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Content available remote Pražští Rusové
The article deals with situation, attitudes and behaviour of members of Prague's Russian immigrant community. At the beginning an overview of recent socio-economic development in Russia, existing findings about Russian minority in the Czech Republic and Czech citizens’ attitudes towards Russians are presented. The core of the article is presentation of main results of a survey conducted by the author in spring 2010 among members of Russian community that live in Prague and its surroundings. Among the main hypotheses that came out of the survey is growth of importance of positive motivations to migrate, extension of geographical and social basis from which migrants come, continuity of self-isolation of the community combined with strong ties to the country of origin and rise of Russian ethnic economy in Prague.
The cycle of novels The Red Wheel, one of the most significant and yet least-known works of Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, offers a profound insight into the issue of national identity and relationships between Poles and Russians. The analysis of how Solzhenitsyn depicted Poles in the cycle, in terms of their being strangers or own people, is all the more interesting for the fact that it relates to a specific point in history. Indeed, in The Red Wheel novels, Solzhenitsyn provides a detailed description of the period of decline of the multinational Russian Empire, which, by extension, was a pivotal time in the history of the Polish quest for independence.
In 1991 the regenerating country of Latvia had to face the consequences of Soviet occupation, including the "colonization" of Latvian grounds by the influx of hundreds of thousands Russians supplying the industrial plants, offices and politics of Latvian SSR. The way that Russians and Latvians have been through if it comes to the relations between them was not straight, if we take the accompanying internal conditions and international context into account. Surely it also has not been finished and still requires the will of dialogue from both sides. Giving the opportunity of gaining the citizenship by naturalization, supporting everybody who was interested in getting civic rights and aiming at social integration Latvia has answered positively the question about the future of Russian inhabitants of the republic and challenges that appeared after years of occupation.
The aim of this study is to examine correlations between attitude to specific cultural groups (Muslins and Russians) and respondents’ sense of security. The other goal of this research is to study of the relationship between respondents’ international experience (eg. travelling or working abroad) and their territorial identity (in local, regional, national/state and European dimension). These issues are analyzed on the basis of the survey carried out in the spring of 2015 among the students of three largest public universities in Bialystok.
Content available remote Superkonektory barw w świadomości językowej Polaków i Rosjan
The article presents a comparative analysis of selected linguistic material from associative dictionaries of the modern Polish and Russian languages. The object of the analysis are the units of an inverted dictionary, forming the so-called nucleus of linguistic awareness, i.e. words that act as a reaction to at least a few headwords. The so-called colour superconnectors, i.e. words-reactions showing the maximum number of connections with various words-stimuli, colours with maximum associative power. The analysis of the structures of lexical connections of coloratives in the nucleus of the linguistic awareness of Poles and Russians proves their similarity both in terms of frequency and the scope of the lexical span.
The purpose of this article is to compare the perceived destination image of Poland as seen by Russians and Ukrainians. This study contributes to understanding the process of how the image of a destination is shaped, the new contribution being the comparison of the image of Poland as perceived by visitors and non-visitors of two nations, which until 1991 were a part of one state. The study is based on a questionnaire consisting of 16 statements on the perceived destination image of Poland. A 5-point Likert scale was used in the survey. A total of 710 people were examined, including 348 Russians and 362 Ukrainians. The reliability of the survey was assessed using Cronbach's alpha index. The hypotheses verification, using Student's t-test, showed that Russians and Ukrainians perceived Poland as an attractive country in terms of tourism. No major diferences between Russians and Ukrainians were observed in the perception of Poland as a tourist destination. Moreover, no influence of past experience was noted on the shaping of the perceived destination image of Poland. Additionally, some managerial implications of significant relevance to destination marketing are discussed, and future directions for research are outlined.
