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tom 32
The purpose of the article is to characterise the stylistic aspect of the 19th century press profile. The analyses are made within the framework of genre-oriented linguistic stylistics. The stylistic aspect is formed by structurally determined and pragmatically/cognitively specified features. Those features are related to the genesis of the used means. The analyses are helpful in completing the genre pattern of the profile – a genre that was gaining its distinctiveness in the 19th century.The material basis consists of about 100 profiles excerpted from the press of the 2nd half of the 19th century represented by “Gazeta Polska” [Polish Newspaper] and the weekly “Wędrowiec” [The Wanderer]. The analyses proved that the two main purposes served by the profiles, namely informational and evaluative, were reflected in the stylistic layer of the analysed texts. First, in the precise factual documentation enriched by official elements. Second, in the expressive and suggestive character resulting from the value-oriented and emotional way of presenting the persons and their achievements. This subjectification of the message is carried out through axiological lexis and linguistic and stylistic means typical of literary texts.
tom 65
nr 6: Językoznawstwo
Autorka artykułu opisuje kronikę informacyjną z perspektywy teorii gatunku. Kronika była popularnym XIX-wiecznym komentarzem prasowym, którego celem było informowanie czytelników o najważniejszych wydarzeniach mających miejsce w mieście. W tekście autorka przedstawia główne cechy charakteryzujące poziomy strukturalne, poznawcze, pragmatyczne i stylistyczne kroniki. Wskazuje również cechy odróżniające ją od innych gatunków, takich jak relacje informacyjne czy felietony.
The author tries to describe a chronicle of events from the perspective of genre theory. A chronicle was a popular 19th century press comment whose aim was to inform readers about the most important events taking place in the city. In her paper the author presents main features that characterize structural, cognitive, pragmatic and stylistic levels of the chronicle. She also points out features that distinguished it from other genres such as news and feuilleton columns.
Content available Obraz Polaków w felietonach Henryka Sienkiewicza
tom 14
The aim of the article is to reconstruct the linguistic image of the Poles on the basis of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s feuilletons. This image is determined by the speaker’s point of view. Creating his image of Polish society, Sienkiewicz adopted the following points of view: the POV of a Pole, the POV of a thrifty economist, the POV of a positivist and the POV of a Christian. As a Polish citizen, he criticizes his compatriots for the fact that they do not respect their native tongue. As a thrifty economist, he exposes numerous instances of their profligacy. As a positivist, Sienkiewicz notes the backwardness of the countryside and proposes specific initiatives to address this problem. Finally, assuming the perspective of a Christian, he unmasks false piety. This image of the Poles is predominantly negative. The fact that Sienkiewicz highlighted his compatriots’ weaknesses and focused on their wastefulness, rather than on their positive attributes, could be motivated by censorship concerns. Russian censors were very effective in suppressing all forms of manifesting Polish national identity and were more inclined to accept critical opinions.
tom 29
nr 1
The aim of the article is to present the linguistic image of Polish scholars and research- ers whose profiles, biographies and obituaries were published in the Warsaw weekly newspaper Wędrowiec (Traveller) in the second half of the nineteenth century. Ana- lysing the collected texts, the author distinguished a set of seven aspects which were taken into account by the journalists of Wędrowiec to present the profiles of the schol- ars. Those aspects are the following: the subject of research, scientific achievements, journalistic and publishing activities, didactic and educational activities, science-pro- moting activities, organisational activities, awards and distinctions. They were deter- mined by the points of view adopted by the authors of the texts. There are three domi- nant points of view: the one of an expert, a Pole and a positivist. These points of view coexist and complement each other. The expert and specialist informed the reader in detail about the scientific career and achievements of the scholars. The Polish publi- cist expressed his joy at the international success of his countrymen. He observed their research and scientific achievements with attention; especially those that influenced the development of fields important for the country. The positivist and journalist noticed and emphasised the utilitarian dimension of the scientific and research activities of the scholars.
tom 27
nr 2
The article aims to present the linguistic means (stylistic methods and vocabulary) used by Henryk Sienkiewicz to create the image of European and American cities in his Listy z podróży do Ameryki. The author of the article also analyses the descriptions of experiencing large and modern cities, proving that the images of European and Americancities perceived and described from a European’s perspective were contrasted. It is the consequence of perceiving European agglomerations as cultural and historic centres cultivating traditional values in contrast to the mainly industrial American cities serving as trading centres full of action and fast-paced life. The choice of linguistic means used to describe urban buildings was determined by the viewpoint of the perceiving subject and the perspective from which the act of perceiving was accomplished.
