A good, compact review of lawful-capital forms used in national companies during their establishment and further development, is not yet existing presently. The publication is directed to explanation of those aspects, so natural in economic environment of each country, being in transformation, aspiring to quicker development as well. The first step here is to divide the enterprises in consideration of their size. The concentration of production in XIX century and in first half of XX century, attracted the interest of entrepreneurs to big firms. But in the 2nd half of XX century, till to present time, was taken attention to small and medium-sized companies, as being more flexible and adaptive to changing rapidly environment. The formulation of new national law, in end of 2000 year, was very helpful in the preparation of correct legal performances. The establishment of the Code of Commercial Companies had regulated the law in generally with certain vision for the future. But the appearing of "information highways" and IT (Information Technology) influenced on establishment of new form of companies, called often as virtual companies. They are very characteristic for present time, on the beginning of XXI century. The codification should be improved again.
This article describes the benefits of implementing an environmental management system (EMS) conforming to the ISO 14001 standard in Polish companies. Experience shows that implementing an environmental management system in a company can bring a number of benefits, not only for the company itself but also to the whole surrounding environment. Prevention of pollution, which is the idea underlying the concept of an environmental management system, generates mechanisms aimed at minimizing material, resource and energy consumption. It is difficult to identify the benefits which directly arise from environmental management system implementation, as well as the benefits which indirectly spring from maintaining the system. The following article is an attempt to classify the benefits gained according to a number of factors. These factors are related to operational activities and management in an organization. Moreover, some notable benefits that improve the state of natural environment are described in this article. The following article can inform many organizations about the benefits of implementing environmental management system compliant with ISO 14001 standard and convince them to implement such a system. Moreover, thanks to this article some groups of benefits resulting from implementing, maintaining and continually improving an environmental management system will be pinpointed. The survey presented in this article was conducted out in 700 companies that have certified their environmental management systems at ISO 14001 standard.
Artykuł prezentuje opis oraz analizę porównawczą firm działających na polskim rynku m.in. w zakresie hydrauliki, pneumatyki i napędów. Opracowanie zawiera opis istniejącej dynamiki zmian w omawianym sektorze przemysłu, a także obraz polskich firm i przedsiębiorstw na światowym rynku analizowanej branży. Opisano zmienność istnienia polskich firm na rynku techniki w latach 2015 i 2016.
This article presents a description and comparison analysis of businesses that are present in the Polish market of hydraulics, pneumatics and propulsion among others. This elaboration contains descriptions of existing change dynamics in the discussed industry sectors as well as a picture of Polish firms and enterprises in the global market of the analyzed branch. The fluctuation of existing Polish businesses in technic market in the years 2015 and 2016 are described.
W artykule zamieszczono wyniki analizy porównawczej funkcjonalności polskich przedsiębiorstw działających na rynku techniki w latach 2018 i 2019. Skupiono się na ofercie wybranych firm w szerokim zakresie zastosowań, m.in. w hydraulice, pneumatyce, napędach i automatyce. Wykonana analiza porównawcza uwzględnia ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty, wynikające ze zgromadzonych danych. Opracowanie przedstawia dynamikę zmian w danym okresie oraz wnioski z przeprowadzonych badań.
This article presents a description and comparison analysis of businesses that are present in the Polish market of hydraulics, pneumatics and propulsion among others. This elaboration contains descriptions of existing change dynamics in the discussed industry sectors as well as a picture of Polish firms and enterprises in the global market of the analyzed branch. The fluctuation of existing Polish businesses in technic market in the years 2018 and 2019 are described.
Artykuł prezentuje analizę porównawczą firm działających na polskim rynku w zakresie hydrauliki, pneumatyki, napędów i innych. Opracowanie zawiera opis dynamiki zmian zachodzących w wybranych firmach i przedsiębiorstwach w poszczególnych sektorach przemysłu. Wykonana analiza porównawcza uwzględnia ilościowe i jakościowe aspekty, wynikające z danych zgromadzonych w latach 2017 i 2018.
The article presents a comparative analysis of companies operating in the Polish market of hydraulics, pneumatics, drives and others. This elaboration contains a description of the dynamics of changes taking place in selected companies and enterprises in particular industry sectors. The comparative analysis takes into account the quantitative and qualitative aspects resulting from the data collected in 2017 and 2018.
Supporting entrepreneurs outside the country is one of the tasks of at least two ministries – the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some of the tasks are performed by various institutions, which in their properties are designed to promote Polish export. Proposed by them forms of cooperation with enterprises – from financial support through promotion, and ending with the conclusion of international agreements, are to create a range of tools which enable the Company to have a chance to gain new markets for its products, and thereby increase their income and influence positively on the wealth of the whole society. The article assesses the activities of two ministries – the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, their impact on facilitating the internationalization of enterprises. Standardized interviews were conducted. Callers were employees of selected companies of the dairy industry who are directly involved in exports in the company. The interview questionnaire was conducted with representatives of 15 companies from the tested industry. There was no direct effects of the impact on export results of conducting actions under Polish development assistance. The surveyed entrepreneurs have not met with any situation in which a partner from the target indicated in any way that he knows this business and it influenced his willingness to cooperate with the Polish company.
Wspieranie przedsiębiorców poza granicami kraju jest jednym z zadań przynajmniej dwóch ministerstw – Ministerstwa Gospodarki oraz Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych. Część zadań wykonywanych jest także przez różnego rodzaju instytucje, które mają za zadanie wspierać polski eksport. Proponowane przez nie formy współpracy z przedsiębiorstwami – od wspomagania finansowego poprzez promocję, a kończąc na zawieraniu międzynarodowych umów, mają stworzyć wachlarz narzędzi, dzięki którym firmy będą miały szansę na zdobycie nowych rynków zbytu na swoje produkty, a tym samym zwiększą swoje dochody i wpłyną pozytywnie na zamożność całego społeczeństwa. Dokonano oceny działań Ministerstwa Gospodarki oraz Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych dotyczącej ich wpływu na ułatwienie internacjonalizacji przedsiębiorstw. Przeprowadzono badania sondażowe – wywiad standaryzowany. Rozmówcami byli pracownicy wybranych przedsiębiorstw przemysłu mleczarskiego, którzy bezpośrednio zajmują się eksportem w firmie. Kwestionariusz wywiadu przeprowadzono z przedstawicielami 15 przedsiębiorstw z badanej branży.
Bilfinger Berger Budownictwo S.A. kontynuuje ekspansję na zagraniczne rynki. Pod nową, prostszą nazwą – Bilfinger Infrastructure – polska firma będzie prowadzić prestiżowe projekty w Skandynawii i w Niemczech. Nowa strategia grupy Bilfinger ma na celu poprawę efektywności poszczególnych jednostek biznesowych oraz zwiększenie ich rentowności.
At present, the Bilfinger Infrastructure SA focuses on performing environmental and infrastructural projects financed by European Union funds. The company currently specializes in infrastructural, industrial, cubature and natural environmental protection projects. Bilfinger Infrastructure is able to provide complex solutions from a single source. As a result, they are one of the market’s leading construction holding companies.
The operations of each and every Polish company representing timber industry are determined not only by home market situation but also directly or at east indirectly by foreign markets. Taking into account the above mentioned aspects as well as the process of ever growing prices of raw products, constantly growing costs of energy and labour it may be observed that without adequate support those companies will experience difficulties maintaining high economic activity. The article aims at indicating the problems affecting timber industry and pointing out the factors which influence the current picture of Polish timber market.