The aim of the study is to use the 8D methodology to solve the production problem, which was the incorrect installation of the rings in the piston designed for excavators. The idea of the method used is to correctly identify the causes of the problem and implement corrective actions to prevent recurrence of the problem. In order to detect as many potential causes of non-compliance as possible, the working team conducted brainstorming sessions and then developed the Ishikawa diagram. Team members found that the most common source of the problem was human error. In order to eliminate it, it was decided to carry out a series of training courses and to additionally equip assembly stations. The presented methodology of solving quality problems can be implied in every production company.
Attending the important role of maintenance function in any production or service provider company, the measurement and assessment of maintenance performance is crucial for competitiveness and future survival. That situation is even more critical in urban transport fleets where some specific boundary conditions and special characteristics will affect maintenance policy and implementation. This paper presents a deep review of different studies worldwide to define the most proper and effective maintenance performance indicators, selecting and refining the most important ones to obtain a reduced maintenance management balanced scorecard. That balanced scorecard is proposed as a main tool for urban transport fleet maintenance managers to assess efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance processes and will be used as a basis for a future benchmarking process for this type of companies.
Biorąc pod uwagę ważną rolę jaką pełni utrzymanie ruchu w firmach produkcyjnych i usługowych, pomiar i ocena wydajności eksploatacji ma kluczowe znaczenie dla konkurencyjności tych firm i ich przetrwania na rynku. Sytuacja ta jest szczególnie ważna w zakładach komunikacji miejskiej, w których pewne szczególne warunki brzegowe i szczególne cechy floty transportowej mają wpływ na politykę utrzymania ruchu i jej realizację. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono dokładny przegląd różnych badań prowadzonych na całym świecie w celu określenia najbardziej odpowiednich i skutecznych wskaźników efektywności utrzymania ruchu, wybierając najważniejsze z nich i i udoskonalając je tak aby uzyskać zrównoważoną kartę wyników zarządzania utrzymaniem ruchu z ograniczoną liczbą parametrów. Zrównoważona karta wyników może być stosowana przez specjalistów utrzymania ruchu zakładów komunikacji miejskiej do oceny wydajności i skuteczności procesów konserwacji i stanowić będzie podstawę przyszłych analiz porównawczych dla tego typu przedsiębiorstw.
The paper presents basic issues concerning the concepts of sustainable supply chain and KPIs. The purpose of using KPIs, the benefits of implementing them in enterprises and the principles of their creation were presented. As a result of market and literature research, as well as consultations with PKP Energetyka, ten essential areas for observing a company’s suppliers in the process of building a sustainable supply chain were proposed and presented. These areas fall within the scope of three criteria: environmental, social and economic. For each area a justification of the importance of the study of a particular sphere was added and similar activities on the Polish and foreign markets were cited. Reference was also made to the objectives of sustainable development. This chapter was written as a result of students' cooperation with the PKP Energetyka company within the business challenge of the 4th edition of the Top Young 100 program.
W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe zagadnienia dotyczące pojęć zrównoważonego łańcucha dostaw oraz kluczowych wskaźników efektywności. Zaprezentowano cel zastosowania KPI, korzyści z wdrożenia ich w przedsiębiorstwach i zasady tworzenia. W wyniku przeprowadzonego przez autorów badania działań na rynku, literatury oraz konsultacji z PKP Energetyka zaproponowano i przedstawiono dziesięć niezbędnych obszarów obserwacji dostawców przedsiębiorstwa w procesie budowania zrównoważonego łańcucha dostaw. Mieszczą się one w zakresie trzech kryteriów: ekologicznego, społecznego oraz gospodarczego. Przy poszczególnych obszarach dodano uzasadnienie znaczenia badania danej sfery oraz przywołano podobne działania na rynku polskim oraz zagranicznym. Odniesiono się również do celów zrównoważonego rozwoju. Rozdział ten powstał wyniku współpracy studentów z przedsiębiorstwem PKP Energetyka w ramach wyzwania biznesowego IV edycji programu Top Young 100.
