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In this paper I deal with the tenth and eleventh verses of Ecclesiastes chapter 3. The eleventh verse in particular constitutes almost a nightmare for translators. First, I examine the range of Czech translations of these verses. I consequently deal with single words or collocations and finally explore the context and links with other passages in the book of Ecclesiastes. My aim is to seek out a convincing exposition of these biblical verses.
Content available Struktura Księgi Koheleta. Próba rozwiązania (II)
In dem Buch von Kohelet sind die Äußerungen auf verschiedene Themen der Hauptidee, die sie aus allerlei Gesichtspunkten beleuchten, untergeordnet. Diese Hauptidee (Hauptgedanke) ist ein Zusammenhang zwischen Glück und Weisheit Kohelet analysiert das Glück aus dem Gesichtspunkt der Weisheit, das ein Lebensziel des Menschen bedeutet. Der Verfasser stellt zuerst seine persönliche Erfahrung im Glückbereich (2, 1-26) dar, dann analysiert er das Glück der anderen Leute (3, 1 - 9, 10), endlich ermuntert er zur Realisierung des Sinnes der menschlichen Existenz, der im Traktat der vorigen Reflexionen (9, 11 - 12, 7) entdeckt worden ist.
The recent studies on the relations between humanism or humanists and jurisprudence convince that Reneaissance, especially in XVIth century, when the national states began to raise, belonged to the periods of increased interest in the issue of law. Although Erasmus was not a layer, nor he introduced in any of his works a complete theory of law, he maintained close relations with many leading theoreticians of the law and jurists (Alciati, Budé, Cantiuncula, Zasius) and sometimes spoke in the legal discussions of his age. Among hist most important works concerning the matter of law were: Institutio principis Christiani, Ratio seu Methodus verae theologiae, Christiani matrimonii institutio, De interdicto esu carnium and Ecclesiastes. In the paper I’m going to concentrate on this latter work, in which Erasmus discusses the significance of preaching, preacher and widely understood Christian rhetoric. In the Ecclesiastes Erasmus touches the law subject with the special emphasis on historical character of law and relations between the divine law, the law of Christ and the law of Nature. After a short discussion about his understaning of law I will concentrate on the essential differentiation between the letter of law and the spirit of law, and I will point at proposed by Erasmus ways of introduction of law into human life. Erasmus, on the one hand, escaped a rigidity and abstraction of law and, on the other, he neutralised an aspect of the coercion of law. In his solution Erasmus appreciated the political dimension of preaching and acknowledged preacher as a more important guide of the people, than ruler. I’m going to interpret the Erasmian concept of preaching as an rhetorical mean of introduction of law in analogical way to “introduction” proposed by Plato in his Nomoi.
Content available remote Kazatel 4:4-6. Bláznova apologie, nebo Kazatelovo varování před nenasytností?
In this paper I deal with the fourth, fifth and sixth verses of Ecclesiastes chapter 4, whose unclear connection has led to a variety of different interpretations. I initially show how some of the existing interpretations and translations illustrate a possible range of exegesis. I consequently analyse single words or collocations and, if necessary, track the probable development of the meaning of the mentioned word in the biblical texts. In conclusion, I also examine the context. By these means, I seek out a convincing exposition of these biblical verses.
Content available Kohelet i jego dzieło
To tell the truth the interpretation of Eccl has already had a long history, yet there are particularly three questions which call for a more precise approach, namely: who was Ecclesiastes? what is the literary structure of the work like? what is its theological message? A philological analysis of the name „Ecclesiastes” as well as the author’s opinions about his book point out that the work was written by a sage who had gained experience from his thorough and wise research into the values of the things which man finds in the world. One may detect a certain compositional layout in which one may distinguish the prologue, the central part and the epilogus. In the prologue, apart from the title of the book (1. 1) and a general maxim (motto) which summarizes the thought of the work, very important is the „programmatic” pericope which contains a list of the most crucial Ecclesiastes’ theses (1, 3-11). The actual work consists of four parts which embrace a couple of literary units bearing the same leading subjectmatter. They are closed with characteristic reflections on joy (1, 12−2, 26; 3, 1−5, 19; 6, 1−9, 10; 9, 11−12, 8). The epilogue gives a general characteristic of Ecclesiastes and of sapiential creativity (12, 9-14). The theology of Ecclesiastes can be reduced to three theses: All values of this world pass away; Man cannot make his position on the earth permanent; Man cannot find any concrete order in the world; Life one arth does not grant happiness to man; Man must always remember about the future; A calling for joy. One should distinguish then in the work of Ecclesiastes a penetrating and critical evaluation of the reality in which man lives, and some practical hints on how man should approach to it.
