In the context of modernization of the pre-school education institutions of Ukraine within the framework of individually oriented and competent approach is a change of priorities for education – on the child's development, on the accumulation of knowledge – on the ability to apply them in specific situations. Providing self-development of preschool children in a prepared environment causes the introduction in the educational process of the activity approach. Therefore, the problem of studying the updated achievements of the past to identify those that can be adapted to the modern educational space is up-to-date. According to the results of the theoretical analysis the interpretation of key concepts, namely, the «idea», «activity», «action», «approach» in the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sense is presented. The absence of a holistic historical and pedagogical research activity approach to training and education of pre-school children, in our opinion, has a negative impact on the development of both the historical and pedagogical science and practice of implementation of the activity approach in the modern educational process in the kindergarten. Theoretical analysis reveals that in its essence and content of the concept of the activity approach is complex and multi-faceted education, which includes an analysis of the formation of self-realization, self-development of the person as the subject of activity. The basic idea of the activity approach in the educational process is not connected with the activity as such, but with the activities, which is a means of formation and development of the child. The transformation of ideas of the activity approach in historical and pedagogical context of the twentieth century is revealed. It was found out that the content of this concept in the 30’s in psychology was regarded as «the principle of the activity»; in the 70th of XX century appeared in the scientific revolution definition of «active approach». In the second half of the 80th – student-activity approach, focused not only on the assimilation of knowledge, but also on the ways of their assimilation, thought and action, the development of cognitive effort and creativity of the child that has been recognized as one of the system-forming factors restructuring the education system. Further development of the activity approach in psychological and educational research over 90s is associated with a change in the educational paradigm (90 years of the twentieth century), since the transformation took place in the student-activity-oriented concept of education. Generalization of the characteristics, especially the development of the ideas of the activity approach in educational theory, due to deterministic requirements of the society for the education of children in different historical periods is made.
The article deals with the theoretical analysis of speech activity. The priority significance of the problems at the present stage of development of integration processes in education are under review. During the presentation of the article the various aspects of speech activity, which were investigated by philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, linguists, and educators are shown. The role of activity in the organization and development of verbal communication of people who have received methodological and experimental justification in the theory of activity mediation of interpersonal relationships is highlighted. Speech activity of people can enter into the other, broader activities, such as public productive, informative. However, it can be an independent activity Speech activity is divided into these main types: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The types of speech activity are also differentiated for initial and reactive. In the direction of broadcast or transfer information, the skills are divided into receptive and productive. Speech activity is determined by four phase structure: orientation, planning, execution, control. It is determined by the unity of two sides – external (executive) and internal ones. Speech activity is classified according to various criteria: by degree of difficulty: echolalia speech repetition, speech-naming, choral, communication; role in planning: active, reactive speech; according to the degree of arbitrariness etc. Psycholinguistics considers necessary combination in the structure of speech activities of its internal and external factors and shares activity following speech characteristics: the idea of the process of communication (speaking) how about purposeful activity; the idea of the structure of speech activity as the unity of three; the idea of speech activity and its organization as a hierarchical multilevel structure. The problem of speech activity is revealed in the text as one of the most important in modern learning, particularly in speech therapy correction needed to improve the process of logopedic influence. Knowledge of the aspects of speech activity is necessary to create favorable conditions for the upbringing of the child with speech infringements.
The article reveals the contents of methodological approaches to teaching foreign languages. Based on the author’s research, it gives analysis of the basic and the most advantageous approaches to teaching the prosody of a foreign language. The author briefly provides the foundations for classifying lingua-didactic approaches, and, using a comparative analysis of the existing approaches to foreign language teaching, proves the advantage of implementing the activity and functional approaches in teaching the prosody of a foreign language. The author highlights the necessity of integrating lingua-didactic approaches at the crossroads of adjacent sciences, with universal laws of speech prosody formation and specific features of a given foreign language in focus.
W artykule prezentowane jest sedno podejścia metodycznego oraz analiza podstawowych i najbardziej perspektywicznych podejść w nauczaniu prozodii języków obcych. Autor przedstawia podstawy dla klasyfikacji podejść lingwodydaktycznych z wykorzystaniem analizy porównawczej podejść już istniejących w nauczaniu języków obcych, udowadnia skuteczność aktywnego i funkcjonalnego podejść w nauczaniu prozodii. Omawiając podejścia lingwodydaktyczne autor zwraca szczególną uwagę na uniwersalne lingwistyczne zasady kształtowania mowy oraz cechy szczególne konkretnego języka obcego.
The aim of the article. The article reveals the question of determination of methodological basis of forming of professional readiness of the future mathematics teachers to the use of the tools of computer visualization of mathematical knowledge. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and systematization of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological literature, works of the local and foreign authors, legal documents, teaching materials) and empirical (research and compilation of the national and international teaching experience, observation, introspection) with the help of which effective approaches to teacher training in mathematics are defined. Results. Methodological bases of formation of professional readiness of mathematics teachers to use TCVMK reflect the relationship and interaction of different approaches of general scientific and specifically-scientific methodology in the context of formation of professional readiness of the mathematics teachers for the use of mathematical knowledge computer visualizationtools. Among the existing approaches to preparing teachers of mathematics in the context of formation of their professional readiness to use mathematical knowledge computer visualization tools the author has identified systems approach, activity approach, competence approach, integrated approach and acmeological approach. Conclusions. The systems approach ensures the integrity of the educational process which is characterized by hierarchy and continuity; using of integrated approach promotes the emergence of a new quality of knowledge of informatics and mathematic and technological skills; competence approach is important from the standpoint of practice learning; activity approach ensures activity skills; acmeological approach provides further reflection of our activity and professional activities of colleagues with orientation on individual self-improvement and self-development. The perspectives of further research. The further researches will be directed at defining principles of forming the professional readiness to use computer visualization tools of mathematical knowledge.
The problem of professional training of teachers in foreign countries in terms of intercultural interaction of educational space objects has been studied in the paper. It has been stated that the current stage of human civilization development which is defined as the transition to a knowledge society, is characterized by qualitatively new requirements to the development of education. It has been noted that despite some cultural-and-historical differences in the development of Ukraine and countries of the European Union, functional similarity of national systems of teachers’professional training enables the usage of European experience in future teachers’ training. The role of teachers in the modernization of European education has been emphasized. It has been stated that in the professional training theory and practice significant experience has been accumulated which can form the basis for modernization of future teachers’ training for intercultural interaction of the educational process objects. Major trends in this area have been revealed. Scientific approaches and paradigms have been defined. Much attention is focused on the fact that a set of methodological approaches to the problem of teachers’ professional training has allowed to distinguish personality-centered and activity approaches as main ones for solving research problems. It has been noted that the reason for scientists’ special attention to the category of educational activities is the development of problems related to organizing cross-cultural educational process that helps students to get knowledge about other cultures, to determine the common and special features in traditions, lifestyle and cultural values of peoples, to bring up youth in the spirit of respect for systems of other cultures. Much attention has been paid to the concept of educational support which is a humanistic way of interaction of a teacher with students on the basis of expansion and deepening student-centered and developmental paradigm of education which is based on internal freedom and creativity of the individual, real humanism and democracy.
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