The article is devoted to the main directions of upbringing in the professional activity of A. S. Makarenko, which falls on the times of socio-economic crisis on the territory of Ukrainian state (the 20-ies of the XX century). The figure of A. Makarenko and his professional activity were of interest to the educators and historians of pedagogy of early 40-ies of the XX century. First of all we note that the directions of educational work of A. S. Makarenko were determined in accordance with the understanding of the purpose of education. It is found out that the essence of the educational process was determined by A. S. Makarenko in the framework of the formulated objectives of education. The main directions of upbringing of a personality in the professional activity of A. S. Makarenko are: moral education, labor education, physical education, aesthetic education and sexual education. The tasks of moral education are outlined. They are the following: the pupils’ mastery of the norms and rules of moral behavior, the formation of legal awareness, acceptance of social norms and rules. Labour education involved the development of knowledge and skills of work and efficient management, educational training, readiness to the conscious choice of profession. Physical education was aimed at the harmonious development of the body and health promoting, improving efficiency, leveling of the physical and moral «laxity» of the child’s soul. Aesthetic education shaped the sense of beauty, inner and outer beauty of a person, developed the aesthetics of the team. Sex-role education brought about a change in the psycho-social roles of women and men in the society, personal development on the principles of public morality, sexual training of the pupil as a future family man. It is proved that educational work according to the directions outlined by the outstanding educator contributed to the formation of happy, organized childhood. The study does not cover all aspects of upbringing of a personality in the professional activity of A. S. Makarenko and highlights the need for further development in such promising areas as civic education of the individual, the development of his readiness for professional mobility.
Anti-crisis management as a functional direction in management is worth of been studied even with regard to enterprises and institutions of both productive and nonproductive field. However, literary source analysis allows noting the absence of specific scientific and theoretical insights into the question of anti-crisis management in a nonproductive field. Particularly, it concerns education institution management which even nowadays works not using market-driven economy rules. In such instance, appears to be precious the analysis of a practical experience of anti-crisis management in education, to which, doubtless, refers Anton Semenovitch’s experience during his administrating of Labour Colony named after M. Gorky (1920–1928). Thus, the aim of the paper is performing analysis of anti-crisis educational institution management, using practical experience of A. Makarenko, at the time of his administrating of Labour Colony named after M. Gorky (1920–1928). As result of performed analysis, we got A. Makarenko’s management activity as an administrator at this time, representing itself as a pattern of anti-crisis management. Moreover, there were studied outstanding points of anti-crisis management: pedagogical (development of an educational process in the framework of implementation of social education ideas); social-pedagogical (development of collective and each member of collective as influencing each other elements), and economical (development of financial and commercial base of the Colony named after Gorky as financially independent social system). Were underscored steps of development of Labour Colony named after Gorky under specified landmark of Makarenko’s anti-crisis management and especially: a step of development lying on direction, a step of development based on delegation, a step of development based on coordination, a step of development based on collaboration. The studying of inter-related parts of emphasized landmarks and other valuable elements of management activity of A. Makarenko in Labour Colony named after M. Gorky was oriented towards the regulation of operation and development of institution is worth of been analyzed further.
