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tom 157
nr 1
Data from surveys made in 2005/6 in small towns in two ethnically mixed regions-Opole Silesia and Kashubian Pomerania-are compared on issue of the local/ethnic/regional/national/European identification. Two regional profiles are different. In Silesia, there are two oppositions that account for most of identifications: Slesian versus non-Silesian and Polish versus non-Polish with some Silesians considering themselves Poles. In Kashubia almost all Kashubians consider themselves Poles but differ from non-Kashubian Poles. European identity is the least important, while local one is next to it with national and ethnic dominant.
Content available The Determinants of EGTC Development in Poland
A comprehensive interpretation of the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) requires interdisciplinary studies, with particular focus on economic aspects. An EGTC is an innovative legal instrument of the EU and an economic tool developed to improve cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation. Fifty EGTCs had been established in Europe by the end of 2014, including 3 EGTCs in Poland. The aim of this article is to indicate and discuss the key determinants of development of such institutions, as well as to point out barriers and present proposals to overcome them. The operation of Polish groupings in view of European ones was discussed in this article. A working model describing internal and external determinants was developed. In the context of cohesion policy, it was proved that objectives and tasks of the groupings are coincident with the objectives of the European Territorial Cooperation. Previous original studies on EGTC development in Europe were used. Legal documents were analysed, a survey and interviews with directors of EGTCs were conducted in 2015.
Casus Konstytucji dla Europy – System polityczny Holandii wyraźnie faworyzuje demokrację przedstawicielską nad demokracją bezpośrednią. Głosowanie ludowe w 2005 r. w sprawie ratyfikacji Konstytucji dla Europy było pierwszym (i ostatnim) referendum ogólnokrajowym w Holandii. Decyzja o przyjęciu Traktatu konstytucyjnego w drodze referendum podyktowana była różnymi czynnikami, lecz wynikała głównie z przekonania, że wyborcy podzielają stanowisko polityków wobec potrzeby przyjęcia Konstytucji dla Europy. Tymczasem w referendum Holendrzy odrzucili traktat. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie powodów odrzucenia Traktatu konstytucyjnego Unii Europejskiej, a także próba odpowiedzi czy o wyniku referendum zdecydowały postawy wyborców wobec Europy, czy raczej postawy wobec partii politycznych i rządu.
The dutch political system clearly favors representative democracy over direct democracy. Popular vote in 2005 on the ratification of the Constitution for Europe was the first (and the last) a nationwide referendum in the Netherlands. The decision to adopt the Constitutional Treaty by referendum was dictated by various factors, but mainly resulted from the belief that voters agree with the politicians about the need for a Constitution for Europe. Meanwhile the Dutch rejected the treaty in referendum. The purpose of this article is to show the reasons for the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty of the European Union, as well as to make an attempt to answer whether the outcome of the referendum was the result of voters’ attitudes towards Europe, or rather the attitudes towards political parties and government.
ObjectivesThe banking sector is a branch of the global labor market that is increasingly facing stress. This can have some negative effects on mental and physical health. The aim of the study was to examine the management of stress and the assessment of mental health in 2 European countries.Material and MethodsThe sample comprised 90 (52%) German and 83 (48%) Ukrainian bank employees (BA) (N = 173). To achieve the aim of the study, the following questionnaires were used: the Differential Stress Inventory (DSI), the Inventory for Personality Diagnosis in Situations (IPS) and the 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The participants were examined in regard to nationality. Age, gender, senior position and DSI types were considered as covariates.ResultsThere were some significant national differences. The senior position, gender and age alone had little or no influence on the results. In stress management, the German sample showed unfavorable values of DSI and IPS categories. Significantly more German bank employees (10%) were overstressed (DSI type II) compared to Ukrainian ones (3%). Significant differences in stress trigger, stress manifestation and stress stabilization of DSI, and in almost all IPS categories, were found between the bank employees of both countries. More specifically, 20% of the German sample and only 8.8% of the Ukrainian sample reported impaired mental health.ConclusionsBank employees from Germany and Ukraine differed in their perception of stress and behavior in stressful situations, based on the DSI and IPS results; the Germans were shown to perform worse. This is reflected in the higher level of mental health impairment among the Germans, which is demonstrated by the GHQ-12 results. However, there is a need for workplace health promotion and preventive programs for both samples.
