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The article concentrates on the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) instruments and deals with short videos as parts of the nomination files of particular ICH elements. In difference to the fairly precise instructions regarding the content and specific formulations related to the text of the written parts of the nominations, for the creation of video-documents of each element of the ICH the recommendations do not exist. Just thanks to the diverse nature of intangible cultural heritage throughout the world (whereas the Convention so far has been ratified by 161 Member States of 195 UNESCO member states) and due to the diverse respect of the state parties aimed at it, making the video-documents (as the mandatory part of the nomination dossier of the nominated) raises a number of questions. The result of above mentioned ideas is a diversity of styles, some of which become predominant, and therefore affect future visualization of intangible cultural heritage on a broader scale. At the same time the contribution presents concrete examples of making the films (in the style “learning by doing”), which were part of the nominated elements from the Slovak Republic: The Music of Terchová, Bagpipes and Bagpipe Culture in Slovakia and Slovak and Czech Puppetry.
L ’article présente une confrontation des procédés et des méthodes juridiques employées en Pologne en vue d’éliminer le trafic illicite des biens culturels avec ceux qui ont été instituées p a r la Conférence Générale de l’UNESCO en date de 19.XI.1964. La résolution de l’UNESCO est présentée sous forme judiciaire de recommandation appelée: „Recommandation concern an t les mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l’exportation, l’importation et le tran sfe rt de propriété illicites des biens culturels”. En examinant chaque ^problème en particulier l’au teu r soumet à l’analyse critique les opinions et les remarques d’autres pays présentées dans les commentaires au p ro je t de la recommandation. L ’article porte aussi su r des dissertations d’ordre général concernant le caractère juridique des recommandations de la Conférence Générale adressées aux pays membres de l’UNESCO. En tenant compte des prescriptions du s ta tu t de l’UNESCO, du règlement de la Conférence Générale et de la doctrine l’auteur arrive à la conclusion que ces recommandations ne sont que des directives destinées à oriente r la législation et la pratique des pays respectifs. Néanmoins, le fait d’avoir adopté la recommandation de l’UNESCO engendre dans les pays en question toute une série d’obligations strictement juridiques (comme p a r ex. la nécessité d’en faire éta t devant les organes compétents de leur pays ainsi que l’obligation de présenter à l’Organisation des rapports détaillés) qui p a r là-même constituent déjà l’in strumen t d’une „certaine pression morale exercée sur les états membres”, mis à la disposition de cette organisation. Les objectifs de la protection et sa portée sont in d iqués dans la recommandation de PUNESCO selon le modèle de la définition de la notion des biens culturels déterminés dans la Convention pour la Prote ction des Biens Culturels en cas de Conflit Armé de 1954. Les différences n ’ont qu’un caractère secondaire et elles résultent du fait que d ’autres motifs décident de la protection en temps de paix et d’autres — en temps de guerre. Toutefois il y a deux points essentiels qui sont identiques dans les deux définitions et ils spécifient que: 1. la 'liste des objectifs visés par la définition ne constitue qu’un relevé sommaire indiquant les catégories principales de ces objets, 2. l’obligation d e déterminer les critères selon lesquels l’objet donné sera ou ne sera pas soumis à la p ro tection, incombe à l’Etat auquel l ’objet donné appartient. La définition des biens culturels telle qu’elle fu t adoptée par la résolution éveilla des réserves surtout de la part des Etats-Unis, du Japon, de la Grande Bretagne et de la iSuisse. L’on a soulevé que la libe rté laissée aux Etats de remplir chacun pour sa p a rt cette définition d’un sens concret annulerait effectivement la possibilité d ’un contrôle de l’importation qui ne pourrait alors être exercé puisqu’il se ra it impossible d’exiger du service douanier la connaissance d’au tan t de variantes de la définition q u ’il y aura it de pays intéressés. Il est chose certaine q u ’en pratique ces conséquences ne se manifeste raient point vu que les documents annexés aux objets exportés constitueront la preuve matérielle de la vérification à laquelle ils ont é té soumis. Dans la loi polonaise du 15 février 1962 ,;Sur la protection des biens culturels et sur les musées” le législateur introduit, en plus de la notion du monument histo rique, celle