Oceniono zdolność pałeczek K. pneumoniae i K. oxytoca do wytwarzania wybranych enzymów hydrolitycznych (proteaz, kazeinazy, żelatynazy, elastazy, lecytynazy, lipaz i DNazy) i hemolizyn w obecności krwinek ludzkich, baranich i końskich.
Hydrolytic enzymes and haemolysins are important extracellular substances produced by many bacteria. We investigated 57 K. pneumoniae strains and 40 K. oxytoca strains isolated from clinical materials. We estimated the ability to produce: proteases hydrolyzing milk powder, caseinase, gelatinase, elastase, lecithinase, lipases, DNase and haemolysins on human, sheep and horse erythrocytes on TSA medium with or without 5% Egg Yolk. We detected that K. oxytoca strains produced proteases hydrolyzing milk powder (37,5%), caseinase ( 15,0%) and gelatinase ( 17,5%) more frequently than K. pneumoniae strains (respectively 21,0%, 5,3%, 8,9%). None of the analysed Klebsiella spp. strains produced elastase. Only K. pneumoniae strains produced lecithinase (5,3%). Lipases hydrolyzing Tween were produced from 3,5% (for Tween 60 і 80) to 7,0% (for Tween 20). Among K. oxytoca strains only one (2,5%) hydrolyzing Tween 20. DNase was produced by 38,6% of K. pneumoniae strains and by 27,5% K. oxytoca strains. Haemolytic properties on human erythrocytes were detected in 5,3% K. pneumoniae strains on TSA medium and 29,8% on medium with Egg Yolk. In K. oxytoca strains haemolytic properties on human erythrocytes were detected only on medium with Egg Yolk (12,5%). Haemolytic properties on sheep erythrocytes were detected respectively in 21,0% and 22,8% K. pneumoniae strains and in 7,5% K. oxytoca strains on each medium. Haemolytic properties on horse erythrocytes were detected respectively in 33,4% and 52,6% K. pneumoniae strains and in 15,0% and 20,0% K. oxytoca strains.
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