the negative image of aging and old age. It also points out necessary changes to the perception of this period in human life - both for individual- and society-level.
This article deals with socio-cultural factors of the problems of "social status of older people". The aim of the paper is to analyze the socio-cultural values of elements of social gerontology in order to identify the factors that determine the basis for the formation of social policy of old age in modern society. We have indicated the basic attitudes and behaviours that affect the regulation of the social problem of the status of older people.
nr 40
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to discrimination, distinguishing ageism from appropriate practice variation as well as giving suggestions to improve the situation. The paper analyses research published worldwide on selected issues connected with ageism with special attention to medical professionals’ attitudes and ageist behaviours of the elderly’s environment in a situation of their disability or illness. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Firstly, the relation of ageism to other forms of stereotyping is outlined. Then, the threats of positive ageism are elaborated. The next section is devoted to self-stereotyping of the elderly and its impact on their functioning. Then, the paper discusses medical professionals’ attitudes and ways to measure them, as well as educational interventions that may alter them. Finally, the article refers effective ways of adjusting health promotion messages to the needs of older adults. RESEARCH RESULTS: Ageism bases on mechanisms similar to sexism and racism, but there are some remarkable differences. Positive ageism may be compassionate, however, might be harmful when intruding into an elderly person’s decisions. Self-stereotyping may be described with a model of a vicious cycle. Contact with the elderly is found to be useful in changing medical staff’s attitudes. Family-centred messages are most effective when it comes to health promotion among older adults. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Studies on ageism prove that negative convictions about the elderly are harmful and affect their functioning. Inclusion of the elderly should be applied in social contexts as well as in science, as the elderly are often missed out in research samples.
The issue of discrimination against older people on the Polish labor market is a relatively new phenomenon and therefore not fully identified. The need for a closer analysis of this issue acquires particular importance, because demographic projections clearly indicate the progressive aging of the population. In this situation, professional activation and an increase in the employment rate of older people has become one of the priorities of the labor market. The aim of considerations undertaken in the article is evaluation of knowledge of the elderly on discrimination due to age in the labor market and identification of the study population’s experience in this field. To achieve the objective of the study, the research sample examined were people aged 50–65.
Kwestia dyskryminacji osób starszych na polskim rynku pracy jest zjawiskiem stosunkowo nowym i w związku z tym nie do końca rozpoznanym. Potrzeba bliższej analizy tego zagadnienia nabiera szczególnego znaczenia, gdyż prognozy demograficzne jednoznacznie wskazują na postępujący proces starzenia się społeczeństwa. W takiej sytuacji aktywizacja zawodowa i wzrost wskaźnika zatrudnienia osób starszych stały się jednym z priorytetów polityki rynku pracy. Celem rozważań podjętych w artykule jest diagnoza stanu wiedzy osób starszych na temat dyskryminacji ze względu na wiek na rynku pracy oraz identyfikacja doświadczeń badanej populacji w tym zakresie. Na potrzeby realizacji celu badań próbę badawczą stanowiły osoby w wieku 50–65 lat.
tom 10
nr 2 (20)
The main aim of this study is to consider and present pedagogy students’ attitudes towards the elderly. The results presented herein were collected in a pilot project. The survey was conducted among 66 pedagogy students; a questionnaire and the semantic differential method were used as the research tools. The results revealed positive attitudes among the students towards the elderly. However, a conclusion was drawn that pedagogy students should be allowed to take part in activities involving the elderly. Students’s awareness of their own attitudes might allow them to understand elderly people’s behavior. A proper understanding of the aging process and old age can create a chance for better communication and inter-generational cooperation. It is also an inspiration for understanding their own aging process.
nr 7
This paper investigates the situation of the elderly in Poland today. Beyond the general socio- cultural factors influencing the process of ageing, the authors focus on how the media depict the elderly and their situation in society. The analysis leads to the conclusion that topics connected with ageing are rarely discussed in the media. When they appear, they are analysed mainly from an economic and political perspective and are seldom the subject of more profound thought.
nr 2
The increased scientific interest in late adulthood, as well as in intergenerational relations of the elderly, finds particular justification in the current demographic situation in Europe and Poland. The subject of the study is old age functioning as a motif of advertising messages. The reflections concern the psychological-positive alternative to the phenomenon of generating a stereotype of the elderly in advertising. The stereotyping of the advertising image of people at the existential stage of late adulthood poses a danger of increasing ageism in the media space and in colloquial social consciousness. The postulated form of counteracting ageism is education in the aspect of developmental changes in late adulthood (including through the dissemination of reliable knowledge about the aging process in social communication), taking into account the current state of research on the intergenerational potential of older people, i.e. wisdom, quality of life.
