The 'Brzeźno' wind farm is located in the commune of Koneck in Lhe Kujawsko-Pomorskie province; it covers an area of approximately 1 ha. The farm consists of three wind power plants with a total capacity of 2.4MW. Wind turbines have been installed by WINDPROJEKT, which applied Enercon type E-53 and MV cable lines 15kV. The characteristic feature is the large height of the turbines; 101.5m, which makes the farm an alien part of the landscape, observable from different distances. The adequate location of the farm results in no adverse effect on the migration and the habitat of birds and bats. Due to a lack of emissions to the air, the investment in no way deteriorates the quality of the environment. The wind power plant operation. However, involves the generation of noise; the noise level has an impact on the residential and homeslead buildings in the vicinity. Drawing on the acoustic climate analyses, the limit values, daytime and nighttime, are not exceeded. The investment is completely safe for built-up areas, with no negative impact on human health.
Farma wiatrowa „Brzeźno" znajduje się na terenie gminy Koneck w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim, zajmuje powierzchnię ok. 1 ha. Składa się ona z trzech siłowni o łącznej mocy o łącznej mocy 2.4 MW. Turbiny wiatrowe zostały zainstalowane przez firmę WINDPROJEKT, która zastosowała produkt firmy Enercon typu E-53 oraz linie kablowe typu SN 15 kV. Właściwa lokalizacja farmy sprawia, że nie wpływa negatywnie na migrację oraz miejsce bytowania ptaków i nietoperzy. Z uwagi brak emisji zanieczyszczeń do atmosfery inwestycja ta w żaden sposób nie pogarsza jakości środowiska. Funkcjonowanie elektrowni wiąże się jednak z występowaniem hałasu. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych analiz badających klimat akustyczny nie występuje przekroczenie wartości dopuszczalnych w porze dziennej oraz w porze nocnej. Jest to inwestycja w pełni bezpieczna dla obszarów zabudowanych, niemająca negatywnego wpływu na zdrowie człowieka.
The bathing resort in Brzeźno in the period of the first Free City of Gdańsk was built by the Gdańsk authorities in 1810 as requested by Napoleon’s governor General Jean Rapp. The resort was leased to Johann Carl Sust. The first information about the resort comes from 8 August 1810. The resort offered not only baths in the sea, but also cold and hot baths in one of the rooms prepared for this purpose. The leaseholder provided meals and drinks, as well as accommodation in his new inn in Nowy Port. In the subsequent two seasons the resort functioned without major changes. To facilitate the driveway to the resort the leaseholder introduced regular carriage connections between Nowy Port and Brzeźno. In the autumn of 1812 the Gdańsk authorities terminated the lease contract with J. C. Sust due to his bankruptcy, and conducted a bidding to choose a new leaseholder of the resort. It was a Gdańsk entrepreneur Joseph Karmann who became a new leaseholder. When the change of the leaseholder took place at the end of 1812, the inventory of the resort’s facilities was recorded twice. The contract concluded with J. Karmann in December 1812 was not enforced. The resort was destroyed completely at the beginning of 1813 during the siege of Gdańsk. The exact date and circumstances of that event remain unknown; probably the resort was destroyed by the Russian troops. On the basis of the cartographic materials and later records it can be assumed that “the Napoleaon” resort was situated east of the village of Brzeźno, directly on the beach, on the level of what is now Haffner’s Park. The widely spread assumption about J. Haffner’s involvement in the establishment of the resort in Brzeźno cannot be confirmed by any source.
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The article analyzes the personal names of the Ukrainians in the village Berezno (Brzeźno in Polish) in the Kholm region (Chełm Land) (in Poland) documented in the period from the first half of the19th century until 1945. It focuses on their repertoire and quantitative composition, as well as the preferences and motivations when choosing the names for newborn babies. The article also discusses the most common anthroponyms of that time. The anthroponymic system of the village was compared with Ukrainian personal names documented from other periods and with the personal names from other ethnic Ukrainian territories.
Článek analyzuje rodná jména Ukrajinců ve vsi Berezno ležící u města Chełm (ukr. Cholmščyna, pol. Chełmszczyzna) (Polsko) v období od první poloviny 19. století do roku 1945. Zabývá se jejich repertoárem a také kvantitativním hlediskem jejich složení. Dále je pozornost věnována preferencím Ukrajinců, motivacím při výběru rodných jmen pro novorozence a také osobním jménům, která byla v dané době nejrozšířenější. Rodná jména z této lokality byla srovnána s antroponymy dochovanými v ukrajinských památkách z jiných období a také s rodnými jmény jiných etnických ukrajinských území.
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