Die Spezifik des hebr. Textes des Koh. wird verschieden erklärt: Koh. Soll eine Übersetzung aus dem Aramäischen sein oder auf ihn hätte die griechische Forschungsmethode und schliesslich die kananäisch-fönizische Literatur einen Einfluss ausgeübt. Die letzte Meinung ist sehr wahrscheinlich. Es gibt auch zwei Äusserungen über die Koh-Komposition: einige Forscher meinen, dass es in Koh.  keinen Leitgedanken gibt, die anderen sehen im ganzen Koh. eine einheitliche stilistische Struktur. Die neuesten Sprach- und Problematikforschungen zeigen, dass im Lichte der altorientalischen Parallelen die zweite Meinung wahrscheinlicher sei.
Content available Struktura Księgi Koheleta. Opinie egzegetów (I)
Dans l’histoire de l’exégèse du Livre de Qohelet dominait toujours une double tendance. Selon la première de ces tendances, le Livre n’a pas d’idée centrale mais constitue un conglomérat d’aphorismes. Selon la deuxième, une pensée y domine répartie logiquement à travers tout le Livre. A l’heure actuelle c’est la deuxième tendance qui l’emporte. En dehors de ces deux tendances principales, certains exégètes voyaient dans le Livre de Qohelet une diatribe ou une réflexion autobiographique.
The article is an exegetic analysis of the passage Qoh 7:1-4 from the Book of Ecclesiastes. The excerpt challenges the absolute statement repeated many times throughout the book about the worthlessness of all things (“vanity of vanities.”) Some values are recognised as “better” than others which may be the evidence of Qoh’s axiology relativity. At first sight, he qualifies the universal lack of values as absolute.. The superiority “good name” over “precious oil” denies the supposed meaninglessness (vanity, ephemerality) of everything. The in-depth analysis of other comparisons present in the passage (“the day of death is better than the day of birth,” “it is better to go to a mourning house than to a wedding house”) shows that a passage which has a pessimistic character due to the elevation of death, may also be interpreted differently. The detailed study of the ancient Hebrew vocabulary in the text also revealed the various levels of the used metaphors.
Artykuł analizuje w sposób egzegetyczny fragment Koh 7, 1-4 z Księgi Koheleta. Fragment ten stanowi swoiste zaprzeczenie wielokrotnie powtarzającego się w całej księdze refrenu o „marności nad marnościami”. Kategoryzacja pewnych idei jako „lepsze” od innych może być dowodem na względność aksjologii Koheleta, która na pierwszy rzut oka absolutyzuje uniwersalny brak wartości czegokolwiek. Wyższość „dobrego imienia” nad „kosztownym olejkiem” zaprzecza rzekomemu bezsensowi (marności, ulotności) wszystkiego. Dogłębna analiza innych porównań zawartych w tekście („dzień śmierci lepszy od dnia narodzin”, „lepiej iść do domu żałoby niż do domu wesela”) pokazuje, że fragment o pozornie pesymistycznym charakterze, ze względu na uwznioślenie śmierci, może być zinterpretowany również w innym kluczu. Szczegółowe badanie słownictwa użytego (w języku starożytnym hebrajskim) pozwoliło również ukazać różne poziomy metafor użytych w tekście.
