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The article deals with the connections of Marshal Joseph Piłsudski to the University of Warsaw. Piłsudski played a leading role in the regaining of Polish independence after a victory against Bolshevik Russia. Many students from the University of Warsaw fought in the Polish-Bolshevik war and formed the 36th regiment. On the 2nd of May 1921 Piłsudski re-introduced the academic insignia to the University restoring its original nineteenth-century symbols and traditions. The university did not remain in debt to Piłsudski and awarded him, for the first time in the institution’s history, the title of doctor honoris causa. In the subsequent years Marshal Piłsudski’s connections to the university weakened, because of political divisions within Warsaw academic community and unfavorable Polish government policies towards the university’s autonomy. However, immediately after the Marshal’s death in 1935, the institution gained a new name – the University of Joseph Piłsudski in Warsaw. Achievements of this famous Polish hero were also commemorated at the University by many busts created by acknowledged Polish artists: Edward Wittig and Zofia Trzcińska-Kamińska. In the late thirties of the 20th century several university buildings and ventures were named after him and the cult of the Marshal at the University (propagated by the authorities) was highly noticeable. The present year marks the 80th anniversary of the death of Marshal Joseph Piłsudski and at the same time, eight decades have passed since the University of Warsaw received its patron in the person of Piłsudski. It is worth therefore to remember this extraordinary figure of Warsaw’s higher education.
tom 11
Courses of meteorology and climatology have been included in the curriculum of the Department of Geography since 1918. The majoring in climatology became possible since the academic year 1951/52, when the Chair of Climatology was established at the Geographical Institute, belonging to the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences. The first head of the Chair of Climatology was professor Romuald Gumiński (dead in 1952), the next ones professor Wincenty Okołowicz (1953-1974) and assistant professor Maria Stopa-Boryczka(since 1975). The climatological investigations have been realised in the NE Poland and in Warsaw. In the period 1951-1977 in climatological specialization of University of Warsaw 161 persons have graduated, 20 persons have obtained doctor's degree and 4 persons have qualified as assistant professor. In 1977 was established the first in Poland Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies and then Chair of Climatology was turned into Department of Climatology in the Institute of the Physical Geography Sciences.
nr 4 (41)
Content available remote Michał (Mojsej) Żyw (1905-1943)
Michał Żyw był polskim fizykiem wyznania mojżeszowego, zajmującym się głównie promieniotwórczością oraz fizyką jądra atomowego. Większość prac poświęcił promieniotwórczości i w tej dziedzinie odnosił sukcesy. W 1935 roku został magistrem fizyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. Opublikował jedenaście prac naukowych.
W dniach 19-20 marca 2015 roku odbyła się na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim uroczystość nadania doktoratu honoris causa profesorowi Andrzejowi Szczepanowi Białynickiemu-Biruli. Przez całe swoje życie zawodowe, profesor Białynicki, jest związany z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim, ze stosunkowo krótkim epizodem pracy (w latach 1964-1970) w Instytucie Matematycznym PAN. Doktorat zrobił jednak poza UW, u Gerharda Hochschilda na Uniwersytecie w Berkeley, w 1960 roku. Fakt uzyskania stopnia doktora w innym ośrodku usunął przeszkody formalne i pozwolił nadać profesorowi Białynickiemu-Biruli doktorat honorowy UW.
Content available Wspomnienia. Ewa Skrzypczak (1929-2020)
Ewa Teresa Skrzypczak, z domu Kirszenstein, urodziła się jeszcze przed wojną. Jej ojciec, Witold, pochodził ze starej, zubożałej szlachty kurlandzkiej. Walczył w wojnie 1920, potem ukończył Wyższą Szkołę Wojenną, pracował w Sztabie Głównym. Zamieszkał w Warszawie, tam urodziła się Ewa. Ojciec walczył w czasie wojny 1939 i dostał się do oflagu. Po wojnie zaprosił go do współpracy marszałek Rola-Żymierski, ale ojciec Ewy odmówił.
Na tle poglądów na temat geografii regionalnej przedstawiono zmiany w czasie działalności badawczej Zakładu Geografii Regionalnej w minionym pięćdziesięcioleciu oraz dorobek w podziale na: prace metodologiczne, badawcze, encyklopedie, monografie i podręczniki oraz prace bibliograficzne, kartograficzne i nazewnicze.
