Artykuł stanowi próbę odnalezienia odpowiedzi na pytanie o gwarancję poszanowania godności osoby ludzkiej w prawie pozytywnym. W trakcie analizy nawiązano do prawa naturalnego, personalizmu, moralności prawa oraz zasad obywatelskości, aby w ten sposób wyeksponować godność, jako wartość przyrodzoną człowiekowi naturalnie i pozytywnie.
The article is an attempt to find answers to the question of the guarantee of respect for human dignity in statutory law. The analysis refers to natural law, personalism, morality, law and the principles of citizenship, in order to highlight the dignity inherent to man as a natural and positive value.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: In this article the research objectives are the rights of children deprived of liberty and suspected of having committed crimes in international and regional agreements as well as in Swedish legislations and intended to preserve the child’s dignity. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The method applied to study their dignity is, on one hand, in the context of international and regional agreements; on the other hand, in the context of Swedish legislations, which are relevant to these children. THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argument is whether in Sweden children under the age of 15 years deprived of liberty and suspected of having committed crimes are treated in a manner consistent with promoting the child’s sense of dignity during the investigation of the crime. These children are of particular interest as they are more vulnerable than adults in the same situation; the spirit of dignity should therefore be more explicitly expressed for them. RESEARCH RESULTS: The research result confirms that dignity is fundamental for the rights of children as expressed in the studied international and regional agreements and, more specifically, in the CRC Articles 37 and 40. CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Swedish legislations still need improvements to preserve the dignity of children, particularly regarding the rights of children under the age of 15 deprived of liberty and suspected of having committed crimes.
Human dignity is one of the most fundamental ideas in the entire international human rights system. As from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in 1948, the concept of the human dignity become used as a tool to protect the basic needs of humans. The other formal instruments of international human rights also make reference to dignity. Whereas international law widely accepted the inherence of dignity, controversies still arise around the source of the dignity. Polish lawmakers, on the other hand, have no doubt about the fact the concept of dignity comes from natural law. Poland, in her Constitution, refers to the teaching of John Paul II about the source, value and meaning of human dignity. There is no doubt that concept of human dignity, even when it is controversial, is the most widely accepted by all religions and political society in the world.
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Thomas Aquinas understands providence as the reason of directing things to ends (ratio ordinis rerum in finem), and as the execution of that directing, i.e. governance (gubernatio). Thus, providence is one of the fundamental attributes of the person that reveals the person's perfection and dignity. Providence consists in a free and reasonable directing of oneself and the reality subject to oneself in order to actualize potentialities of oneself and of other beings in the context of the ultimate goal of existence. Human providence joins the providence of the Absolute with regard to the world. In spite of its deficiencies human providence reveals the essential dignity of the human person.
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Book review of Witold Wolman (2021). The dignity of a child as an anthropological-pedagogical category. Original Title: Godność dziecka jako kategoria antropologiczno-pedagogiczna.
Bernadeta Szczupał, Dignity, everyday life, support for seniors with disabilities, Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, No. 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 15–26. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: The process of ageing is an inevitable life phenomenon in both the individual and social aspects. With the growing life expectancy of humans, the way of living in the old age becomes a challenge in the context of respect for the dignity of the elderly. In this article, I present selected theoretical issues concerning the sense of dignity, everyday life and helplessness of elderly people with disabilities, which is unfortunately often associated with it. I also show the complexity of contemporary problems and expectations and the challenges faced by older people with disabilities.
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According to Pierre Manent, an eminent French Catholic political philosopher and a disciple of Leo Strauss, the concept of the common good has lost all its intelligibility in contemporary French society. It has been replaced by an emphasis on the concept of human rights. Human rights as such are not able, however, to serve as a viable basis for a political society. A similar analysis can be found in other Christian authors: for instance, vis-à-vis the crisis of contemporary liberal democracies, the main representatives of the so-called Radical Orthodoxy movement, John Milbank and Adrian Pabst, plead for the return of the politics of the common good. What is missing, however, in the works of these contemporary scholars is a systematic analysis of the concept of the common good as such. Up until now, the most elaborate analysis of this concept was developed by the Catholic scholars, Charles De Koninck and Yves R. Simon, during the 1940s and 1950s. Following their example, the article attempts to elucidate this key concept of political philosophy and Catholic social doctrine. In its first part, after an overview of the two basic meanings of the concept of the common good in Catholic social doctrine, the article analyzes the different facets of De Koninck´s magisterial treatise on the common good. Due to the many more metaphysical interests of De Koninck, the article argues that his concept of the common good must be supplemented by the much more politically focused analysis of Yves R. Simon. This eminent Thomist emphasized the connection between the concept of the (political) common good with the possibility of common action. The article finally offers a thorough reconstruction of the foundations of this neglected tradition of political thought which paradoxically could be seen as an (at least partial) possible cure for the current crises of liberal democratic political regimes.
Rozważania Autorki oscylują wokół kategorii godności w perspektywie praw człowieka, obywatelskich oraz demokracji. Termin „prawo do godności” zaprezentowany jest w perspektywie teorii konfliktu oraz w ujęciu edukacyjnym. Autorka w szczególny sposób uwzględnienia specyficzne problemy zagrożeń prawa do godności wynikające z konfliktu z innymi prawami demokratycznymi, z charakteru systemu społeczno- -politycznego, organizacji struktury społecznej oraz z sytuacji skomplikowanego kontekstu społeczno-kulturowego funkcjonowania społeczeństwa wielokulturowego.
The author’s reflections oscillate around a category of dignity, framed by the Human Rights, the Civic Rights and a democratic perspective. Presentation of the category of ‘right to dignity’ takes place within the terminological dimension, the conflict theory’s perspective and the educational context. The author takes into account the specific issues and dangers for the right to dignity when set against conflicts with other rights derived from democracy, the nature of socio-political systems or organization of social structures and the complex socio-cultural functioning of multicultural society.
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