Studium podejmuje polemikę z twierdzeniem, iż „Eklezjastes” Stanisława Herakliusza Lubomirskiego, poetycki przekład „Księgi Koheleta”, został przez autora opracowany na podstawie tłumaczenia „Biblii” Jakuba Wujka. Autor wykazuje, że parafraza Lubomirskiego powstała w oparciu o tekst „Wulgaty”. W tym celu poddaje analizie translatologicznej fragmenty „Eklezjastesa” wskazane w literaturze przedmiotu jako dowody zależności dzieła od translacji Wujka (Argumenty 1–8) oraz przedstawia przesłanki świadczące o pracy Lubomirskiego na tekście łacińskim (Argumenty 9–12).
The study challenges the statement that Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski’s “Eklezjastes” (“Ecclesiastes”), a poetic translation of “Ecclesiastes”, is effectuated from Jakub Wujek’s translation of the Bible. The author of the paper suggests that Lubomirski’s paraphrase was based on the Vulgate. To prove it, he carries out a translatological analysis of fragments from “Eklezjaste”s treated in the literature as evidence for the text’s dependency on Wujek’s translation (Arguments 1–8) and lists factors that conform Lubomirski’s work on the Latin text (Arguments 9–12).
Content available Kairologia w Ekl 3, 1-15
La section Qoh 3, 1-15 renferme de réflexion sur le temps. Qoheleth y exprime son opinion que tous les incidents de la vie humaine ont leur temps propre et défini. Pour toute action humaine il y a un temps déterminé parce que propice, opportun. Hors de ce moment, pas de réussite possible. Qoheleth désigne le temps par 3 termes: ʽêt, zemān, ʽolām. Ces expressions ne sont pas synonymes. La première désigne le temps (incluant la durée), la deuxième - moment propice, convenable (pour qu’un fait ou un événement puisse arriver). Cependant quant au terme ʽolām, les opinions des auters sont très differentes: les exégètes l’expliquent par: „éternité”, „monde”, „connaissance”, „ignorance” ou „cours de temps”. L a 4-me opinion est la plus probable. ʽolām c’ est un long espace de temps qui ne se laisse pas définir aussi bien que le pouvoir des hommes sur le temps qui consiste en une conscience de la durée du temps et en une faculte de réfléchir sur le temps.
Celem artykułu jest spojrzenie z perspektywy biblijnej na współczesny relatywizm wartości i norm. Za pomocą filozofii biblijnej próbujemy porównać sytuację ponowoczesnego chrześcijanina oraz wyznawcy starożytnego judaizmu; spotykającego się z kulturą hellenistyczną. Przedmiotem naszej refleksji są fragmenty Księgi Koheleta oraz Księgi Mądrości. Pierwszy punkt zawiera omówienie kultury ponowoczesnej oraz hellenistycznej. W drugim znajduje się zarys historii Izraela w epoce hellenistycznej. Trzeci punkt to egzegeza wybranych fragmentów Księgi Koheleta oraz Księgi Mądrości. Zakończenie zawiera próbę aktualizacji postaw autorów biblijnych wobec hellenizmu; w kontekście ponowoczesnego chrześcijaństwa.
The aim of the article is to investigate the contemporary relativism of values and norms from the biblical perspective. By means of biblical philosophy; we try to compare the situation of a post-modern Christian and the followers of ancient Judaism when they met with Hellenistic culture. The subject of our reflection are fragments of Ecclesiastes and the Book of Wisdom. The first chapter contains a discussion of post-modern and Hellenistic culture. The second contains an outline of the history of Israel in the Hellenistic era. The third point is the exegesis of selected passages of Ecclesiastes and the Book of Wisdom. The ending is an attempt to update the attitudes of biblical authors towards Hellenism in the context of postmodern Christianity.
Verbum Vitae
tom 41
nr 3
This paper traces the history of the negative theology of YHWH from the beginning of the integration of YHWH into the Canaanite pantheon to the post-exilic period in the Torah through the interpretation of the Shema’ Israel from its mono-Yahwistic understanding to monotheism as an expression of God’s freedom. In the second step, the development of negative theology is traced from the pre-exilic proverbs, which understand God as a limit of knowledge, to negative theology in the Book of Job and Qohelet, as well as the overcoming of negative theology in the paradise-narrative in Genesis 2–3 through the freedom of choice granted to man by God.
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