In another research (Krishna 2006) demonstrated the governance of the 1st and 2nd order sequence stratigraphic frameworks by regional extensional tectonics contrary to the global applicability of the eustatically driven 3rd order framework. In an effort to test the crucial role of extensional tectonics on the 1st to 2nd order sequence framework is investigated the influence of such tectonics on the Jurassic ammonoid lineages in the Tethys. The well resolved 1st to 2nd SB’s and MFS’s of the recently developed sequence framework in the Tethys are analysed vis-a-vis FAD’s and LAD’s of respective Tethyan ammonoid lineages. The lineages selected for the exercise belong to Stephanoceratacea and Perisphinctacea: – Macrocephalitinae Chrysoolithicus lineage (late Late Bathonian Triangularis Zone to mid Early Callovian Diadematus Subzone), Mayatinae (Early Oxfordian Obliqueplicatus Zone to Middle Oxfordian Orientalis Zone) of the Gondwanian Tethyan margin, and the broadly corresponding – Kosmoceratidae and – Cardioceratinae lineage of Stephanoceratacea, and – Torquatisphinctinae (late Late Oxfordian Wagurensis Zone to Early Tithonian Virgatosphinctoides Zone) – Virgatosphinctinae (late Late Kimmeridgian Infundibulum Subzone to Late Tithonian Densiplicatus Zone) of the Gondwanian Tethyan margin and the broadly corresponding – Perisphinctinae (late Late Callovian Lamberti Zone to early Late Oxfordian Bifurcatus Zone), – Ataxioceratinae (mid Late Oxfordian Bimammatum Zone to Early Kimmeridgian Hypselocyclum Zone), – Lithacoceratinae (Late Kimmeridgian Beckeri Zone to Late Tithonian Durangites Zone) of Perisphinctacea. The investigations reveal that the lineages either originate or become extinct or drastically reduced in density with marked change in evolutionary framework either at or near the 1st or 2nd order MFS’s or SB’s. For example, there is extinction of the Gondwanian Chrysoolithicus lineage at a 2nd order MFS, of the corresponding European Kosmoceratinae also at a 2nd order MFS, of the Gondwanian Mayaitinae at the 1st order MFS and of the corresponding European Cardioceratinae also at the 1st order MFS, drastic reduction in the density of the Gondwanian Torquatisphinctinae at a 2nd order MFS and origination of the corresponding European Ataxioceratinae at a 2nd order SB, of the Gondwanian Virgatosphinctinae at the 1st order MFS and of the European Lithacoceratinae near the 1st order MFS. The investigations as above explicitly demonstrate that the ranges of ammonoids lineages are controlled by the 1st and 2nd order sequence stratigraphic framework which in turn are exclusively governed by relatively low frequency high magnitude regional extensional tectonics. The regional extensional tectonics lacks globality on account of widely differing stress buildup and timing of the resultant extensional tectonic event. On the contrary the high frequency low magnitude 3rd order framework is guided by eustatic fluctuations without any interference by the low frequency high magnitude extensional tectonics.
Koncepcja governance stanowi część współczesnych trendów w zarządzaniu publicznym. Od lat 90. XX stulecia zdobywa coraz większą popularność jako jedna z nieodłącznych zasad, związanych z nowymi trendami. Governance oznacza włączanie aktorów, działających w różnych dziedzinach i na zróżnicowanych poziomach, w celu osiągnięcia ich sprzężenia. W polskiej rzeczywistości koncepcja ta jest stosunkowo mało rozpowszechniona, dlatego warto promować jej założenia i wskazywać w jaki sposób może być implementowana w praktyce polityczno-instytucjonalnej. Obecnie jest ona identyfikowana z ulepszaniem metod zarządzania w Unii Europejskiej we wszystkich aspektach implementacji polityk wspólnotowych, w kwestiach znajdujących się poza zasięgiem administracji. Ich waga wzrasta, jako że odnoszą się do partycypacji społecznej oraz kwestii legitymizacji działań publicznych w Unii Europejskiej. Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie kluczowych zagadnień, dotyczących koncepcji European governance. W kontekście badań nad ich praktycznymi zastosowaniami, zaprezentowane zostają także kluczowe dokumenty europejskie, dotyczące governance.
The concept of governance is part of contemporary trends in public management. Its popularity has been growing since the early 1980s and it has become one of the main principles in modern approaches. Governance means the inclusion of actors, operating in different areas and at different levels, to achieve common aims at the interface with the public. In the Polish reality, the concept has got relatively little publicity; thus, it is worth promoting its objectives and showing how it can be implemented in the political and institutional practice. At present, it is identified with the improvement of management methods in the European Union in all aspects of the implementation of community policies, within the scope beyond the issues of administrative capacity and management efficiency. Such issues are becoming increasingly important as they relate to social participation and the question of legitimacy of public action in the European Union. The purpose of this article is to present the key issues related to the concept of European governance. It presents the key European documents on governance in the context of the search for its practical applications.
Mimo że samorządy badanych gmin na terenie Zielonych Płuc Polski (posiadających na swym terenie znaczny odsetek powierzchni objętej Naturą 2000) deklarują potrzebę ochrony środowisko, to równocześnie uważają, że wprowadzenie Natury 2000 spowodowało wiele nowych utrudnień w lokalnym rozwoju gospodarczym. Wójtowie i burmistrzowie poprzez swe stowarzyszenia regionalne i ogólnokrajowe domagają się rekompensaty za utracone potencjalnie korzyści i ponoszone koszty w wyniku działań związanych z ochroną środowiska. Przyczyną tego typu sytuacji jest zarówno fakt, że procesowi powstawania sieci Natura 2000 nie towarzyszyła dobra akcja wyjaśniająca a granice sieci ekologicznej były wyznaczane arbitralnie bez współpracy z lokalnymi władzami, nie przedstawiono także lokalnym społecznościom alternatywnych kierunków rozwoju. Na to wszystko nakłada się brak środków finansowych na utrzymanie i funkcjonowanie tej nowej formy ochrony przyrody.
