Educational and teacher training institutions for Jewish children and adolescents had a long and well-established tradition in Poland. Institutional forms of preschool education call for special attention, all the more so that the remaining national and ethnic minorities did not run their own kindergartens in Poland after WWII. In these circumstances, Jewish kindergartens were a striking exception. Ultimately, they suffered the same fate as the other educational and teacher training institutions managed by entities not welcomed by the Communist party and government in Poland, inspired by Marx’s and Lenin’s ideologies, whose guidelines from the communist headquarters in Moscow imposed a monopolistic vision of so-called socialist education and upbringing.
The monographic outline of the Lauder-Morasha School in Warsaw describes it as an educational institution that functions in the Polish reality and enables its pupils maintain their monority Jewish national and linguistic identities. This school, open to different cultures and philosophies of life, within its walls integrates children of various religions, creeds, and nationalities. Apart from the general curriculum in agreement with the MEN (Ministry of National Education) requirements, it offers Judaistic subjects, such as Hebrew, Jewish tradition, culture, and ethics, as well as the history of the Jews. In the school, an emphasis is laid on the teaching of foreign languages. Also, a programme of cross-cultural education is implemented. This article presents the history of the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation in Poland from when it was founded 30 years ago. The author describes projects organised by the Foundation as well as its development and significance in the rebirth of Jewish life in Poland.
The article provides an overview of available printed statistical sources that carry information on Jewish students in Galician schools, both at primary and secondary levels. It describes the statistics at the state (Galician) level, compiled by the National School Council and by Galician statistical offices, as well as statistics at the imperial level compiled by the Central Statistical Commission in Vienna.
Tekst oferuje przegląd dostępnych drukowanych źródeł statystycznych, które niosą informacje na temat uczniów żydowskich w szkołach galicyjskich, zarówno poziomu podstawowego jak i średniego. Opisano statystyki szczebla krajowego (galicyjskiego) tworzone przez Radę Szkolną Krajową oraz przez galicyjskie biura statystyczne, a także szczebla państwowego, zestawiane przez Centralną Komisję Statystyczną w Wiedniu.
This article dwells on newly found documents held in the Judaica collection of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, which were part of the collection of personal documents of Esther Elyashev-Veisbart (1878–1941). The article gives a biography of the little-known Esther Elyashev (Estera Eljaševaitė), and discusses her attempt to expand alternative secular Jewish education in interwar Lithuania, and to educate the Jewish community of interwar Kaunas. Primary sources allow us to reevaluate the development of Jewish non-formal educa- tion institutions, as well as the context and circumstances of their cultural functioning in interwar Lithuania.
Pagrindine atspirtimi ir medžiaga šiam straipsniui tapo iki šiol netyrinėti dokumentai, saugomi Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos Judaikos fonde, priklausę Esteros Eljaševaitės-Veisbartienės (1878–1941) asmeninių dokumentų kolekcijai. Straipsnyje pristatoma menkai žinomos E. Eljaševaitės biografija, plačiau aptariamas jos mėginimas plėsti alternatyvų pasaulietinį žydų švietimą tarpukario Lietuvoje ir lavinti Kauno miesto žydų bendruomenę XX a. trečiajame dešimtmetyje. Pirminiai šaltiniai leidžia naujai įvertinti žydų neformaliojo švietimo įstaigų kūrimąsi tarpukario Lietuvoje ir kultūrinio veikimo kontekstą bei aplinkybes.
The article aims to outline the problem of communist indoctrination in schools for Jewish children and youth during the Stalinist period in Poland. The study focuses on the legal basis of education for national minorities, educational and upbringing goals and ideals as well as methods of implementing ideological assumptions resulting from systemic changes associated with the communist takeover of power in Poland. Moreover, forms of educational influence on children and adolescents as well as staffing issues are discussed. The study is based on archival materials obtained from the Archives of Modern Records in Warsaw (collections of the Ministry of Education and the Polish Workers’ Party), the State Archives in Legnica, the State Archives in Wrocław, the Archives of the Social and Cultural Association of Jews, the Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute and others.
The article covers the introduction of Yiddish publishing activities, initiated by the Jewish civic and cultural-educational organization “Kultur-Lige” in the period from 1918 to 1931. The research analyzes the historical context and preconditions of the organization beginning in the 19th century. Among the main preconditions, the author highlights the rapid modernization of Eastern European Jewry, the proclamation of Yiddish as one of the many national languages at the inter-party conference on Yiddish in Chernivtsi in 1908, and the revolutionary events of the first half of the twentieth century. In addition, the article encloses the concept of secular Jewish culture proposed by members of the Kultur-Lige and ways of its implementation through printed Yiddish-language products, the main "marketplaces" of Yiddish textbooks, teaching materials, fiction, periodicals. The article analyzes the printed products of the Kultur-Lige, after preliminary structuring and systematization of publications by category: the sources were divided into a layer of textbooks, teaching and learning materials, children's books, and fiction. The authors of the educational books, textbooks, and books for children were usually young Jewish writers and members of the Literature section of Kultur-Lige. The main consumer of such Yiddish books were the educational institutions established by the Kultur-Lige. Specifically, the Jewish public Yiddish schools, public libraries, and reading rooms, as well as Jewish Public University. Educational institutions organized by Kultur-Lige provided education for all categories of the Jewish community. The article also includes some information about the book design of Kultur-Lige artists. Among the illustrators was Mark Chagall, Sara Shor, Eliezer Lissitzky, Joseph Chaikov, Mark Epstein, etc. This organization provided unique opportunities to implement their artistic idea in the area of book illustrations. Besides that, the article includes information about the print run of some books and the financial sources of the publishing section.
У статті висвітлено тему впровадження їдишської видавничої діяльності, що здійснювалася за ініціативи культурно-просвітницької організації «Культур-Ліга» у період з 1918 до 1931 рр. Проаналізовано історичний контекст та передумови постання організації, що беруть свій початок у ХІХ столітті. Серед основних передумав авторка виділяє стрімку модернізацію східноєвропейського єврейства, проголошення мови їдиш однією з багатьох національних мов на міжпартійній конференції з мови їдиш у Чернівцях 1908 року та революційні події першої половини ХХ ст. Крім того, розкрито концепцію світської єврейської культури, запропоновану членами Культур-Ліги, та шляхи її втілення через друковану їдишемовну продукцію, наведено основні «ринки збуту» їдишських підручників, методичних матеріалів, художньої літератури, періодики. У межах статті проаналізовано друковану продукцію Культур-Ліги, після попередньої структуризації та систематизації видань за категоріями: джерела було розподілено на пласт підручників, методичних і навчальних матеріалів, на дитяче книговидання та художню літературу.
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