Despite significant progress in research and development of aluminum shear panels in recent decades, their implementation for seismic retrofit of existing reinforced concrete (RC) buildings can still be significantly extended. Their application is limited by the general lack of relatively simple and effective design criteria and proper guidelines. This paper develops a design method for the seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete buildings using aluminum multi-stiffened shear panels as dampers. Both the nonlinearity in the structure and the dampers-structure interaction are considered to give an optimal distribution of the shear panels over the height of the building. The analytical laws refer to dissipative aluminum shear panels recently tested and analyzed by the authors. The proposed procedure has been described in detail. Its applicability has been demonstrated by analyzing two typical RC buildings having drift capacity-to-demand ratios ranging from 0.505 to 0.624. The design value of the panel-to-frame stiffness ratio has been found to range from 0.594 to 1.432 as a function of the lateral stiffness of the existing building. The verification of the proposed procedure has been carried out by checking the validity of the design assumptions. The first one (i.e., the mode shapes remain the same before and after retrofit) has been checked using the modal assurance criterion that gives values ranging from 0.992 to 0.998. The second one (i.e., uniform yield drift distribution over the building height) has been checked by comparing the yield drifts with their average value giving a standard deviation ranging from about 11 to 15%. The effectiveness of the design method has been finally validated through nonlinear time-history analysis for different seismic accelerograms and hysteresis models. The results show that the seismic retrofit design procedure is effective in significantly reducing inter-story drift (maximum inter-story drift ratio demands ranging from 1.04 to 2.07%) thus satisfying the acceptance criteria of the building, and avoiding drift concentration and consequential weak story collapse.
Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji komputerowej opisujące stany naprężeń w żelbetowej ścianie silosu oraz rozkład zmiany wilgoci w silosie i organicznym ośrodku ziarnistym (pszenicy) wywołane oddziaływaniem czynników klimatycznych (opady deszczu, temperatura i wilgotność powietrza). Obliczenia wykonano z wykorzystaniem programu autorskiego w ujęciu metody różnic skończonych. Dane do obliczeń numerycznych dotyczące opadów deszczu oraz temperatury i wilgotności powietrza przyjęto z obserwacji meteorologicznych dla regionu Podlasia.
This paper presents the results of a computer simulation describing stresses in the reinforced concrete wall of a silo and the distribution of changes in humidity in the silo and in the organic grain medium (wheat), caused by climatic factors (rainfall, temperature and air humidity). Computations were performed using the authors' original program, based on the method of finite differences. The data for the numerical computations relating to rainfall and air temperature and humidity were taken from meteorological observations for the Podlasie region.
Opisano problemy, które pojawiły się w trakcie budowy dużych obiektów mieszkalnych. Betonowaniu stropów i ścian dwunastokondygnacyjnego budynku towarzyszyło zagęszczanie podłoża w sąsiedztwie metodą konsolidacji dynamicznej. Obawy o wpływ drgań na warunki dojrzewania betonu skłoniły inwestora do zlecenia autorom artykułu analizy mającej określić stan już wykonanej konstrukcji oraz zdefiniowanie warunków prowadzenia prac w przyszłości.
This paper describes problems arising during the construction of large residential buildings. Concreting of the ceilings and walls of a 12-storey building was accompanied by compacting of the base in the vicinity using a dynamic consolidation method. Due to fears about the effect of vibrations on the conditions of curing of the concrete, the investor commissioned the authors to carry out an analysis to assess the state of the structure already built and to determine conditions for carrying out work in the future.
Opisano stan zniszczenia podstawowych elementów konstrukcyjnych hali żelbetowej [stropy, żebra, podciągi i płyty dachowe), przedstawiono model korozyjnego niszczenia stali i betonu oraz zaproponowano sposób wykonania napraw.
The article describes the condition of damaged basic structural elements of a hall made of reinforced concrete (ceilings, reinforcing ribs, binding joists, and roof slabs) and presents a model of corrosive destruction for steel and concrete. It also proposes repairing methods.
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