Family is one of the most important social groups found in society. Nowadays we can observe many changes which are taking place in traditional family model. Currently, there are more and more incomplete families and homosexual relationships and complete families often differ from traditional family model. This article presents the results of research on contemporary family models and students’ plans for their family future. The study was designed to answer the question: What are the students’ opinions about contemporary family models and their own future? The results show that students see their future similarly to the traditional family model. There is also a very high tolerance towards homosexual relationships. We can also observe a lower importance of getting married. 70% of respondents believe that getting married is not necessary to start a family.
Rodzina jest jedną z najistotniejszych grup społecznych występujących w społeczeństwie. Obecnie możemy zaobserwować wiele zmian, które zachodzą w tradycyjnym modelu rodziny. Współcześnie występuje coraz więcej rodzin niepełnych oraz związków homoseksualnych, a rodziny pełne często różnią się od tradycyjnego modelu rodziny. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczące współczesnych modeli rodziny oraz planów na przyszłość rodzinną studentów. Badanie miało na celu odpowiedzieć na pytanie: Jakie są opinie studentów na temat współczesnych modeli rodziny oraz własnej przyszłości? Uzyskane wyniki pokazują, że studenci widzą swoją przyszłość podobnie do tradycyjnego modelu rodziny. Występuje też bardzo wysoka tolerancja wobec związków homoseksualnych. Można zaobserwować także mniejsze znaczenie zawierania małżeństw. Aż 70% badanych uważa, że zawarcie małżeństwa nie jest koniecznie do założenia rodziny.
The formation of a person's identity is a continuous and dynamic process, occurring at every stage of our lives, although the most important and crucial period is adolescence, especially its second phase falling between the ages of 16/17-20. In the light of contemporary research, we know that identity is not a fixed construct, but is subject to dynamic transformations not only during adolescence, but also at subsequent stages of adulthood (Brzezińska & Piotrowski, 2017). Identity formation is subject to various influences, one of which is the use of social media. Therefore an extremely important research task should be the searching for links between young people's identity statuses and their activity on social networks. We know that today's young people use social networks to explore themselves, but also to express themselves. The researchers who undertook this issue were Mannerström et al. (2018). Their studies concerned the dependencies between social media use and identity statuses. There is still not enough empirical research focusing on exploring the relationship between adolescents' engagement in digital activity and their identity formation process. This article presents the results of research into understanding this relationship. In this study was applied a diagnostic survey method. The research consisted of anonymous paper-and-pencil surveys. The study was designed to answer the question of how the identity statuses of the studied adolescents are linked to their excessive use of social media portals. The results confirmed that adolescents who have ruminative exploration identity statuses use social media portals statistically significantly more excessively (harmfully) than students presenting other identity statuses.
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