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tom 38
nr Supl.
W grupie chorych z zespołem wyniszczenia nowotworowego po zastosowaniu octanu megestrolu zaobserwowano wyraźny wzrost łaknienia, czego efektem był przyrost masy ciała.
The cancer cachexia syndrome is a frequent complication of a malignant disease and its treatment. It is usually manifested by appetite loss and weight loss. A significant appetite increase, which resulted in weight gain of approximately 5,2 kg was observed in the examined group after megestrol acetate administration.
Trawienie pepsyną ekstraktów nasion spożywanych przez człowieka powoduje obniżenie aktywności trypsyny i chymotrypsyny.
Extracts from the seeds of broad bean, pumpkin, bean, pea, buckwheat, barley, corn, poppy, almond, peanut, hazel nut, common walnut, oat, millet, wheat, rice, sunflower, lentil, soya, and rye were acidified to pH 2.0 and subjected to pepsin activity. It led to the differentiated decrease in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors occurring in these extracts.
Oznaczono aktywność antyoksydacyjną i całkowitą zawartość polifenoli w pyłku kwiatowym zbieranym przez pszczoły. Stwierdzono, że pyłki wykazują wysoką aktywność antyoksydacyjną.
Antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content of bee-collected pollen was determined. It was found that pollens showed high antioxidant capacity. It was found that the total polyphenol content of pollen was in range from 17.25 to 30.75 mg/g pollen. The total antioxidant activity was in ranged from 0.16 to 0.20 mmol/g pollen. There was no correlation between the antioxidant activity and polyphenol content in pollen.
Nasiona niektórych roślin spożywanych przez człowieka hamują aktywność proteolityczną preparatu Citropepsin.
Extracts from sunflower seeds and to a smaller extend from the seeds of pumpkin, peanut, common walnut, oat, wheat, and lentil, and soya beans contain proteolytic activity inhibitors of Citropepsin. Thus, the seeds of these plants should be eliminated from food of patients with atrophic inflammation of gastric mucous membrane who arc treated with this preparation.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Celem pracy była ocena wybranych zaleceń żywieniowych diety opartej na typologii ciała. Na podstawie wyników uzyskanych w badaniach własnych wykazano szereg niezgodności pomiędzy zaleceniami dietetycznymi a wskazaniami racjonalnego odżywiania.
A purpose of the research was to analyze chosen dietary recommendations suggested by Carolyn Mein, who has worked out the diet idea based on body typology. According to the results a lot of differences have been showed between mentioned dietary advices and directives of the rational nutrition. The 24 hours energy need, defined by Carolyn Mein, mostly occurred to stay under suggested norms. More over there were other mistakes including: broad quantity ranges for the basic nutrition ingredients, huge share of proteins in diet, small of carbohydrates and proportionally big share of fats as well as the identical values of caloric demands for each type. Exerted in the analysis small far too share of plant oils, grain products as well as vegetables and fruits, together with the often suggestions of consumption of products consisting of saturated fat acids can be the reason of increased risk of civilization diseases, most of all the blood system ones and diabetes among group of people following the Mein's diet. Broad quantity ranges of the basic nutrition ingredients and not precise description of the product feeding frequency may cause difficulties in practical diet suggestions usage.
tom 38
nr Supl.
W przedstawionej pracy podjęto, na podstawie analizy wyników badań zrealizowanych na 1100 osobowej populacji konsumentów, próbę określenia sposobu definiowania żywności ekologicznej i przypisywanych jej atrybutów przez polskich konsumentów.
Almost 80% of Polish consumers declare to know the term „organic food". Majority of the respondents associated organic food production with „clean environment" and „exclusion of agrochemicals" One can assume that Polish consumers do not have sufficient knowledge on organic criteria since they tend to believe that it is possible to use minimum level of agrochemicals in organic food production. Consumers perceive organic food as „natural", „healthy" and „safe". They have positive association with organic food in terms of its health safety and potential positive impact on human health.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Oceniono wpływ metanolu, formaldehydu i mrówczanu sodu na aktywność preparatu pepsyny i pepsyny występującej w soku żołądkowym.
Methanol, formaldehyde, and sodium formate effects on pepsin preparation and gastric juice pepsin activities were determined. Sodium formate is the strongest inhibitor of pepsin, formaldehyde is a weaker one, and the weakest is methanol. Pepsin inactivation degree increases together with the elevation of concentrations of the examined compounds. Gastric juice pepsin is less susceptible to compounds inhibitory activity than the purified preparation of the enzyme.
tom 38
nr Supl.