Although local governments of surveyed in Polish Green Lungs (with a significant percentage of area covered by Natura 2000) declare the need for environmental protection but at the same times they believe that the introduction of Natura 2000 resulted in many new problems in local economic development. Village and town mayors through their regional and national associations are demanding compensation for the loss potential benefits and costs incurred as a result of activities related to environmental protection. The reasons for this situation is the fact that the process of forming Natura 2000 network was not accompanied by a through explanatory action and the boundaries of ecological network were determined arbitrarily without cooperation with local authorities. Moreover, local communities weren’t presented alternative directions of development, and it was aggravated by lack of financial resources for maintenance and operation of this new form of environment protection.
The European Commission for Democracy Through Law was created in 1990 and for the last three decades has adopted a number of documents of related to electoral standards in democratic states. They include legal opinions on national laws (or draftlaws), as well as documents of a more general nature, concerning specific topics (studies, reports). In this article, the author aims at presenting the main documents that include the electoral standards developed by the Venice Commission. However, as the opinions of the Venice Commission are not binding, the second part of this contribution presents the way this contribution of the Venice Commission is taken into account in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights in cases concerning the alleged violations of the right to free elections.
Europejska Komisja na rzecz Demokracji przez Prawo została stworzona w 1990 roku i w ciągu ostatnich trzydziestu lat przyjęła ona szereg dokumentów związanych ze standardami prawa wyborczego w państwach demokratycznych. Są to opinie prawne o krajowych aktach prawnych (lub ich projektach), ale także dokumenty o charakterze ogólnym dotyczące określonych kwestii (studia, raporty). Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie podstawowych dokumentów zawierających standardy w zakresie standardów prawa wyborczego wypracowanych przez Komisję Wenecką. Biorąc jednak pod uwagę fakt, że opinie Komisji Weneckiej nie mają charakteru wiążącego, druga część niniejszego opracowania przedstawia w jaki sposób dorobek Komisji Weneckiej brany jest pod uwagę w orzecznictwie Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w sprawach, w których zarzucono naruszenie prawa do wolnych wyborów.
tom 1
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How to reconcile a European identity that is still quite indefinite with the national identities that have been engines of development, but failed to resolve the issue of ensuring peace and eliminating war as a way of settling differences? Solving the problem of European identity vs. national state identity is the cornerstone for the development of new European institutional architecture. The more the future vision of Europe promotes a deeper integration of the current European nation states, the greater is the fear of the latter to the “danger” of losing its identity. What is, in fact, this identity and would be its disappearance a great disaster? How can be lost the national identity and how it could be replaced by a European identity? Here are just some troubling questions that Europeans today consciences.
The crisis in eastern Ukraine and Crimea is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of security currently facing the international community. In pursuing its objectives, the state is often guided by different motives, but the common denominator change in the approach to cooperation with Russia is now Ukraine. The author analyses the changing geostrategic situation surrounding Russia, which is the result of its involvement in the Ukrainian crisis. This has also been analysed by countries like China, Japan, India, Turkey and Middle East countries.
The author discusses the problem of genesis, idea and functions of non-governmental organisations in Poland and selected countries in the world. He shows their significance in the process of building the civil society architecture, particularly in the period of the state transformation and market economy. It is essential, according to the author, for the government and local government administration to see the need of a wide partnership co-operation with non-governmental organisations and base this co-operation on an appropriate division of tasks between governmental and local government workers. The representative of non-governmental organisations should see partners in them and not only the source of gaining financial means.
The purpose of the article is to consider the derivational and semantic aspects of neoplasms with the euro- component. The extralinguistic reasons for the formation of new lexical units with the component euro- and a significant increase in the frequency of their usage are the expansion of the European Union, the growth of political activity in the countries of the European Union, the introduction of the single currency in the EU territory and the ever-expanding trade cooperation between the countries of the European Union and Russia. The presented research is based on the lexical material from dictionaries of various types, printed publications, official websites of organizations, institutions, firms, public catering establishments, etc.
Целью настоящей статьи является рассмотрение словообразовательного и семантического аспектов новообразований с компонентом евро-. Непосредственными экстралингвистическими причинами образования новых лексических единиц с компонентом евро- и значительного увеличения частотности употребления слов с этим компонентом, является расширение Евросоюза, рост политической активности стран Евросоюза, введение единой валюты та территории ЕС и постоянно расширяющееся торговое сотрудничество стран Евросоюза и России. Исследования осуществлялись на лексическом материале словарей разного типа, печатных публикаций, официальных сайтов организаций, учреждений, фирм, предприятий общественного питания и др.
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