In 2016, the title of the European Capital of Culture was awarded to Wrocław. To celebrate the year of 2016 citizens could partake in many cultural initiatives prepared specially for this occasion. The proposals aimed at the people of Wrocław included the ECC 2016 Microgrants program, under which any citizen could realize, gain funding, as well as obtain administrative and promotional support for their designed cultural activity. Field studies conducted during the first two editions of the program served as the basis for a report, which includes conclusions regarding the perception of the urban space submitted by task performers. Low-budget cultural activities proved to be an excellent pretext for the citizens to reconsider the issues of public space in Wrocław, access to cultural events or the manner of constructing official discourses about the city and its space. This article focuses on the issue of space in the context of Microgrants 2016 and presents the outcomes of the fieldwork.
Nowadays, making cities more attractive is becoming increasingly important. Cities are shrinking, which contributes to many other problems major cities are currently facing. Local governments try to mitigate their negative effects by making their cities more attractive to the young. One of the ways of doing so, is to utilize already possessed resources. In this short article, the author analyzes the promotion of the river Odra during the European capital of culture held in Wroclaw in 2016 and compares it with river themed events organized during the previous year (2015). She also analyzes the river’s attractiveness to the young, as they are the city’s target group in terms of preventing Wroclaw’s shrinkage. She also concentrates on the phenomenon of shrinking cities. In conclusion, the article tries to prove that Wroclaw’s main river, the Odra, is utilized not only by governmental bodies but also private and individual initiatives. The young inhabitants of Wroclaw see and acknowledge its importance to the city, and what is more, it has become a place for everyone, regardless of age, gender or hobby. However, its media presence should be emphasized more in the future, during international festivals or cultural events such as the European Capital of Culture.
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The aim of the article is to discuss motivations and benefits resulting from the engagement as a volunteer in the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016. Specificity of volunteering in culture, time-scale and variety of events making up for the ECoC as well as a unique opportunity to compare the Polish results with the results obtained in ECoC Liverpool 2008 were a background to formulate main research questions. Questions covered the research problems of the nature of experience of the engagement into volunteering as well as the similarities and differences between the phenomena in Poland and in the UK. The empirical material used for the article was comprised of the data collected using CAWI method with the volunteers and semi-structured interviews with the managing team.
Katowice to jedno z pięciu polskich miast, które przedostały sie do kolejnego etapu konkursu na Europejską Stolicę Kultury w 2016 r. Sam fakt kandydowania tego miasta nikogo nie dziwi. Dla wielu osób zaskakujące jest jednak jego hasło przewodnie: "Katowice - Miasto Ogrodów"
The EU’s cultural initiative ‘the European Capital of Culture’ (ECOC) includes high identity political aims. It requires the designated cities to introduce and foster local, regional, and European cultural identities. In addition, the cities have used the designation as an opportunity to promote national cultural identity. Audiences of the ECOC events recognize and interpret different kinds of representations of territorial cultural identities from what the cities have to offer in culture. However, the contents of these interpretations vary drastically in the ECOCs. The article discusses whether the competence of interpreting the representations of territorial cultural identities is related to some social determinants of the audiences. Based on a questionnaire study conducted in recent ECOCs-Pécs (Hungary), Tallinn (Estonia), and Turku (Finland)-the study indicates that, for example, education, source of livelihood, and active cultural participation impact the interpretations of the representations of territorial cultural identities.
W artykule podjęto próbę systematyzacji sposobów konceptualizacji pojęcia kultury przez jej rzeczywistych i potencjalnych konsumentów. Rozumienie kultury traktujemy jako poznawczy element postawy, który jest powiązany z praktykami uczestnictwa w kulturze. Badania jakościowe, prowadzone w ramach ewaluacji Europejskiej Stolicy Kultury Wrocław 2016, pozwoliły zidentyfikować cztery odmienne sposoby rozumienia kultury, które określają nadawany jej sens, znaczenie oraz sposoby uczestnictwa. W konkluzjach omawiamy zasadnicze czynniki różnicujące podejście do kultury. Wskazujemy także, że skuteczna polityka zorientowana na zwiększanie uczestnictwa w kulturze nie może ograniczać się do tworzenia oferty, ale powinna uwzględniać także kształtowanie i upowszechnianie inkluzywnych sposobów rozumienia kultury.
This article aims at systematizing the conceptualizations of the notion of culture by its actual and potential consumers. We treat the understanding of culture as attitude’s cognitive element associated with the practices of cultural participation. The qualitative research undertaken as a part of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016 evaluation has identified four different ways of understanding culture, which refer to its meaning and significance as well as to the manner of cultural participation. We discuss the main factors that differentiate the approach to culture. We conclude by pointing out that an effective policy of increasing cultural participation cannot be limited to creating a cultural offer, but should also shape and promote the inclusive ways of understanding culture.
Rozwój miasta jest efektem wpływu wielu czynników, które pozostają pod większą lub mniejszą kontrolą władz samorządowych. Kreowanie polityki lokalnej to bezpośrednie i pośrednie oddziaływanie na czynniki zorientowane przede wszystkim na osiągnięcie korzyści dla mieszkańców. Opracowanie na ma celu identyfikację współzależności zachodzących między kulturą a rozwojem społeczno-gospodarczym miasta. Autorzy dokonali rozważań teoretycznych oraz zastosowali metodę studium przypadku, ilustrując omawiane zjawiska na przykładzie miasta Łodzi, które wykorzystuje kulturę w procesach generowania rozwoju oraz kreowania marki terytorialnej. Artykuł pokazuje potencjał kultury w procesach rozwoju terytoriów oraz rekomenduje jej pełniejsze wykorzystanie przez władze samorządowe nie tylko w procesach komunikowania z mieszkańcami, czy potencjalnymi użytkownikami, ale również w procesach katalizowania potencjałów rozwoju miast.