Research activity at the Department of Regional Geography in the past 50 years has been reviewed in the context of the geographical thought of the 20th century, subdivided into the following categories: methodology, research, encyclopedias, monographic studies, manuals, as well as bibliographical, cartographical and onomastic works. As far as methodological works are concerned, one should mention, first of all, a new approach to, and the very idea of the subject and objectives of regional geographical studies, developed at the Department in the late 1970s. The crucial point of the new approach was seeking relations between the natural environment and man and his activities in different regions, while applying various methods for analyzing the relationships. Other methodological works concerned such issues as for example: links between certain geographical issues (political borders, globalization processes) and regional geography, various details relating to methods and approaches, principles governing research in regional geography and some methodological problems relating to geography and environmental protection. From the moment the Department of Regional Geography of Warsaw University was established till the early 1970s, its research studies were dominated by social and economic problems, including population studies, studies on the Polish community abroad, on migration and urbanization, economic activity, as well as regional and economic development in various parts of the world. Very many studies dealt with geographical rural problems in non-Polish territories. Historical, political and cultural geography was also frequently approached. Since the mid-1960s, research studies have been mainly focused on relations betweens human activity and the natural environment, which became the dominant subject in the subsequent years. These subjects, analyzed from different perspectives, were dealt with not only by research staff in their publications, but also, with a few exceptions, by students writing their MA theses, thus contributing to the overall academic achievement of the Department. This concurrence, or rather subordination of one of the most important teaching elements to basic academic research, should be emphasized in this context. In regional geography, relationships are perceived in terms of spatial (and sometimes, also temporal) coexistence of natural and socio-economic phenomena, a prerequisite for examining causal relationships between the natural environment and the domain of human activity. The following research assumptions adopted in regional geography provide the theoretical grounds for these relations: factors confining human activity, diversification as a common attribute of the natural environment, with impact on man and his activity, a chain of intermediate man environment interconnections, changing character of these interrelations in time, their dual and bi-directional nature. Various statistic methods are used in examining spatial co-appearance of some of the features of the natural environment and the corresponding features of the socio-economic sphere. On the part of the natural environment, these interrelationships were analyzed in terms of its diversification, its usefulness with respect to various human activities, impact of its individual qualities, existing limits and barriers of physical and geographical character, impact of changes of the environment and, finally, its degradation. On the part of the socio-economic phenomena, the following aspects were taken into consideration: population density, deployment and durability of settlements, various issues related to agriculture and land use, density and character of communication and transportation systems, tourism and tourist facilities, economic development and its attributes. Research activity of the Department of Regional Geography is evidenced by a total of 163 chosen published studies.
Content available remote Jubileusz 50-lecia Wydziału Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
tom nr 9-10
Laboratorium aplikacyjno-szkoleniowe Pro-Environment Polska to miejsce, w którym biznes spotyka się z nauką. Realizacja podstawowych celów działalności laboratorium, takich jak prowadzenie wielopoziomowych szkoleń oraz opracowywanie i wdrażanie nowych metod pomiarowych, jest możliwa dzięki połączeniu innowacyjnej aparatury pomiarowej i wiedzy eksperckiej.
