The study intends to explore the impact André Breton's plays had on the interwar stagings in France and Czechoslovakia. I will focus on two of Breton's plays, If You Please (written together with Soupault in 1919, staged in Paris in 1920 and in Prague in 1928) and Le Trésor des jésuites [The Treasure of the Jesuits] (written with Aragon in 1929, world premiere in Prague in 1935, not translated in English), and their staging specificities, including the context: reasons of their staging choice, translation, and reception. The intention of this study is to contribute to the debate regarding the relationship between French and Czech Surrealism.
Cette étude a pour but de convaincre les professionnels de la traduction qu‘avant même de commencer à traduire, il faut se familiariser avec une théorie du sens. C‘est seulement alors qu‘il devient possible d‘obtenir une lecture et une interprétation sémantique efficiente du texte-source. Nous proposons une sémantique textuelle élaborée à partir de travaux initiés en sémantique lexicale ainsi qu‘une analyse des problématiques de la signification développées en philosophie des formes symboliques, en phénoménologie et dans d‘autres travaux, notamment ceux de E. Coseriu. Afin d‘illustrer nos propos théoriques nous traitons un exemple d‘analyse sémantique à partir du poème Chanson noire de L. Aragon.
This study aims at convincing translation specialists that prior to the very act of translating, it is essential to become familiar with a Theory of Meaning. Only then will it become possible to bring about a truly efficient reading and a semantic interpretation of the original text. Based on works initiated in Lexical Semantics, an original Text Semantics approach is suggested, as well as an analysis of the questions of Meaning carried out in the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, in Phenomenology and in other works, notably those of E. Coseriu. To illustrate this theoretical framework, we offer in the semantic analysis of Chanson noire, a poem by Louis Aragon.
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