Artykuł przedstawia w skrócie drogę, jaką Chorwacja przeszła od momentu rozpadu Jugosławii do chwili przystąpienia do Unii Europejskiej 1 lipca 2013 roku. Szczególny nacisk położono na przedstawienie sytuacji politycznej i gospodarczej kraju oraz warunków, w jakich prowadzono rokowania. Ukazane zostały w nim także wątpliwości związane z niepełnym wyjaśnieniem wszystkich spornych kwestii. Praca kończy się podsumowaniem sytuacji kraju tuż po wejściu w struktury unijne.
The article shows the Croatian way to the European Union, from the breakup of Yugoslavia to the accession on 1 July 2013. The political and economic situation was pointed out as well as the conditions of the European negotiations. It was written also about doubts connected with not clear explanations of all the problems by the negotiations. The article is summed up with Croatian achievements and the situation of the country just after joining the European structures.
The article aims to show changes in the level and intensity of intra-industry trade between the Central European Free Trade Association (CEFTA) and the European Union. The analysis covers the period from CEFTA’s inception to the time when most of its member countries joined the EU. The structure of trade was examined using the Gruber-Lloyd indices of intra-industry trade (IIT), which are frequently used in such analyses. The IIT indices were calculated for 5,712 products according to 6-digit CN classification divided into 31 sections. The analysis showed that in 1993-2003: - The Gruber-Lloyd intra-industry trade indices for CEFTA’s trade with EU countries increased considerably. The greatest increase was noted for Poland (85%), Romania (61%), the Czech Republic (54%) and Slovakia (43%), while the slowest growth in the IIT index was reported for Bulgaria (20%). - The analyzed period marked a clear diversification in the growth of IIT indices by CN section in reference to individual countries. Countries with the lowest IIT indices (Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia) modified the structures of their trade with EU countries to a greater extent than countries with relatively high indices. - Another important change is that most countries displayed a tendency toward concentration of trade with the highest IIT indices in an increasingly smaller number of CN sections. Notably, there was also a “shift” in the concentration of the highest IIT indices toward sections 15-20, meaning those characterized by a relatively high level of innovation and technological advancement.
Market liberalization in the countries of South East Europe (SEE), which was a consequence of free trade agreements with the European Union (EU) and the countries of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), led to changes in foreign trade flows of these countries’ agri-food products. As agri-food products are a significant part of total foreign trade in these countries, the objective of this paper is to analyse the liberalization effects established by CEFTA and EU integration. A gravity model for panel data was estimated for the agri-food sector of all SEE countries for the period 2005 – 2015, and databases from UN Comtrade and the World Bank were used to create an empirical base for this study. The results confirmed the importance of CEFTA integration, which made a significant contribution to imports and exports within this sector in most SEE countries. Additionally, the results showed that the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU had limited effects on the import and export of agri-food products in SEE countries.
W ostatnich latach eksport rolno-spożywczy podlega w Polsce głębokim reorientacjom geograficznym i towarowym. Ich przyczyną są: zmiany w strukturze produkcyjnej rolnictwa i przemysłu spożywczego, ogólna liberalizacja handlu z krajami CEFTA i UE oraz poprawa zdolności płatniczych partnerów Z Europy Wschodniej. Do najważniejszych zmian należą: wzrost eksportu głównie wyrobów przemysłu spożywczego, zmniejszenie eks-portu produktów rolnictwa oraz rozwój rynków państw b. Związku Radzieckiego, głównie Rosji i Ukrainy.
Regarding geographic location and the structure of commodities, Polish agri-food exports are subjected to a deep reorientation. The reasons for such changes lie in the structure of agricultural production (including food-processing industry), liberalisation of trade with CEFTA and EU and finally improvement in repayment capacity of East-European countries. The major changes are: increase in ex port of processed goods, decrease in exports of raw agricultural products and increase in trade with East-European countries (former USSR - mainly Ukraine and Russia).
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