tom 19
The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the function of linguistic repetitions in the novel Ucho igielne of Wiesław Myśliwski. The subject of description are the repetitions of both lexical and syntactic units, as well as the units smaller than a word (morphemes) in a linear sequence of the text. The presented analysis shows that the writer skilfully uses the descriptions in various functions. First, they are an exponent of coherence of the text in which fragmentation of the segments of content can be noticed. Repetitions facilitate to follow the non-chronological narration, they signal continuity of a given theme within a given relation. Second, they are used as a stylistic means in an uttered monologue, therefore stylized as a spoken language, serving various purposes and primarily performing an impressive and expressive functions. Myśliwski also uses repetitions to create music of words, he confers to the text a kind of rhythm. Repetitions also visibly co-create the orality of the text as they are conducive to memorizing and making memory present. The remarkable power of repetition in the stylistic layer of the analysed work, its attractiveness, is also determined by a manner the writer uses this stylistic means. Myśliwski extremely carefully, in accordance with the rhetoric rules, constructs the composition of his work. Besides the syntactic parallelisms, we find examples of polyptotons and the etymological figures, apart from anaphors there are frequent anadiploses. Quite often repetitions draw the reader’s attention to the text itself, therefore being also one of the vehicles of the poetic function in the work.
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie funkcji powtórzeń językowych w powieści Ucho Igielne Wiesława Myśliwskiego. Przedmiotem opisu są zarówno powtórzenia jednostek leksykalnych, jak i syntaktycznych oraz jednostek mniejszych od słowa (morfemów) w ciągu linearnym tekstu. Przedstawione analizy pokazują, że pisarz umiejętnie wykorzystuje je w różnorodnych funkcjach. Po pierwsze, są one wykładnikiem spójności tekstu, w którym zauważalne jest rozczłonkowanie treściowych segmentów. Repetycje ułatwiają śledzenie achronologicznej narracji, sygnalizują ciągłość danego tematu w obrębie danej relacji. Po drugie, wykorzystywane są jako zabieg stylizacyjny w monologu wypowiedzianym, a więc stylizowanym na język mówiony, służąc rozmaitym celom i realizując przede wszystkim funkcję impresywną oraz ekspresywną. Myśliwski za pomocą powtórzeń wydobywa także muzykę słowa, nadając tekstowi pewien rodzaj rytmiczności. Powtórzenia w widoczny sposób współtworzą także oralność utworu, sprzyjają bowiem memoryzacji i uobecnianiu pamięci. O nieprzeciętnej sile powtórzenia w warstwie stylistycznej analizowanego utworu, o jego atrakcyjności, decyduje również sposób, w jaki pisarz wykorzystuje ten środek stylistyczny. Myśliwski niesłychanie starannie, zgodnie z regułami retorycznymi, konstruuje kompozycję swego utworu. Oprócz paralelizmów składniowych, odnajdujemy przykłady kunsztownych poliptotonów i figur etymologicznych, obok anafor liczne są anadiplozy. Nierzadko repetycje kierują uwagę odbiorcy na sam tekst, są więc także jednym z nośników funkcji poetyckiej w utworze.
The material basis of the sketch is a modified record of Advent retreats named Honeycomb delivered by a popular Dominican preacher Adam Szustak in 2014. The analysis was carried out in two ways. Authors studied linguistic manners of an addresser presence (a retreat preacher’s “I” and “we”) and defined semantic roles of the addresser (a spiritual guide, a Bible expert and interpreter but especially a cinema expert, a member of an order and family communities; furthermore his presence was also noticed thanks to confessions on personal relationships with God). The research allowed answering a question about privacy exposure in addresser’s manifestation – if and how it is present in the text. It has been demonstrated that both confessions on private God’s experiences and details of personal life seem to be a reasonable mean creating bonds with a reader-exercitant and increasing an effectiveness of the preaching.
Podstawą materiałową artykułu jest zmodyfikowany zapis rekolekcji adwentowych Plaster miodu wygłoszonych w 2014 roku przez popularnego kaznodzieję dominikanina Adama Szustaka. Analizy zostały przeprowadzone dwutorowo. Autorki zbadały językowe sposoby uobecnienia się nadawcy („ja” i „my” rekolekcjonisty) oraz określiły role semantyczne nadawcy (kierownika duchowego, znawcy oraz interpretatora Biblii, a szczególnie znawcy kina, członka wspólnoty zakonnej i rodzinnej oraz uobecnianie się za pomocą zwierzeń z osobistej relacji z Bogiem). Badania te posłużyły znalezieniu odpowiedzi na pytanie o ekspozycję prywatności w sposobie manifestowania się nadawcy – czy i w jaki sposób jest obecna w tekście. Autorki wykazały, że wyznania o własnym doświadczeniu Boga i zwierzanie się ze szczegółów życia prywatnego są uzasadnionym zabiegiem budującym więź z czytelnikiem-rekolektantem i zwiększającym skuteczność wygłaszanej nauki.
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