This study was based on a three-dimensional conceptualization of the buying tendency stemming from cognitive and affective impulsivity and susceptibility to the situational factors of buying. The aim of the study was to examine the relationships of different dimensions of buying tendency to basic socio-demographic characteristics and lifestyles of consumers. The study was conducted using a survey on a sample of 194 respondents from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The obtained results indicate greater levels of cognitive and affective buying impulsivity in women compared to men, with no gender differences identified in the susceptibility to buying situational factors. Furthermore, significant effects were obtained by the level of total monthly family income of respondents in all dimensions of buying tendency, while the level of respondents' monthly income had a significant effect only on cognitive impulsivity. Employment status and education level had no significant effect on the buying tendency. Among the four studied consumers’ lifestyles (innovative, family, social and leadership oriented), innovatively oriented lifestyle has the strongest correlation to all three dimensions of buying tendency. In other words, innovatively oriented subjects are more prone to impulsive buying and susceptible to buying situational factors. In addition to the innovative orientation lifestyle, impulsive buying was also associated with the leadership orientation, but to a lesser extent. Susceptibility to buying situational factors was associated with all lifestyle orientations, apart from the family orientation.
Provedeno istraživanje temelji se na trodimenzionalnoj koncepciji sklonosti kupovini u čijoj su osnovi kognitivna i afektivna impulzivnost te podložnost situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati odnose različitih dimenzija sklonosti kupovini s osnovnim sociodemografskim karakteristikama i životnim stilovima potrošača. Prikupljanje podataka provedeno je metodom ankete na uzorku od 194 ispitanika iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na veću sklonost kognitivnoj i afektivnoj impulzivnosti kupovine kod žena u odnosu na muškarce, dok spolne razlike nisu utvrđene u podložnosti situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Nadalje, dobiveni su značajni učinci razine ukupnih mjesečnih primanja kućanstva ispitanika na sve dimenzije sklonosti kupovini, dok je razina prosječnih mjesečnih primanja pojedinca imala značajan učinak samo na kognitivnu impulzivnost. Radni status (zaposlenost) i razina obrazovanja nisu imali značajne učinke na sklonost kupovini. Od četiriju ispitivanih životnih stilova (inovativno, obiteljski, društveno i liderski orijentirani), inovativno orijentirani životni stil ima najsnažniju povezanost sa svim trima dimenzijama sklonosti kupovini. Drugim riječima, inovativno orijentirani potrošači imaju veću sklonost impulzivnoj kupovini i podložniji su situacijskim čimbenicima kupovine. Osim s inovativnom orijentacijom životnog stila, impulzivnost kupovine povezana je i s liderskom orijentacijom, ali u manjoj mjeri. Podložnost situacijskim čimbenicima pri kupovini povezana je sa svim orijentacijama životnog stila osim s obiteljskim.
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