The objective of this study was to investigate dietary habits and nutritional status of 102 breastfeeding women, aged 21-37 years. The food intake was assessed by questionnaire studies. In studied women body weight and height were measured and BMI index was calculated. Nearly three quarters of studied population have a normal body weight (BMI˂25) but BMI value was higher than in period prior to pregnancy. It was found out that dietary habits of breastfeeding women are partly adequate to the nutritional requirements and it is connected both with the frequancy and type of consumed products (vegetables, fruits whole-meal bread).
Wśród osób starszych z dwóch grup wiekowych (65-74 lat i powyżej 75 lat) analizowano problemy związane z zakupami i przygotowaniem posiłków. Najczęściej problemy dotyczyły wyboru produktów oraz „obsługi i wsparcia" ze strony personelu w sklepie. Nie stwierdzono problemów z przechowywaniem żywności, ponieważ osoby starsze robiły często małe zakupy w pobliskim sklepie spożywczym.
Among elderly people from (two) age groups (65-74 years old and above 75 years) problems connected with shopping and meals preparation were analyzed by computer programs Statistica PL v.6.0 and Maxqda. There were separated 8 groups of problems connected with shopping and meals cooking and also movement and transport, and quite rarely going to and from the shop, applying kitchen devices or lack of dentition. During the choice of a product in a grocer's shop almost all the studied took price into consideration and chose a cheaper product. No problems with food storage were stated, as elderly people frequently made small shopping. Despite numerous health ailments and difficulties connected with age and economic limitations all studied tried to maintain independence in making shopping and preparing meals.
Nasiona niektórych roślin spożywanych przez człowieka zawierają inhibitory pepsyny, a wszystkie gatunki roślin zawierają inhibitory trypsyny i chymotrypsyny. Ogrzewanie obniża aktywność tych inhibitorów.
Pepsin inhibitors occur in extracts of the seeds of pumpkin, peanut, common walnut, oat, wheat, sunflower, lentil, soya and rye. Trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors arc contained in the extracts of the seeds of broad bean, pumpkin, bean, pea, buckwheat, barley, corn, poppy, almond, peanut, hazel nut, common walnut, oat, millet, wheat, rice, sunflower, lentil, soya, and rye. Heating the examined extracts at 100°C for 1 hour decreases the activity of these inhibitors in the degree dependent on the species and a given inhibitor specificity.
tom 38
nr Supl.
W niniejszej pracy zmierzono tempo podstawowej przemiany materii 6 młodych dorosłych osób i porównano je z wartościami obliczonymi ze wzorów. Pomiary wykonano aparaturą respirometryczną firmy Maihak w pomieszczeniu termostatowanym istniejącym w Katedrze Dietetyki SGGW. Uzyskane wyniki są zbieżne z danymi zawartymi w normach żywieniowych opublikowanych w USA, gdzie poziom wartości energetycznej diety zalecanej na przykład dla mężczyzn w wieku 23-50 lat i o masie ciała 70 kg waha się w granicach od 2300 kcal/d do 3100 kcal/d, czyli uwzględnia różnice indywidualne rzędu 30%.
The starting point for energetic value of the diet is basic metabolism rate (BMR). It's value is evaluated with the formulas proposed by WHO which have been applied in Poland since 1995 [4]. These formulas take into account sex, age and body mass of human. These formulas present average values which arc representative for multimillion populations of people who arc of different nationality but have similar parameters as above mentioned. There is very few published data about variability between and within individuals in the discussed scope. Experts' Commission of FAO/WHO/UNU [7] published that variability factor which characterizes variability of weekly metabolism of people with similar parameters which were taken into account is 12,5 %, and analogical factor calculated for the same persons examined on different days varies between 10 to 6 % . In this research basic metabolism rate of 6 young adult persons was measured and compared with values calculated with formulas. The measurements were performed with respirometry equipment produced by Maihak company in thermostatic room which is in Department of Dietetics of Warsaw Agriculture University. It was shown that standard deviation of 6 differences calculated between individual theoretic values of B M (calculated with formulas) and real values which were measured were as 4,13 % of arithmetical average of results which were taken into account. In some cases that difference was over 1000 kJ/d which is 13,4 % of value calculated with formulas. If we take into account that we often increase that value by about 50% to estimate 24 hour energy expenditure which takes into account thermogenesis effected by nutrition and energetic cost of movement activity, the discussed difference between the value calculated with formulas and real value which was individually measured increases to the level of 20 % of the former value (calculated with formulas). Received results are similar with data included in nutrition standards published in USA [6], where the energetic value of recommended diet e.g. for man (m) of age 23-50 years and body mass 70 kg varies between 2300 kcal/d to 3100 kcal/d, and is taking into account individual differences in the rank of 30%. The differences in the rank of 20% proved in this relatively small research, which were between values estimated on the commonly applied formulas and real values which were measured states that there is so low preciseness of commonly performed estimation of 24 hour human energy expenditure, that it truly discredits appropriateness of this type of dietary guidance.
