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Konteksty Kultury
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This article is a review of Pau Freixa Terradas’ book on reception of Witold Gombrowicz’s literary works in Argentina, which is presented in the context of the research on the Argentinian period in Witold Gombrowicz’s oeuvre, which includes his attempts at entering the local literary circulation, the posthumous reception of his work as well as his image in the local culture – especially as a literary character appearing in literary works of Argentinian writers.
Osadzony w kontekście badań nad argentyńskim wymiarem twórczości Witolda Gombrowicza artykuł recenzyjny wokół pracy Paua Freixy Terradasa poświęconej recepcji twórczości polskiego pisarza w Argentynie, czyli jego próbom wejścia w literacki obieg na miejscu oraz odbiorowi dzieła już po śmierci pisarza, a także obrazowi jego osoby w tamtejszej kulturze, przede wszystkim jako postaci literackiej pojawiającej się w tekstach argentyńskich twórców.
Buenos Aires jest jedną z najchętniej wybieranych destynacji turystycznych wśród miast Ameryki Łacińskiej. Oprócz powszechnie znanych walorów turystycznych miasto oferuje atrakcje dla sprofilowanego turysty. W ostatnich latach szczególnym zainteresowaniem cieszy się turystyka kulturowa, związana z tangiem, architekturą czy wybitnymi postaciami. Władze miasta propagują ten rodzaj aktywności turystów i są zainteresowane promocją miejsc związanych z Witoldem Gombrowiczem w kontekście jego relacji ze stolicą Argentyny. Wraz z ukazaniem się w Polsce w 2013 r. prywatnego dziennika (Kronos) obserwuje się wzmożone zainteresowanie życiem pisarza w Buenos Aires. Wychodząc naprzeciw oczekiwaniom, postanowiono przedstawić miejsca związane z Gombrowiczem i na ich podstawie przygotować propozycję szlaku gombrowiczowskiego po Buenos Aires. Mając na uwadze to, że dla wielu turystów może to być oferta niszowa, postanowiono tak opracować szlak, by znalazły się w nim – oprócz miejsc szczególnych – obiekty ważne dla każdego turysty, a jednocześnie związane z Witoldem Gombrowiczem.
The author of the article regards the development of Polonistic studies in Brazil in the context of the cultural background of this country, Polish emigration heritage, and the challenges for Polonistics in Latin America. The connections between Polonistics, and comparative and cultural studies are also discussed in the article. The examples of traces of Polish in the canons of foreign literature presented in the article may become a starting point for some to regard from a distance something, which is close, for others to look closely at something, which is far away.
Buenos Aires is one of the most frequently chosen tourist destinations among the cities of Latin America. Apart from the generally known tourist attractions, it also offers activities for tourists with special interests. Recent years have seen a growing popularity of cultural tourism, associated with tango, architecture and prominent figures. The city authorities are supporting this kind of tourist activity and are interested in the promotion of places linked with W. Gombrowicz in the context of his relation to Argentina’s capital city. In Poland, following the publication of the author’s private diary “Kronos” in 2013, there has been an increased interest in his life in Buenos Aires. One initiative recently undertaken to meet these expectations involves creating a commemorative trail in Buenos Aires featuring the places related to Gombrowicz. Bearing in mind that such a trail could appeal to a rather limited group of tourists, the idea was to include not only places uniquely associated with Witold Gombrowicz but also sites of interest to every tourist but can be linked with the writer.
The article aims to present one of the most popular yet at the same time often misunderstood novels by Witold Gombrowicz – Ferdydurke. The article claims that the most important motif in Gombrowicz’s works is the problem with Form and in Ferdydurke the writer tackles this very subject. This novel – though not very long – is a complex and rich analysis of Form related to human life. The concept of Form is the key to an adequate understanding of Ferdydurke: it justifies unusual formal strategies and linguistic means used by the writer. It also explains a complicated plot and proves that what used to be regarded as chaos is in fact an intended strategy used in a logical and consequential way. The article is addressed above all to those, who being unfamiliar with Gombrowicz’s creativity, regard it as strange and incomprehensible. It proves that at least in the case of Ferdydurke this is not true and it is worth reading Gombrowicz’s works once again, as the world created by the writer is fascinating and multidimensional.
This research study deals with an area which has largely escaped the attention of researchers so far, i.e. linguistic equivalence and the limits to the translatability of Gombrowicz’s convoluted style, an effective deterrent for other translators. This article investigates the English and Italian translations of various works of Gombrowicz. Particular attention must be paid to the way in which translators have rendered the Polish original, and above all to the vocabulary, phrasing and structure of the language used by Gombrowicz in the Italian and English languages.