The aim of this article is to analyze attitude of the Prussian Prime-Minister – considered as the Architect of German Unification – Otto von Bismarck – towards the phenomenon of social rebellion, which in Polish history became known as the January Uprising. The intention of the Author is not to focus on issues related with wide-ranging diplomatic action of the prospective “Iron Chancellor”, which was crowned with Alsvenlabena Convention. Bismarck was in the limelight not like as well-known „real politician”, but as a political thinker whom he also was. Author analyzes a highly specific conceptual nomenclature of Bismarck, and his attitude towards the Poles, Russians, Pan-Slavism and autocracy. Introduction to the subject is an overview of the evaluations of the insurrection, which was permanently established in Polish intellectual environments, including its traditional divisions between the right wing and the left wing.
Ethnic and linguistic changes of the Belarusian population at the turn of the 21th centuryThe first part of the article presents historical background of the origin of the Belarusian nation, located in the area of a confrontation between Russia and Poland. This rivalry was won by Russia, and in effect Belarusian land was incorporated into the Russian Empire, and later into the Soviet state. The next part presents the 20th century ethnic structure as the consequence of the Bolshevik Revolution and World Wars I and II, resulting in some border changes, war loses and migration movements. The main part of the article deals with the ethnic and language changes which occurred in the last decade of the 20th and in the first decade of the 21st centuries. The statistical analysis and interpretation is based on data from three population censuses (1989, 1999, 2009). An ethnic structure and linguistic situation are presented with the emphasis placed on the status of the two languages commonly used in Belarus, i.e. Russian and Belarusian, as seen in two categories: of mother language and of the language used for communication at home. The conclusions prove the expansion of popularity of the Russian language and gradual decrease of the use of the Belarusian language, both in public and at home. The processes of Russification, which had begun in the Soviet period, are intensifying despite the fact that Belarus regained its political souverianity as a country. On the basis of quantitative data the author defines specific intensity and territorial distribution of the influence of the Russian language. The final part of the article shows political and geo-political consequences of these changes in Belarus.
Content available remote Społeczność rosyjskojęzyczna w obwodzie lwowskim
The article discusses the problem of the Russian-speaking community in the Lviv district in Ukraine. Basing on ethnographic field research conducted in Drohobych, Borislav and Chervonograd the author speaks in support of the thesis that the Russian in Western Ukraine should be described as a group that differs from the rest of population not only by language, but also by many other signs of cultural identity, especially memory which is in conflict with the dominant Ukrainian national historical discourse. The author also notices the differences in identity discourses: the Russian – speaking people mostly support the thesis of “Slavic unity” in which the essence of being Ukrainian bases on some ethnographic differences. The identity of the Russian-speaking people does not fit into the mainstream of pure ethnic distinctions, which, in turn, for the Russian – speaking group are not necessarily natural and obvious categories to describe social reality. In cities, where the research was conducted, the Russian – speaking people feel themselves as a minority, forced to defend their interests in the view of limited opportunities to preserve their identity which may lead to the collapse of the core values of the group. These problems even intensify with coming to power – at the local level – nationalistic “Svoboda” party.
Zasadniczym problemem badawczym, podejmowanym w niniejszej pracy, jest ukazanie możliwie najpełniejszego obrazu bezprawia Rosjan wobec Sióstr Boromeuszek po wkroczeniu Armii Czerwonej do Świebodzina pod koniec stycznia 1945 r. W szczególności analizie poddane zostały relacje naocznych świadków tragicznych wydarzeń. We wspomnieniach dominuje wstrząsający obraz okrucieństwa, który dotyczy niemieckich kobiet a jeszcze bardziej sióstr katolickich. Wkład badań ma wpływ na wyjaśnienie lokalnej historii, obalenie wielu mitów powstałych wokół ostatnich dni II wojny światowej fałszujących prawdę i ukazanie często bohaterskich postaw pokrzywdzonych. Ukazanie prawdy o ofiarach reżimu ma nie tylko ocalić od zapomnienia, ale winno mieć wpływ na kształtowanie postaw empatii wobec ofiar reżimu i jednocześnie wskazać na podejmowanie pełnej odpowiedzialności za swoje decyzje i czyny dla nas, ludzi współczesnych.