Content available remote Ogród botaniczny Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – ogród pamięci i wyobraźni
Mówiąc o „ogrodzie pamięci” w kontekście ogrodu botanicznego, możemy rozpatrywać go nie tylko zgodnie z przyjętymi definicjami pojęcia „pamięć”, ale również jako miejsce upamiętnienia ważnych osób i zdarzeń oraz jako o instytucji, dla której wyjątkowo ważnym zadaniem jest zachowanie bogactwa genetycznego – bioróżnorodności. Ogrody botaniczne zawsze były miejscami szczególnymi, w których badano świat roślin, poznawano ich właściwości, bogactwo form i struktur. Jako ogrody o charakterze kolekcjonerskim stawały się często odwzorowaniem natury odległych krain (nierzadko niedostępnych, znajdujących się poza zasięgiem większości społeczeństwa). Wystarczyło przekroczyć ich bramę, by dzięki wyobraźni przenieść się w odległe miejsca. Trwałość kompozycji niektórych fragmentów (działów) ogrodów dodatkowo przywołuje tradycję uprawy roślin. Utrzymane w konwencji ogrodu kwaterowego nawiązują do okresu, gdy ogrody botaniczne (czasem nawet jeszcze tak nienazywane) były przede wszystkim miejscem badania właściwości leczniczych roślin (herbularius, giardino dei semplici, orto botanico). Uniwersytecki Ogród Botaniczny w Warszawie jest przykładem ogrodu o ciekawej historii związanej z dziejami królewskich Łazienek i Polski. Fragmenty ledwie rozpoczętej i nigdy nieukończonej budowy Świątyni Opatrzności Bożej nie tylko przypominają o okolicznościach, w których zapadła decyzja o jej fundacji, ale może nawet silniej o okolicznościach, jakie zaważyły o zaprzestaniu jej realizacji. Obecnie zmieniają się zadania ogrodów botanicznych. Są to już nie tylko miejsca prowadzenia badań i przekazywania wiedzy o roślinach leczniczych, rozpowszechniania egzotycznych gatunków roślin (zwłaszcza o znaczeniu gospodarczym), ale stanowią miejsce rekreacji oraz przede wszystkim są instytucją dbającą o ochronę zagrożonych gatunków roślin – zachowanie bioróżnorodności.
In the contex of botanic garden, the garden of remembrance does not have to be considered in accordance with accepted definitions of the notion referred to as “memory” which describes place’s predispositions to remind people of their impressions and experience. It can be treated as a place commemorating important persons and historical events as well as an institution whose particularly important purpose is to preserve genetic diversity – biodiversity. Botanic gardens have always been special places where one could study the world of flora, learn about its characteristics and variety of forms and structures. As collectors’ gardens they frequently reproduced nature of distant lands (often inaccessible, situated beyond the reach of society). Crossing the gate was enough to be moved to faraway places. Moreover, permanence of arrangement regarding certain fragments (sections) of the gardens evokes the old tradition of plants cultivation. Italian-style gardens allude to the period when botanic gardens (sometimes not even called this way) were most of all places of studying curative properties of plants (herbularius, giardino dei semplici, orto botanico). Warsaw University Botanic Garden is an example of a garden with interesting past connected with the history of Łazienki Królewskie (Royal Baths) and Poland. Fragments of only started but never finished Temple of Divine Providence (Świątynia Opatrzności Bożej) not only remind of the circumstances accompanying the decision to found it but, even stronger, of the events which influenced its ceasing. In present times the tasks of botanic gardens have been changing. Not only are they areas of carrying out research and transmitting knowledge about medicinal plants and popularizing exotic plant species (especially economically important ones). They are places of recreation but first and foremost they care about protection of endangered plant species – preserving biodiversity.
Content available Kształcenie w Zakładzie Geografii Regionalnej
W ciągu 50 lat istnienia specjalizacji geografia regionalna zmieniło się w sposób istotny kształcenie studentów. Zmianom ulegał zarówno program nauczania, jak i problematyka wykonywanych prac magisterskich. Prowadzone obecnie zajęcia i prace magisterskie dotyczą różnorodnych aspektów relacji środowisko przyrodnicze-człowiek.
In the 50 years of the Department of Regional Geography of Warsaw, courses taught to the students underwent major changes. The curricula changed several times, reflecting the changing approaches to that branch of geography. At first, the curriculum reflected the traditional approach to regional geography, understood as a synthetic description of various regions of the world. A major change took place in the 1970s - interrelations between man and the natural environment were adopted as the main subject of both research and teaching. As a result, the curriculum has changed correspondingly. New subjects were introduced, relating to the natural environment, mankind and various aspects of their interrelationship, as well as subjects dealing with methods for analyzing these relations. The subjects of over 600 MA theses in this field evolved in a similar manner. At first, they were mainly monographic theses dealing with individual regions or areas of human activity (settlements, economy). Nowadays, over 90% of the theses are on various aspects of the interrelations taking place between the natural environment and various forms of human activity. From this perspective, the region itself ceased to be the subject of research, but rather a testing ground on which man-nature interrelationship is to be examined.
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