There are many factors that remain under greater or lesser control of local authorities that effect the development of the city. Local policy creation is a direct and indirect impact mainly on factors oriented primarily at achieving benefits for residents. The study aims to demonstrate the important role of culture in the socio-economic development of the territory. The authors have made theoretical considerations and applied the case study method illustrating the discussed phenomena on the example of the city of Lodz, which uses culture in the processes of generating development and creating a territorial brand. The paper shows the potential of culture in the development processes of territories and recommends its wider usage by local governments not only in the processes of communication with residents or potential territorial users, but also in the processes of catalysing the potential of urban development.
The project ‘Wrocław – Entrance from the courtyard’ was created in 2013 by the Department of Art Mediation of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. In 2015 and 2016 IT was part of the visual arts program of the European Capital of Culture Wroclaw 2016, which was curated by Michał Bieniek. From 2017, it will be implemented by the Public Art Studio of the Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with other institutions. The project involves performing artistic interventions in neglected areas of Wroclaw, especially in the backyards.
Purpose: Explore the recent evolution of the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) program in terms of both selection criteria and the profiles of the cities nominated to become a one-year cultural capital of Europe Design/methodology/approach: The case study was used as the research method. In this research, the case of the ECoC program was presented as a chance for European cities aiming at creating their competitive position based on culture and creativity. The authors have identified three subsequent periods in the evolution of the ECoC and concentrated on identifying the differences between them, referring to selection criteria and the characteristics of the awarded cities. Findings: The evolution of the ECoC formula shifts toward European cities with better recognition of intangible heritage, smaller size, and lower administrative status. Possessing the tangible heritage assets is not the leading advantage anymore, and the chances of success are bigger for locations which had not been recognized before as cultural centers. Research limitations/implications: The study is based on desk research, and no qualitative research was conducted. Therefore, the interviews with the city marketers involved in the celebration of the ECoC should be included in further studies for deepening the issue. Practical implications: The paper draws some implications for practice for city marketers aiming at improving the international recognition of the city under the cultural label. The call for the next nominations of the ECoC is open for Czech, French, Polish, and Swedish cities, and soon it will be a case for Cyprus, Belgium, Malta, Spain, Bulgaria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Italy. Originality/value: The paper identifies the current trends in designation of the ECoC; it covers the unique description of the nominated cities from the selected categories, which enables to assess the chances to be nominated in the incoming calls.
Celem artykułu jest zaproponowanie systematyki kryteriów zrównoważenia powiązanej z praktyką projektową i uwzględniającej złożoność środowiska mieszkaniowego. Na jej podstawie przeprowadzono studium przypadku unikatowego wrocławskiego osiedla. Ocena jakościowa współczesnych, miejskich struktur mieszkaniowych na podstawie zaproponowanej systematyki kryteriów zrównoważenia analogicznej do poziomów zintegrowanego procesu programowo - projektowego pozwala zobaczyć osiedla mieszkaniowe jako kompleksowe i powiązane na wyższym poziomie urbanistycznym w strukturze miasta. To z kolei pozwala zrozumieć i stworzyć bazę do kompleksowego rozpatrywania danych statystyczne i pomiarów fizycznych wybranych elementów lub obiektów (zużycia energii, czasu, koszty, intensywność użytkowania itp.). Systematykę oparto na wniosku z obserwacji i badań, że zrównoważenie poszczególnych budynków jest istotne ale jednostkowo nie decyduje o finalnej jakości środowiska mieszkaniowego rozpatrywanego jako całość funkcjonalno-przestrzenna. Jakość środowiska mieszkaniowego na przedstawionym przykładzie pokazana jest w nurt zrównoważonego rozwoju, uwzględniających na różnych etapach kryteria zaproponowanej systematyki. Istotą badania była obserwacja i analiza zrealizowanego środowiska mieszkaniowego, planowanego i projektowanego wg zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zastosowano ocenę jakości środowiska mieszkalnego w kategorii studium przypadku na podstawie badań projektowych (design research) oraz analiz porównawczych.
The aim of the article is to propose a systematics of sustainability criteria related to design practice and considering the complexity of the housing environment. On its basis, a case study of a unique housing estate in Wrocław was conducted. The qualitative assessment of contemporary, urban housing structures on the basis of the proposed systematics of sustainability criteria, analogous to the levels of the integrated investment programming and design process, allows us to see housing estates as comprehensive and connected at a higher urban level in the city structure. This, in turn, allows to understand and create a basis for comprehensive analysis of statistical data and physical measurements of selected elements or objects (energy consumption, time, costs, intensity of use, etc.). The systematics is based on the conclusion from observation and research that the sustainability of individual buildings is important, but individually it does not determine the final quality of the housing environment considered as a functional and spatial whole. The quality of the housing environment in the presented example is shown as a result of program assumptions and the inclusion of the design process in the trend of sustainable development, taking into account the criteria of the proposed systematics at various stages. The essence of the study was the observation and analysis of the completed housing environment, planned and designed according to the principles of sustainable development. The quality of the residential environment was assessed in the case study category based on design research and comparative analyzes.
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