The main research problem undertaken in this work is to show the whole possible picture of the lawlessness of the Russians against the Sisters of St. Borromeo after the Red Army entered Świebodzin at the end of January 1945. In particular, the reports of eyewitnesses to the tragic events were analyzed. The memories are dominated by a shocking picture of cruelty, which concerns German women especially Catholic sisters. The contribution of research influences the explanation of local history, the overthrow of many myths created around the last days of World War II falsifying the truth and showing the heroic attitudes of the victims. Presenting the truth about the victims of the regime is not only to save from oblivion, but it should also influence the attitudes of empathy towards the victims of the regime and at the same time point to taking full responsibility for their decisions and actions for us contemporary people.
Content available Dylematy tożsamościowe w obwodzie zaporoskim
nr 49
Dilemmas of Identity in the Zaporizhzhia OblastThis text is a review of Alla Karnaukh’s book. The review contains a brief overview of eight chapters of the book. The reviewer notes that this book fills a gap in the study of national and ethnic minorities in Berdiansk and the outskirts of Primorsk (Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine). From the Polish point of view it is a very useful book. According to the author of the review, despite a few mistakes and editorial faults, Alla Karnaukh’s book is important especially for researchers of Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-Russian relations. Dylematy tożsamościowe w obwodzie zaporoskimTekst jest recenzją książki Ally Karnaukh. Zawiera krótkie omówienie ośmiu rozdziałów składających się na treść tej książki. Recenzentka zauważa, że jest to pozycja, która wypełnia lukę w badaniach mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych w Berdiańsku i okolicach Primorska (obwód zaporoski). Z polskiego punktu widzenia jest rzeczą bardzo dobrą, że taka książka została napisana. Zdaniem autorki recenzji książka Ally Karnaukh, mimo pewnych błędów oraz usterek redakcyjnych, jest pozycją ważną zwłaszcza dla badaczy stosunków polsko-ukraińskich i polsko-rosyjskich.
nr 1
The topic of Ukrainian-Russian relations is very important in the alternative history novels of the Ukrainian writer Vasily Kożeljanko (1957-2008). Alternative histories novels "Parade in Moscow" (1997), "Kotigoroško" (2000), "Terorium" (2001), "FalseNostradamus" (2001) novels appeared in an independent Ukraine when there was no longer a Soviet censorship. In alternative historical prose, heroes can be embedded in the history of an active person or as fictional characters who carry the ethno-stereotypical lines of their community and have ethno-stereotypes about other peoples. Ethnic stereotypes of Ukrainians and Russians and stereotypes of Ukraina and Russia can be mythologised. Relations between a stronger and weaker, older and younger, colonizing country and colonized country are presented as a conflict between Strong Russia and a weak Ukraine, but also a strong Ukraine of weak Russia. Russian Empire in the of Kożeljankos alternative histories novels presented negatively.
Barbarian from the East. From the stereotype to the mythologization of the Russians
Варвар с востока. От стереотипа к мифологизации россиян
tom 10
nr 4
Celem pracy jest ukazanie opinii studentów białostockich uczelni o Rosjanach. Tłem opracowania (niewywoływanym w badaniu ankietowym) są napięte polityczne stosunki z Rosją wynikające z historycznych uwarunkowań i bieżących wydarzeń politycznych związanych z sytuacją gospodarczą i wydarzeniami na Ukrainie. Kolejną przesłanką są bardzo negatywne oceny Polaków dotyczące współczesnego obrazu Rosji i złożonego wizerunku samych Rosjan jakie rysują się z ogólnopolskich badań przeprowadzonych w 2015 roku. Badania własne przeprowadzone zostały w Białymstoku na reprezentatywnej grupie wśród studentów uczelni publicznych. Białystok jest tu traktowany jako przestrzeń specyficzna - przestrzeń pogranicza, koegzystencji wielu kultur. Istotnym elementem jest doświadczenie respondentów wynikające z obecności na Podlasiu i Białymstoku obywateli zza wschodniej granicy, współistnienie wielu mniejszości narodowych. Badanie objęło kilka rodzajów sąsiedztwa jakie powiły się w odpowiedziach respondentów. Opisano opinie ankietowanych na temat następujących wymiarów sąsiedztwa: fizycznego (współzamieszkiwanie danego obszaru), społeczno-kulturowego, religijnego oraz gospodarczego.
