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Faith in God plays an extraordinarily significant role in the life of handicapped persons and of their guardians. Most respondents treat faith as a support and a source of strength for resolving problems posed by everyday life. The more difficult the living situation caused by the level of the disability, the deeper the trust in God and giving oneself up to Him is. Every third subject of the study indicated that without faith he/she cannot imagine his/her life, and nearly every fifth respondent is convinced that owing to faith the miracle of healing and return to a complete ability may happen. The Holy Mass is a profound religious experience for most of the respondents, giving them consolidation in their difficult living situation. Only few treat the Holy Mass as a habit, a custom, or a thing that is necessary because of the pressure from the people around them. Also the fact that persons with a considerable disability declare experiencing the Holy Mass more profoundly than those whose physical status is decidedly better is an important observation.
A preliminary analysis of the conducted research indicates that the psychosocial situation of a family who has a member with a disability is very difficult and complex. Answers to important and interesting questions asked during the course of empirical research where given by parents and people with disabilities. They presented the image of a family seeking to understand their situation and trying to cope with all kinds of problems. These include such things as finances or professional activity, striving to adapt to the new situation and being strongly committed to looking after a disabled person. Unfortunately, as the research results indicate, caretaking activity is the domain of one person in the family, meaning the mother.
In a world torn apart by inequality in income, access to the labour market, etc., it is difficult not to agree with the views of contemporary sociologists, who presented a vision of a society producing excluded people without opportunities for participation in mainstream social life. The idea of social cooperatives, is a sort of antidote to such a state of affairs. The cooperative ownership reinforces the need for mutual assistance, leads to socia­lization, tends to engage in cooperative activities. Thanks to the social cooperatives, many groups excluded has the ability to social and professional reintegration, becoming the owners of businesses and realistically affect their functioning.
W świecie rozdartym przez nierówności w dochodach, dostępie do rynku pracy itp. trudno nie zgodzić się z poglądami współczesnych socjologów, którzy prezentują wizję społeczeństwa produkującego ludzi wykluczonych, pozbawionych możliwości udziału w głównym nurcie życia społecznego. Idea spółdzielni socjalnych stanowi swego rodzaju antidotum na taki stan rzeczy. Własność spółdzielcza wzmacnia potrzebę wzajemnej pomocy, prowadzi do uspołecznienia jednostki, skłania do angażowania się we wspólne działania. Dzięki spółdzielniom socjalnym wiele grup wykluczonych ma możliwość reintegracji społecznej i zawodowej, stając się właścicielami przedsiębiorstw i realnie wpływając na ich funkcjonowanie.
Despite many efforts aiming at minimizing the areas of social exclusion of the disabled they still do not have a possibility to actualize their plans and aspiration in such spheres as education, career or culture. As research shows, also parish communities are not prepared to fully include disabled persons. In Gospel according to St Matthew Jesus assures us: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11.28). These are words that assure the disabled that they always have access to Jesus. Then, priests and lay faithful responsible for organizing parish life should meditate to find out if some negligence on their part does not prevent the disabled person from unifying with Jesus.
Both all-Poland research and research conducted by the author shows that despite the great interest in parareligion only few respondents believe in its efficiency. This lack of faith is especially clearly seen in disabled persons, and this is probably because many such persons have already looked for help in unconventional kinds of treatment and after they were disappointed they are convinced that such methods do not give good results. This kind of research should be especially widely popularized, as there are still many people who resort to unconventional methods of treatment in their difficult moments; indeed some of them abandon scientific methods altogether, which, in turn, may be tantamount to rejecting the only chance for being cured.
Despite many efforts aiming at minimizing the areas of social exclusion of the disabled they still do not have a possibility to actualize their plans and aspiration in such spheres as education, career or culture. As research shows, also parish communities are not prepared to fully include disabled persons. In Gospel according to St Matthew Jesus assures us: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11.28). These are words that assure the disabled that they always have access to Jesus. Then, priests and lay faithful responsible for organizing parish life should meditate to find out if some negligence on their part does not prevent the disabled person from unifying with Jesus.
Both all-Poland research and research conducted by the author shows that despite the great interest in parareligion only few respondents believe in its efficiency. This lack of faith is especially clearly seen in disabled persons, and this is probably because many such persons have already looked for help in unconventional kinds of treatment and after they were disappointed they are convinced that such methods do not give good results. This kind of research should be especially widely popularized, as there are still many people who resort to unconventional methods of treatment in their difficult moments; indeed some of them abandon scientific methods altogether, which, in turn, may be tantamount to rejecting the only chance for being cured.