Tekst jest recenzją książki Błażeja Warkockiego "Pamiętnik afektów z okresu dojrzewania. Gombrowicz – queer – Sedgwick" ("Memoirs of Affects from a Time of Immaturity. Gombrowicz – queer – Sedgwick"). Autor omówienia podkreśla nowatorstwo metodologiczne i interpretacyjną odkrywczość przedstawionych interpretacji. Jego zdaniem, umiejętny dobór metodologicznych narzędzi pozwolił Warkockiemu na zaproponowanie spójnej wykładni najbardziej ekscentrycznych i enigmatycznych tekstów Witolda Gombrowicza.
The text is a review of Błażej Warkocki’s book „Pamiętnik afektów z okresu dojrzewania. Gombrowicz – queer – Sedgwick” (“Memoirs of Affects from a Time of Immaturity. Gombrowicz – queer – Sedgwick”). The reviewer highlights the methodological innovativeness and interpretive originality of the presented readings. In his view, a skilful selection of methodological tools made here room for suggesting a coherent clarification of Gombrowicz’s most eccentric and enigmatic texts.
Content available Pisarz jako czytelnik
In his essay ”The Writer as a Reader” Ricardo Piglia examines the effects of Witold Gombrowicz's stay in Buenos Aires in the years 1939-1963 on the culture of Ar- gentine. At the beginning, he discusses the implications ”Against Poets” and the translation of Ferdydurke for the Spanish language. He also addresses the issue of development of the literary canon, the so-called ”economics of literary value” and considers Gombrowicz's work in terms of his exile and exclusion. Finally, he consid- ers Gombrowicz’s Diary as a laboratory of the writer’s oeuvre.
W eseju „Pisarz jako czytelnik” Ricardo Piglia analizuje skutki, jakie wywarł pobyt Witolda Gombrowicza w Buenos Aires w latach 1939-1963 na szeroko pojętą kulturę argentyńską. Na początku, omawia implikacje, jakie dla miało języka hiszpańskiego wystąpienie „Przeciw poetom” oraz tłumaczenie Ferdydurke. Podejmuje także kwestię kształtowania się kanonu literackiego, tzw. „ekonomii wartości literackiej” oraz rozważa dzieło Gombrowicza w kategoriach wygnania i wykluczenia. Na końcu, rozważa temat Dziennika jako laboratorium twórczości pisarza.
Content available Największy pisarz argentyński
The paper presents Ricardo Piglia (b. 1940), one of the greatest writers of Latin America, and discusses his interest in Witold Gombrowicz.
Content available remote Słabość poezji. Glosy do diatryby „Przeciw poetom” Witolda Gombrowicza
Autor bierze na warsztat konstelację tekstów okalających diatrybę Gombrowicza zatytułowaną Przeciw poetom. Są wśród tych tekstów szkice i noty znane, docenione, wielokrotnie komentowane – jak quasi-list Czesława Miłosza zaczynający się impertynenckim „Panie Gombrowicz!”. Są teksty lekceważone – jak polemika Józefa Łobodowskiego. I są też wiersze. Dwa z tych wierszy (Komentarz Stanisław Balińskiego i Wstęp do Traktatu poetyckiego Miłosza) autor szkicu podaje kontekstowej lekturze, pokazując, w jaki sposób wchodzą one w subtelną polemikę z diatrybą Gombrowicza i jednocześnie ze słabości poezji czynią jej – paradoksalną, ale też głęboko ludzką – siłę.
The author focuses on a constellation of texts on Gombrowicz’s diatribe: Przeciw poetom, including well-known, appreciated, and oft-commented sketches and notes, such as a quasi-letter by Czesław Miłosz with its impertinent beginning: ”Mr Gombrowicz!”. Ignored texts include a polemic by Józef Łobodowski. Finally, there are poems, two of which (Komentarz by Stanisław Baliński and Wstęp do Traktatu poetyckiego by Miłosz) were subjected by the author of the sketch to contextual examination, thus showing the manner in which they embark upon a subtle polemic with the Gombrowicz diatribe and, at the same time, render the weakness of poetry its paradoxical, but also deeply human strength.