Thepurposeofthisarticleistoidentifyanddisclosepedagogicalconditions of formationofthefutureteachers’ civicpositioninextracurricularactivitiesofthepedagogicalcollege. The moderntendencies of formationof the futureteachers’ civicpositionintheextracurricularactivityofthepedagogicalcollege are analyzed in thearticle. Differentviewsofscholarsconcerningpedagogicalconditionsofhighereducationgraduates’ professionaltraining, inparticular, at pedagogical colleges, areconsidered. Thepedagogicalconditions of formationofthecivicpositionofthepedagogicalcollegestudents, whichwillincrease its formationlevelaredeterminedandsolved. Theessenceofthepedagogicalconditions of formationofthefutureteachers’ civicposition in creating andmaintaining thisprocessas a holisticsystem is revealed. The participantssurveyin theeducationalprocessthatwere directlyinvolvedin thefuture teachers’ training inordertoidentifypedagogicalconditionsthatwouldcontributetotheformationof the futureteachers’ civicpositioninextracurricularactivitiesofthepedagogicalcollege was conducted by thearticleauthors. Accordingto the results, threemainpedagogicalconditions have been determined, whichoptimallyinfluenceformationofthefutureteachers’ civicposition: theteachers’ andstudents’ awareness in increasing theirowncivicpositionformationlevel, thecontentorientationofextracurricularactivitiesonformationof the futureteachers’ activecivic position, studentsinvolvementintheenvironmentcreation, favourableformationofthefutureteachers’ civicposition. Thearticlealsofocuses ontheapplicationofthe “Roadmapfortheformationof the futureteachers’ activecivic position”, organizationofthestudentassociation “ModernTeacherCivicPosition”, whoseactivitiesincludefourinterrelatedcontentsections. Formationof the students’ civic positionisgradual. Itisconcludedthatcoverageofthisissueinthepedagogicalliterature concerning theextracurricularactivityofthepedagogicalcollegeisincomplete, whichmakesfurther research inthisdirectionperspective.
The essence of future lawyers’ legal culture as an object of scientific analysis is under review in the article. The concept of future lawyers’ legal culture by analyzing and summarizing the provisions of cultural studies, philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, political science and law is observed. It is determined that future lawyers’ legal culture is characterized by deep legal knowledge, awareness, precise and unconditional conviction in social values and rights in behavior that corresponds legal standards or readiness for such behavior. The isolation of the structural elements of the future lawyers’ legal culture considering subjective and objective aspects of the phenomenon of legal culture was highlighted. It was found out that the structure of the future lawyers’ legal culture includes subjective and objective elements. The subjective element is a positive sense of justice, which is a reflection of the consciousness of future lawyers’ legal reality, which in turn includes the right knowledge and understanding of principles and norms, values, awareness in law, respect for rights, the ability to interpret the meaning of the law, identify the purpose of adoption of a specific legal act, its scope and motivation of legally significant behavior. Positive justice implies not only a thorough knowledge of future lawyers’ legal rules but also implicit belief in their values, understanding their nature and appropriateness of use. The objective element – good behavior is an outward expression of an appropriate legal awareness, provides future lawyers’ ability to use legal knowledge in practice, exercise their rights, fulfill legal obligations to use domestic and international mechanisms and ways to protect violated rights, freedoms and legal interests. It is concluded that the legal culture of future lawyers is closely connected with the culture of a nation, is based on its principles and reflects the level of its development; it is formed in the legal system of the state and is embodied in its structural elements; provides a level of legal progress of society and the state, the perfection and reliability of the national legal system; acts as a guarantee of law and order, prevents the development of legal nihilism.
The article is devoted to the problems of professional mobility of future teachers. Particular emphasis is placed on the definition of personal occupational mobility as adaptation strategies to a rapidly changing environment that is professional-pedagogical activity of a teacher. The analysis of peculiarities of professional activity of a future teacher is done. The article considers a range of theoretical and methodological foundations, which allow applying the model of modern professional mobility, which is understood as integrative quality of the personality, including motivation and values, creative, activity, reflexive components. Professional mobility of the future teacher as an integrative quality of a personality that involves the ability to flexibly adapt to change in form, content and conditions of the professional activity, readiness for ongoing self-education can be carried out in the continuous professional and pedagogical training, which is a specially organized process on the basis of systemic, synergetic, personality-centered, activity-based approaches obeying the principles of variability, and conscious perspectives, reflexive creativity, ergonomics, flexibility, reliance on experience, individual counseling. The system of formation of professional mobility, which consists of a motivational-targeted, meaningful, pupils-activity, procedure, management, evaluation-effective elements, caused by features of activity of the teacher and character requirements of a future school teacher, which is reflected in the content, forms and methods of educational process, selection of which requires the adequacy of the structural components of mobility. Effective system components of formation of professional mobility of school teachers should be taken: installation of a professional-pedagogical improvement (motivational-value component); intellectual activity (creative component); the ability to design one’s professionally-pedagogical activity and foresee its consequences (active component); the ability to understand one’s own professional and personal capabilities (reflexive component).
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