du bien culturel, dont la définition comporte les éléments essentiels de la formule adoptée par la recommandation de PUNEiSOO. Toutefois si l’on considère l’ensemble des prescriptions de la dite loi la conclusion s’impose à savoir que ce qui répond à la notion du bien culturel défini par la recommandation de l’UNESCO c’est, dans notre loi, la notion du monument historique étan t donné que seuls les monuments historiques jouissent en Pologne de la protection judiciaire. P armi les sept règles indiquées par la recommandation, deux sont d ’une valeur toute particulière. L’essentiel de l’une d’elles repose su r la reconnaissance des restrictions faites aux principes par les législations des autres pays intéressés. L ’autre relève de la reconnaissance du droit de la revendication dans chaque cas d’exportation illicite des biens culturels. Une base judiciaire suffisamment solide garantit en Pologne le contrôle de l’exportation, mais il y manque, comme dans d’autres pays d ’ailleurs, de p re scriptions portant su r le contrôle de l’importation vue sous le même aspect et visée par la recommandation de l’UÎNESOO. Le fait d’avoir adopté par la Conférence Générale la recommandation témoigne d’unie bienveillance d’a ttitu d e générale des Etats envers l’initiative prise par l’UNEISCO, l’on a donc droit d’espérer que les législations des divers pays, parmi eux celle de la Pologne, seront complétés par des prescriptions réglant les questions de l’importation des biens culturels. Vu la complexité des problèmes concernant l’échange international des biens culturels, les accords in te rn a tionaux peuvent constituer l’instrument le plus efficace de coopération entre les pays déterminant les obligations et îles droits réciproques des parties contractantes. La Pologne se prononce pour cette forme de coopération.
From the very beginning of the concept of sustainable development education is seen as a necessary condition to achieving it. Adopted at the highest international level obligations for implementation of ESD cover specific indications as to the objectives, tasks, methods and groups and areas of impact. Currently, the realization of EZR should be based on the guidelines set out by the UN Decade for ESD (2005–2014) coordinated by UNESCO and UNECE Strategy for ESD. The school is particularly important place for the implementation of education. In this article an attempt was made to describe the characteristics of effective education for sustainable development in formal education on the basis of the guidelines contained in the latest documents and the results of research carried out in Poland and the UK.
Od samego początku powstania koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju edukacja jest postrzegana jako konieczny warunek do jej osiągnięcia. Przyjęte na najwyższym, międzynarodowym szczeblu zobowiązania do realizacji edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju (EZR) zawierają konkretne zalecenia co do celów, zadań, metod oraz grup i obszarów oddziaływania. Obecnie realizacja EZR powinna opierać się na wytycznych określonych dla wdrażania, przyjętej przez ONZ, a koordynowanej przez UNESCO, Dekady EZR (2005–2014) oraz zawartych w Strategii Edukacji dla Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Europejskiej Komisji Gospodarczej ONZ. Szczególnie ważnym miejscem wdrażania edukacji jest szkoła. W niniejszym artykule została podjęta próba określenia, na podstawie wytycznych zawartych w najnowszych dokumentach obligujących do wdrażania EZR oraz wyników badań prowadzonych w Polsce i w Wielkiej Brytanii, charakterystyki skutecznej edukacji dla zrównoważonego rozwoju w edukacji szkolnej.
Wpisanie cerkwi św. Paraskewy na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO spowodowało zwiększenie ruchu turystycznego w Radrużu, małej roztoczańskiej wsi. Właściciel obiektu, lubaczowskie Muzeum Kresów, wraz z gminą Horyniec – Zdrój (gospodarzem terenu) prowadzą działania związane z przystosowaniem obiektu do wymogów nowej sytuacji. Jednocześnie Muzeum realizuje w okolicach inne działania, związane z zachowaniem lokalnego dziedzictwa i jego promocją. Oznacza to nie tylko działalność na rzecz rozwoju turystyki kulturowej, ale także edukację lokalnej społeczności. Muzeum współpracuje z miejscowym samorządem, ale działania prowadzi na poziomie powiatu i regionu. Dlatego cerkiew i wieś zostają wpisane w sieć produktów turystycznych dostępnych na Roztoczu, związanych z turystyką kulturową opartą o zabytki drewnianej architektury, zwłaszcza sakralnej, oraz o dziedzictwo niematerialne i przyrodnicze. Ani wieś, ani gmina nie są w stanie samodzielnie przeprowadzić odpowiednich działań. Zintegrowanie działań różnych instytucji pozwala na aktywne planowanie rozwoju i reagowanie na zmieniającą się rzeczywistość.
