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schools. In our summary, we will present the level of effectiveness of religious education in Poland, and we will also explore the discussion on the reformation of religious education in Poland which is being worked upon.
our summary, we will present the level of effectiveness of religious education in Poland, and we will also explore the discussion on the reformation of religious education in Poland which is being worked upon.
attempt to explore first what the model has to offer in terms of equipping students with the necessary skills so that they will successfully navigate through the conflict of values, and second the potential application and limitations of the model. Methods. The exploration is based on a 2014 production by Pure Flix Entertainment, the first movie in the God’s not Dead series. The author will consider two educational cases presented in the movie using a close reading method. Results. The study seems to prove that that the God’s not Dead movie accurately portrays the conflict of values experienced by young adults in present-day America. It also appears to consistently promote the Open Education Model as a type of religious education that provides considerable assistance to the learners in retaining their beliefs in the world of mixed values, especially in the time of crisis. The model appears to lend sound conceptual framework missing in other models, but its full application is time and effort consuming and fails to provide more comprehensive approach to religious diversity. Conclusion. The Open Education Method of religious instruction in the environment dominated by a multicultural approach, seems to offer valuable concepts that may facilitate educational process proposed by other models and thus deserves more thorough consideration in academic research.
which gets several problems in different school-situations. In some schools, there are 8 and more sorts of confessional religious education. After the description of possible alternatives, a proposal of redefining confessional education is presented. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The paper starts with an overview of the history and the actual situation of religious education in Austrian schools. Currently 13 recognised religions and denominations in Austria provide religious education. In some situations religious education becomes impossible due to insufficient student numbers. So the state and religious communities will have to try and establish new models of teaching. The main part of the paper consists of pros and cons in the conceptual considerations of confessionality. RESEARCH RESULTS: It is a challenge to rethink confessional religious education: religious communities will have to take joint responsibility and provide religious education as a service to students with clear denominational features. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: There are three first steps very necessary in the next future: Commitment of the religious communities to religious education; a new concept to try at several locations; practical support concerning multi-religious events.
to this principle one needs a detailed knowledge of teaching norms and methodological guidelines set down under the new religion curricula. In this article, an attempt will be made at describing the use of visual materials as a principle on which the teacher’s educational activities are based in the context of the amended “Core curriculum of the Catholic Church catechesis in Poland” and “Curriculum of RomanCatholic religion teaching”, approved in 2010 by the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference. One shall begin with the understanding of the use of visual materials in general and catechetic didactics. Then, one shall analyse the issues related to this rule as a principle on which the religion teacher’s educational activities are based as proposed in the new, abovementioned curricula. In the conclusion, one describes catechetic suggestions for the authors of new series of textbooks and religion education materials as well as for religion teachers.
katechezę, autorkę tekstu interesowało, czy w podstawie nauczania dla szkół podstawowych uwzględnia się problematykę różnorodności religijnej i wyznaniowej oraz czy religia traktowana jest tako fenomen kulturowy. Cel. Celem artykułu jest analiza podstawy programowej dla szkół podstawowych i programu nauczania katechezy w celu zweryfikowania treści odnoszących się do religii jako fenomenu kulturowego. Metody. Posłużono się jakościową analizą treści podstawy programowej dla szkoły podstawowej w celu ustalenia na jakich przedmiotach (gdzie?) oraz w jaki sposób (jaki kontekst?) religia jako zjawisko kulturowe zawarta jest w tym bazowym dokumencie. Wyniki. Z przeprowadzonych analiz wynika, że problem religii jako zjawiska kulturowego jest marginalizowany w podstawie programowej dla szkoły podstawowej.
94.2% of elementary school students receive the catechism, the author of the paper was interested in whether the Polish elementary schools teach about different religions, religious diversity, and religion as a cultural phenomenon? Aim. The aim of the presented paper is to analyse the National Curriculum and catechesis curriculum for elementary education in order to verify its content referring to religion in terms of cultural phenomenon. Methods. The qualitative content analysis of National Curriculum of elementary school was used in order to find out where (which school subject) and how (which context) religion as a cultural phenomenon is included in the aforementioned document. Results. The analyses indicate that the problem of religion as a cultural phenomenon is marginalized in the National Curriculum and catechesis curriculum for elementary school.
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