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This study investigated three earth fish ponds fed with biologically treated wastewater from the treatment plant in Olsztynek. The ponds were stocked with the following fish species with a varied age structure: common carp (Cyprinus carpio), tench (Tinca tinca), European pike-perch (Sander lucioperca), and roach (Rutilus rutilus). Zooplankton samples were collected once a month, from April to October 2007. Rotatoria were the most diverse and the most abundant zooplankton community. The zooplankton biomass in all ponds was dominated by crustaceans, including such species as Keratella cochlearis, Keratella quadrata, Polyarthra longiremis, Brachionus angularis, young forms of Copepoda (nauplii and copepodites), as well as Daphnia longispina and Thermocyclops crassus. The greatest faunal similarities between the analyzed zooplankton groups were determined in ponds 1 and 2, while the greatest differences were noted between ponds 2 and 3. The structure and dynamics of zooplankton changes in the investigated ponds were determined mostly by trophic relationships and interspecies interactions, while fish predation pressure supported greater species diversity and its reinstatement.
The composition of food consumed by larval and juvenile smelt (Osmerus eparlanus) in the Vistula Lagoon was analyzed taking into account changing environmental conditions. The fish and zooplankton were collected at two stages of research, at the end of May and at the beginning of June 2000. The meteorological conditions and physicochemical parameters of water were determined within a limited research area, where a dense network of 15 sampling sites was established. The digestive tracts of 2552 smelts with a standard body length (SL) of 10 to 34 mm were subjected to preparation. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of diet composition was performed within 5-mm fish body length classes, taking into consideration time- and space-variation, as well as changing environmental conditions, primarily wind strength and the depth of sampling sites. Particular attention was paid to the occurrence of a non-specific component in the diet of the pelagic smelt – copepods of the order Harpacticoida, found in bottom deposits. These organisms were present both in the zooplankton and in the food of smelt, and the intensity of their occurrence varied in time and space. The analysis revealed that the presence of the Harpacticoida in deep waters and in the diet of smelt was directly proportional to wind strength and inversely proportional to the depth of sampling sites.
The use of a reliable zooplankton sample collection method is important for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the food source available for juvenile fish. The effectiveness of zooplankton collection in illuminated cages is related to its concentration in the subsurface layer of water around or under the light source. The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of three zooplanktonsample collection methods in illuminated cages. The experiment was conducted in Lake Maróz,Poland, in illuminated net cages. The light source was an electric bulb (24 V, 60 W), located just abovewater’s surface and switched on 2 hours before sample collection. The zooplankton samples were collected using a bottle sampler and conical tow-net (mesh 30μm) hauled at two different speeds. Interms of qualitative and quantitative parameters, the optimal sample collection method was planktonnet hauled at a slow vertical rate (0.05 m s–1). Average results were obtained using a bottle sampler(5.0 dm3volume). Where as, plankton net hauled vertically at a fast vertical rate (0.10 m s–1) was the least effective method, due to the displacement of water outside of the net’s inlet
Zastosowanie miarodajnej metody poboru prób zooplanktonu w środowisku sadzów oświetlonych jest istotne w ocenie ilości oraz jakości pokarmu dostępnego dla ryb. Celem pracy było porównanie efektywności trzech wariantów metodycznych poboru prób zooplanktonu w środowisku sadzów oświetlonych. Eksperyment przeprowadzono w sadzach jeziorowych (jez. Maróz) oświetlonych od zmierzchu żarówką elektryczną (24 V, 60 W), umieszczoną tuż nad powierzchnią wody. Próby zooplanktonu pobierano czerpaczem butlowym oraz siatką planktonową techniką zaciągu pionowego w dwóch wariantach prędkości holu. W analizie porównawczej efektywności poboru prób zastosowano znormalizowany wskaźnik liczebności zooplanktonu. Referencyjnym wariantem metodycznym dla badań jakościowych i ilościowych zooplanktonu był powolny zaciąg pionowy siatką planktonową (prędkość holu 0.05 m s–1, teoretyczne tempo filtracji 0.08 dm3dm–2s–1).Odzwierciedlał on największą liczebność zooplanktonu w każdej grupie taksonomicznej (p≤0.001dla Copepoda i Rotifera orazp≤0.01 dla Cladocera). Najmniejszą efektywność poboru prób,tj. liczebność zooplanktonu i wykrywalność taksonów, uzyskano po szybkim zaciągu pionowym siatką (prędkość holu 0.10 m s–1, teoretyczne tempo filtracji 0.16 dm3dm–2s–1). Pośrednie wyniki uzyskano po zastosowaniu czerpacza butlowego o objętości 5.0 dm3. Niska efektywność siatki planktonowej przy szybkim zaciągu spowodowana była zjawiskiem wypierania wody poza krawędź otworu wlotowego
Water quality of the Nida River (NE Poland) was evaluated using the BMWP-PL biotic and diversity indices. Revitalization works were undertaken in the river during the study. Benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected from seven different sites. Twenty-four taxa in total were recorded. Most of the studied sites (59%) were ranked into water quality class III, while 35% of sites were of poor water quality (class IV). Good water quality (class II) was found at only one site (the upper Nida section). The revitalization works did not significantly change values of the BMWP-PL index at the studied sites.
