Autorzy wyróżniają cztery podstawowe kategorie beneficjentów współpracy uczelni z przedsiębiorstwami: instytucje akademickie, studentów, absolwentów i firmy. Proponują klasyfikację korzyści wynikających ze współpracy uczelni z otoczeniem gospodarczym według wymienionych grup beneficjentów. Najważniejsze źródła korzyści dla uczelni obejmują: wzrost rozpoznawalności wśród pracodawców i kandydatów, poprawę jakości kształcenia i badań naukowych, korzyści finansowe i wypełnienie prawnych zobowiązań. Studenci mogą czerpać korzyści ze współpracy uczelni i biznesem poprzez: zwiększenie szans zatrudnienia, otrzymanie wynagrodzenia od firmy, zrealizowanie praktyki i budowanie sieci kontaktów biznesowych. Absolwenci mogą być zainteresowani pogłębianiem współpracy z uwagi na: ich osobistą satysfakcję, korzyści materialne, rozwój kariery zawodowej i możliwość obserwacji kandydatów do pracy w ich obecnych firmach, podczas gdy studiują oni jeszcze na uczelni. Potencjalne korzyści dla przedsiębiorstw dotyczą: ograniczenia kosztów i ryzyka, rozwoju kapitału ludzkiego, wykorzystania uczelni jako źródła pomysłów, promocji wizerunku firmy, tworzenia sieci kontaktów, rozwoju produktów i usług oraz wsparcia ze strony praktykantów. (abstrakt oryginalny)
We distinguish four principal categories of beneficiaries of co-operation between universities and enterprises: academic institutions, students, graduates, and enterprises. We propose a classification of benefits stemming from the co-operation of universities with their business environment according to the aforementioned groups of beneficiaries. The most important sources of benefits for the academic institutions include: enhanced recognition among employers and candidates, improvement of the quality of teaching and research, financial gains, and fulfillment of legal commitments. Students may benefit from the co-operation of universities with their business environment through: increased chance of employment, getting some remuneration from the company, completing a traineeship, and building a network of professional contacts. Graduates may be interested in deepening co-operation due to: their personal satisfaction, material benefits, career development, and an opportunity to observe the candidates for employment in their current companies while they are still studying at the university. Potential benefits for enterprises concern: reduction of costs and risk, enhancement of human capital, using universities as sources of ideas, promoting company image, creating a network of contacts, development of products and services, and getting support from trainees. (original abstract)
Reverse mentoring, which refers to the relationship between a young employee in the role of the mentor and a more senior and experienced employee in the role of the mentee, is gaining popularity in the business world. This study aims to discuss the relationship between research assistants, who are just starting at the academy and are thought to have traces of reverse mentoring, and advisors with more experience in the academy, in the context of the functions and sub-functions of reverse mentoring. In this exploratory study, in which a qualitative research method was adopted, data was obtained as a result of semi-structured interviews with 17 research assistants working in different faculties and departments at a state university in Turkey. The data obtained after the interviews with the research assistants was analysed using content analysis. The findings of the research suggested that the career, psycho-social, and role model functions of reverse mentoring in the relationship between research assistants and their advisors have sub-functions of knowledge sharing, challenging ideas, networking, friendship, and new perspectives. It was also concluded that other functions were at a limited level or non-existent.(original abstract)
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Globally, there is increased customer mobility and competition within the higher education sector. As such, university management and administration practices should consider academic satisfaction, quality and loyalty as important factors to influence graduate job performance. The study was conducted to see if self-perceived job performance had a role in mediating the effect of academic satisfaction and perceived academic quality on academic loyalty. Data was collected from 714 respondents using a cross-sectional survey. The covariance-based structural equation modelling was used to test the hypotheses. According to the study results, self-perceived job performance partially mediates the eff ect of both academic satisfaction and academic quality on academic loyalty. The study findings emphasise the importance of graduate quality and satisfaction in influencing loyalty. Thus, the higher education sector should take cognisance of self-perceived job performance as this also influences academic loyalty. (original abstract)
This paper identifies potential implications of knowledge cluster formation for the advancement of the knowledge based economy in Japan. Theoretical background of the knowledge-based economy and knowledge cluster have been used to evaluate and confront Japan's knowledge economy indicators for 20 years with global frontiers and catching-up countries - indicatory analyses have confirmed a narrowing gap of emerging markets with special regard to Singapore and China. Furthermore, major impediments and challenges at both the macro and micro level have been listed to indicate, among others, policy challenges related to the education system, and the institutional and regulatory framework of business and research institutions. Consequently, based on empirical data collected by authors in Tokyo and Nagoya, Japan, a case study of Tokai Region Nanotechnology Manufacturing Cluster has been presented to investigate results of the last ten years of MEXT's Knowledge Cluster Initiative and to draw conclusions. So far, output within such aspects as patents, scientific articles, high-tech sales or commercialisation appear relatively modest when confronted with macro indicators. However, authors associate this situation with the specificity of a knowledge cluster - long-term research projects are expected to provide new ideas and technological solutions in the form of materials, devices, processes to be further developed, applied and commercialised. Therefore, it is the matter of time, possibly decades.(original abstract)
W roku 2015 (luty-czerwiec) na uczelni zostały przeprowadzone badania ankietowe w ramach akcji: "Napraw sobie uniwersytet!". Była ona zainspirowana pragnieniem sprawnej i skutecznej komunikacji między studentami i władzami uczelni. Z założenia miała stać się inicjatywą umożliwiającą zaangażowanie studentów we współtworzenie uniwersytetu, a przez to poprawienie jakości ich życia - na wielu różnych poziomach. Projekt miał na celu stworzenie bazy wewnętrznych problemów Uniwersytetu Śląskiego oraz realnych propozycji ich rozwiązań. (fragment tekstu)
The aim of the article is presentation of research results which were conducted for the scientific project "Repair your University" at University of Silesia in summer semester in the academic year 2014/2015. The research mainly concerned the issue of students' participation in academic life and their actions connected with university management. Authors presents research results which consider two areas: the activities of both student research circles and students' union. (original abstract)
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