Machine failures in each production system cause an increase in costs and delays in order execution. Therefore, companies decide to introduce solutions that detect and immediately remove worrying symptoms before more serious consequences occur. Unfortunately, not all failures can be avoided – in such cases, the most important thing is the quick reaction of machine operators, maintenance and production managers. This paper identifies reliability indicators and presents the steps and effects of implementing selected KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), which aim at the production process. For the machines in which a failure occurred in the surveyed period, technical availability, Mean Times Between Failures (MTBF), Mean Down Time (MDT), technical object readiness, and the downtime coefficient were calculated.
Purpose: The aim was to analyze inconsistencies in the production process of rebated internal frame and panel doors using KPIs and to identify causes of deviations from the quality plan using selected quality management tools. Design/methodology/approach: KPIs and instruments of quality management (Pareto-Lorenz diagram, Ishikawa diagram and 5Why?) were used. The survey covered products manufactured in the third and fourth quarters of 2019. Findings: It was found that the most serious non-compliance was the presence of an uneven rim surface (Pareto-Lorenz diagram). Potential causes were inadequate gluing of the door leaf layers and the use of worn flange processing equipment (Ishikawa diagram). On the other hand, the root cause of the quality problem turned out to be the lack of supervision and proper training of employees (5Why method). Research limitations/implications: The presented research process has no limitations – it can be used in manufacturing companies. Further research will concern the application of the methodology to the analysis of other products offered by the company. Practical implications: the research contributed to the identification of the causes of the lowered quality level, which will allow to implement appropriate remedial measures. As part of the improvement measures, training must be carried out at the workplace and the availability of work instructions must be ensured. Originality/value: so far no extended quality analyses have been conducted in the company – no KPIs have been used in combination with extended analyses carried out with the use of quality management tools. The presented methodology is useful for the company where the analysis was made and for the manufacturing companies that want to effectively improve their production processes.
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Due to the constantly increasing demands of customers and global competition, companies are forced to look for production reserves, increase efficiency and quality of manufactured products. Hence the need to monitor the quality level, which gives the possibility to recognize waste in the implemented technological processes. The article is an attempt to respond to the problems formulated in manufacturing companies, including practical aspects of the application of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) within production process controlling. The aim of the article is to determine the impact of the applied quality management techniques on selected KPI indicators in the production process of frame and panel exterior doors. As part of the study, an analysis of the reasons for the decrease in the level of quality indicators was performed using traditional quality management tools.
Prace nad ustandaryzowaniem technologii przeznaczonej dla systemów komórkowych tzw. piątej generacji weszły w ostatnia fazę. Równolegle można zaobserwować intensywne działania na szczeblu administracyjnym, regulacyjnym i biznesowym zmierzające do wdrożenia zaproponowanych rozwiązań z rodziny systemów 5G w różnych gałęziach gospodarki. Jednak z perspektywy badawczo-naukowej warto odnotować rozpoczęte w kilku miejscach na świecie inicjatywy, których celem jest określenie wymagań stawianych dla kolejnej, szóstej generacji sieci komórkowych. Rozpoczęła się bowiem faza planowania koncepcyjnego systemów komórkowych 6G. W artykule przedstawiono analizę potencjalnych kierunków rozwoju oraz wyzwania stawiane sieciom 6G, których standaryzację planuje się około roku 2030.
The ongoing standardization process of technologies specifying the fifth generation of cellular networks has entered its final phase. In parallel, one may observe intensive activities in administrative, regulative and business domains leading toward implementation of 5G networks in various fields of economy. However, from the scientific and research perspective, it is worth emphasizing some ongoing initiatives in various places of our globe, started for definition of key performance indicators for next, sixth generation of cellular networks. The 6G networks have entered their conceptual phase. In this paper, the potential research directions and prospective challenges posed to the 6G networks are overviewed. It may be foreseen that their standardization could be done around 2030.
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