W pracy przeprowadzono oceną rozmiarów i składu ciała w powiązaniu ze stopniem niezależności w przygotowywaniu posiłków. Badania przeprowadzono wśród 61 osób (34 kobiet i 27 mężczyzn) mieszkających w rejonie Olsztyna. Oceny rozmiarów i składu ciała dokonano metodami antropometrycznymi, a udział badanych w przygotowywaniu posiłków określono na podstawie kwestionariusza (Senior Food-QOL).
The objective of the undertaken study was to evaluate physical measures and body composition of elderly people in connection with the degree of independence in meals preparation. Study was carried out in 2003 and 2004 on the group of 61 people (34 women and 27 men), belonging to two age groups (65-74 and 75+ years old), and living near Olsztyn. Participants were recruited using snow ball method. The evaluation of physical measures and body composition was conducted on the group of 40 people (20 women and 20 men) using anthropometric methods. The assessment of bone tissue was performed by the ultrasonographic method. Participants' involvement in meals preparation at home was determined on the basis of SENIOR FOOD QOL questionnaire. Appearance of overweight or obesity was observed in about 90% of participants, including obesity of androidal type in more than half of eases. In 34% of participants the risk of ostheopenia and in 66% of participants the risk of ostheoporosis was confirmed. It was found that there is no relation between somatic and densitometric indices and degree of independence in meals preparation in elderly people.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Oznaczono zawartość błonnika pokarmowego metodą Van Soesta w mące pszennej typ 750, 400 oraz makaronowej, a także w otrębach pszennych grubych i drobnych.
The aim of investigation was to define the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content and its fractional composition of wheat flour types 750, 400 and flour noodles and wheat bran rough and fine milled. Average NDF content varied from 1.37% of dry matter for type 400 flour to 1.99% for type 750 flour and from 31,44% for fine to 41,86% for rough miled bran. The main fiber fraction of all wheat samples, independently from type flour and kind of bran were hemicelluloses and the least occuring fraction was lignin.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Opracowano metodą oznaczania iwermektyny w surowicy i tkankach jadalnych zwierząt z zastosowaniem elektroforezy kapilarnej, którą poddano ocenie statystycznej. Proces walidacji uwzględniał następujące elementy: liniowość w zakresie od 1 do 20 µg/kg, czułość, specyficzność, dokładność i precyzję metody. Odzysk analitu w procesie ekstrakcji wynosił 80,2%. Granicę wykrywalności ustalono na 0,3 µg/kg a oznaczalności ilościowej na 1 µg/kg.
In this work the capillary clectrophoretic method, with liquid-liquid extraction, for the isolation and determination of the ivermectin in animal serum and tissues is presented. Ivermectin is a drug with a broad spectrum of activity against nematodes and arthropod parasites in food-producting animals such as sheep, cattle, pigs, horses. The method was statistically validated for its linearity, accurancy, precision and selectivity. A typical standard curve encompassing a range of 1 to 20 µg/kg ivermectin was linear (correlation coefficient r=0.9992). The lowest level validated in scrum and tissue by the method was 1 µg/kg and the limit of detection was 0.3 µg/kg. The average recovery from samples was 80.72%. The inter-assay precision was expressed as the mean SD and relative standard deviation (RSD). This characteristics make this method attractive when compared to classical isolation and determination procedures for ivermectin. The analytical method was successfully applied to determination for ivermectin residue in tissues and for pharmacokinetic studies.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Omówiono podstawowe definicje dotyczące żywności i poszczególnych grup oraz rodzajów, na podstawie aktualnego ustawodawstwa żywnościowego i wdrożonych dyrektyw Unii Europejskiej. Zwrócono także uwagę na używane potocznie pojęcia, które nie mają głębszego uzasadnienia i odzwierciedlenia w obowiązujących aktach prawnych. Ponadto podkreślono różnice i podobieństwa istniejące pomiędzy lekiem (produktem leczniczym) a środkiem spożywczym (żywnością).
tom 38
nr Supl.