Content available Łydczaność
In Ferdydurke Witold Gombrowicz presented the secret of interpersonal relations by using anatomical metaphors. In this ironic lecture a calf plays as important role as buttocks (stuck to the face) – it is a symbol of seductive youth and, to a considerable degree, of an unaware, but intuitive infantility. This topic is covered in the novel as part of an episode about a fascinating teenage girl Zuta, who is one of most demonic characters in the 20th-century prose. This paper draws attention to the ambiguity of the self-emancipating strategy that Gombrowicz’s hero uses when he discovers this notion and in order to fight against it. A calf, which represents the temptation of modern, sterile and totalitarian sex appeal, refers – as a spiritual, form-shaping power – to the lack of self-confidence that contemporary people conceal, also from themselves. And that is the hidden origin – as Gombrowicz implies – of mass culture’s erotic blackmail.
This article presents the story of the first French edition of Witold Gombrowicz’s Ferdydurke. The novel was published in October 1958 by the Julliard publishing house. The article is based on letters that Gombrowicz exchanged with Constantin Jelenski, a Polish essayist living in Paris and a great promoter of his work, as well as on Gombrowicz’s publishing-related correspondence with Maurice Nadeau, René Julliard and Pierre Javet. The article shows that Gombrowicz was a writer who paid great attention not only to the form of his works, but also to the way in which they reached the reader. Therefore, he attempted to influence, as much as possible, the manner in which his books would be published. He sought to establish a new way of presenting the writer to the reader that would fall outside the rules and conventions of world literature. The article shows why he succeeded in Poland and Argentina, but not in France, where he did not have followers.
Content available remote Dyskrecja i obsceniczność. Prolegomena do lektur Kronosa Witolda Gombrowicza
Artykuł jest poświęcony nie tyle interpretacji Kronosa Witolda Gombrowicza, ile rozważaniu trudności interpretacji tej książki. Trudności te wynikają z niejasnego statusu genologicznego i ontologicznego tego tekstu, ponieważ nie jest pewne, czy jest on dziennikiem czy autobiografią, dokumentem czy literaturą. Ascetyczna poetyka wskazywałaby, że Kronos zawiera prawdę i tylko prawdę. Zdaniem autora artykułu, książka ta nie jest zbiorem czystych faktów, ale konstruktem stworzonym na pograniczu prawdy i fikcji, egzystencji i tekstów Witolda Gombrowicza. Jeśli Kronos przynosi jakieś fakty, to w każdym wypadku podlegają one interpretacji, co wyklucza ich jednoznaczność i oczywistość.
This article is devoted not so much to the interpretation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Kronos, but considering difficulties of interpretation this book. This difficulties stem from the unclear genological and ontological status of the text, because it is not certain whether it is diary or autobiography, document or literature. Ascetic poetics indicate that Kronos tells the truth and nothing but the truth. According to the article’s author, this book is not collection of pure facts, but a construct created on the border between truth and fiction, existence and texts of Witold Gombrowicz. If Kronos brings some facts, they are in any cases subject to interpretation, which excludes their explicitness and obviousness.
The review sums up Piotr Seweryn Rosół’s book devoted to the relation between Witold Gombrowicz and Jean Genet. Despite his critical overtone, the author does not explicitly assess Rosół’s book. He argues with the general idea but notices ambitious intentions and interesting interpretations, which prevents him from rejecting the book as such. On the one hand, Rosół’s work bears the hallmarks of Gombrowicz studies truisms, and on the other hand, it renews some interpretations as it suggests that Gombrowicz uses Genet to “outline” the shape of generally avoided issue of homosexuality. Rosół’s book proves that certain way of critical reading of Gombrowicz is no longer valuable and although he attempts to transgress the traditional critical approach, he does it inconsistently.
The article draws attention to the aesthetic feature of Gombrowicz’s prose as an effect of the unconstrained verbal games (para-logic, homonymies, delexicalisation of phraseologies, etc.) which play a fundamental role in the narratives of the author of Kosmos. Such a narrative strategy can be described with the help of the notion of sprezzatura introduced by Baldasarre Castiglione in The Book of the Courtier (Il Cortegiano, 1528 – in his adaptation of Castiglione’s work the Polish writer of the Renaissance, Łukasz Górnicki, used a neologism “nizaczmienie”). Using the reference to the Renaissance aesthetics of grace (grazia), the author of the article emphasizes the “aristocratic” feature of Gombrowicz’s prose. In this respect, Gombrowicz’s writings differ favorably from the publications of contemporary Polish prose writers (D. Masłowska, M. Sieniewicz, and M. Witkowski). Although the mentioned artists refer to both the poetics and anthropological concepts of Gombrowicz, their works do not achieve a similar degree of narrative freedom. This aesthetic difference is accompanied by a cultural and social difference – the brilliance of Gombrowicz’s narrative was elitist and characteristic of “high modernism”, while modern writers are associated with a more plebeian cultural formation. 