The objective of the work is to present the opinions of the students of Białystok universities about Russians. The background to the considerations (unexposed in any survey research) are the close political relations with Russia stemming from historical conditionings and the current political events related to economic situation and events in Ukraine. Another premise are very negative opinions held by Poles concerning the modern image of Russia and a complex image of Russians themselves which stem from the all-Poland research conducted in 2015. The author’s own research was conducted in Białystok on a representative group of students from public universities. Białystok is treated here as a specific area – the border area with many co-existing cultures. A significant element is the respondents’ experience resulting from the presence of citizens from behind the Eastern border in Podlasie and Białystok, as well as the coexistence of many minorities. The research covers several types of neighbourhood which appeared in the respondents’ answers. The opinions of the surveyed participants were described in the following dimensions of neighbourhood: physical (cohabitat on a given area), social-cultural, religious and economic.
CEL NAUKOWY: Celem artykułu jest porównanie międzykulturowej perspektywy stereotypowego obrazu Ukraińców/Ukrainek oraz Rosjan/Rosjanek w kontekście trwającego konfliktu zbrojnego. PROBLEM I METODY BADAWCZE: Problem badawczy dotyczy kulturowych różnic, jakie ujawniają się w procesie spostrzegania przedstawicieli dwóch narodowości, które są zaangażowane w konflikt zbrojny. Ponieważ stereotypowe sądy najczęściej ujawniają się w języku, dlatego też do badań wykorzystano narzędzie, które opiera się na języku (lista przymiotników), a równocześnie jest zaadoptowane do badań międzykulturowych. W badaniu wzięło udział 92 studentów z Polski i Słowenii. Zebrany materiał językowy posłużył do analizy i porównania międzykulturowych, stereotypowych sądów dotyczących obywateli Ukrainy i Rosji. PROCES WYWODU: Wywód rozpoczęto od założeń teoretycznych dotyczących pojęcia stereotypu oraz procesu stereotypizacji. Przeanalizowano rolę języka w procesie stereotypizacji, a także przedstawiono analizę wyników i wnioski. WYNIKI ANALIZY NAUKOWEJ: Ogólny wynik wskazuje, że polscy studenci przypisują mniej przymiotników pozytywnych niż słoweńscy zarówno Ukraińcom, jak i Rosjanom. Analiza wykazała istotne różnice statystyczne oraz podobieństwa między badanymi grupami studentów polskich i słoweńskich w zakresie stereotypowego obrazu Ukraińców i Rosjan. WNIOSKI, INNOWACJE, REKOMENDACJE: Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują na występowanie podobieństwa u młodych Polaków i Słoweńców w postrzeganiu Rosjan natomiast zupełnie inaczej spostrzegają oni Ukraińców. Charakterystyki językowe uzyskane w niniejszym badaniu pozwalają na ogólny wgląd w sposób spostrzegania dwóch narodowości zaangażowanych w wojnę. Należy też zauważyć, że uzyskane w badaniach charakterystyki Ukraińców i Rosjan stanowić mogą ważną społecznie wiedzę o negatywnych stereotypach, jakie funkcjonują o tych narodowościach. Wiedza ta może być przydatna w podważaniu, przeciwdziałaniu, lub rozpowszechnianiu takich sądów, które mogą być szkodliwe i prowadzić z kolei do uprzedzeń lub dyskryminacji ludzi z badanych narodowości.  