Content available Pierwsza konferencja Międzynarodowej Rady Muzeów
Ochrona Zabytków
nr 2
49-51, 93
L’article est un compte-rendu des problèmes touchant la protection des monuments et qui ont été traités lors de la première conférence de ICOM (International Council of Museums) à Paris, en juin-juillet courant.
Content available Ochrona naszego dziedzictwa artystycznego
The author has taken interest in new aspects of folklore and folklorism in the contemporary culture as well as in the current discussion on folk culture, tradition and cultural heritage in Poland. She based her reflections on the 2003 UNESCO Convention (ratified by Poland only in 2011): terms ‘folklore’ and ‘folklorism’ are replaced with a new term ‘intangible cultural heritage’ which also includes material culture. However, there is a dichotomy between the cultural policy at the state level (including common knowledge of organisers of cultural activities and culture creators) and academic theory.
This paper offers a survey of the goals and results of an international publication project under the auspices of UNESCO, and the publication of four marble statues and herms depicting the Greek goddess Hecate from collections in Prague.
Intangible cultural heritage plays a significant role in the existence, sustenance and development of society. This paper presents selected phenomena and elements of the cultural heritage of China. It is a country with a unique history, tradition and culture. New research demonstrates ties and mutual cultural influence between societies which were previouslybelieved to have developed in isolation. However, actions for the protection of cultural heritage, both on a national and international scale, must be implemented with consideration for the depositaries of traditional skills and knowledge. Moreover, it is important to enter into dialogue and international cooperation based on mutual respect and regard for cultural diversity.
The contribution deals with the processes that are behind the creation of the lists of intangible cultural heritage at the national and especially the international level (UNESCO). It analyses the role of official documents, directives, materials, recommendations, etc. from the “workshop” of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) which plays a recommending role in the procedure of creation of the nomination registers of intangible cultural heritage which should be inscribed on one of the UNESCO Lists. Based on the participating observation from the sessions of the Intergovernmental committee (in 2013 and 2014) and the General Assembly of the 2013 Convention (in 2014) as well as written materials, the contribution shows with particular examples how necessary it is to maintain a balance between the ideas of communities (bearers of traditions), the scientific approach of experts (ethnologists, ethnomusicologists, ethnochoreologists, museologists…), interests of the member states to the 2003 Convention and UNESCO rules in the course of the nomination of particular elements..
Linguists expect that 90 ̶ 95% of 6,000 ̶ 7,000 languages worldwide may vanish in the course of this century, which may also lead to a loss of the unique identities, cultures, and traditions that these languages embody. According to criteria proposed by a UNESCO commission, various languages face different degrees of endangerment at present. The Romani language is classified as ‘definitely endangered’, which is Degree 3 in the UNESCO’s classification system. The present article will focus on a detailed evaluation of the general socio-linguistic situation of the Romani language in Slovakia, its causes and consequences, which contribute to its level of endangerment and which have led linguists to classify the language as definitely endangered. The article will be framed mainly by a consideration of the factors as defined by a study drafted by the above mentioned UNESCO commission, namely intergenerational language transmission, absolute number of speakers, proportion of speakers within the total population, trends in existing language domains, response to new domains and media, materials for language education and literacy, governmental and institutional attitudes and policies, including official status and use, and community members’ attitudes toward their own language. We will draw on published materials on the status and use of the Romani language in Slovakia as well as on the results of the field research that we conducted in 2015 by means of individual semi-structured interviews.
This paper examines the influence of globalization on cultural heritage, focusing on the role of UNESCO as the primary initiator and creator of international agreements of the protection of cultural heritage. On one hand, UNESCO is a defender of cultural heritage from globalization, on the other, it is a strong global player who determines and enforces individual policies and practices in the field of the protection of cultural heritage all over the world. The first part of this paper examines selected opinions of experts on the issue of globalization and cultural heritage. The second part is a case study presenting the results of empirical research conducted in Vlkolínec, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1993, which aimed to analyse the effect the inclusion of the village in the World Heritage List had on the everyday lives of its inhabitants and the village itself.