A preliminary analysis of the conducted research indicates that the psychosocial situation of a family who has a member with a disability is very difficult and complex. Answers to important and interesting questions asked in the course of empirical research where given by parents and people with disabilities. They presented the image of a family seeking to understand their situation and trying to cope with all kinds of problems. These include such things as finance or professional activity, striving to adapt to the new situation and being strongly committed to looking after a disabled person. Unfortunately, as the research results indicate, caring taking activity is the domain of one person in the family, meaning the mother.
Wstępne analizy przeprowadzonych badań wskazują, iż sytuacja psychospołeczna rodziny, w skład której wchodzi osoba z niepełnosprawnością, jest bardzo trudna i złożona. Odpowiedzi na ważne i ciekawe pytania, które w toku badań empirycznych postawiono rodzicom i osobom niepełnosprawnym, prezentują obraz rodziny poszukującej zrozumienia sytuacji, próbującej poradzić sobie z różnego rodzaju problemami, jak finanse czy aktywność zawodowa, dążącej do przystosowania się do nowej sytuacji i mocno zaangażowanej w opiekę nad osobą niepełnosprawną. Niestety, jak wskazują wyniki badań, aktywność opiekuńcza jest domeną jednej osoby w rodzinie, a jest nią matka.
The issue of disability should be considered in the context of the family, for it is the family that accompanies the disabled person from the very beginning. It becomes his or her best and surest support, in the economic, psychological, and spiritual dimensions. Concentration, however, on the individual that is most in need causes the whole family system to fail its function with time. Limitations that result from the fact of disability are real threats that the family may become marginalised or even eliminated from social life. The family is not able to overcome crisis on its own, thus supportive institutions and organisations play an essential role. The State Rehabilitation Fund for the Disabled (Pol. PFRON), urban and rural social work centres are leading institutions in supporting families with the disabled persons. In order to obtain aid from PFRON, however, one should be resourceful, well-educated, and well-off. Now social support centres concentrate only on those families that are the poorest, uneducated, and live in villages and small towns. It follows from research that families are considerably supported by institutions, although they only to a small degress satisfy the needs of the families under study.
There are so many factors determining the professional activity of disabled people that it would be difficult to mention all of them. In this article, two conditions will be pointed out, namely the internal resources of people with disabilities and the attitudes of the environment. The resources that even disabled people could and should be equipped with during their childhood and youth are of key importance in these people's subsequent social and professional activities. Not less important are the resources derived from the environment in which disabled people live that motivate or discourage them in their search for a job.
O aktywności zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych decyduje tak wiele czynników, iż trudno byłoby je wymienić. W niniejszym artykule zostaną wskazane dwa uwarunkowania, a mianowicie zasoby wewnętrzne osób niepełnosprawnych oraz postawy otoczenia. Zasoby, w które mogłyby i nawet powinny zostać wyposażone osoby niepełnosprawne na etapie dzieciństwa i młodości, mają kluczowe znaczenie w późniejszej ich aktywności społecznej i zawodowej. Nie mniejsze znaczenie mają zasoby czerpane z otoczenia, w którym osoby niepełnosprawne żyją, a które motywują lub zniechęcają do podejmowania trudu poszukiwania pracy.
Disability in Poland has recently become a frequent subject of research and investigation. But the studies have mainly focused on psychological issues, as well as a social support of the disabled and their families. A disabled person's religiosity has been hardly ever investigated, and particularly there is hardly any evidence of research on how religion helps to experience disability. The impressive number of studies conducted in the United States, Canada or other countries clearly indicate that religion plays a key role in living a traumatic situation. For the disabled and their families both the individual and social dimension of the faith are of paramount importance; the individual dimension includes prayer and faith in God, the social dimension comprises community meetings, discussions, and intercessory prayers. These practices, in addition to the salvific and spiritual dimension, have a positive effect on improving mental condition of a person, they support treatment and encourage the pursuit of full ability.
Content available Religiousness of People with Disabilities
Disability in Poland has recently become a frequent subject of research and investigation. But the studies have mainly focused on psychological issues, as well as a social support of the disabled and their families. A disabled person's religiosity has been hardly ever investigated, and particularly there is hardly any evidence of research on how religion helps to experience disability. The impressive number of studies conducted in the United States, Canada or other countries clearly indicate that religion plays a key role in living a traumatic situation. For the disabled and their families both the individual and social dimension of the faith are of paramount importance; the individual dimension includes prayer and faith in God, the social dimension comprises community meetings, discussions, and intercessory prayers. These practices, in addition to the salvific and spiritual dimension, have a positive effect on improving mental condition of a person, they support treatment and encourage the pursuit of full ability.