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This article aims to map the stereotypical image of Ukrainians and Russians from a cross-cultural perspective in the context of the ongoing armed conflict. RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem concerns the cultural differences that are revealed in the perception of representatives of the two nationalities that are involved in the armed conflict. Since stereotypical judgements are most often revealed in language, an adjective check list was used for the study. A sample of 92 Polish and Slovenian students took part in the study. The collected linguistic material was used to analyse and compare cross-cultural stereotypical judgements about Ukrainian and Russian citizens. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argument begins with theoretical perspectives on the concept of stereotyping and the process of stereotyping. The role of language in the stereotyping process is analysed. An analysis of the results and conclusions is presented. RESEARCHRESULTS: In general, Polish students attribute fewer positive adjectives than Slovenian students to both Ukrainians and Russians. The analysis revealed significant statistical differences as well as similarities between the researched groups of Polish and Slovenian students in terms of the stereotypical image of Ukrainians and Russians. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS: Empirical evidence shows that Polish and Slovenian students have more in common in their perception of Russians, while they perceive Ukrainians quite differently. The linguistic characteristics obtained in this study provide a general insight into the perceptions of the two nationalities involved in the war. It should also be noted that these characteristics of Ukrainians and Russians may constitute socially important knowledge on the negative stereotypes about these nationalities. This knowledge may be useful in challenging counteracting or disseminating such judgements, which may be harmful and lead to prejudice or discrimination against people from the nationalities studied.  
The article reports on an extensive research project on the systems of values professed by Poles, Russians, and Germans. On the basis of the Free Word Association Test, the author compares and proposes hierarchies of values that constitute the linguistic awareness of the members of these nationalities. The axiological cores of these systems are also identified, together with the attitudes and axiological preferences involved. A claim is also made that the content of axiological units extends far beyond the definitions of the relevant concepts. The research also touches upon the ethical condition of European societies and the problem of axiological erosion, or even abstinence, recently identified by sociologists.
W artykule omówiono rezultaty zakrojonych na szeroką skalę badań nad systemem wartości Polaków, Rosjan i Niemców. Na podstawie wyników tzw. testu werbalnych skojarzeń autorka dokonuje porównania i zhierarchizowania wartości składających się na świadomość językową Polaków, Rosjan i Niemców, a także wyjawia aksjologiczne jądro w systemach ich wartości oraz kryjące się za nimi postawy i preferencje aksjologiczne. Autorka dowodzi również, iż napełnienie treściowe jednostek aksjologicznych znacznie wykracza poza ramy definicyjne charakteryzowanych pojęć. Badania wydają się interesujące również w kontekście ocen kondycji moralnej społeczeństw europejskich i podnoszonych w ostatnim czasie, zwłaszcza przez socjologów, kwestii erozji czy wręcz abstynencji aksjologicznej.
The article presents changes of national composition of Vilnius population in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The changes of Vilnius population are analyzed with respect to nationality, including the smallest territorial administrative units of Vilnius. The growth of the city population was associated with an intensive allround city development. Based on the data of the censuses of 1989 and 2001, the article focuses on the dynamics of national composition, which took place after the restoration of independence. The analysis encompasses not only the intensity of dynamics of different nationalities but also the portion of national minorities residing in Vilnius (Poles and Russians in particular) on a country scale.
This text focuseds on the hitherto unknown issue – Orthodox community of the town of Brzeziny, the capital of poviat under the same name from 1867 to 1914. It analyzes what social groups constituted Orthodox community putting particular stress on the government officials on poviat level as they and their policy had the most powerful influence on the lives of people of Brzeziny. The article also deals with the Orthodox church in Brzeziny.
Tekst koncentruje się na dotychczas mało znanym zagadnieniu – omówieniu prawosławnej mniejszości Brzezin, stolicy powiatu o tej samej nazwie w latach 1867–1914. Artykuł analizuje, z jakich grup społecznych składała się tamtejsza prawosławna mniejszość, jednocześnie kładąc szczególny nacisk na urzędników szczebla powiatowego. A to dlatego, że właśnie ta grupa miała największy wpływ na życie brzezinian. W tekście także zaprezentowano dzieje prawosławnej świątyni w Brzezinach.
tom 5
nr 1
The article discusses the problem related to the history of the Revolution of 1917–1920 in Ukraine. Repeated transition of the country territory under the rule of various military and political forces put the average man in front of a constant need to build relationships with new rulers. The article analyzes the response of main social groups of the urban population to the next change of government, determines the dynamics of attitudes of citizens based on practical actions of the military administrations, and describes how to minimize the negative effects of many-years armed conflict on everyday life.
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