Używając indeksu biotycznego BMWP-PL oraz indeksu różnorodności, oceniono jakość wód rzeki Nidy (północno-wschodnia Polska). W czasie trwania badań rzekę rewitalizowano. Na siedmiu stanowiskach pobierano próby makrobezkręgowców bentosowych. Zanotowano obecność 24 taksonów. Większość badanych stanowisk (59%) zakwalifikowano do III klasy czystości wód, natomiast 35% stanowisk miało złą ich jakość (IV klasa). Tylko na jednym stanowisku stwierdzono dobrą jakość wód (II klasa). Wartości indeksu BMWP-PL otrzymane dla prób przed urozmaicaniem dna i po tym zabiegu rewitalizacyjnym nie wykazały statystycznie istotnych różnic.
The purpose of this study has been to characterize the ichthyofauna of the Upper Wkra River during the initial stage of the implementation and execution of revitalization of the Nida River in the commune of Nidzica. The study covered a nearly 5-km-long section of river flowing across the commune of Nidzica. Four sites of control catches were localized between the administrative border to the town of Nidzica and a water-raising fixed weir (h=1.40 m) in the village called Borowy Młyn. In the fish assemblage, dominated by three- and ninespined stickleback, nine species in total were observed. By referring to the available research results, it can be concluded that no significant quantitative or qualitative changes occurred in the structure of the inchthyofauna from 2001 to 2008. One of the factors which limit the process of natural regeneration of the fish population is the fact that the analyzed section of the river is cut off from the remaining part of the Wkra River and its tributaries.
Celem opracowania jest charakterystyka ichtiofauny uregulowanego odcinka górnej Wkry we wstępnym etapie wdrażania i realizacji programu rewitalizacji Nidy w powiecie nidzickim. Badaniami objęto prawie pięciokilometrowy odcinek rzeki położony w gminie Nidzica. Cztery stanowiska połowów kontrolnych zlokalizowano pomiędzy granicą administracyjną miasta Nidzica a stałym jazem piętrzącym (h=1.40m) w miejscowości Borowy Młyn. W zespole ryb zdominowanym przez ciernika i cierniczka stwierdzono występowanie łącznie dziewięciu gatunków ryb. Na tle dostępnych wyników badań w latach 2001–2008 w strukturze ichtiofauny nie nastąpiły istotne zmiany jakościowe i ilościowe. Jednym z czynników ograniczających proces naturalnej odbudowy ichtiofauny rzecznej jest odcięcie objętego badaniami odcinka rzeki od pozostałej części dorzecza Wkry.