tom 2
The terms such as: humiliation, discrimination, domination, privileges, symbolic power, violence come from the dictionary of critical pedagogy. Researchers such as P. Freire, H. Giroux, P. McLaren, Z. Kwiecinski, L. Witkowski and T. Szkudlarek reveal the mechanisms of manipulation and abusive practices in the field of education, which create/ maintain/ develop social inequalities and discrimination. They pay attention to the fact that school (and state) systems neither fulfil the needs of individuals or society, nor allow to speak for groups representing different ethnic origin, religion, beliefs etc. Similar mechanisms are present in the field of social work, social policy and its institutions. A critical perspective is not permanently present in the theories of social work. Therefore, it seems appropriate to elaborate on this subject and emphasize a number of traps, danger mechanisms of domination and discrimination in social care, due to the nature of this institution, which bears the marks of a total institution. One can speak in this context about discriminatory practices against specific groups (eg. against seniors), but also reach the meta-narrative perspective and analyze the new academic discipline, which is social work.
The article has several objectives. First, it aims to discuss, based on the international literature analysis, theoretical models and factors influencing early retirement decisions, and limiting work ability and employability of older people. Second, the concept of (and the factors related to) work ability as well as the role of age management in improving employability and sustaining work activity of older adults are analyzed against the backdrop of the Polish context. Cultural (ageism) and organizational (e.g., a lack of appropriate age management in companies) factors influencing work activity in the oldest age groups are taken into account. Third, the authors present some solutions and recommendations coming from the international Participation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the Work Sector (PATHWAYS) project. Finally, theoretical models, concepts and solutions are integrated into a model elucidating the conditions (cultural, social, organizational, individual) influencing work ability of older adults. The model aims to take into account theories and factors identified in the literature review and grouped into several categories. The analysis highlights the role of appropriate age management in companies in the process of sustaining work ability of older employees.
Social exclusion is a very serious problem in the world. We can find a lot of forms of it, but still new ones start to exist. One of the most popular is aging, which consequences we observe, among other things, in the workplace. The main aim of this theoretical article it to present the multidimensional character oh the social exclusion, particularly to set off the problem of e- exclusion of the generation BC (Before Computers) as a result of the very dynamic development process of new communication technologies. The expected result is also to encourage the readers to find answer to the question- what new forms of social exclusion will create the future....?
Content available Ageism: A Problem of the Twenty First Century
tom 16
nr 18 (2)
Starzenie się społeczeństwa jest procesem globalnym i przybierającym na sile, a jakość starzenia się jest istotnym parametrem tego procesu. Prognozuje się, że w latach 2015-2050 dojdzie do podwojenia odsetka ludzi w wieku starszym. Celem pracy była analiza piśmiennictwa dotycząca zachowań dyskryminacyjnych ze względu na wiek tzw. ageizm, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zachowań w obrębie ochrony zdrowia, w tym również lekarzy dentystów. Ageizm może być ważnym czynnikiem wpływającym na zdrowie i samopoczucie osób starszych, co powinno być brane pod uwagę przy opracowywaniu strategii wspierania zdrowszego i szczęśliwszego starzenia się. W badaniu ankietowym populacji Polskiej wykazano, że 26% uczestników powyżej 65. roku życia uważa grupę swoich rówieśników za dyskryminowaną, a 8% było świadkami dyskryminacji. Podkreśla się, że niechęć do ludzi starszych i ich dyskryminacja w placówkach medycznych jest częściej obserwowana w sytuacjach presji czasowej i niedoboru personelu medycznego. Starsi ludzie coraz częściej zachowują naturalne uzębienie, w związku z tym rośnie zapotrzebowanie na przeszkolonych lekarzy zajmujących się kompleksową opieką nad pacjentami w starszym wieku. Pomimo to wskazuje się, że sama poprawa wiedzy na temat procesu starzenia nie zmienia postawy wobec pacjentów seniorów. Po analizie piśmiennictwa należy zauważyć znikomą ilość badań poświęconych tematyce ageizmu prowadzonych poza USA. Badania prowadzone w dziedzinie stomatologii odnoszące się do tej tematyki najczęściej ograniczane są do badania postaw studentów. Obecny czas pandemii COVID-19 uwypuklił nieprawidłowe zachowania obarczone ageizmem.