The Polish People’s Republic ratified, in 1976, the Convention Concerning the Protection o f the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, November 16, 1972. The first step which initiated UNESCO activities in the that sphere — says the author — was the international campaign started a dozen or so years ago and aimed at saving the rock-cut temples in Abu Simbel in Nubia. That campaign, and and the following ones of similar nature, made the foundation for the setting up o f a system o f international cooperation and assistance striving for protection of the cultural heritage of outstanding and universal value. Proceeding with his deliberations the author quotes the assumptions of the Convention formulated in its preamble and points out to their significance from the viewpoint of interpretation o f the provisions o f that act. Now one of the most important tasks in the sphere of national protection o f the cultural and natural heritage is the state’s task o f including the programme for that protection into general planning. The author is aware o f the complexity of that task and the difficulties involved in its implementation because of the ditferent assumptions and values employed by the staff of monument protection service and by planners and making premises for the preparation of plans. Moreover, in some cases the planners’ failure to take into account all the elements o f environment results in the undesirable fact of certain goods o f the heritage discussed being an obstacle to implementation of plans. ' Another group o f the tasks examined by the author are those ensuing from ratification o f the Convention by Poland. The most essential there is, in his opinion, that o f drawing up an index of the goods of the nation’s cultural and natural heritage which should be proposed for being entered into the ’’list o f the world heritage”. As regards the heritage o f culture, such an index should be drawn up, together with relevant scientific documentation, by the Centre for Documentation o f Historical Monuments, Warsaw, in association with scientific institutions, major museums, and the branch offices of the Centre. In consonance with the stress laid by the Convention on the growing role of science, the author takes up the problem of the need for enchancement of the number o f high-skilled personnel to work in the respective lines of the service for the protection of the cultural and natural heritage, for improvement and development o f the scientific and research potential actively engaged in the protection o f the heritage discussed. Reference is also made of the contribution paid by Polish conservators and scientists, especially those versed in Mediterranean archeology, to the work on saving a number of monuments abroad. The following part of the paper comprises an attempt at an evaluation of the Convention. Its significance is seen by the author to lie in the grounding of a realistic system of cooperation o f the international community in protecting the goods of the said heritage which are recognized as those o f universal importance. What is meant by him as the reality o f that system is, on the one hand, the fact o f a subsidiary character having been imparted to international assistance and, on the other, that of prividong for the Convention being put into effect due to the indispensable material means of the World Heritage Fund. The author is highly appreciative o f the fact of the problems o f the cultural heritage, and those of the natural one, having been combined in the Convention. This solution is recognized as a correct one on account o f common elements appearing in the protection o f both o f them, to mention but similar tasks involved, and methods employed, in that protection and the legal institutions which serve it. In view o f the ever growing and negative role of the threats of various kinds, the author postulates preparation of a comprehensive inter-ministerial (horizontal) programme for cooperation which would take into consideration not only the problems of the protection o f the cultural and natural heritage, but also those of environmental protection in the full sense of the word. The author concludes his paper in determining the Convention as an act, internationalist in its essence which, like the whole of UNESCO activities, is far from a cosmopolitan approach to the cultural and natural heritage of the respective nations.
Content available remote UNESCO Architectural Objects on the Territory of the Republic of Macedonia
Stereotypically, international society identifies the Republic of Macedonia as a former Yugoslavian area marked by the independence stigma during tragic events in the Balkans. Therefore, various scientific publications appear (particularly in the fields of international law, political science or international relations), concerning mainly the Greek‑Macedonian conflict over the official name of the country. However, it is rather rare to find in Polish literature texts on remarkable cultural and architectural richness of this small but extremely important – for the Slavic‑Orthodox culture – country. It is possible to observe, in Polish works, compilations on art history of South and West Slavs, but it does not extend its own scientific discipline, except the indication of necessary legal or political background. In the following discourse several considerations on culture and art objects on the territory of the modern Republic of Macedonia (FYROM official name) are presented. The text consists of three main parts with an emphasis that the last part possesses also an internal structure. Basic information concerning the main tasks and aims of UNESCO is presented in the first part of the work. The following part is concerned with the historical context of the city of Ohrid. Finally, the third part of the paper contains considerations on the architectonical objects of UNESCO located in the historical city of Ohrid. The analysis ends with final conclusions.
