Janusz Korczak has his unique contribution to the development of work with street children. The purpose of this text is an attempt to answer the question: what has Korczak in common with people who are working with the category of abandoned, neglected children nowadays? To what extent his views, developed over a hundred years ago, are an inspiration for educators taking up work in the street space today? To answer these questions I will refer both to Korczak’s thoughts contained in his works as well as to the texts created by contemporary educators. The analyses confirm that the common feature of the described projects is the concept of sharing the world. Both Korczak and pedagogues of the street situate themselves close to the children’s community, participating in their everyday life. Both pedagogues and Korczak refer to a similar concept of the child, focusing primarily on the child’s potential. They try to get to know the child’s living conditions and by understanding its habitus they aim to take actions appropriate to child’s abilities, avoiding elements of symbolic violence.
The conducted study refers to the works of Cracow researchers (K. Frysztacki, M. Nóżka and M. Smagacz-Poziemska) who, while observing children functioning in the street space, noticed that it is very difficult to create a universal model that would reproduce the cause and effect chain of their actions. According to them, more attention should be paid to the contextual aspect of functioning of this category of children. Considering the nature of the bond with the public space, the aforementioned researchers distinguished two categories: translocal children (unrooted, on the move) and interlocal children (rooted, located in the public space). The aim of this study was to learn the role of the environmental context in shaping the sense of coherence of street children. The theoretical assumptions refer to Aaron Antonovsky's coping model and works presenting the process of coherence formation, with particular emphasis on the period of adolescence, which is considered the peak phase of the identity crisis. The conducted research is a part of the exploratory and diagnostic research focused on searching (exploration) and learning about hidden facts and the relationships between them. The survey technique was used to conduct the survey and the SOC-13 questionnaire was used as a research tool. The research group consisted of street children selected due to their nature of bonds with the public space, so they were children functioning within the district or on the move. The obtained results confirm that the type of bonds with the public space has a significant impact on the characteristics and skills that a child develops in contact with the street, which should be considered when designing methods of social work with each of these categories of children.
Realizowane badania nawiązują do prac badaczy krakowskich (K. Frysztacki, M. Nóżka, M. Smagacz-Poziemska), którzy prowadząc obserwacje dzieci funkcjonujących w przestrzeni ulicy zauważyli, iż bardzo trudne jest stworzenie uniwersalnego modelu, odtwarzającego przyczynowo- skutkowy łańcuch ich działań. Zdaniem wyżej wspomnianych autorów należy zwrócić większą uwagę na kontekstualny aspekt funkcjonowania tej kategorii dzieci. Biorąc pod uwagę charakter więzi z przestrzenią wspomniani badacze wyodrębnili dzieci translokalne (niezakorzenione, przemieszczające się) i dzieci interlokalne (zakorzenione, osadzone w przestrzeni). Celem prezentowanych badań było poznanie roli kontekstu środowiskowego w kształtowaniu poczucia koherencji dzieci ulicy. W założeniach teoretycznych odwołano się do modelu radzenia sobie Aarona Antonovsky’ego oraz prac przedstawiających proces kształtowania się koherencji ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem okresu adolescencji, który uważany jest za szczytową fazę kryzysu tożsamości. Przeprowadzone badania wpisują się w typ badań eksploracyjno-diagnostycznych, których istotą jest poszukiwanie (eksploracja) i poznawanie ukrytych faktów oraz zależności pomiędzy nimi. Do przeprowadzenia sondażu wykorzystano technikę ankiety, narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz do badania poczucia koherencji – SOC 13. Grupę badawczą stanowiły dzieci ulicy wyodrębnione ze względu na ich charakter więzi z przestrzenią, były to więc dzieci funkcjonujące w obrębie dzielnicy bądź przemieszczające się. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają, że rodzaj więzi z przestrzenia ma znaczący wpływ na cechy i kompetencje, które dziecko wypracowuje w kontakcie z ulicą, co należy uwzględnić projektując metody pracy socjalnej z każdą z tych kategorii dzieci.
For a few years in Poland there have appeared attempts to create a partnership for the benefit of children. Actions took up for this purpose are aimed at equalizing life chances of children threatened by social marginalisation and exclusion by actions oriented directly on children and by intensifying the already existing welfare system through creating local coallitions and popularising street pedagogy. United Way Foundation executes a model of work, proofed in many countries worldwide, based on a cooperation of three sections: business self-government authorities, non-government organisations with a support of scientific milieu and the media. However, the knowledge of this subject is still insufficient and the phenomenon of children of a street is commonly associated with problems of the Third World. This text is an attempt to address a question whether actions took up by the street pedagogues are a response to children’s living in dysfunctional families problems and assessing what kind of response it is. In the first part of the text, the author shows the results of research on the identity of children of the street, their ways of understanding the world, and assumptions made by street children about the world and their strategies of functioning built on this base. In the second part of the text the author analyses the adequacy and efficacy of help forms directed to this group of youth and analyzes in detail the fundamental assumptions of street pedagogy.
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