The ageing of society is a global process which is gaining strength. The quality of ageing is an essential parameter of this process. It has been predicted that the percentage of elderly individuals will double during the period 2015-2050. The aim of the present paper was to analyse the literature on discriminatory behaviour due to age, or so-called ageism, with particular emphasis on behaviour within the area of healthcare, including that of dentists. Ageism may constitute an important factor in the health and well-being of elderly people, one which should be considered in the design of strategies to support healthier and happier ageing. A survey of the Polish population showed that 26% of participants aged 65 and over considered that their peers are being discriminated against, whereas 8% had personally witnessed discrimination. It has been emphasised that aversion to the elderly and discrimination against them in medical facilities is observed more frequently in situations involving time pressure and shortage of medical personnel. More and more frequently, elderly people retain their natural teeth; accordingly, there is a growing demand for trained dentists to provide comprehensive care for elderly patients. Nevertheless, it has been indicated that mere improvement of levels of knowledge about the ageing process does not change attitudes towards elderly patients. Following analysis of the relevant literature, it should be noted that the volume of research on ageism conducted outside the US is negligible. Research related to this subject in the field of dentistry is most often limited to students’ attitudes. The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted inappropriate behaviours characterised by ageism.
nr 2
W dobie starzenia się społeczeństw konsekwencje stereotypów na temat starszego wieku wydają się niedoceniane. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie wpływu wiekowych stereotypów na starzejące się jednostki i całe społeczeństwo, w oparciu o dostępne dane empiryczne. W części wprowadzającej zdefiniowano pojęcie stereotypu, następnie omówiono indywidualne i społeczne konsekwencje stereotypów na temat starszego wieku. Analiza przytoczonych danych empirycznych na temat skutków stereotypizacji wieku senioralnego rodzi przekonanie, że pozytywne zmiany w zakresie stereotypowych sądów na temat starszego wieku mogą prowadzić do poprawy funkcjonowania fizycznego, psychicznego i społecznego osób w starszym wieku, z drugiej strony, bazując na realnym rozpoznaniu ich możliwości, lepszego wykorzystania przez społeczeństwo ich potencjału.
In the era of aging societies the consequences of old age stereotypes seem to be  underestimated. The aim of the article is to present the influence of old age stereotypes on aging individuals and the society as a whole, based on the available empirical data. The article begins with a definition of a stereotype and  then it analyses individual and social consequences of old age stereotypes. The analysis of the cited empirical data about the consequences of these stereotypes leads to a belief that positive changes in ageing stereotypes can result in improved physical, psychological and social functioning of elderly people and a realistic identification of their potential may lead to a better utilization of their impact in the society.
Content available remote Seniorita v odměňování : čas pro změnu
nr 10
Czech and Czechoslovak labour law tradition is rich but for a long period of time had contained a number of provisions which allowed for or supported age and gender discrimination. Despite this mixed legacy, provisions against age discrimination have over the course of time developed in a piecemeal fashion. Czech labour law entered a new phase in 2000 when it had to implement the EU antidiscrimination directives, at least formally. in practice, however, the Czech legislature continues to struggle for re-balanced regulations on age. The presented and analysed regulation of wages determination is far from inter-generational fairness, but nevertheless preserves dignity of older employees' lives.
Česká platná právní úprava odměňování ve veřejné správě je postavena mimo jiné na důsledné aplikaci principu seniority. Ze stručné historické analýzy vyplývá, že důvodem zavedení seniority nebyl ve skutečnosti zájem na vyšší produktivitě nižších úřeníků, ani žádný jiný legitimní cíl ve smyslu čl. 6 odst. 1 směrnice 2000/78/ES. režim, který alespoň ideologicky prosazoval produktivitu - socialismus, senioritu po určité experimentální fázi zrušil. V roce 1992 došlo ke znovuzavedení principu seniority z chvályhodných důvodů - snahy po zvýšení produktivity, kvalifikace, a především v zájmu stabilizace úředníků. Nakonec však převážila snaha šetřit na státních mzdových prostředcích, což i dlouhodobě potvrzuje právní úprava a aplikační praxe. V úrovni statistických zjištění musíme konstatovat omezenost lidského poznání, přesto se zdá, že seniorita posiluje diskriminaci mladších mužů i žen, pokud pobírají plat.
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