This article is devoted to the analysis of links between the Venice Charter and the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972, along with the presentation of evolution of certain ideas exemplified by the term of authenticity, which constitutes one of the foundations of the Venice Charter. Some issues, currently well recognised, which constitute the basis of a modern conservation doctrine, are included in the very Venice Charter. Over years, they became reinforced in the international community’s awareness, which directly reflects the contents of the World Heritage Convention and its execution – starting from the term “heritage of mankind” found in the Charter and popularised by the Convention, through the establishment of ICOMOS, which became an advisory organisation to the World Heritage Committee, to the concept of authenticity and respect to historic substance. A historic substance is the basic carrier of the outstanding universal value of World Heritage Sites. However, the meaning of authenticity of the substance has changed within the last forty years. One of the most significant phases in this process, which influenced, among others, the UNESCO World Heritage List, was the adoption of the Nara Document concerning authenticity (1994), broadening and supplementing the provisions of the Venice Charter mainly in the context of authenticity. However, a high degree of arbitrariness in interpreting international doctrinal documents, resulting from their universal character, has led to blurring of importance of values underlying the World Heritage Convention, valuing intangible values over tangible ones, which derives from the Venice Charter. The concept of authenticity, although linked to the provisions of the Venice Charter, began to be defined only in Operating Guidelines to the execution of the World Heritage Convention. Since 1976 it has evolved, reflecting changes in attitude towards heritage. In this article the process has been illustrated by three entries to the World Heritage List: a historical centre of Warsaw, an Old Bridge within the Old Town in Mostar and a historical and archaeological complex in Bolgar.
A General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris on 23-28 October. Its participants meet every two years at a UNESCO General Assembly to make decisions concerning the dues for the World Heritage Fund and to elect new members of the World Heritage Committee. The General Assembly passed a resolution introducing changes into the Committee voting system. This year’ s election was held in accordance with the newly accepted principles. The Committee is now composed of 12 new countries: the United Arab Emirates, the Russian Federation, Switzerland, France, Cambodia, the Republic of South Africa, Thailand, Estonia, Ethiopia, Iraq, Mali and Mexico. For the duration of a mandate, which lasts for a maximum of six years, the Committee members, cooperating with advisory organisations and the World Heritage Centre, monitor the state of sites on the World Heritage List and decide about new entries. The General Assembly also discussed the future of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in connection with its coming 40th anniversary and the challenges stemming from its global character. It is worth stressing that for the first time in the history of the Convention the debate about its future involved all the states which had signed it and which wish to have impact upon its progress.
Aim of the article: to investigate peculiarities of basic adult education functioning in Canada. Research methods: to achieve the mentioned aim the following methods were applied: theoretical – deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis; sociological – analysis and systematization of data; historical methods – comparative historical method, chronological method. In Canada, basic education includes a spectrum of credit and non-credit programs for students, who are older than average schoolchildren. The main assignments of basic adult education are to increase the level of general literacy; to develop social skills; to improve the level of conscience and independence; to increase chances of job acquisition at job market; to improve technological competence; to improve communicative skills. The main factors of adult education development are: changes, which take place in social life, new content of social processes and their interconnection, broadening of spectrum of personality activity, high pace of information oldening, shortening of terms of information validity. Key factors of a high level of adult education efficacy are: condusive psychological climate, development of educational plan at the beginning of educational process, high level of financing, methodological background of every course, highly qualified teachers, application of the most effective strategies, high level of communication with community, development of students’ motivation. The main subtypes of literacy are family literacy, cultural literacy, adaptation literacy. Concept “illiteracy” presupposes social, cultural and technical illiteracy, which are united in “functional illiteracy”. In professional sphere, functional illiteracy is viewed as inability of a worker to fulfill his functional duties, because of the changes that take place at a work place. The main levels of literacy are: the first level presupposes inability to read and understand texts; the second level presupposes ability to read simple, easily written texts, but ability to interpret within the borders of general context and personality uderstands his/her low level of litracy; the third level is characterized by highly developed renading skills, but there are difficulties in text understanding; the fourth and the fifth levels are characterized by general cultural and professional skills and by ability to make many-sided analysis of information.
Content available Památky starověké Núbie na známkách světa
The successful International UNESCO Campaign to Save the Monuments of (Egyptian and Sudanese) Nubia became an important motif on the postage stamps of 47 countries of the world in the years 1960–1980. The stamps host famous rescued temples (listed here according to frequency of the used motifs, including general views, details of architecture and relief decoration) of Abu Simbel, Philae, Wadi es-Sebua, and Dakka, the Kiosk of Qertassi and the South - ern temple of Buhen. Moreover, some of the unique painted murals found in the episcopal cathedral at Faras were reproduced on Polish stamps. The philatelic contribution to the campaign was far from symbolic. The total philatelic revenue (including income from the Philae Medals) reached 112,665.64 US dollars. The philatelic activity of 47 countries substantially contributed to the publicity of the UNESCO Nubia Campaign around the world.
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