W ostatnich latach można zaobserwować w Polsce dynamiczny rozwój badań w obrębie problematyki niepełnosprawności. W przeważającej mierze eksploracje te dotyczą zagadnień psychologicznych, wsparcia społecznego i rodziny osób niepełnosprawnych. W dalszym ciągu niezbadanymi pozostają zagadnienia dotyczące religijności osób niepełnosprawnych, a zwłaszcza roli religii w doświadczaniu niepełnosprawności. Imponująca liczba badań przeprowadzonych w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanadzie czy innych krajach jednoznacznie wskazuje, iż religia pełni kluczową rolę w przeżywaniu sytuacji traumatycznych. Zarówno wymiar indywidualny wiary, jakim jest modlitwa, zawierzenie Bogu, jak i wymiar wspólnotowy: spotkania, rozmowy, modlitwy wstawiennicze, mają niezwykłe znaczenie dla osób niepełnosprawnych i ich rodzin. Praktyki te, oprócz wymiaru zbawczego czy duchowego, wpływają także na poprawę kondycji psychicznej, wspomagają leczenie, motywują do większego zaangażowania w dążeniu do pełnej sprawności.
Feminization of poverty is still an issue of current and demanding in-depth research. The lower level of women's remuneration in relation to men, unpaid and underestimated work in the household, raising children, consequently, low or lack of pension benefits, all this means that women are more vulnerable to poverty than men. Conducted by the authors of the article, the study shows the high activity of women in a situation of poverty. Most respondents use all available opportunities to minimize expenditures, maximize revenues and improve the family's economic situation. The results of the research show a picture of active and resourceful women who put in a lot of effort to satisfy the basic needs of the family. This is in contradiction with the stereotypical perception of poor people, as a lazy, not involved in their own affairs, waiting only for institutional help.
Feminizacja ubóstwa to nadal temat aktualny i wymagający pogłębionych badań naukowych. Niższy poziom wynagrodzeń kobiet w stosunku do mężczyzn, nieodpłatna i niedoceniana praca w gospodarstwie domowym, wychowywanie dzieci, w konsekwencji niski poziom lub całkowity brak świadczeń emerytalnych, to wszystko powoduje, że kobiety częściej niż mężczyźni są narażone na ubóstwo. Prowadzone przez autorów artykułu badania ukazują dużą aktywność kobiet będących w sytuacji biedy. Większość respondentek wykorzystuje wszystkie dostępne możliwości, zmierzające do minimalizowania wydatków, maksymalizowania przychodów i poprawy sytuacji ekonomicznej rodziny. Z prezentowanych wyników badań wyłania się obraz kobiet aktywnych, zaradnych, które wkładają wiele wysiłku, aby zaspokoić podstawowe potrzeby rodziny. Stoi to w sprzeczności ze stereotypowym postrzeganiem osób biednych jako leniwych, niezaangażowanych we własne sprawy, czekających jedynie na instytucjonalną pomoc.
Recently many scholars have been interested in the problem of orphanhood. New publications are being issued which are devoted to new types of this negative – for the whole society – phenomenon. The statistics concerning orphanhood are becoming each year more and more alarming; they present an increasing nature of this phenomenon. SOS Children's Villages, alongside adoptive and foster families, provide the best conditions of bringing up orphaned children. This is due to their family character and the fact they function like natural families. The idea of SOS Children's Villages, based on the four main principles – the mother, siblings, the house and home, the village – guarantees that a whole new world is created for a child. It is a world in which the child gains a real home, a loving mum (or both parents) and siblings. SOS families who follow the foremost principles of love, respect and trust create an environment which can fully compensate for orphanhood and guarantee a proper child development.
W ostatnim czasie wielu badaczy interesuje się problemem sieroctwa. Ukazały się nowe publikacje poświęcone nowym rodzajom tego negatywnego – dla całego społeczeństwa – zjawiska. Statystyki dotyczące sieroctwa z roku na rok są coraz bardziej alarmujące; ukazują narastający charakter zjawiska. Wioski Dziecięce SOS, obok rodzin adopcyjnych i zastępczych, zapewniają najlepsze warunki wychowywania dla osieroconych dzieci. Wynika to z ich rodzinnego charakteru i faktu funkcjonowania na wzór rodziny naturalnej. Idea Wiosek Dziecięcych SOS zbudowana na czterech głównych pryncypiach – matka, rodzeństwo, dom i wioska – gwarantuje, że cały nowy dom stworzony jest dla dziecka. Jest to dom, w którym dziecko zyskuje prawdziwy dom, kochającą matkę (lub oboje rodziców) i rodzeństwo. Rodziny SOS, które kierują się czołowymi zasadami miłości, szacunku i zaufania, tworzą środowisko, które może w pełni zrekompensować osierocenie i zagwarantować dziecku prawidłowy rozwój.
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