Opracowano metodą elektroforetycznego oznaczania pozostałości nifursolu w tkankach jadalnych indyków (mięśnie, skóra z tłuszczem, wątroba i nerki). Przeprowadzono walidacją całej procedury oznaczania nifursolu; limit wykrywalności ustalono na 7 g/kg w badanych tkankach. Przedstawiona metoda jest specyficzna, precyzyjna, czuła i wystarczająco dokładna do oznaczania pozostałości leków weterynaryjnych w tkankach pochodzenia zwierzęcego.
The use of veterinary drugs (antibiotics, coccidiostatics) to treat animal disease and to promote fast, more efficient growth of livestock is a common practice in modern agriculture. In order to protect the health of the consumer of foodstuffs of animal origin, one of the most important principles laid down in the legislation is that foodstuffs obtained from animals treated with veterinary medicinal products must not contain residues of the medicine or its metabolites which might constitute a health hazard for the consumer. One of the most common anticoccidial drug used in EU to 2003 was nifursol. The aim of this study was to develop a confirmatory analysis by capillary electrophoresis (CE) for nifursol residues in edible tissues (muscle, skin with fat, liver and kidney) of turkey origin. The whole of nifursol determination procedure was validated. The described method is specific, sensitive, precise and accurate enough for determination residue of veterinary drugs in tissue of animal origin and could be used for therapeutic drug monitoring.
tom 38
nr Supl.
W artykule opisano korzystne cechy fluorescencji warstwy barwników uporządkowanych na powierzchni roztworów. Przedstawiono warunki tworzenia się takiego układu fizycznego oraz schemat układu pomiarowego odpowiedniego do rejestracji fluorescencji w nim powstającej. Przedstawiono także założenia programu komputerowego zastosowanego do ilościowej analizy kształtów wykresów widm synchronicznych fluorescencji powierzchniowej próbek miodów.
The article presents favorable fluorescence features of the pigment layer on the surface of solvents. Formation conditions of such physical system and the measure set scheme right for registering fluorescence formed in it. Assumptions of computer program used for analysis of fluorescent graphs shapes formed on the surface of honey samples have been presented.
tom 38
nr Supl.
Celem pracy było przeprowadzenie oznaczeń obecności sulfonamidów w dostępnych w handlu naturalnych miodach pszczelich z zastosowaniem chromatografii cienkowarstwowej (TLC) jako metody przesiewowej do wykrywania tych zanieczyszczeń.
Methods of honey bee care against various diseases in Poland are based on usage of veterinary drugs, which can be found in bee products and cause their toxic effects on human organism. This research is focused on sulfa drugs - used as a veterinary drug against Bacillus larvae - etiological factor of American foulbrood disease. According to European Union law, any appearance of sulfa drugs is forbidden. Unfortunately Polisulfamid (mixture of three sulfonamides - sulfacetamide (SFA), sulfatiazole (SFT) and sulfadimethazine (SFM)) has used by polish beekeepers. Samples were prepared by solving 2.5 g of honey in 12.5 ml of acctic buffer (pH=5). The clean up of honey sample, mainly from sugar components, was performed on a solid phase extraction column. After a SPE percolation, clution of sulfonamides with acctonitrylc, evaporation in nitrogen stream and dilution in water was made. The prepared solution was placcd on Silica Gel for chromatography. After the thin layer chromatography is finished, the platelets arc revealed with fluoresceine and watched under UV lamp of wave length 254 nm. The method occurred to be sensitive enough to determine presence of sulfacetamide and sulfatiazole white sulfadimethazine contamination of honey bee honey in smallest quantities that previously have been determined using HPLC. It has been shown that the method is much easier to perform and cheaper for screening detection sulfonamides in natural honeys.
W pracy dokonano oceny pobrania ołowiu i kadmu przez pacjentów stosujących mieszanki ziołowe według receptur uznanych fitoterapeutów. W skład mieszanek wchodził korzeń mniszka pospolitego, zebrany z obszarów o skrajnym wpływie antropopresji.
The estimation of potential possibility of intake of heavy metals such as lead and cadmium by patients who used various herbal mixtures containing root of dandelion was made. These herbal mixtures collected from recreation regions contained 9 times smaller contents of lead and 3 times smaller contents of cadmium in comparison with industrial regions.
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