Content available Pisarz i krytyk, czyli Gombrowicz Kijowskiego
The article is devoted to the topic of artistic dependence of Andrzej Kijowski on Witold Gombrowicz. Intertextual analysis of Kijowski’s work confirms what literary scholars have suggested, as well as what he himself has admitted. Especially in the early stages of his writing, he was strongly influenced by Gombrowicz’s works and person. The grotesque poetics of his novels, the way he constructed his protagonists, and parodic strategies were all inspired by Gombrowicz’s novel Ferdydurke. In his late-period output, such borrowings became less numerous, while there were also attempts at polemics. After experiencing religious conversion, Kijowski became closer to God and thus moved away from Gombrowicz.
Artykuł poświęcony jest artystycznej zależności Andrzeja Kijowskiego od Witolda Gombrowicza. Intertekstualna analiza twórczości Kijowskiego potwierdza to, co sugerowali literaturoznawcy, a także to, do czego on sam się przyznawał, mianowicie, że zwłaszcza na wczesnym etapie pisarstwa pozostawał pod silnym wpływem utworów i osoby Gombrowicza. Groteskowa poetyka powieści, konstrukcja bohatera, strategie parodystyczne – to wynik inspiracji Ferdydurke. W twórczości późniejszej tych zapożyczeń jest już mniej, pojawiają się też próby polemiki. Po religijnym nawróceniu Kijowski zbliża się do Boga, a tym samym oddala od Gombrowicza.
Witold Lutosławski’s commentaries on his own music are often defective in many regards. These defects could be explained as resulting from a strategy according to which the aim of a commentary is not to provide a truthful description of musical phenomena but to form a desired image of a composition or a musical style in the minds of the listeners. This idea of ‘controlled reception’ was clearly outlined by the famous Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz (whose writings Lutosławski knew and highly appreciated) and is especially noticeable in the composer’s remarks on “controlled aleatoricism”, “thin textures” and the connections between his music and the twelve-tone technique. The view of reception of art common to Gombrowicz and Lutosławski could be characterised in the writer’s own words: A style that cannot defend itself before human judgment, that surrenders its creator to the ill will of any old imbecile, does not fulfil its most important assignment. [...] the idiot’s opinion is also significant. It also creates us, shapes us from inside out, and has far-reaching practical and vital consequences. [...] Literature [art in general - note by M.K.] has a dual significance and a dual root: it is born of pure artistic contemplation [...], but it is also an author’s personal settling of accounts with people, an instrument in the battle waged for a spiritual existence.
Philippa Foot once said: I'm not clever at all. I have a certain insight into philosophy, cost I think. But I'm not clever, I don't find complicated arguments easy to follow(Baggini, 2003). Foot's cleverness enticed many thinkers to take these Gombrowiczian lines seriously.
Tekst dotyczy dwóch tłumaczeń ,,Transatlantyku" Witolda Gombrowicza - na język angielski oraz na język włoski. Esej koncentruje się na ostatnim rozdziale powieści, tropiąc w nim translatorskie ciemne zaułki i ślepe uliczki. Przedstawia nie tylko analizę i krytykę dostępnych tłumaczeń, ale także proponuje rozwiązania, które skutecznie zaszczepiłyby fenomen Gombrowicza w obcych językach.
The text refers to two translations of “Trans-Atlantic” by Witold Gombrowicz – English and Italian. The essay focuses on the last chapter of the novel, tracking down its translatory dark and blind alleys. It presents not only an analysis and critique of the existing translations, but also proposes solutions that would effectively bring the phenomenon of Gombrowicz in foreign languages.
Content available remote O problemach angielskiego tłumaczenia Trans-Atlantyku Witolda Gombrowicza
The paper attempts to examine the English translation of Witold Gombrowicz’s Trans-Atlantyk made by Carolyn French and Nina Karsov [Gombrowicz, 1994] from the quasi-editorial perspective, therefore both the main text of the novel and the paratexts are subject to analysis. The focus is put on the strategy of presenting and translating these elements of the source text that are closely linked to Polish culture and thus potentially incomprehensible for a target reader. The discussion is inspired by theoretical approaches of Maria Tymoczko, Lawrence Venuti and Itamar Even-Zohar, who consider the influence of cultural relations on both translation strategy and its further reception. The paper also analyses the press reviews of the English translation of Trans-Atlantyk.
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