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris(AAT) is an acidothermophilic spore forming bacterium thatcauses the contamination of pasteurized fruit and vegetable juices. Since it survives typical heattreatment, the use of more effective techniques, such as supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCD), areconsidered for preserving juices.Dipicolinic acid (DPA) is a universal component of bacterial spores and its release can serve as anindicator of spore germination.The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the release of DPA and thegermination of AAT spores, initiated by SCCD. ąSamples of the spores of two AAT strains suspendedin apple juice and pH 4.0 and pH 7.0 McIlvain buffers were treated with pressure of 10–60 MPa,at a temperature of 35–75℃ for 30 min. The results showed that some of the process parameters,mainly the temperature and pH, strongly affected spore germination. The amount of released DPA correlated strongly (R= 0.928) to the number of germinated AAT spores
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris(AAT) należy do bakterii acidotermofilnych, tworzących przetrwalniki, które powodują psucie się pasteryzowanych soków owocowych i warzywnych. Ze względu na zdolność do przetrwania procesów pasteryzacji poszukuje się alternatywnych metod do ich inaktywacji, ditlenku węgla w stanie nadkrytycznym (SCCD). Kwas dipikolinowy (DPA) jest związkiem swoistym tylko dla przetrwalników, a jego uwalnianie do środowiska jest wskaźnikiem procesu kiełkowania przetrwalników. Celem badań było określenie korelacji między ilością uwalnianego DPA a procesem kiełkowania przetrwalników AAT, zainicjowanego przez SCCD. Przetrwalniki zawieszone w soku jabłkowym oraz w buforach McIlvain o pH 4,0 i pH 7,0 poddawano działaniu SCCD o ciśnieniu 10–60 MPa, w temperaturze 35–75℃, w czasie 30 min. Zaobserwowano, że niektóre parametry procesu, temperatura i pH, miały znaczący wpływ na proces kiełkowania przetrwalników. Ilość uwolnionego DPA była silnie (R= 0,928) skorelowana z liczbą kiełkujących przetrwalników AAT
This paper focuses on the qualitative and quantitative characterization of zooplankton in a section of the Nida (the Upper Wkra) River subjected to revitalization treatments. At four established sites, biological samples were taken for analyses. In total, 44 taxa of zooplankton were determiend in the collected material. The upper section of the Wkra River, along which two sites were set up, was in general more varied in species composition, and the structure of biocenosis was shaped by rotifers and protozoa (mainly ameba species) in nearly equal halves. At the other two sampling sites, localized below, along a further section of the watercourse, the structure of zooplankton was poorer. It was colonized by larger numbers of individuals belonging to a few species of rotifers, among which Keratella cochlearis var. tecta, Trichocerca similis and T. pusilla are the species indicating a raised level of the trophy of the river water.
W pracy skupiono się na charakterystyce jakościowej i ilościowej zooplanktonu odcinka rzeki Nidy (górna Wkra) poddanego zabiegom rewitalizacji. Na wyznaczonych czterech stanowiskach pobrano próby biologiczne do analizy. W zebranym materiale oznaczono łącznie 44 taksony zooplanktonu. Górny odcinek rzeki Wkry, na którym zlokalizowano dwa stanowiska, charakteryzował się ogólnie większym zróżnicowaniem gatunkowym, a struktura biocenozy kształtowana była niemalże po połowie przez wrotki i pierwotniaki (przeważnie gatunki ameb). Wkolejnych punktach, w dalszym odcinku cieku, struktura zooplanktonu uległa zubożeniu. Dominowało kilka gatunków wrotków, spośród których Keratella cochlearis var. tecta, Trichocerca similis i T. pusilla wskazywały na stan podwyższonej trofii wód.
The fate of phytoplankton communities in different hydrological and hydrochemical conditions was studied in the middle basin of the Biebrza River (NE Poland). Our results showed that hydrological connectivity significantly influenced phytoplankton abundance in floodplain lakes: minimal abundance was stated in lotic and maximal in lentic waterbodies. Phytoplankton diversity and species richness were related to changes in water levels. During the low-water phase, phytoplankton biodiversity was the lowest in lentic and the highest in lotic lakes. High water levels promoted exchanges in species among waterbodies and the river, which increased biodiversity indices. We concluded that the isolation of any floodplain lake from the river channel deteriorates its trophic conditions. Thus, the decrease in phytoplankton biodiversity in floodplain lakes should be regarded as an indirect feedback of the hydrobionts on the hydrological factors.
Our study was carried out in the middle basin of the Biebrza River (NE Poland) in the periods of June and September in 2011 and 2012. From among numerous side-arms, four objects have been selected for analyses of macrozoobenthos structure and biomass. Two lakes exhibited a lentic character due to a long-lasting isolation from the river channel, one presented a lotic, and one was of a semi-lotic character. Differentiated hydrological conditions within the study period enabled comparative studies: in 2011 appeared low and high water levels, while in 2012 no low water appeared and high water levels prevailed, which influenced the wetland conditions and inhabiting aquatic zoocenoses. During the study 352 individuals of benthic invertebrates with a total biomass of 288 g of wet weight were collected. Among the studied lakes we found the highest values of biodiversity indices in a lotic reservoir, while the highest densities and biomasses were in a semi-lotic reservoir. Nevertheless, the composition and abundance of benthic invertebrates in the studied lakes differed significantly from type-specific communities found in the floodplain lakes in other regions. A substantially lower level of macrozoobenthos diversity in floodplain lakes of the Biebrza River is indicative of less favorable conditions for macrozoobenthos development due to frequent water level fluctuations.
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