Teachers play a vital role in students’ intellectual and personal development, hence they help to prepare citizens. Therefore, it is worth asking what their views are on a “perfectly inclusive” world vision. To analyse the teachers’ perception, the study explored two areas: their outlook on an inclusive society and the importance of an inclusive education for marginalised groups. The research comprised teachers working with Special Educational Needs (SEN) students: 55 from integration schools, 48 from regular schools, 45 from special schools (those with intellectual disability (ID) and autism). The data was collected using a questionnaire. The findings highlighted that all groups thought that people with disabilities primarily needed help and support, special school teachers felt most strongly about this. Special educational needs teachers most strongly disagreed that their group were afraid of the disabled or felt hostility towards them compared to the other two groups. All groups had milder opinions regarding other types of marginalised people. The majority of special school teacher’s had views similar to general society regarding that the presence of refugees in society could pose a danger, whilst most teachers from regular schools thought that refugees were here for work and social care. In light of the study, all groups agreed that regular schools were not the best place for pupils with SEN, however they would make an exception for students with mild disabilities, the children of refugees, and those from national and ethnic minorities. Special schools teachers working with students with severe disabilities strongly agreed that students with an ID and autism generally, should stay in the separated model of education. All groups regarded that the goal of an “education for all” was an unrealistic expectation especially in the near future, just as the goal of an “inclusive society”.
The topic of society's attitudes toward people with disabilities is very frequently explored by researchers, who want to show the transformation and stability of society's beliefs. Analyzing the results that demonstrate communities’ perceptions and attitudes in interactions with people whose appearance and functioning are different, authors attempt to show reasons, changes in attitudes and the level of integration that is taking place. The article attempts to compare the findings of Polish research on the attitudes of nondisabled people toward people with disabilities, and the attitudes of people with motor disabilities to people with disabilities different than their own. The paper includes the results of research conducted by the researchers of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and the Public Opinion Research Center (CBOS) as well as the results of the author’s own research in which 90 people with motor disabilities expressed their position on people with different disabilities. The article aims to show the attitudes of the study participants and attempts to evaluate if their attitudes differ from the position of the general public. A diagnostic survey was used in the study. The findings indicate that people with motor disabilities, similarly to their environment, copy the social patterns of perception and judgment regarding different groups of people with disabilities. The participants agreed with popular beliefs not only on the question of support for integration and assistance, but also on preferences and judgments concerning different groups of people with disabilities. The study conducted suggests that it is difficult for people with motor disabilities, as it is for nondisabled people, to open up to relationships with people with various disabilities.
Artykuł stanowi próbę przyjrzenia się sytuacji nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną w polskim systemie kształcenia. Okazuje się, że pomimo korzyści związanych z wprowadzaniem nauki języka obcego do programu nauczania w szkołach specjalnych pojawia się wiele wątpliwości dotyczących nabywania kompetencji lingwistycznych przez uczniów z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną. Trudności te dotyczą nie tylko specyfiki kształcenia tej grupy dzieci i młodzieży, lecz także braku odpowiednich programów nauczania, dostosowanych podręczników, materiałów, pomocy naukowych, wypracowanych metod, technik i sposobów nauczania. We wprowadzeniu autorka wskazuje na znaczenie języka angielskiego we współczesnym świecie oraz porusza zagadnienia odnoszące się do kwestii polskiego systemu kształcenia specjalnego, a dalej podejmuje rozważania dotyczące specyfiki nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz próbę wskazania kierunków działania w planowaniu nauczania, które powinny być uwzględnione wobec uczniów z tego typu dysfunkcjami.
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